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FIPLD_ALT_ACCTS - SAFT PL: Maintain Alternate Accounts

FIPLD_BANK_H - SAFT PL: Bank reporting Header

FIPLD_BANK_I - SAFT PL: Bank reporting Items

FIPLD_BANK_S - SAFT PL: Bank statement header

FIPLD_BANK_SUM - SAFT PL: Bank reporting Summary

FIPLD_BC - SAFT: Identifying Business Cases

FIPLD_BD_SPLGL - Maintain Special GL Indicator

FIPLD_FIDOC_H - SAFT: FI Transaction Document Header

FIPLD_FIDOC_I - SAFT: FI Transaction Document Item

FIPLD_FIDOC_IGL - SAFT: FI Transaction Document Item: New General Ledger

FIPLD_FIDOC_T - SAFT: FI Transaction Totals Records

FIPLD_FISUMMARY - SAFT: FI Transaction Summary Information

FIPLD_GENERIC - SAFT : Generic Customization

FIPLD_GOODS_H - SAFT PL: Goods Movement Header

FIPLD_GOODS_I - SAFT PL:Goods Movement Line Items

FIPLD_GOODS_SUM - SAFT:MM: XML Goods movement Transaction Count and Summary

FIPLD_IMAT - SAFT PL : Tax Like materials

FIPLD_INVSUMCURR - SAF-T PL: Invoice Summary Information by Currency

FIPLD_INVSUMMARY - SAF-T PL: Invioce Summary Information

FIPLD_MATPRE - SAFT PL : prefix for material numbers

FIPLD_MFI - SAFT : Manual FI Invoices

FIPLD_MMINVCNT - SAFT:MM: XML Invoice Transaction Count and Summary

FIPLD_MMINVDEL - SAFT: E Invoices from MM module(Delivery)

FIPLD_MMINVTAX - SAFT:MM: TAX Information for E-XML MM invoice for PL

FIPLD_MMINV_H - SAFT:MM: Header table for XML Purchase Invoice

FIPLD_MMINV_I - SAFT:MM: Item Details for XML Purchase Invoice

FIPLD_MOVCATEG - SAF-T PL: Good movement category

FIPLD_MOVCATEGT - SAF-T PL: Good movement category

FIPLD_MOVTYPE - SAF-T PL: Relevant movement types

FIPLD_PAYM - SAFT : Payment Mechanism

FIPLD_PAY_INFO - SAFT: Table to store Payment Information

FIPLD_SALESOFC - SAFT : Sales offices for SAF-T Reporting

FIPLD_SDDP_SO_I - SAFT: Down payment data for invoices from SD

FIPLD_SDGEN - SAFT: Invoice Type for SD

FIPLD_SDINV_H - SAFT: Invoices from SD/FI module (Header)

FIPLD_SDINV_I - SAFT: Invoices from SD/FI module (Item)

FIPLD_SDTAX_SUM - SAFT: Tax Summary for SD/FI invoices

FIPLD_TAX_DATA - Tax Details for SAFT-PL

FIPLD_USER_HIST - SAFT: User history for extraction details

FIPLD_VAT_H - VAT header extractor - SAFT-PL

FIPLD_VAT_I - VAT item extractor - SAFT-PL

FIPLD_VAT_SUM - VAT Summary extractor - SAFT-PL

FIPLD_VOC_IDF - Identifying VAT on Cash Information for Bussiness Partner

FIP_D_BUFFER_OOQ - Table containing the Open Order Quantities buffered data

FIP_D_CONTR - Contract Data

FIP_D_DRD - Relationships between supplying plant, material and recipien

FIP_D_FORECAST - Buffer table for daily forecast values

FIP_D_MAT - FIP AoR Material Table

FIP_D_MAT_RCPNT - Relationship Material and Recipients in FIP

FIP_D_MR - Material range

FIP_D_MR_ITEM - Material Range Item

FIP_D_ORDER_LINE - Order lines for FIP

FIP_D_PDT_TO_CUS - Internal planned delivery time from suppl. Plant to customer

FIP_D_PDT_TO_DC - External planned delivery time from vendor to suppl. plant

FIP_D_PDT_TO_ST - Internal planned delivery time from suppl. plant to store

FIP_D_PROMO - Promotion data

FIP_D_PROMO_T - Promotion data Texts

FIP_D_QUOTA - Quotation Data

FIP_D_RCPNT - Recipients for FIP

FIP_D_SP - Supply Plants for FIP

FIP_D_SP_MAT - Relationship Supply Plants and Material for FIP

FIP_D_SP_MAT_RCP - Relationship supplying plant, material, recipient for FIP

FIP_D_SP_MAT_VDR - Relationship Supplying Plant, Material and Vendor for FIP

FIP_D_SP_PUR - FIP -- Area of Responsibility -- Purchasing table

FIP_D_SP_RCPNT - Relationship Supply Plant and Recipient

FIP_D_SP_VENDOR - Relationship Supply Plants and Vendors for FIP

FIP_D_STAT_DATA - Table containing Material and Statistical Type entries

FIP_D_STAT_DQ - Table containing the Past Delivery Quantity statistical data

FIP_D_STAT_PER - Table containing default Statistical Data Periods

FIP_D_STAT_POQ - Table containing the Past Purchase Order Quantity stat. data

FIP_D_STAT_REL - Statistical Data Relationship Table between Data and Periods

FIP_D_STAT_ROQ - Table containing the Recipient Order Quantity stat. data

FIP_D_STAT_SQ - Table containing the Past Sales Quantity statistical data

FIP_D_STAT_TYPES - Table containing the Statistical Data Types

FIP_D_STAT_TYPET - Statistical Types Text Table

FIP_D_SUBST_C - Customizing Table Extension Logic

FIP_D_S_PRICES - Buffer table for sales prices information

FIP_D_S_PRICE_SP - Buffer table for sales prices of supplying plant to receipie

FIP_D_S_PRICE_ST - Buffer table for sales prices of a Store to end customers

FIP_D_UPD_DAT_SP - Date for last update of transactional buffer data for a SPLT

FIP_D_VENDOR - Vendors for FIP

FIP_D_WORKLIST - Worklist Substitution during Goods Receipt

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