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FARRCHKF - SDOK: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical objects

FARRCHKO - SDOK: Files of Physical Information Objects

FARRIC_ACTIVE - Activation Parameter for Integration Component

FARRIC_CHECK_RS_BUKRS - Check report company codes

FARRIC_CHECK_RS_VBELN - Ranges Structure for Sales Document

FARRIC_CHECK_RS_VKORG - Range structure for sales organizations


FARRIC_D_CP_DOCU - RAR SD-integration: Checkpoint log document entries

FARRIC_D_CP_SESS - RAR SD-integration: Checkpoint log session entries

FARRIC_IT_BILITM - Relevant customizing for billing items

FARRIC_IT_REVTYP - Item Settings for Revenue Accounting

FARRIC_MC_RS_VBELN - Ranges Structure for Sales Document

FARRIC_MIGRATED - Migrated SD Rev Rec documents

FARRIC_RAEXCL_BB - Set billing block to exclude RAIs from RA

FARRIC_REVREC_DISPLAY - Display fields for Migration correction

FARRIC_RR_SOLTN - Type of Revenue Recognition Solution

FARRIC_RS_AUART - Ranges Structure for Sales Document Type

FARRIC_RS_BUKRS - Range structure for Compnay code

FARRIC_RS_CRDAT - Range structure for creation date

FARRIC_RS_ERDAT - Ranges Structure for Creation Date

FARRIC_RS_HEADER_ID - Ranges Structure for HEADER_ID

FARRIC_RS_RAIC_TYPE - Range structure for RAI class type

FARRIC_RS_VBELN - Ranges Structure for Sales Document

FARRIC_RS_VKORG - Ranges Structure for Sales Organization

FARRIC_RS_VTWEG - Ranges Structure for Distribution Channel

FARRIC_SDBPCHECK - Check if SDBP items exists in the RAI tables in the ARL

FARRIC_SO_MBP - Activate Functions to Integrate with Revenue Accounting




FARRIC_S_BILLING_DATA_INITIAL - SD billing fields needed for reltype BADI

FARRIC_S_CHECK - Check report parallel processing framework

FARRIC_S_CHECK_BASIC_CO - Basic Fields for Conditions - Check Logic

FARRIC_S_CHECK_DOC_SELECTION - Check report selection based on documents

FARRIC_S_CHECK_FILTER - Filter for Check report BAdI

FARRIC_S_CHECK_MESS - Messages for check report

FARRIC_S_CHECK_OBJKEY - Check report documents

FARRIC_S_CHECK_PPF - Check report parallel processing framework

FARRIC_S_CHECK_SD01CO - Conditions RAI structure for the API

FARRIC_S_CHECK_SD01MI - Main item for API of RAI-class SD01

FARRIC_S_CHECK_SD02CO - Conditions RAI class SD03 for the API

FARRIC_S_CHECK_SD02MI - Main Items for RAI class SD02

FARRIC_S_CHECK_SD03CO - Conditions RAI class SD03 for the API

FARRIC_S_CHECK_SD03MI - Class SD03 Structure Type API - Main Items

FARRIC_S_CHECK_SDOC - Sales Document Data

FARRIC_S_CHECK_SDOC_ITEM_KEY - Sales Document Item Key

FARRIC_S_CHECK_SELECTION - Selection for the Check report

FARRIC_S_CHECK_SIM - Check report simulation

FARRIC_S_CHECK_VBFA - Sales Document Flow structure for retrieving SD data


FARRIC_S_DOC_ITEM_REL - Document Item Relationship

FARRIC_S_FPLT_EX - Billing Plan

FARRIC_S_INVREC_COM - Comunication Structure for Invoice Receiopt

FARRIC_S_INV_COND - Structure for SD conditions

FARRIC_S_INV_HD - SD invoice header

FARRIC_S_INV_IT - SD Invoice item

FARRIC_S_KOMV_EX - Billing Plan Conditions

FARRIC_S_LEGACY_ATTRIBUTES - Attributes of Legacy Data that can be changed

FARRIC_S_LEGACY_CHANGE - Legacy attributes to change with key

FARRIC_S_MAIN_ITEM - Reuse layer main item

FARRIC_S_OL_CURR - Currency values for Revenue Accounting SD Integration

FARRIC_S_OL_RETURN - Return Message

FARRIC_S_OL_SD_RES - Operational Load: SD Document Processing Result

FARRIC_S_OL_VALIDATION - Validation Result

FARRIC_S_ORDER_DATA_INITIAL - SD order fiekds needed for reltype BADI


FARRIC_S_PP_OL - Operational Load: Application Parameters

FARRIC_S_RAI_BILLINGPLAN - Temporary RAI structure for billing plan

FARRIC_S_RAI_FULFILL - Reuse Fulfillment


FARRIC_S_RAI_RFC_FLDS_U_EXT - RFC: Fields of Table with UNICODE Information (Enhanced)

FARRIC_S_SD01CO - Conditions RAI structure for the API

FARRIC_S_SD01CO_ALLOW_MOD - Fields that can be modified by Customer



FARRIC_S_SD01MI - Main item for API of RAI-class SD01

FARRIC_S_SD01MI_ALLOW_MOD - Fields that can be modified by Customer






FARRIC_S_SD02CO - Conditions RAI class SD03 for the API

FARRIC_S_SD02MI - Main Items for RAI class SD02

FARRIC_S_SD02MI_ALLOW_MOD - Fields that can be modified by Customer


FARRIC_S_SD03CO - Conditions RAI class SD03 for the API

FARRIC_S_SD03CO_ALLOW_MOD - Fields that can be modified by Customer


FARRIC_S_SD03CO_CURR_MOD - Currency Exchange modifiable by customers

FARRIC_S_SD03CO_CURR_MOD_FLDS - Fields modifiable by customer for currecny exchange


FARRIC_S_SD03MI - Class SD03 Structure Type API - Main Items

FARRIC_S_SD03MI_ALLOW_MOD - Fields that can be modified by Customer



FARRIC_S_SDOC_COND - Structure for SD conditions

FARRIC_S_SDOC_COND_CH - Structure for SD conditions

FARRIC_S_SDOC_EV - Fulfillment event

FARRIC_S_SDOC_HD - Structure for Sales Order header

FARRIC_S_SDOC_HD_CH - Structure for Sales Order header Change

FARRIC_S_SDOC_ITEM - Structure for Sales Order Item

FARRIC_S_SDOC_ITEM_CH - Structure for Sales Order Item Change

FARRIC_S_SD_REFFIELDS_MAP - Mapping between SD Document items and Reference fields

FARRIC_S_SD_REFFIELDS_MESSAGES - Message to indicate status of updating reference fields


FARRIC_S_VBELN - Sales Documents

FARRIC_S_VBUP - Farric: Item status data

FARRIDXSTA - SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for PHIOs

FARRLOIO - SDOK: Logical information object instances

FARRLOIOT - SDOK: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects

FARRLOPR - SDOK: Logical information object descriptions

FARRLORE - SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for LOIOs

FARRLOREPR - SDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for LOIOs

FARRLORI - SDOK: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects

FARRLORIPR - SDOK: Logical information object attribute values

FARRPHF - SDOK: Physical information object incoming relationships

FARRPHHR - SDOK: Use of target anchors in physical objects

FARRPHHRPR - SDOK: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships

FARRPHIO - SDOK: Physical information object instances

FARRPHNM - SDOK: Outgoing Links of Physical Information Objects

FARRPHNMPR - SDOK: Attributes of Physical Information Objects

FARRPHPR - SDOK: Checkout data for physical information object

FARRPHRE - SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents

FARRPHREPR - SDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for PHIOs

FARRPHRI - SDOK: File name of last checkout

FARRPHRIPR - SDOK: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships

FARR_AMOUNT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_ATTAHCHKF - SDOK: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical objects

FARR_ATTAHCHKO - SDOK: Files of Physical Information Objects

FARR_ATTAHIDXSTA - SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for PHIOs

FARR_ATTAHLOIO - SDOK: Logical information object instances

FARR_ATTAHLOIOT - SDOK: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects

FARR_ATTAHLOPR - SDOK: Logical information object descriptions

FARR_ATTAHLORE - SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for LOIOs

FARR_ATTAHLOREPR - SDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for LOIOs

FARR_ATTAHLORI - SDOK: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects

FARR_ATTAHLORIPR - SDOK: Logical information object attribute values

FARR_ATTAHPHF - SDOK: Physical information object incoming relationships

FARR_ATTAHPHHR - SDOK: Use of target anchors in physical objects

FARR_ATTAHPHHRPR - SDOK: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships

FARR_ATTAHPHIO - SDOK: Physical information object instances

FARR_ATTAHPHNM - SDOK: Outgoing Links of Physical Information Objects

FARR_ATTAHPHNMPR - SDOK: Attributes of Physical Information Objects

FARR_ATTAHPHPR - SDOK: Checkout data for physical information object

FARR_ATTAHPHRE - SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents

FARR_ATTAHPHREPR - SDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for PHIOs

FARR_ATTAHPHRI - SDOK: File name of last checkout

FARR_ATTAHPHRIPR - SDOK: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships

FARR_BUSINESS_DOCUMENT_MESSAG1 - Contact person of a party that is responsible for sending or

FARR_BUSINESS_DOCUMENT_MESSAG2 - General information about a party that is responsible for se

FARR_BUSINESS_DOCUMENT_MESSAG3 - Business information from the perspective of the sender appl

FARR_BUSINESS_DOCUMENT_MESSAG4 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_BUSINESS_DOCUMENT_MESSAG5 - Business information from the perspective of the sender appl

FARR_BUSINESS_DOCUMENT_MESSAG6 - General information about a party that is responsible for se

FARR_BUSINESS_DOCUMENT_MESSAG7 - Contact person of a party that is responsible for sending or

FARR_BUSINESS_DOCUMENT_MESSAG9 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_BUSINESS_SCOPE - Environment from which a message is sent

FARR_BUSINESS_SCOPE1 - Environment from which a message is sent

FARR_BUSINESS_SCOPE_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_BUSINESS_SCOPE_ID1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_BUSINESS_SCOPE_INSTANCE_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_BUSINESS_SCOPE_INSTANCE_3 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_BUSINESS_SCOPE_TYPE_CODE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_BUSINESS_SCOPE_TYPE_CODE2 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_CONTACT_PERSON_INTERNAL_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_CONTACT_PERSON_INTERNAL_3 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_CONTRACT_ITEM_INCL_EEW_PS - Enhancement Include Contract Item

FARR_CONTRACT_ITEM_INCL_EEW_TR - Enhancement Include Contract Item (Transient Fields )

FARR_COST_ITEM_XI - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_CUSTOMER_GROUP_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_C_ACCNT_DET - Account Determination Rules

FARR_C_ACCTPRINC - Revenue Accounting: Configuration of Accounting Principle

FARR_C_ACCT_PARA - Revenue accounting parameters

FARR_C_ACPR_BUKR - Revenue Accounting: Supported Company Codes per Acct. Princ.

