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FINSCV_NEW_CURTP - Generated Table for View

FINSC_001A - Currency conversion settings for company code

FINSC_001A_REP - Currencies of company code (Auxiliary table for Reporting)

FINSC_ACDOC_FCT - Fieldcatalog for table ACDOCA in unified journal entry

FINSC_ACTVE_APPL - Active Application and Subapplication in Client

FINSC_AGINCRMT - Aging increment

FINSC_AGINCRMT_T - Aging increment description


FINSC_AGING_T - Aging description

FINSC_AP_COA - Accounting principle, chart of accounts configuration

FINSC_AP_COA_FSV - Assign Accounting Prinicple to Financial Statement Version

FINSC_AP_CONTROL - Accounting Principle Control

FINSC_ARCH_SEL - DPP Compression Run: Restriction of Selection Subset

FINSC_ASGMT_CBTY - Assignment Rule for Business Transaction

FINSC_AVC_PROF - Availability Control Profile

FINSC_AVC_PROFT - Availability Control Profile Description

FINSC_AVC_SEMTAG - Availability Control Profile Semantic Tags

FINSC_AVC_TL - Availability Control Tolerance Limits

FINSC_BPC_CSKB - Best Practice Content Activation: Cost Element Category

FINSC_BTTYPE - Business Transaction Category

FINSC_BTTYPE_T - Business Transaction Category

FINSC_CCTR_RFC - RFC Destination for Cost Center Replication


FINSC_CLNT_CNTRL - Activate accounting features on client level



FINSC_CMP_VERSNC - Det. G/L Ledger and Fields for CO-Version (for CompatViews)