FARR_C_ADAPT_ACT - DEPRECATED Revenue Accounting Adaptor Function Activation

FARR_C_ARCH_REST - Residence Time for Archiving Objects

FARR_C_BAL_EXP - Revenue Accounting: Configuration of BAL expiration date

FARR_C_BAL_EXP_C - Revenue Accounting: Configuration of BAL expiration date

FARR_C_BRFUI_DT - List of Relevant Decision Tables in BRFplus UI

FARR_C_BRFUI_RDT - List of Related Decision Tables in BRFplus UI

FARR_C_BRF_APPL - Assign BRFplus to Revenue Accounting Item Classes

FARR_C_BRF_CONF - BRF+ Rule Configuration

FARR_C_BRF_STRCT - Maintain BRFplus Function Structure

FARR_C_BUKRS - Company code related settings

FARR_C_CLOSE - Revenue Accounting Period Close

FARR_C_CODE_SWIT - Code switch between old code lines and new code lines

FARR_C_COND_MODE - Define Condition Type for SSP and RoR

FARR_C_COND_RL_T - Define text for Condition Type Role

FARR_C_COND_ROLE - Condition Type Role

FARR_C_COND_SIGN - Price Condition Types which Allow Change of Sign

FARR_C_COND_TYPE - Condition Types Excluded From Price Allocation

FARR_C_CONFLI_EX - Set default value for ‘Update Mode’ of POB attributes

FARR_C_CONTCAT - Customizing of Contract Category

FARR_C_CONTCAT_T - Text Table of Contract Category

FARR_C_CT_RSN - Change Type Reason Code

FARR_C_CT_RSN_T - Change Type Reason Code Text

FARR_C_DET_CTR_H - Revenue Accounting: Derive Contract header

FARR_C_DET_POB - Revenue Accounting: Derive POB attributes

FARR_C_DET_R_AA - Revenue Accounting: Derive RAI Account Assignment

FARR_C_DET_R_ACC - Revenue Accounting: Derive RAI GL Account

FARR_C_DET_SSP - Revenue Accounting: Derive Standalone Selling Price

FARR_C_EEW_REP - Transfer Selected Fields to FI-CO

FARR_C_EVNT_TY - Customizing of Event Type

FARR_C_EVNT_TY_T - Text Table of Event Type

FARR_C_FX2_EXPL - Switch on Posting Optimization Customizing table

FARR_C_HC_MSG - Revenue Accounting: relevant msg for Health Check - RAI proc

FARR_C_HC_MSG_C - Revenue Accounting: relevant msg for Health Check - RAI proc

FARR_C_INB_BRF - Assign BRFplus application to revenue accounting item source

FARR_C_MIGPACK - Revenue Accounting: Migration Packages

FARR_C_MIGPACK_T - Revenue Accounting: Description of Migration Packages

FARR_C_MIG_RA11 - Status of migration from RA1.0 to RA1.1

FARR_C_POB_TYPE - Configuration of Performance Obligation Types

FARR_C_POB_TYP_T - POB type text table

FARR_C_POST_OPTI - Switch on Posting Optimization Customizing table

FARR_C_RAI01 - Revenue Accounting Item Classes

FARR_C_RAI01E - Upload Rule for Revenue Accounting Item Classes

FARR_C_RAI01T - Revenue Accounting Item Classes (Texts)

FARR_C_RAI05E - Exemption Reasons for Revenue Accounting Items

FARR_C_RAI05ET - Exception Reasons for Revenue Accounting Items (Texts)

FARR_C_RAI05R - Restoration Reasons for Revenue Accounting Items

FARR_C_RAI05RES - Residence Time of exempted Revenue Accounting Items

FARR_C_RAI05RT - Restoration Reasons for Revenue Accounting Items

FARR_C_RAI51 - Interface Components for Revenue Accounting Item Classes

FARR_C_RAI51A - Interface Components: Structures

FARR_C_RAI51B - Interface Components: Prerequisite Components

FARR_C_RAI51C - Active Interface Components for Revenue Accounting Item Clas

FARR_C_RAI51E - Interface Components: SAP Program Enhancements

FARR_C_RAI51K - RAI: Structures for Key Definition

FARR_C_RAI51R - RAI: Interface Basic Components

FARR_C_RAI51T - Names of Interface Components

FARR_C_RAI52 - Fields of a Revenue Accounting Item Class

FARR_C_RAI52E - Changeable Fields of a Revenue Accounting Item Class

FARR_C_RAI54 - Indexes of Tables of Revenue Accounting Items

FARR_C_RAI54F - Fields of Indexes of Tables of Revenue Accounting Item

FARR_C_RAI54T - Texts of Indexes for RAI Tables

FARR_C_RAIC_SAP - Revenue accounting item class names used by SAP

FARR_C_REFTY - Reference Types for Revenue Accounting Items

FARR_C_REFTY_T - Reference Types for Revenue Accounting Items- Text

FARR_C_RSV_COND - Reserved Condition Types

FARR_C_RW_REASON - Review reason configuration table

FARR_C_RW_RSN_T - Text table of review reason

FARR_C_SETTL_ACT - Define Posting Specification for General Ledger Transfer

FARR_C_SHFT_RSON - Reasons for Shifting Contracts to Next Period

FARR_C_SHFT_RS_T - text table for shift reason

FARR_C_SRCCO - Sender Components for Revenue Accounting Items

FARR_C_SRCCO_LS - Sender Components - Logical Systems Assigned

FARR_C_SRCCO_T - Source Document Components for Revenue Accounting Items Text

FARR_C_SRCCO_TY - Sender Components - Source Document Types Assigned

FARR_C_SRCTY - Source Document Types for Revenue Accounting Items

FARR_C_SRCTY_T - Source Document Types for Revenue Accounting Items- Text

FARR_C_TCO_PRC - Test Cockpit Processes

FARR_C_TCO_PRCT - Test Cockpit Process labels

FARR_C_TCO_SCN - Test Cockpit Scenario

FARR_C_TCO_SCNT - Test Cockpit Scenarios

FARR_C_TCO_TCO - Test Cockpits

FARR_C_TCO_TCOT - Test Cockpit labels

FARR_C_UICHRSN_T - Change Reason for Revenue Accounting Engine(Text)

FARR_C_UI_CHRSN - Change Reason for Revenue Accounting Engine

FARR_DISTRIBUTION_CHANNEL_COD2 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_DISTRIBUTION_CHANNEL_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_DIVISION_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_DIVISION_CODE_CONTEXT_ELE - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_D_ACCRRUN - Accrual run table

FARR_D_ATTACH - SDOK: Table for document contents (import/export)

FARR_D_BIZ_RECON - Business Reconciliation Table

FARR_D_CATCHUP - Revenue Catch-up

FARR_D_CHECK_IC - Transparent Table for the Data Consistency Check Selection

FARR_D_CHECK_SEL - Data Consistency Check Selection Date Management

FARR_D_CHECK_STA - Data Consistency Check Selection Run Status

FARR_D_CHG_MIG - Change Type Migration Table

FARR_D_CHG_TYPE - Table of Change Type

FARR_D_COLOGFLD - Changed Fields of RAR, Database Changes

FARR_D_COLOGHDR - Header entries of DB changes

FARR_D_COLOGITM - Logs of Item DB changes

FARR_D_COLOGTEC - Technical Table

FARR_D_COMP - Compound groups of Contract items

FARR_D_COMP_HEAD - Header of Result table about comparative report

FARR_D_COMP_TRAN - Result table of comparative report

FARR_D_CONS - RA - consistency check / contract data


FARR_D_CONTR_D - Draft Table for Revenue Accounting Contract

FARR_D_CONT_ERR - Log Messages of Contract Errors

FARR_D_COOBJNR - CO object number table for Migration

FARR_D_COST_CO - Processed Cost RAIs - Condition Items

FARR_D_COST_MI - Processed Cost RAIs - Main Items


FARR_D_DEFITEM - Deferral Items

FARR_D_DELDEFITM - Deletion update for Deferral Item(memorized for BI)

FARR_D_DPP_SORTC - DPP EoP: Information on Customer Retention

FARR_D_DPP_SORTP - DPP EoP: Information on Bus. Partner Retention

FARR_D_EV_CONTR - Events that Occured for Contracts

FARR_D_FLFMT_MI - Processed Fulfillment RAIs - Main Items

FARR_D_FREEZ_IDX - Freeze Period Index Table for AIF Bulk Handling

FARR_D_FRZ_C_IDX - Freeze Period by Contract Index Table for AIF Bulk Handling

FARR_D_FULFILLMT - Fulfillments

FARR_D_FX2_EXPL - Data for revenue exchange rate explanation

FARR_D_INB_CO - Postponed RAIs - Condition Items

FARR_D_INB_COPA - Postponed RAIs - COPA data

FARR_D_INB_MI - Postponed RAIs - Main Items

FARR_D_INVOICE - Invoice Entries

FARR_D_INV_CO - Processed Invoice RAIs - Condition Items

FARR_D_INV_FX_ED - Distributed invoice & exchange rate difference

FARR_D_INV_MI - Processed Invoice RAIs - Main Items

FARR_D_ITEM_PROC - Inbound Processing: Item proc. status for AccountPrinciple

FARR_D_JOB - Accrual Run In Background Job

FARR_D_KEYPP_ENQ - Table is used only by ENQUEUE-Object EFKK_KEYPP

FARR_D_LEGACY - Legacy data for initial load of revenue accounting items

FARR_D_LEGACYC - Legacy data for initial load of conditions for

FARR_D_LEGACYSF - legacy data for scheduled fulfillments (time based)

FARR_D_MANL_CHNG - Manual Changes

FARR_D_MAPPING - Mapping Table to map source document to POBs of RA-Contracts

FARR_D_MAPPING_D - Draft Table for RA Mapping Operational Document

FARR_D_MAPPING_F - Mapping table for Fulfillment

FARR_D_MAPPING_I - Mapping table for Invoices

FARR_D_MAPPING_M - Mapping of manual POBs between Accounting Principles

FARR_D_MNL_CHG - Manual Changes of Performance Obligations

FARR_D_NOTES - Table for Farr Notes

FARR_D_OBJKEYS - Data Consistency Check Object Keys (New)

FARR_D_OBJKEYS_E - Data Consistency Check Object Keys with Errors

FARR_D_ORD_CO - Processed Order RAIs - Condition Items

FARR_D_ORD_MI - Processed Order RAIs - Main Items

FARR_D_PAOBJMAP - Profitability segment hashing

FARR_D_POB - Performance Obligations

FARR_D_POB_CORRT - Correct Performance Obligations before Contract turns to Err

FARR_D_POB_CTYPE - Performance Obligation Change Type

FARR_D_POB_D - Draft Table for RA Performance Obligation

FARR_D_POB_FRZ - Freeze Periods of Performance Obligations

FARR_D_POB_HIS - History of POB/Contract Structure Changes


FARR_D_POSTING_P - Postponed Postings

FARR_D_POSTING_S - Postings (Shadow Table)

FARR_D_PPND_REV - Postponed revenue and cost recognition items

FARR_D_PP_LOCK - Revenue Accounting: Locked RAIs per Mass Run


FARR_D_PP_PACK - Package-Related Parameters for Parallel Processing

FARR_D_PP_UNITS - Unit Related Parameters for Parallel Processing

FARR_D_PRODDEL - Productive Cleanup: Deletion Log for Order Item Header IDs

FARR_D_RAI2_ERR - RAI2 Processing Inconsistencies

FARR_D_RAI2_PROC - Acct. principles RAI2 was successfully processed for

FARR_D_RAIC01 - RAI Class Configuration Version (Table FARR_C_RAI01)

FARR_D_RAIC01T - RAI Class Configuration Version (Table FARR_C_RAI01T)