FINSC_CMP_VERSND - CO-CompatViews - from G/L Ledger to Fields for CO-Version

FINSC_CMP_VRSNCH - History: Det. G/L Ledger and Fields for CO-Version

FINSC_CT_DELTA - Delta Currency and Valuation Types

FINSC_CURR_CHNGE - Task: Add or Remove Currency Types in ACDOCA Table Entries

FINSC_CURTYPE - Currency type

FINSC_CURTYPET - Currency type

FINSC_CURTYPE_C - Currency type

FINSC_CUSTBTTYPE - Business Transaction Type

FINSC_CUSTBTTYPT - Business Transaction Type

FINSC_DEFSUM - Deferred Summarization: Activation and Residence Periods

FINSC_DIS_AP_DR - Assign Discounting Rule to Accounting Principle

FINSC_DIS_DRL - Rules for Discounting of Journal Entry Line Items

FINSC_DIS_DRLT - Description of Rule for Discounting of Jrnl Entry Line Items

FINSC_DIS_DRS - Steps of a Discounting Rule

FINSC_DIS_DRSAI - Disctng Rule Step: Aging Increments and Interest Indicators

FINSC_DIS_DRST - Discounting Rule Step Description

FINSC_DIS_DRS_GL - Define Accounts for Discounting

FINSC_DIS_PL_GL - Define Accounts for Discounting

FINSC_DIS_RSTEP - Define Steps of a Discounting Rule

FINSC_DIS_RSTEPT - Discounting Rule Step Description

FINSC_DIS_RS_AI - Assign Discounting Rule Step to Aging Increment

FINSC_DIS_RS_GL - Assign G/L Accounts to Discounting Rule Step

FINSC_DRF_SFEC1 - Custom Field Mapping for Cost Centers to Employee Central

FINSC_DRF_SFEC2 - Custom Field Mapping for Bank Master Data to EmployeeCentral

FINSC_ECL_RATES - Expected credit loss rates

FINSC_FAGL2SEMTA - Mapping of Financial Statement Version to Semantic Tag

FINSC_FAGL_011QT - Generated Table for View


FINSC_FSV_CONTRA_IND_S - Hierarchy ID, Contra item,

FINSC_FXVALRUL_T - Text table of closing FX Valuation Rule

FINSC_FXV_RSTEP - Define Foreign Currency Valuation Rule Step

FINSC_FXV_RSTEPT - Foreign Currency Valuation Rule Step Description

FINSC_FXV_RS_GL - Account Assignment for Foreign Currency Valuation Rule Step

FINSC_FX_PL_GL - Profit and Loss GL accounts for Foreign Currency postings

FINSC_FX_VAL_RUL - Closing FX valuation Rule

FINSC_FX_VAL_SET - FX valuation settings

FINSC_GRIRFLLWON - GR/IR Clearing Process Follow-On Status

FINSC_GRIRMLDEST - Key Value pairs of GRIR service destinations

FINSC_GRIRROOTCS - GR/IR clearing root cause

FINSC_GRIRRTCSTX - GR/IR Clearing Process Root Cause Text

FINSC_GRIRSTATUS - GR/IR clearing status

FINSC_GRIRSTATXT - GR/IR Clearing Process Status Text

FINSC_HRRP2SEMTA - Mapping of Hierarchy Node to Semantic Tag

FINSC_IC_HKONT - G/L Accounts for Rounding Differences

FINSC_IC_PROJ - IC: Customizing

FINSC_IMP_PL_GL - Profit and Loss GL accounts for Impairment postings

FINSC_IR_ACCOUNT - Account for Inception Run

FINSC_JE_MAPOUT - System and logical port mapping for outbound processing

FINSC_KF - Entity table for key figures

FINSC_KFL - Entity table for key figure layouts

FINSC_KFL_ASSIGN - Customizing table for key figure layouts in impairment

FINSC_KFL_T - Text table for key figure layouts in impairment

FINSC_KF_ASSIGN - Customizing table for key figures in impairment

FINSC_KF_T - Text table for key figures in impairment

FINSC_LD_CMP - CompCode-Dependent Settings for Univ. Journal Entry Ledger

FINSC_LD_CMP_AP - Allowed Combinations Ledger + CompanyCode + AccPrinciple

FINSC_LEDGER - Universal Journal Entry Ledger

FINSC_LEDGER_REP - Unified Journal Entry Ledger (Auxiliary table for Reporting)

FINSC_LEDGER_T - Unified Journal Entry Ledger

FINSC_MIG_CTRL - Control for data migration in Cloud

FINSC_MIG_CURR - Currency Settings for Migration

FINSC_NEW_CURTP - Adapt transactional data for new currency types

FINSC_PCDSUM_AC - Activation of Deferred Summarization of Production Costs

FINSC_PERIOD - Fiscal Periods

FINSC_PERIOD_STA - Posting period status by Business Transaction Type


FINSC_POSTSCHEMI - Posting Schema Item


FINSC_PRED_FKART - Assignment of supported billing types

FINSC_PRED_FKREL - Assignment order-related billing relevance for Pred. Acc.

FINSC_PRED_RLDNR - SFIN: Ledgers for Predictive Accounting

FINSC_REM_CURR - Remeasurement Currencies Mapping Rules

FINSC_SEM_TAG - List of Semantic Tags

FINSC_SEM_TAG_G - List of Semantic Tag Groups

FINSC_SEM_TAG_GN - List of Semantic Tag Group Names

FINSC_SEM_TAG_N - List of Semantic Tag Names

FINSC_SIF_PROJ - SIF: Customizing

FINSC_SIF_PR_TLD - SIF: Customizing Assignment Project ID to Target Ledger

FINSC_SIF_RECON - SIF: Fields which have to be aggregated in reconciliation

FINSC_SIS_PROJ - Introd. of Doc. Split: Project

FINSC_SIS_SPLVAL - SIS: Activation of Validation by Document Splitting

FINSC_SOC_SEMTAG - Statement of Changes Assignment to Semantic Tag

FINSC_SOC_TA - Statement of Changes Assignment Type to Transaction Type

FINSC_SOC_TYPE - Statement of Changes Type

FINSC_SOC_TYPET - Statement of Changes Type Text

FINSC_SYMACCT - Symbolic Account

FINSC_SYMACCTT - Symbolic Account

FINSC_S_SEL_NODEVALUE - Select Structure for Node Value

FINSC_T009BDUMMY - Fiscal year variant periods: Do not maintain!

FINSC_T009TDUMMY - Fiscal year variant period texts: Do not maintain!

FINSC_UI_SH_LD_C - Create Ledger for Deviating Fiscal Year Variant

FINSC_UI_SH_LED - Create Ledger for Deviating Fiscal Year Variant

FINSC_VALSUBTYPT - Valuation View Subtype Text

FINSC_VALUSUBTYP - Valuation View Subtype

FINSC_VALUTYP - Valuation type

FINSC_VALUTYPT - Valuation types

FINSC_VAL_ACT - Settings for Activation of Valuation

FINSC_VAL_ACT_CL - Valuation activation for company code and Ledger

FINSC_VAL_AP_GRP - Assign Grouping Rule to Accounting Principle

FINSC_VAL_AP_RL - Assignment of Accounting Principle to Valuation Rule

FINSC_VAL_GRPRL - Rules for Grouping Journal Entry Line Items for Valuation

FINSC_VAL_GRPRT - Description of Rule for Grouping Jrnl Entry Line Items

FINSC_VAL_GRRS - Steps of a Grouping Rule

FINSC_VAL_GRRST - Grouping Rule Step Description

FINSC_VAL_GRSFF - Obsolete table, replaced by new table FINSC_VAL_RSFF

FINSC_VAL_GRSFR - Obsolete table, replaced by new table FINSC_VAL_RSFR

FINSC_VAL_GRSGF - Grouping Rule Step: Fields for Grouping

FINSC_VAL_RSFF - Valuation Rule Step Filter Condition: Fields

FINSC_VAL_RSFR - Valuation Rule Step Filter Condition: Field Ranges

FINSC_VAL_RULE - Define Valuation Rules

FINSC_VAL_RULET - Valuation Rule Description

FINSC_VAL_SET - Valuation Settings for Impairment Run

FINSC_VAL_SLALIT - Valuation specific configuration for Slalittype

FINSC_VAL_TYPE - Financial Valuation Object Types

FINSC_VAL_TYPE_T - Financial Valuation Object Type Description

FINSC_VERSN_LD - Determine G/L Ledger for CO-Version (TP only, no COGM!)

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