FARR_D_RAIC51C - Configuration Version RAI Class (FARR_C_RAI51C)

FARR_D_RAIC52 - Configuration Version RAI Class (FARR_C_RAI52)

FARR_D_RAIC54 - RAI Class Configuration Version (Table FARR_C_RAI54)

FARR_D_RAIC54F - RAI Class Configuration Version (Table FARR_C_RAI54F)

FARR_D_RAIC54T - RAI Class Configuration Version (Table FARR_C_RAI54T)

FARR_D_RAIG01 - RAI Class Generation Version (Table FARR_C_RAI01)

FARR_D_RAIG01T - RAI Class Generation Version (Table FARR_C_RAI01T)

FARR_D_RAIG51C - Generation Version RAI Class (FARR_C_RAI51C)

FARR_D_RAIG52 - Generation Version RAI Class (FARR_C_RAI52)

FARR_D_RAIG54 - RAI Class Generation Version (Table FARR_C_RAI54)

FARR_D_RAIG54F - RAI Class Generation Version (Table FARR_C_RAI54F)

FARR_D_RAIG54T - RAI Class Generation Version (Table FARR_C_RAI54T)

FARR_D_RAIW01 - Revenue Accounting Item Classes (Working Versions)

FARR_D_RAIW01T - Revenue Accounting Item Classes (Texts)

FARR_D_RAIW51C - Working Version Configuration RAI Class (FARR_C_RAI51C)

FARR_D_RAIW52 - Working Version Configuration RAI Class (FARR_C_RAI52)

FARR_D_RAIW54 - RAI Class Working Version (Table FARR_C_RAI54)

FARR_D_RAIW54F - RAI Class Working Version (Table FARR_C_RAI54F)

FARR_D_RAIW54T - RAI Class Working Version (Table FARR_C_RAI54T)

FARR_D_RAI_CH - Change Sequence of Changed Items

FARR_D_RAI_DELH - History Table for Deletion of Exempted Items

FARR_D_RAI_GEN - Generation Info for Revenue Accounting Item Class

FARR_D_RAI_GENH - Generation Info for a Revenue Accounting Item Class (Hist)

FARR_D_RAI_GENOB - Generated Objects for a Revenue Accounting Item Class

FARR_D_RAI_HIST - History Table for Revenue Accounting Item Exemptions

FARR_D_RAI_LOG - Log of Data Storage of RAIC Items

FARR_D_RECKEY_S - Reconciliation Keys (Shadow Table)

FARR_D_RECON_ERR - History table for reconcilition between logistics and RA

FARR_D_RECON_HIS - History table for reconcilition between logistics and RA

FARR_D_RECON_KEY - Reconciliation Keys

FARR_D_RVS_RUNID - Run ID reverse history

FARR_D_SHIFT_HIS - Error contract shift history

FARR_D_TCO - Test Cockpit: eCATT Status

FARR_D_TCO_PAR - Test Cockpit: eCATT Import Parameters (for ECATT_EXECUTE)

FARR_D_TCO_RES - Test Cockpit: eCATT export parameter (=eCATT results)

FARR_D_TRANCODE - Transaction code of RAR


FARR_D_TRANS_REC - Transition record data

FARR_D_UPDLOG - Log Table containing log reason for new DB update logic

FARR_D_UPDLOG_CS - Log Table containing Call Stack (new DB update logic)

FARR_EMAIL_URI - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_EMAIL_URI1 - Proxy Structure (generated)





FARR_FULFILLMENT_ITEM_XI - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_INDUSTRIAL_SECTOR_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_INDUSTRIAL_SECTOR_CODE_CO - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_INDUSTRY_CLASSIFICATION_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_INVOICE_ITEM_XI - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_LANGUAGE_CODE_CONTEXT_EL1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_LANGUAGE_CODE_CONTEXT_ELE - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_L_RECKEY_BK - Recon key backup table for migration from RA 1.0 to RA1.1

FARR_L_RK_MIG_RE - Reconciliation key migration result from RA1.0 to RA1.1

FARR_L_STATIS - Table for PPF: Migration to V1.1 - Set POB status

FARR_MEASURE_UNIT_CODE_CONTEXT - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_MEDIUM_NAME - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_MEDIUM_NAME1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_ORDER_ITEM_XI - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_PARTY_INTERNAL_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_PARTY_INTERNAL_ID1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_PARTY_STANDARD_ID - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_PARTY_STANDARD_ID1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_PHONE_NUMBER - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_PHONE_NUMBER1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_POSTING_INCL_EEW_PS - Enhancement structure for posting

FARR_POSTING_INCL_EEW_TR - Enhancement structure for posting (Transient Fields )

FARR_PPRUN - Revenue Accounting: Mass Run Logs

FARR_PPRUNLOG - Revenue Accounting: Mass Run Application Logs

FARR_PPRUNSEL - Revenue Accounting: Selection Parameters of a Mass Run

FARR_PPRUNSPEC - 'Internal control' parameters of PPF

FARR_PPRUNSPOOL - Revenue Accounting: Mass Run Spool IDs

FARR_PRODUCT_ID1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_PST_CAT_MAP - Mapping Posting Category

FARR_QUANTITY1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_QUANTITY_GROUP_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_QUANTITY_TYPE_CODE - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_QUANTITY_TYPE_CODE_CONTEX - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_RAC_BY_CI_UPD_NOTIF_BULK - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_RAC_BY_CI_UPD_NOTIF_B_DT - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_RAC_BY_FI_UPD_NOTIF_BULK - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_RAC_BY_FI_UPD_NOTIF_B_DT - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_RAC_BY_II_UPD_NOTIF_BULK - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_RAC_BY_II_UPD_NOTIF_B_DT - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_RAC_BY_OI_UPD_NOTIF_BULK - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_RAC_BY_OI_UPD_NOTIF_B_DT - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_ACCOU1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_ACCOU3 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_ACCOU5 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_ACCOU7 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_ACCOU8 - Accounting Reference Document

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_BUSIN1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_CLOSED - Date period with optional start and end date - at least one

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_COMPA1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_CONDI1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_CONDI3 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_CONTR1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_CONTR2 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_CONTR3 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_CONTRA - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_COST_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_COST_3 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_CUSTO1 - Proxy Structure (generated)


FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_FULFI1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_FULLFI - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_FUNCT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_GENER1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_INVOI1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_INVOI2 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_MATER1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_OPERA1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_OPERA3 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_ORDER1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_PERFO2 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_PERFO4 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_PROFI1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_QUANT1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_REFER1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_REFER3 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_SEGME1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_SEND10 - aka Revenue Accounting Source Document

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_SENDI5 - aka Revenue Accounting Source Document

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_SENDI6 - Revenue Accounting - Freeze Period Specification for a Sourc

FARR_REVENUE_ACCOUNTING_WORK_1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVN_ACCTG_CONTR_BULK_SE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_REVN_ACCTG_CONTR_SET_FRE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_RS_BUKRS - Ranges Structure for Company Code


FARR_RS_DBTAB - Ranges structure for FARR_RAI_DBTAB


FARR_RS_FIELDNAME - Ranges Structure for Fieldname

FARR_RS_HEADER_ID - Ranges Structure for HEADER_ID


FARR_RS_ITEM_ID - Ranges Structure for ITEM_ID

FARR_RS_KEYPP - Ranges Structure for FARR_KEYPP

FARR_RS_KUNNR - Ranges Structure for Customer

FARR_RS_MIG_PACKAGE - Structure for Migration Package Range

FARR_RS_PARTNER - Ranges Structure for Customer


FARR_RS_RAIC - Ranges Structure for FARR_RAIC






FARR_RS_RAI_INDEX - Ranges Structure for INDEXID






FARR_RS_RAI_TYPE - Ranges Structure for FARR_RAI_TYPE

FARR_RS_SRCCO - Ranges Structure for FARR_SRCCO

FARR_RS_SRCID - Ranges Structure for FARR_SRCID

FARR_RS_SRCLS - Ranges Structure for FARR_SRCLS

FARR_RS_SRCTY - Ranges Structure for FARR_SRCTY

FARR_RS_TIMESTP - Ranges Structure for Timestamp UTC


FARR_RS_VBELN_MC - Structure for VBELN Ranges Table Type

FARR_S_ACCOUNTING_DOC_REF - Accounting document reference

FARR_S_ACCOUNT_ASSIGNMENT_BRF - BRF+ export structure: determination of account assignment

FARR_S_ACCRRUN - Structure for accrual run table

FARR_S_ACCRUALRUN - Structure for Accrual Run Lock

FARR_S_ACCRUALRUN_PP - Structure for Accrual Run Lock

FARR_S_ACCR_PP_PARAM - Parallel job parameter: check if posting can be performed

FARR_S_ACCT - GL account structure

FARR_S_ACCTG_DOCUMENT_REF - Accounting document reference

FARR_S_ACCT_ASSIGNMT - Account Assignment Fields

FARR_S_ACCT_COCODE - G/L Account with Company Code

FARR_S_ACCT_COCODE_DESC - Description of G/L Account in Specified Company Code

FARR_S_ACCT_DETERMINATION - Decision table structure for revenue account determination

FARR_S_ACCT_DETERMINATION_ALL - Structure for account determination during RAI transfer

FARR_S_ACCT_DETER_DT - BRF+ Decision table structure for account determination

FARR_S_ACCT_DETER_DT_AI - BRF+ Decision Table Structure F Acc. Det. Early Termination

FARR_S_ACCT_DETER_DT_UI - Base structure for Accout Determination UI

FARR_S_ACCT_PERIOD - Structure for Accounting Period

FARR_S_ACCT_PRINCIPLE - Accounting Principle Settings

FARR_S_ACCT_PRINCIPLE_DATA - Accounting Principle Settings

FARR_S_ACCT_PRINCIPLE_RANGE - Range of Accounting Principle

FARR_S_ACPR_BUKR - Company Code Data for an Accounting Principle

FARR_S_ACPR_BUKR_ATTR - Attributes of Revenue Accounting: Supported Company Codes

FARR_S_ACPR_BUKR_DATA - Revenue Accounting: Supported Company Codes per Acct. Princ.

FARR_S_ACR_PP_PARAM - time-based POB processing parameters

FARR_S_ACTIVE_PERIOD - Active period boundaries

FARR_S_ACTPR_ACTIVE - Structure for active accounting principles in migration

FARR_S_AC_DOCUMENT - AC document post

FARR_S_ADMIN - Admin Information Structure

FARR_S_ADMIN_CHANGE - Admin Information Structure for Change

FARR_S_ADMIN_CREATE - Admin Information Structure for Creation

FARR_S_ADMIN_CREATE_TS - Admin Information Structure for Creation Timestamp

FARR_S_ALLOCATED_AMOUNT - Structure of allocated amount

FARR_S_ALLOCATION_EXPLAINER - Structure type used by Simulation

FARR_S_ALLOC_EXP - Allocation explainer (POB ID, COND TYPE & Explainer Instance

FARR_S_ALLOC_RESULT_EXPLAINER - Structure type used by SImulation

FARR_S_ALLOC_TABS_STATUS - Allocation Tabs Status

FARR_S_ALL_DOC_LIST - Structure for posting document no list

FARR_S_AMOUNT - Amount Structure

FARR_S_AMOUNT_LC - Amount in Local Currency

FARR_S_AMOUNT_PER_CONT - Amount & Local Amounts per contract

FARR_S_AMOUNT_PER_POB - Amount & Local Amounts per POB

FARR_S_AMOUNT_PER_POB_COND - Amount & Local Amounts per POB condition

FARR_S_AMOUNT_TC - Amount in Transaction Currency

FARR_S_API_MESSAGE - Structure of Generic API Message

FARR_S_APPL_LOG - Application Log

FARR_S_ARCHIVE_CONTRACT - Structure of contract from archive

FARR_S_ARCHIVE_RAI - Structure of RAI from archive


FARR_S_ARCH_CONTR_SELECTIONS - Selection fields for Archiving Contracts

FARR_S_ARCH_REST - Residence Time for Archiving Objects

FARR_S_ASSIGNED_BUKRS - Assigned Company Codes to an Accounting Principle

FARR_S_ATTACHMENT - Attachment Structure

FARR_S_ATTR_NAME_VALUE - Name and Value of an Attribute of a Working Structure

FARR_S_AUTH - Structure for Buffering of Authorization Requests


FARR_S_AWKEY_DOC_LIST - structure of a sorted table of (AWKEY, FARR_TT_RECON_BELNR)

FARR_S_BALANCE - Balance amounts

FARR_S_BASIC_BRF - Basic fields for BRF input: item

FARR_S_BASIC_CO_BRF - Basic fields for BRF input: condition

FARR_S_BELNR_AWKEY - Structure for Document header

FARR_S_BG_SCHEDULE_PARA - Parameters for Accrual Run in Background

FARR_S_BILLABLE_AMOUNT - Structure of billable amount

FARR_S_BILLING_PLAN_DATA - Billing plan data with total amounts

FARR_S_BILLING_PLAN_WITH_KEY - Structure of Billing Plan with reconciliation key

FARR_S_BILLING_PLAN_WITH_P - Structure of Billing Plan with reconciliation key

FARR_S_BILL_OF_MATERIAL - Structure for Bill Of Material processing

FARR_S_BIZ_POSTING - Business Reconciliation Posting data

FARR_S_BIZ_RECON - Structrure for Business Reconciliaiton report output

FARR_S_BIZ_RECON_EXCLUDE - Fields to exclude from the selection

FARR_S_BIZ_RECON_PARAM - PPF Parameters for Business Reconciliation Report

FARR_S_BOM_BRF - BRF+ Bill Of Material Export Structure - OBSOLETE

FARR_S_BOM_POB_OLD_VALUE - Get old values from last period for POBs in BOM group

FARR_S_BOM_POB_REM_SSP - Remaining SSP calculation for POBs in BOM structure

FARR_S_BRF_ADDITIONAL_DATA - strucutre for additional data used in BRF+



FARR_S_BRF_STRCT - Maintains the BRF+ structure used in funtcions (OBSOLETE)

FARR_S_BRF_UI_FDTSWDDCSNTABCOL - FDT: used for WD model: column of a decision table

FARR_S_BRF_UI_RULE_POB_LIST - BRF+ simplified UI rule POB header

FARR_S_BS_ACCT_ASSIGNMT - BS Account Assignment Fields in Revenue Accounting

FARR_S_BUKRS - Structure of company code related settings

FARR_S_BUKRS_ACCP - Revenue Accounting: Supported Company Codes per Acct. Princ.

FARR_S_BUKRS_ACCT_CURRENCY - Currency key configuration non leading ledger(T882G)

FARR_S_BUKRS_CONTRACT - Pair of Company Code and Contract ID

FARR_S_BUKRS_COPA - COPA active value on company code

FARR_S_BUKRS_EXCL_CURR - Exclude currency key from company code

FARR_S_BUKRS_INDICATOR - companycode and initial load indicator

FARR_S_BUKRS_MIG_PACKAGE - Structure with company code and migration package

FARR_S_BUKRS_RECON_KEY - Pair of Company Code and Recon Key

FARR_S_BUKRS_RECON_KEY_FI - Structure for search criteria of FI user

FARR_S_BUKRS_RECON_SEQ - FI Document reference key

FARR_S_BUKRS_RUN_ID - Company Code & Run ID

FARR_S_BUKR_ACPR - Company code & accounting principle

FARR_S_BULK_APPLY_FREEZE_RAW - Raw Structure Freeze Periods AIF Bulk Handling

FARR_S_BULK_APPLY_FRZ_C_RAW - Raw Structure Freeze Periods AIF Bulk Handling

FARR_S_BURKS_COM_SRH - Common criteria for search

FARR_S_CA01_BRF - BRF+ input structure for CA integration component

FARR_S_CALCULATE_AMOUNT - Calculate amount for POB on UI

FARR_S_CALLSTACK_LINE - Line of an ABAP Call Stack (With Program Positions)

FARR_S_CATCHUP_CALC - Structure for Calculate Cumulative Catchup Lock

FARR_S_CATCHUP_ITEM - Revenue Catch-up Item

FARR_S_CATCHUP_OUTPUT - Revenue Catch-up Output

FARR_S_CATED_POSTINGS - contract combine posting category by post_cat

FARR_S_CCM_OCM_MIG_CF_POB_BADI - Customer fields in POB: CCM to OCM migration BADI

FARR_S_CCM_OCM_MIG_CONTR_BADI - Contract customer fields/CCM to OCM contract migration BADI

FARR_S_CCM_OCM_MIG_POB_BADI - POB customer fields: CCM to OCM contract migration BADI

FARR_S_CHANGE_REQUEST - Change Request Structure

FARR_S_CHANGE_TYPES - Change Type Parameters


FARR_S_CHECK_BASIC_CO - Basic Fields for Conditions - Check Logic

FARR_S_CHECK_BASIC_MI_FULFILL - Basic Fields for Main Items - Fulfillments - Check Logic

FARR_S_CHECK_BASIC_MI_INVOICES - Basic Fields for Main Items - Invoices - Check Logic

FARR_S_CHECK_BASIC_MI_ORDERS - Basic Fields for Main Items - Orders - Check Logic

FARR_S_CHECK_DIFF - Check Logic Data Differences

FARR_S_CHECK_DOC_SELECTION - Check report selection based on documents

FARR_S_CHECK_HEADER_ID - Structure for HEADER_ID per RAI status

FARR_S_CHECK_MESS - Message for check report

FARR_S_CHECK_MONITOR_OUTPUT - Output Structure for the Mass Run Monitor

FARR_S_CHECK_MSG - Structure for overwriting a system message

FARR_S_CHECK_OBJKEY - Data Consistency Check Document Numbers (New)

FARR_S_CHECK_PPF - Check report parallel processing framework

FARR_S_CHECK_PPF_OBJKEY - Data Consistency Check PPF key


FARR_S_CHECK_SELECTION - Selection for the Check report

FARR_S_CHECK_SIM - Check report simulation

FARR_S_CHGABLE_POB_FIELDS - Changeable POB fields for Update BADi

FARR_S_CHG_DOC_LIST - Structure of Change document list

FARR_S_CHG_DOC_TREE - Structure of Change Documents Tree type

FARR_S_CHG_TYPE - Structure of Change Type

FARR_S_CHG_TYPE_ATTR - Change Type Attribute

FARR_S_CHG_TYPE_BUFFER - Change type data buffer

FARR_S_CHG_TYPE_DES - Description of Change Type

FARR_S_CHG_TYPE_KEY - Key of change type

FARR_S_CHG_TYPE_MIG_PP_PARAM - Parallel job parameter: Data Migration for New Fields

FARR_S_CHG_TYPE_MIG_STATUS - Change Type Migration Status

FARR_S_CHG_TYPE_REASON_DATA - Structure of Change Type Reason Data

FARR_S_CHG_TYPE_REASON_DESC - Change Type Reason and Description

FARR_S_CHG_TYPE_RESULT_BADI - Result structure for change type BAdI

FARR_S_CHG_TYPE_WITH_ATTR - Change Type with change attribute

FARR_S_CHK_REMAINING_DURATION - Check Time-based POB Remaining Duration

FARR_S_CLLIA_PP_PARAM - Parallel job parameter: check if posting can be performed

FARR_S_CLOSE_STATUS - select options for RA period close status

FARR_S_CL_ACCOUNT_DETERMINE - Structure of account determination for contract liability

FARR_S_CL_CONTRACT_ACCOUNT - Structure of CL contract account

FARR_S_CL_METHOD - Structure of CL method

FARR_S_CNTR_ID_AND_POB_NUM - Contract ID and the corresponding number of POBs

FARR_S_COAC_CONTRACT - Structure of information used for COAC relevant contract

FARR_S_COAC_POB - Structure of information used for COAC relevant POB

FARR_S_COAC_TM_ATTR - Structure of information used for COAC relevant contract

FARR_S_COCD_LOCAL_AMOUNT - Local amount of company code

FARR_S_COCD_LOCAL_CURRENCY - Local currency of company code

FARR_S_COCD_PACKAGE - Structure of company code and migration package

FARR_S_COCODE_DATA - Structure of Company Code Data

FARR_S_COMBINE_HEADER - Contract Combine Header

FARR_S_COMBINE_SOURCE - Source contracts and POBs to be combined

FARR_S_COMB_TYPE_RANGE - Structure for comination type range

FARR_S_COMPANY_CODE_MSG - Company Code and FARR_RAI Messages

FARR_S_COMPOUND_BOM - Compound indicator BoM

FARR_S_COMPOUND_COUNT - Counter for number of compound groups

FARR_S_COMPOUND_GRP_BRF - BRF+ export structure Compound Group

FARR_S_COMPOUND_GRP_ITEMS - Assignment of items to compound groups

FARR_S_COMPOUND_GRP_ITEMS_SEL - Key for items assigned to compound groups

FARR_S_COMPOUND_ITEM_GROUPS - Compound groups in sales document items

FARR_S_COMP_CODE_RANGE - FARR company code range

FARR_S_COMP_COUNT - Counter for number of compound groups

FARR_S_COMP_CURRS - Local currencies of a company code

FARR_S_COMP_GRP_POB - Input structure comp grp + pob

FARR_S_COMP_GRP_POB_SSP - Input structure with comp group + pob + ssp

FARR_S_COMP_GRP_POB_SSP_COND - Input structure with comp group + pob + ssp

FARR_S_COMP_HEAD - Structure for Header of Result table about comp. report

FARR_S_COMP_ITEM_GROUPS - Compound groups in sales document items

FARR_S_COMP_REPT_LOCK - Lock structure for comparative report

FARR_S_COMP_TRAN - Structure for result comparative report


FARR_S_CONDITIONS_SIMU - Perfromance obligations for simulation

FARR_S_CONDTYPE - Structure of condition type

FARR_S_CONDTYPE_ACCOUNTS - Condition types and their accounts

FARR_S_COND_ALLOC_FLAG - Structure of Allocation Flag of Condition Type

FARR_S_COND_KEY - Condition key

FARR_S_COND_MODE - Condition mode


FARR_S_COND_TYPE_API - Interface Strucuture of FARR Condition Type

FARR_S_COND_TYPE_ATTR - Attribute Structure of Condition Type

FARR_S_COND_TYPE_BUFFER - Buffer Structure of Condition Type

FARR_S_COND_TYPE_CHANGE - Structure of Condition type change

FARR_S_COND_TYPE_CREATE - Creation Structure of Condition Type

FARR_S_COND_TYPE_DATA - Condition type data

FARR_S_COND_TYPE_DATA_UI - Condition type data with special indicator from defitem

FARR_S_COND_TYPE_DEL - Delete Structure of Condition Type

FARR_S_COND_TYPE_EXPLAINER - Structure type used by Simulation

FARR_S_COND_TYPE_INVOICE - Structure of Condition type for Invoice

FARR_S_COND_TYPE_KEY - Key Structure of Condition Type

FARR_S_COND_TYPE_LIST - Structure of Condition Type List

FARR_S_COND_TYPE_MAIN - Main Structure of Condition Type

FARR_S_COND_TYPE_NAME - Structure of Condition Type name

FARR_S_COND_TYPE_NEW - Add Structure of Condition Type

FARR_S_COND_TYPE_RANGE - Structure of condition type range

FARR_S_COND_TYPE_SIM - Condition information for price simulation

FARR_S_COND_TYPE_SIMU - Condition types for simulation

FARR_S_COND_TYPE_SPLIT - Condition type attributes used for prospective split

FARR_S_COND_TYPE_SUM - Sum structure of condition type

FARR_S_COND_TYPE_UPD - Update Structure of Condition Type

FARR_S_COND_TYPE_WITHIN_POB - Structure of Condition type for Invoice

FARR_S_COND_WORK - Processable Conditions in Adapter Reuse Layer

FARR_S_CONFLICT_DATA_UI - Strcture of Conflict Data

FARR_S_CONFLICT_DATA_UI_BUFFER - Strcture of Conflict Data Buffer

FARR_S_CONFLICT_MANL_CHNG_KEY - Key Fields Structure of POB Conflict

FARR_S_CONFLICT_POWL_DATA - Strcture of Conflict POWL Data

FARR_S_CONFLICT_RAI_ATTR - Attribute Structure of RAI Value Data in Conflict

FARR_S_CONF_FIELD_EX - Structure of excluding field for conflict contract

FARR_S_CONS - RA - consistency check / contract data

FARR_S_CONS_CHECK - RA - consistency check

FARR_S_CONS_ICON - RA - consistency check icons

FARR_S_CONTRACT_ACPR - Structure with contract key per accounting principle

FARR_S_CONTRACT_ACTP_COCD - Structure of contract header data

FARR_S_CONTRACT_AMOUNT - Contract ammount

FARR_S_CONTRACT_AMOUNT_ACCT - Contract amount and account number

FARR_S_CONTRACT_AMOUNT_POB - Contract ammount On POB level

FARR_S_CONTRACT_ATTR - Attribute Structure of Contract

FARR_S_CONTRACT_ATTR_EX - Structure of extra Contract attributes

FARR_S_CONTRACT_BALANCE_AMOUNT - Structure of contract balance amount

FARR_S_CONTRACT_BOL_INSTANCE - Contract ID + Contract Instance

FARR_S_CONTRACT_CALC_DATE - Contract header data with inovice date

FARR_S_CONTRACT_CAT - Contract Category

FARR_S_CONTRACT_CAT_DESC - Description of Contract Category

FARR_S_CONTRACT_CAT_DESCR - Structure for Contract Category

FARR_S_CONTRACT_CHANGE_API - Interface Structure of FARR Contract in Change Process

FARR_S_CONTRACT_CLCA - contract data for contract liability asset calculation

FARR_S_CONTRACT_CL_AMOUNT - Structure of contract liability amount

FARR_S_CONTRACT_CL_KEY - Structure of recon key

FARR_S_CONTRACT_COCD - Contract & Company code

FARR_S_CONTRACT_COST_API - Interface Structure of FARR Cost

FARR_S_CONTRACT_CREATE - Create Structure of FARR Contract

FARR_S_CONTRACT_CREATION_API - Interface Structure of FARR Contract in Creation Process

FARR_S_CONTRACT_CUSTOMER - Table type of contract of customer

FARR_S_CONTRACT_DATA - Structure of Contract Data


FARR_S_CONTRACT_DATA_WITH_DOC - Structure of Contract Data with operational document for tre

FARR_S_CONTRACT_DATA_WL - Contract Data for Worklist

FARR_S_CONTRACT_DB - Contract DB data

FARR_S_CONTRACT_DOC_KEY - Key Structure of Contract with document

FARR_S_CONTRACT_EX_RATES - Exchange rates for contract

FARR_S_CONTRACT_FREEZE_API - API Structure for freeze process

FARR_S_CONTRACT_FREE_SEL - Free selection for contract table

FARR_S_CONTRACT_HEADER_CHG - Change Structure of Contract Header

FARR_S_CONTRACT_ID_PACKAGE - Structure of Contract ID list package

FARR_S_CONTRACT_ID_PP_PARAM - Parallel job parameter: use contract ID as package split

FARR_S_CONTRACT_ID_RANGE - Structure of Contract ID range

FARR_S_CONTRACT_INSTANCE - Contract ID + Contract Instance

FARR_S_CONTRACT_INVOICE - Contract dis inv & ED with nested POB level dis invoice & ED

FARR_S_CONTRACT_INVOICE_BUFFER - Invoice buffer with contract id

FARR_S_CONTRACT_KEY - Key Structure of Contract

FARR_S_CONTRACT_KEYPP - Structure of company code, contract ID and KeyPP

FARR_S_CONTRACT_LIABILITY - Structure of contract liability per contract

FARR_S_CONTRACT_MAIN - Main Structure of FARR Contract

FARR_S_CONTRACT_PACKAGE - Structure of Contract ID and Migration Package ID

FARR_S_CONTRACT_PAIR - Contract pairs: Source and target

FARR_S_CONTRACT_PAIR_COMBN - Contract pairs: Source and target to be combined into target

FARR_S_CONTRACT_PERIOD - Contract and Fiscal Year Period

FARR_S_CONTRACT_POB - Structure of contract and POB

FARR_S_CONTRACT_POB_ACCOUNT - Structure of CL contract pob account

FARR_S_CONTRACT_POB_MAP - Structure of Mapping Data for Contract ID and POB ID

FARR_S_CONTRACT_QUERY - Query Structure of Contract

FARR_S_CONTRACT_QUERY_CLD - Query Structure of Contract

FARR_S_CONTRACT_RECKEY - Structure of contract on recon key level

FARR_S_CONTRACT_RECKEY_AMOUNT - Structure of contract amount on recon key level

FARR_S_CONTRACT_REC_KEY - combination of contact and reconciliation key

FARR_S_CONTRACT_REC_KEY_TM - combination of contact, reconciliation key and TM flag

FARR_S_CONTRACT_REFERENCE - Contract ID and Contract Object

FARR_S_CONTRACT_REFID - Structure for Contract ID and Reference ID

FARR_S_CONTRACT_REVENUE - Contract revenue & nested POB revenue

FARR_S_CONTRACT_SHIFT_UI - Structure for Contract Shift Result UI

FARR_S_CONTRACT_SRCDOC - Structure of contract and source document item

FARR_S_CONTRACT_SRCH_RESULT - contract search UI result structure

FARR_S_CONTRACT_STATUS_DESC - Contract Status Description

FARR_S_CONTRACT_STATUS_RANGE - Contract status range structure

FARR_S_CONTRACT_TR_ATTR_WS - Transient attributes of a contract (working structure)

FARR_S_CONTRACT_VALIDATION - contract information for pob cancellation

FARR_S_CONTRACT_WORKLIST - Structure of Contract Data

FARR_S_CONTRACT_WS - Working structure for contract header data

FARR_S_CONTRA_PRICE_EXPLAINER - Structure type used by Simulation

FARR_S_CONTR_ATTR_AIMD - Structure for Datasource 0FARR_CONTR_ATTR2

FARR_S_CONTR_CATED_POST - for contract combine postings group by contract

FARR_S_CONTR_CHG_TYPE_BADI - Contract data for determine change type BAdI

FARR_S_CONTR_FULFILLMENT_API - Interface structure for Contract Fulfillment

FARR_S_CONTR_HEAD_CHANGE_API - Contract Head for Change Process

FARR_S_CONTR_HEAD_CREATION_API - Contract Head for Creation Process

FARR_S_CONTR_MAPPING - Struct. to indicate which POB belongs to which contract

FARR_S_CONTR_POB_DEF - Structure of contract and pob and defitem data

FARR_S_CONTR_POB_DEF_REV_TRS - Structure contract and pob and defitem data for rev transfer

FARR_S_CONTR_PP_PACK - Package-Related Parameters for PP of Contracts

FARR_S_CONTR_PP_PARAM - Parameters for Use of Parallel Processing with RA Contracts

FARR_S_CONTR_TBL_LOADING_STS - Loading Status on contract level

FARR_S_CONTR_YEAR_PERIOD - structure of contract id, fiscal year and period

FARR_S_CONT_4_LIAB_ASSET_BADI - Contract Data For Calculate Liability and Asset BAdI

FARR_S_CONT_AMT_LIAB_ASSET - Structure for Liability and Asset amount in each Contract

FARR_S_CONT_BALANCE_RESULT - Disaggregation revenue result list

FARR_S_CONT_BALANCE_SEARCH - General Search criteria for Contract Balance

FARR_S_CONT_BALANCE_SEARCH_CLD - General Search criteria for Contract Balance

FARR_S_CONT_DATA_REV_TRANSFER - Contract data strucuture for program A

FARR_S_CONT_ERROR_POWL_DATA - Strcture of Contract Error POWL Data

FARR_S_CONT_ERR_DATA - Structure of Contract Error data

FARR_S_CONT_ERR_DATA_UI - Structure of error data

FARR_S_CON_RECON_RUNID - Structure for Contract, Recon key and Runid

FARR_S_COOBJNR_INPUT - Input Fields for COOBJNR Determination

FARR_S_COOBJNR_MIG_PACKAGE - Structure of CO Object Number and Migration Package

FARR_S_COOBJNR_POC - Structure of Total PoC of COOBJNR from Result Analysis

FARR_S_COPACRIT - Extended COPACRIT structure for Revenue Accounting

FARR_S_COPADATA - Structure for CO-PA Data including field COPADATA

FARR_S_COPA_FIELDS - Structure for CO-PA relevant fields





FARR_S_COST_AMOUNT_POB - Cost amount on POB level

FARR_S_COST_COND_TYPE_API - Interface Structure of FARR Cost Condition Type

FARR_S_COST_ITEM_CNDN_ITEM_XI - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_S_COST_RESULT - cost result

FARR_S_COS_ACCOUNT_BRF - BRF+ export structure: determination of cost account

FARR_S_CO_ACCT_ASSIGNMT - CO Account Assignment Fields in Revenue Accounting

FARR_S_CPRP_PARAM - Parallel job parameter: Prepare for comparative report

FARR_S_CREATED_BY_RANGE - Created by range structure

FARR_S_CREATED_ON_RANGE - Created on range structure

FARR_S_CRM01_BRF - BRF+ input structure for CRM integration

FARR_S_CTR_REC_KEY_STATUS - Contract ID and Reconciliation Key Status

FARR_S_CURRENCIES_BADI - Common structure for currencies

FARR_S_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT - SD Customer account as of KNB1

FARR_S_CUSTOMER_BUKRS - Customer and Company Code

FARR_S_CUSTOMER_DATA - Structure of Customer Data

FARR_S_CUSTOMER_ID_NAME - FARR customer Id Name mapping structure

FARR_S_CUSTOMER_ID_RANGE - Structure of Customer ID Range

FARR_S_CUST_ACCT_PRINCIPLE - Accounting Principle in Revenue Accounting Parameter

FARR_S_CUST_COND_TYPE - Reserved Condition Types in Revenue Accounting Parameter

FARR_S_CUST_EVENT_TYPE - Event type in Revenue Accounting Parameter

FARR_S_CUST_FIELDS_CONTR_BADI - Contract customer fields/CCM to OCM contract migration BADI

FARR_S_CUST_FIELDS_POB_BADI - POB customer fields / CCM to OCM contract migration BADI

FARR_S_CUST_SEVERITY - Validation Severity in Revenue Accounting Parameter

FARR_S_C_POB_TYPE - Structure for configuration of POB types

FARR_S_DATE_RECONKEY - A mapping relation between date and usable recon key

FARR_S_DEFERRAL_ATTR - Attribute Structure of FARR Deferral

FARR_S_DEFERRAL_ATTR_EX - Structure of extre Defrral attributes

FARR_S_DEFERRAL_BRF - BRF+ export structure Deferral

FARR_S_DEFERRAL_CREATE - Creation Structure of FARR Deferral

FARR_S_DEFERRAL_DATA - Structure of Deferral Data

FARR_S_DEFERRAL_DATA_BUFFER - Structure of additional deferral buffer

FARR_S_DEFERRAL_DATA_WITH_ATTR - Structure of Changed Deferral with attribute

FARR_S_DEFERRAL_KEY - Key Structure of Deferral

FARR_S_DEFERRAL_MAIN - Main Structure of FARR Deferral

FARR_S_DEFERRAL_METHOD - Structure of deferral method

FARR_S_DEFERRAL_METHOD_DESCR - Deferral method and description

FARR_S_DEFERRAL_METHOD_ENTITY - Information related to one deferral method

FARR_S_DEFERRAL_POB_BADI - deferral method BAdI

FARR_S_DEFERRAL_SIMU - Condition types for simulation

FARR_S_DEFERRAL_START_DATE - Start date of deferral category - right of return

FARR_S_DEFITEM_ATTR - Structure of deferral item

FARR_S_DEFITEM_ATTR_WS - Attributes of a deferral item (working structure)

FARR_S_DEFITEM_CHANGE_DATA - Structure of new defitem entry and old defitem entry

FARR_S_DEFITEM_DATA - Deferral item

FARR_S_DEFITEM_DATA_BUFFER - Structure of deferral item

FARR_S_DEFITEM_DB - Deferral Item DB data

FARR_S_DEFITEM_KEY - Deferral item key

FARR_S_DEFITEM_KEY_WS - Key of a deferral item (working structure)

FARR_S_DEFITEM_POSTING_DATA - Curr. fulfilled amt, Don't upd sequence untill cond_type

FARR_S_DEFITEM_REF_WITH_KEY - Reference of Deferral Item (with Key fields)

FARR_S_DEFITEM_TR_ATTR_WS - Transient attributes of a deferral item (working structure)

FARR_S_DEFITEM_WS - Defitem working structure

FARR_S_DETERMN_DEF_METHOD_POB - Structure of POB for determine pobs for deferral method BAdI

FARR_S_DET_CTR_H_RESULT - Result fields: Contract header rule determination

FARR_S_DET_POB_RESULT - Result fields for rule determination

FARR_S_DET_R_AA_RESULT - Result fields: RAI Account Assignment rule determination

FARR_S_DET_SSP_RESULT - Result fields: Standalone Selling Price rule determination

FARR_S_DISAGGR_REVENUE_RESULT - disaggregated revenue result

FARR_S_DISAGGR_REVENUE_SEARCH - disaggregated revenue search criteria

FARR_S_DISAGGR_REV_RESULT - Disaggregation revenue result list

FARR_S_DISAGGR_REV_SEARCH - General Search criteria for Disaggregation revenue sampl

FARR_S_DISAGGR_REV_SEARCH_CLD - General Search criteria for Disaggregation revenue sampl

FARR_S_DISTRIBUTED_INVOICE - Distributed Invoice Structure

FARR_S_DISTRIBUTION_TREE - Distribution tree

FARR_S_DIS_CONTRACT_DATA - Contract data which to be used in invoice distribution BADI

FARR_S_DIS_POB_DATA - POB data which used in invoice distribution BADI

FARR_S_DOCUMENT_ATTR - Document flow attribute structure

FARR_S_DOCUMENT_DATA - Document flow data structure

FARR_S_DOCUMENT_DATA_BUFFER - Document flow data buffer

FARR_S_DOCUMENT_KEY - Document flow key structure

FARR_S_DOC_LIST - Structure for posting document no list


FARR_S_DOMAIN_VALUE_TEXT - Structure of Domain Fixed Value and Text

FARR_S_DPP_CUST_BUKRS_SORT - Customer with SoRT per Company Code

FARR_S_DPP_CUST_EOP_STATUS - Customer with EoP Status

FARR_S_DPP_CUST_MESSAGE - Customer with Message

FARR_S_DPP_CUST_RLGRP_SORT - Customer with SoRT per ILM Rule Group

FARR_S_DPP_PART_BUKRS_SORT - Bus. Partner with SoRT per Company Code

FARR_S_DPP_PART_EOP_STATUS - Bus. Partner with EoP Status

FARR_S_DPP_PART_MESSAGE - Bus. Partner with Message

FARR_S_DPP_PART_RLGRP_SORT - Bus. Partner with SoRT per ILM Rule Group

FARR_S_DS_DEFITEM - Deferral item for extractor 0farr_ra_20

FARR_S_DS_FORECAST_ITEM - Revenue Forecast Item


FARR_S_EARLIEST_DATE - Structure for the Earliest Date - Check Logic

FARR_S_EARLIEST_DATE2 - Structure for the Earliest Date - Check Logic (New)

FARR_S_ENRICH_INV_ITEM_BADI - BAdI Structure - Enriched Invoice Main Item

FARR_S_ENRICH_ORD_ITEM_BADI - BAdI Structure - Enriched Order main item

FARR_S_ERROR_FLAGS - RA - consistency check / Error Flags

FARR_S_ERROR_PER_POB - Error message per POB

FARR_S_EVENT - Logistic Event Structure

FARR_S_EVENT_DATA - Structure of event data

FARR_S_EVENT_FULFILL_KEY - Logistic Event Structure

FARR_S_EVENT_KEY - Structure for event key

FARR_S_EVENT_RAI - Structure of Logistic Event (incl. RAI Info + Posted Cost)

FARR_S_EVENT_TYPE_DESC - Event type and description

FARR_S_EVENT_TYPE_RANGE - Structure for event type range

FARR_S_EVENT_WITH_RECONKEY - Event structure with recon key

FARR_S_EXCEPT_PARAMS - Excepting Revenue Accounting Items: Run Parameters

FARR_S_EXCHANGE_RATES - Exchange rates for local currencies

FARR_S_EXC_GRANULAR - Structure of exclude clause in granular posting

FARR_S_EX_DIFF_ACCOUNT - Account for exchnage rate difference

FARR_S_EX_POB_TREE - structure of exclude allocation pob tree

FARR_S_EX_RATE_COCD - Exchange rate per company code

FARR_S_FIELD_F4 - Field Information for the F4 Input Help


FARR_S_FISCAL_YEAR_AND_PERIOD - Components of Accounting Period (Fiscal Year and Period)

FARR_S_FIS_YEAR_PERIOD_RANGE - Line of fiscal year period range table

FARR_S_FLAG - FARR Object Creation/Change/Delete Flag

FARR_S_FPLT_DATA - Data structure billing plan item

FARR_S_FPLT_KEY - Key structure billing plan item

FARR_S_FREEZE_INBOUND - Inbound structure for Freeze/Unfreeze process

FARR_S_FREEZE_INBOUND_RESULT - Result of the Freeze/Unfreeze process

FARR_S_FREEZE_INB_CONTR_GROUP - Inbound structure Freeze/Unfreeze process by Contract Group

FARR_S_FREE_SEL_MON_DFLT - FARR_RAI_MON Free Selections - Default Fields

FARR_S_FREE_SEL_MON_EXCL - FARR_RAI_MON Free Selections - Excluded Fields



FARR_S_FREE_SEL_NEWACP_FIELDS - Fields for further Selection

FARR_S_FREE_SEL_PROC_DFLT - FARR_RAI_PROC Free Selections - Default Fields

FARR_S_FREE_SEL_PROC_EXCL - FARR_RAI_PROC Free Selections - Excluded Fields

FARR_S_FREE_SEL_TRANS_DFLT - FARR_RAI_TRANS Free Selections - Default Fields

FARR_S_FREE_SEL_TRANS_EXCL - FARR_RAI_TRANS Free Selections - Excluded Fields

FARR_S_FULFILLMENT_API - Interface structure for fulfilments

FARR_S_FULFILLMENT_ATTR_WS - Structure for Fulfillment Attributes

FARR_S_FULFILLMENT_DB - Fulfillment DB structure

FARR_S_FULFILLMENT_INPUT - Input structure for fulfill on fulfillment list

FARR_S_FULFILLMENT_RESULT - Fulfillment Result structure

FARR_S_FULFILLMENT_WS - Structure for Fulfillment Data

FARR_S_FULFILLMT_CONDTYPE_API - Interface Structure for Fulfillment Condition Type

FARR_S_FULFILL_AMOUNT - Fulfill amount for spreading use

FARR_S_FULFILL_ATTR - Structure for Fulfillment Attributes

FARR_S_FULFILL_DATA - Structure for Fulfillment Data

FARR_S_FULFILL_DATA_BUFFER - Structure of fulfillment buffer

FARR_S_FULFILL_GROUP - Fulfill group and group total quantity

FARR_S_FULFILL_KEY - BOL Object Key for Fulfillment

FARR_S_FULFILL_QTY - fulfill quantity

FARR_S_FULFILL_QTY_NOM_DENOM - Fulfillment Quantity Nominator Denominator

FARR_S_FULFILL_QUANTITY - Fulfillment with aggregated quantity

FARR_S_FULFILL_TYPE - select option for fulfill type

FARR_S_FULLY_FULFILL_POB - Fully fulfill pob ids and they contract

FARR_S_FX2_CALC_RULES - FX2 calculation rules for new invoice/revenue

FARR_S_FX2_EXPL - Tool for FX2 Explanation - Record Structure

FARR_S_FX2_EXPL_AMT - FX2 Explanation - Amounts to be logged

FARR_S_FX2_EXPL_ED - FX2 Explanation - ED to be logged

FARR_S_FX2_EXPL_STATUS - Status of FX2 Explanation (Logging)

FARR_S_GEN_BRF - BRF+ input structure for main items

FARR_S_GEN_CO_BRF - BRF+ input structure for conditions

FARR_S_GROUP_ID_RANGE - Structure of group id

FARR_S_HEADER_BRF - BRF+ Header Export Structure


FARR_S_HEADER_CONTRACT_PACK - package of header IDs and contracts for FARR_IL_CLEANUP

FARR_S_HEADER_CONTR_PACK_PROD - Package of header IDs and contracts for FARR_PROD_CLEANUP


FARR_S_HEADER_ID_RANGE - Structure of Header ID range

FARR_S_HEADER_PACK - package of header IDs for FARR_IL_CLEANUP


FARR_S_HIGHERLEVELDOCUMENT - Structure for Higher-Level Document Item

FARR_S_HILDOC - High-level Document

FARR_S_HKONT_RANGE - Range structure for G/L account

FARR_S_ICCO_BASIC - Interf. comp. struc. Basic Fields of Conditions

FARR_S_ICCO_BASIC4 - Interf. comp. struc. Basic Fields of Conditions - processed

FARR_S_ICCO_KEY - Interf. comp. struc. for Key fields Conditions

FARR_S_ICCO_KEY4 - Interf. comp. struc. for Key fields Conditions - processed

FARR_S_ICMI01_BASIC - Interf. comp. struc. Basic Fields of Order Items, Main Items

FARR_S_ICMI01_CA - Interf. comp. struc. CA Invoice item fields (MI)

FARR_S_ICMI01_COPA0 - Interf. comp. struc. CO-PA Fields Ord. Item/Main Item Stat 0

FARR_S_ICMI01_COPA2 - Interf. comp. struc. CO-PA Fields Ord. Item/Main Item Stat 2

FARR_S_ICMI01_CRM - Interf. comp. struc. CRM Fields of Main Items

FARR_S_ICMI01_SD - Interf. comp. struc. SD Fields of Main Items

FARR_S_ICMI01_SD0 - Interf. comp. struc. SD Fields of Main Items - raw

FARR_S_ICMI02_BASIC - Interf. comp. struc. Basic Fields of Fulfillment, Main Items

FARR_S_ICMI03_BASIC - Interf. comp. struc. Basic Fields Invoice item, Main Items

FARR_S_ICMI03_BASIC2 - Interf. comp. struc. Basic Fields Invoice items Status 2

FARR_S_ICMI03_BASIC4 - Interf. comp. struc. Basic Fields Invoice items Status 4

FARR_S_ICMI_BASIC - Interf. comp. struc. Basic Fields of Main Items

FARR_S_ICMI_BASIC0 - Interf. comp. struc. Basic Fields of Main Items status 0

FARR_S_ICMI_BASIC1 - Interf. comp. struc. Basic Fields of Main Items status 1

FARR_S_ICMI_BASIC2 - Interf. comp. struc. Basic Fields of Main Items status 2

FARR_S_ICMI_BASIC3 - Interf. comp. struc. Basic Fields of Main Items status 3

FARR_S_ICMI_BASIC4 - Interf. comp. struc. Basic Fields of Main Items status 4

FARR_S_ICMI_BOM - Bill-of-Material

FARR_S_ICMI_CA - Interf. comp. struc. CA Fields of Main Items

FARR_S_ICMI_KEY - Interf. comp. struc. for Key fields Main Items

FARR_S_ICMI_KEY4 - Interf. comp. struc. for Key fields Main Items processed

FARR_S_ICRAI0_CO_ALL - Fields for Work Structure Conditions RAI0

FARR_S_ICRAI0_CO_KEY - Key fields Revenue Accounting Items Conditions - status raw

FARR_S_ICRAI0_KEY - Basic Data of Revenue Accounting Items (Main) Items

FARR_S_ICRAI0_MI_ALL - Fields for Work Structure Main Items RAI0

FARR_S_ICRAI2_CO_ALL - Fields for Work Structure Conditions RAI2

FARR_S_ICRAI2_MI_ALL - Fields for Work Structure Main Items RAI2

FARR_S_ICRAI4_CO_ALL - Fields for Work Structure Conditions RAI4

FARR_S_ICRAI4_MI_ALL - Fields for Work Structure Main Items RAI4

FARR_S_ICRAI_API_CO_ALL - Fields for API Work Structure - Condition

FARR_S_ICRAI_API_MI_ALL - Fields for API Work Structure - Main Items

FARR_S_ICRAI_CI - SAP Fields That Are Allowed to Be Used as Customer Fields

FARR_S_ID_NAME - structure for combine id and name into one field

FARR_S_INB_AGGREGATED_ITEM - Aggregated raw POB item

FARR_S_INB_AGGR_ORIGDOC_QUAN - Aggregated origdoc quantity

FARR_S_INB_API_SWITCH_MI - Main item work structure for Inbound Processing API Switch

FARR_S_INB_API_SWITCH_WS - Item work structure for Inbound Processing API Switch

FARR_S_INB_BASIC_BRF - RAI BRF+ basic fields

FARR_S_INB_BASIC_MI_ATTR - Inbound Processing - Basic attributes

FARR_S_INB_BASIC_MI_ATTR_INT - Inbound Processing - INTERNAL Basic attributes

FARR_S_INB_BRF - Inbound Processing - BRF structure

FARR_S_INB_CA_FLFMT_MI_API - API Structure - FI-CA Fulfillment - Main Item



FARR_S_INB_CA_INVOICE_CO_API - API Structure - FI-CA Invoice - Condition Item

FARR_S_INB_CA_INVOICE_MI_API - API Structure - FI-CA Invoice - Main Item


FARR_S_INB_CA_ORDER_CO_API - API Structure - FI-CA Order - Condition Item

FARR_S_INB_CA_ORDER_MI_API - API Structure - FI-CA Order - Main Item

FARR_S_INB_CIP_MI_FIELDS - Fields specific for Inbound Processing Classic

FARR_S_INB_CONDITION_ITEM_DB - RAR Inbound Processing - Processed Condition Item DB struct

FARR_S_INB_CONDITION_ITEM_WS - Working structure for Condition Item

FARR_S_INB_COPA_DB - DB structure for Postponed Order Item COPA data

FARR_S_INB_COST_API - API Structure - Generic Cost

FARR_S_INB_COST_API_AIF - API Structure - Generic Costs - AIF Interface mapping

FARR_S_INB_COST_API_BULK_AIF - API Structure - Generic Order - BULK AIF Interface mapping

FARR_S_INB_COST_CO_API - API Structure - Generic Cost - Condition Item

FARR_S_INB_COST_INV_MI_ATTR - Inbound Processing - Cost and Invoice attributes

FARR_S_INB_COST_MI_API - API Structure - Generic Cost - Main Item

FARR_S_INB_COST_MI_ATTR - Structure for Cost Main item attributes

FARR_S_INB_CO_ATTR - Inbound Processing - Condition Item business fields

FARR_S_INB_CO_KEY - Inbound Processing - Condition Item key

FARR_S_INB_CRM_FLFMT_MI_API - API Structure - CRM Fulfillment - Main Item



FARR_S_INB_CRM_INVOICE_CO_API - API Structure - CRM Invoice - Condition Item

FARR_S_INB_CRM_INVOICE_MI_API - API Structure - CRM Invoice - Main Item

FARR_S_INB_CRM_ORDER_API - Api Structure - CRM Order

FARR_S_INB_CRM_ORDER_CO_API - API Structure - CRM Order - Condition Item

FARR_S_INB_CRM_ORDER_MI_API - API Structure - CRM Order - Main Item

FARR_S_INB_CURRENCIES - Inbound Processing - Currencies

FARR_S_INB_EXT_COST_API - API Structure - Cost data from external sender type

FARR_S_INB_EXT_FLFMT_API - API Structure - Fulfillment data from external sender type

FARR_S_INB_EXT_INVOICE_API - API Structure - Invoice data from external sender type

FARR_S_INB_EXT_ORDER_API - API Structure - Order data from external sender type

FARR_S_INB_FLFMT_API_BULK_AIF - API Structure - Generic Order - BULK AIF Interface mapping

FARR_S_INB_FLFMT_MI_API - API Structure - Generic Fulfillment - Main Item

FARR_S_INB_FULFILLMENT_API - API Generic Fulfillment RA Item

FARR_S_INB_FULFILLMENT_API_AIF - API Structure - Generic Fulfillment - AIF Interface mapping

FARR_S_INB_FULFILLMENT_MI_ATTR - Inbound Processing - Fulfillment attributes

FARR_S_INB_INTERNAL_MI_ATTR - Inbound Processing - Main Item Postponed int. fields

FARR_S_INB_INVC_API_BULK_AIF - API Structure - Generic Order - BULK AIF Interface mapping

FARR_S_INB_INVOICE_API - API Structure - Generic Invoice

FARR_S_INB_INVOICE_API_AIF - API Structure - Generic Invoice - AIF Interface mapping

FARR_S_INB_INVOICE_CA_ATTR - Inbound Processing - Invoice attributes (FI-CA)

FARR_S_INB_INVOICE_CO_API - API Structure - Generic Invoice - Condition Item

FARR_S_INB_INVOICE_MI_API - API Structure - Generic Invoice - Main Item

FARR_S_INB_INVOICE_MI_ATTR - Inbound Processing - Invoice attributes

FARR_S_INB_ITEM_CO_DB_KEY - RAR Condition Item DB Key for Postponed Items

FARR_S_INB_ITEM_DB_KEY - RAR Inbound Item DB key for Postponed Items

FARR_S_INB_ITEM_ENQUEUE - Structure for locking RAR Inbound Items

FARR_S_INB_ITEM_HEADER_ID - Inbound Processing : Item DB Key with HEADER_ID

FARR_S_INB_ITEM_KEY - RAR Inbound Item Key for processing

FARR_S_INB_ITEM_POSTPONE_INFO - Structure for RAR Inbound Item Keys with Postpone Reason

FARR_S_INB_ITEM_RUNTIME_FIELDS - Inbound Processing: Inbound Item Runtime Fields

FARR_S_INB_ITEM_WS - Working structure for Inbound Item (Ord,Flfmt,Cost,Inv)

FARR_S_INB_MAIN_ITEM_DATA - RAR Inbound Processing - Main Item Buffer Structure

FARR_S_INB_MAIN_ITEM_WS - Working structure for Main Item (Ord,Flfmt,Cost,Invoice)

FARR_S_INB_MI_ATTR - Inbound Processing - Main Item business fields

FARR_S_INB_ORDER_API - API Structure - Generic Order

FARR_S_INB_ORDER_API_AIF - API Structure - Generic Order - AIF Interface mapping

FARR_S_INB_ORDER_ATTR - Inbound Processing - Order attributes (generic)

FARR_S_INB_ORDER_CA_ATTR - Inbound Processing - Order attributes (FI-CA)

FARR_S_INB_ORDER_CO_API - API Structure - Generic Order - Condition Item

FARR_S_INB_ORDER_CRM_ATTR - Inbound Processing - Order attributes (CRM)

FARR_S_INB_ORDER_MI_API - API Structure - Generic Order - Main Item

FARR_S_INB_ORDER_MI_ATTR - Inbound Processing - Order attributes

FARR_S_INB_ORDER_SD_ATTR - Inbound Processing - Order attributes (SD)

FARR_S_INB_ORD_API_BULK_AIF - API Structure - Generic Order - BULK AIF Interface mapping

FARR_S_INB_ORD_BRF - RAI BRF+ Order generic fields



FARR_S_INB_ORD_INV_MI_ATTR - Inbound Processing - Order and Invoice attributes


FARR_S_INB_POB_BRF - BRF+ export structure Performance Obligation

FARR_S_INB_PROFIT_ATTR_API - Profitabilty Supplement

FARR_S_INB_RAI_TYPE_SRCDOC - Inbound processing - RAI type for Source document

FARR_S_INB_RAW_CONDITION_ITEM - RAR Inbound Processing Raw Condition Item

FARR_S_INB_RAW_ITEM - RAR Inbound Processing Raw Item Structure

FARR_S_INB_RAW_ITEM_RESULT - Inbound Processing : RAW item processing result

FARR_S_INB_RAW_MAIN_ITEM - RAR Inbound Processing Raw Main Item

FARR_S_INB_REFERENCE_ENQUEUE - Structure for locking Reference

FARR_S_INB_SD_COST_API - API Structure - SD Cost

FARR_S_INB_SD_COST_CO_API - API Structure - SD Cost - Condition Item

FARR_S_INB_SD_COST_MI_API - API Structure - SD Cost - Main Item

FARR_S_INB_SD_FLFMT_MI_API - API Structure - SD Fulfillment - Main Item

FARR_S_INB_SD_FULFILLMENT_API - API Structure - SD Fulfillment

FARR_S_INB_SD_INVOICE_API - API Structure - SD Invoice

FARR_S_INB_SD_INVOICE_CO_API - API Structure - SD Invoice - Condition Item

FARR_S_INB_SD_INVOICE_MI_API - API Structure - SD Invoice - Main Item

FARR_S_INB_SD_ORDER_API - API Structure - SD Order

FARR_S_INB_SD_ORDER_CO_API - API Structure - SD Order - Condition Item

FARR_S_INB_SD_ORDER_MI_API - API Structure - SD Order - Main Item

FARR_S_INB_SRCDOC_ENQUEUE - Structure for locking RAR Inbound Items by SRCDOC

FARR_S_INB_SRCDOC_ITEM_MSG - Inbound Source Document Item Message

FARR_S_INCL00_CA - Interf. comp. struc. O2C Fields of Main Items

FARR_S_INCL01_CA - Interf. comp. struc. O2C Fields of Main Items

FARR_S_INVOICED_POB - Customer Invoice data based on POB

FARR_S_INVOICED_POB_API - Interface Structure of FARR invoiced POB


FARR_S_INVOICE_AMOUNT - invoice amount for pob

FARR_S_INVOICE_API - Interface Structure of FARR Invoice

FARR_S_INVOICE_ATTR - Attribute Structure of Invoice

FARR_S_INVOICE_ATTR_WS - Attributes of an Invoice (working structure)

FARR_S_INVOICE_COND_ITEM_BADI - BAdI Structure - Invoice Condition Item

FARR_S_INVOICE_COND_TYPE_API - Interface Structure of FARR Invoice Condition Type

FARR_S_INVOICE_COND_TYPE_DATA - Invoice condition type data

FARR_S_INVOICE_DATA - Structure of Invoice Data

FARR_S_INVOICE_DB - Invoice DB data

FARR_S_INVOICE_DETAIL - Structure of invoice detail

FARR_S_INVOICE_GROUP - Structure of invoice group by period and contract ID

FARR_S_INVOICE_ITEM_BADI - BAdI Structure - Invoice

FARR_S_INVOICE_KEY - Invoice key GUI per POB

FARR_S_INVOICE_MAIN_ITEM_BADI - BAdI Structure - Invoice Main Item

FARR_S_INVOICE_WS - Invoice working structure

FARR_S_INV_COND_TYPE_BUFFER - Invoice condition type buffer

FARR_S_INV_COND_W_CONTRACT_ID - Invoice condition type with contract ID


FARR_S_INV_FX_ED - Structure of FARR_D_INV_FX_ED Table

FARR_S_INV_FX_ED_ATTR - Structure of distributed invoice & exchange rate difference

FARR_S_INV_FX_ED_BUFFER - Buffer of FARR_D_INV_FX_ED (donot add before DUE_PERIOD)

FARR_S_INV_FX_ED_DATA - Structure of invoice exchange rate including contract id

FARR_S_INV_FX_ED_DB - Distributed invoice & exchange rate difference DB data

FARR_S_INV_ITEM_CNDN_ITEM_XI - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_S_ITEMS_BOM_BRF - Structure for Bill Of Material Main Items

FARR_S_ITEMS_PROCESSING - Processing indicators structure for sales document item

FARR_S_ITEMS_WORK - Work structure for processable items

FARR_S_ITEM_BASIC_ATTR_BADI - Basic data common to all document structures

FARR_S_ITEM_ID - Structure for Item IDs

FARR_S_ITEM_KEY - Item key

FARR_S_ITEM_MESSAGE_BADI - BAdI message Structure

FARR_S_ITEM_PROC - Inbound Processing: Item proc. status for AccountPrinciple

FARR_S_JOB - Structure for Job Information

FARR_S_JOB_DEFINITION - Period Job Schedule

FARR_S_JOB_LIST - Structure for job list

FARR_S_JOB_VARIANT_LIST - Job variant list

FARR_S_KEYPP - Structure of KEYPP

FARR_S_KEYPP_BUKRS - Subarea (KEYPP) and Company Code


FARR_S_KEYPP_BUKRS_NO_ENQ - Locked Subarea (KEYPP) and Company Code

FARR_S_KEY_PP - Structure of KEYPP

FARR_S_LC_CALC_METH - Structure for active accounting principles in migration

FARR_S_LEGACYC_API - Legacy Data for initial load of Conditions structure for API

FARR_S_LEGACYC_FIELDS - Fields for body of table FARR_D_LEGACYC (without key)

FARR_S_LEGACYSF_API - Legacy Data for scheduled fulfillments structure for API

FARR_S_LEGACYSF_FIELDS - Fields for body of table FARR_D_LEGACYSF (without key)

FARR_S_LEGACY_API - Legacy Data structure for API

FARR_S_LEGACY_FIELDS - Fields for body of table FARR_D_LEGACY (without key)


FARR_S_LEGACY_OCM_MIG_LOG_ALV - ALV table structure for Legacy to OCM migration result rep.

FARR_S_LEGACY_OCM_MIG_RES_ALV - ALV table structure for Migration Result Report

FARR_S_LEG_OCM_MIG_MSG_CTX_VAL - Legacy Systems to OCM migration log message context data


FARR_S_LIAB_BALANCE_ATTR - Liability Balance Attribute

FARR_S_LOCAL_CURRENCIES - Local currencies

FARR_S_MANL_CHNG_ATTR - Attribute Structure of POB Manual Change

FARR_S_MANL_CHNG_ATTR_UI - UI Attribute Structure of POB Manaul Change

FARR_S_MANL_CHNG_DATA - Structure of Manual Change Data

FARR_S_MANL_CHNG_DATA_TEMP - Structure of Manual Change Data with POB Temp ID

FARR_S_MANL_CHNG_DATA_WITHATTR - Structure of Manual Change with changed attribute

FARR_S_MANUAL_CHANGED_RANGE - Manual changed range structure

FARR_S_MANUAL_CHANGE_ADMIN - Administration Fields for POB Manual Change

FARR_S_MANUAL_CHANGE_ATTR - Attributes of manual change item (working structure)

FARR_S_MANUAL_CHANGE_ATTR_WS - Attributes of manual change item (working structure)

FARR_S_MANUAL_CHANGE_DB - Manual changes of Performance Obligations of DB data

FARR_S_MANUAL_CHANGE_KEY - Key Fields for POB Manual Change

FARR_S_MANUAL_CHANGE_KEY_WS - Key Fields for POB Manual Change Working Structure

FARR_S_MANUAL_CHANGE_UI_DATA - Contract Manual Change UI Data

FARR_S_MANUAL_CHANGE_WS - Performance obligation manual change working structure

FARR_S_MANUAL_CONTRACT_QUERY - search criteria for finding contract with manual fulfill POB

FARR_S_MANUAL_FULFILLMENT - Manual Fulfillment Event for Initial Load

FARR_S_MANUAL_FULLFIL_QTY - Manual Fulfillment Quanlity

FARR_S_MAPPING - Mapping Table to map source document to POBs of RA-Contracts

FARR_S_MAPPING_ACCPR - Mapping between Accounting Principles

FARR_S_MAPPING_ACCPR_UNION - Mapping between Accounting Principles (Union)

FARR_S_MAPPING_ACCPR_UNION_GRP - Mapping between Accounting Principles (Union) with group id

FARR_S_MAPPING_ADD - Structure Mapping Table Item

FARR_S_MAPPING_ATTRS - Mapping table attributes

FARR_S_MAPPING_BUFFER - Structure Mapping Table Item

FARR_S_MAPPING_F - Mapping for Fulfillment

FARR_S_MAPPING_I - Mapping for Invoices

FARR_S_MAPPING_KEY - Mapping table key

FARR_S_MAPPING_M - Mapping of manual POBs between Accounting Principles

FARR_S_MAPPING_POB_BUFFER_KEY - Key Structure for related POBs and Contract IDs

FARR_S_MAPPING_POB_KEY - Key Structure for related POBs and Contract IDs


FARR_S_MAPPING_UPD - Structure for Mapping Table Update

FARR_S_MARK_REVIEW_UI - Mark POB as reviewed structure

FARR_S_MC_CALC_COND - MC Calc. structure, condition amount calc. (split, rounding)

FARR_S_MC_CALC_POB - Calculation structure, POB information for calculation

FARR_S_MC_COST_CO - Cost Condition Item structure for Migration Cockpit API

FARR_S_MC_COST_CO_API - Cost Condition Item structure for Migration Cockpit API

FARR_S_MC_COST_MI - Cost Main Item structure for Migration Cockpit API

FARR_S_MC_COST_MI_API - Cost Main Item structure for Migration Cockpit API

FARR_S_MC_DATA_DOC - Structure for SD Migration data


FARR_S_MC_DATA_LEG - Data, LEGACY records (plan or real) for a potential 01 RAI

FARR_S_MC_DATA_LEG_COND - Data, Legacy condition information

FARR_S_MC_DATA_LEG_MAIN - Data, Legacy main items information

FARR_S_MC_DATA_LEG_SCH - Data, Legacy schedule information

FARR_S_MC_DATA_POBATTR - Data, Expected POB attributes

FARR_S_MC_DATA_POBREV - Data, POB level legacy recognized revenue

FARR_S_MC_DATA_POBREV_COND - Data, POB level legacy recognized revenue condition

FARR_S_MC_DATA_RAI - Data, RAIs related to a potential type 01 RAI

FARR_S_MC_DELECT_SO - MC structure for selection

FARR_S_MC_FLFMT_MI - Fulfullment Main Item structure for Migration Cockpit API

FARR_S_MC_FLFMT_MI_API - Fulfullment Main Item structure for Migration Cockpit API

FARR_S_MC_INVOICE_CO - Invoice Main Items structure for Migration Cockpit API

FARR_S_MC_INVOICE_CO_API - Invoice Main Items structure for Migration Cockpit API

FARR_S_MC_INVOICE_MI - Invoice Main Items structure for Migration Cockpit API

FARR_S_MC_INVOICE_MI_API - Invoice Main Items structure for Migration Cockpit API

FARR_S_MC_MIG_PARAM - Migration parameters for Migration Cockpit

FARR_S_MC_MIG_PARAM_API - Migration parameters for Migration Cockpit

FARR_S_MC_ORDER_CO - Order Condition Items structure for Migration Cockpit API

FARR_S_MC_ORDER_CO_API - Order Condition Items structure for Migration Cockpit API

FARR_S_MC_ORDER_MI - Order Main Items structure for Migration Cockpit API

FARR_S_MC_ORDER_MI_API - Order Main Items structure for Migration Cockpit API

FARR_S_MC_PARAM - PPF Parameters for Migration Cockpit

FARR_S_MC_RAI_COND - NC structure for RAI condition info

FARR_S_MC_RAI_MAIN - MC Structure for Main RAI info



FARR_S_MC_VBELN - Sales Documents

FARR_S_MC_VBRP - MC Billing document

FARR_S_MESSAGE - Message with light

FARR_S_MESSAGE_DATA - Message Data for Message Handler


FARR_S_MIGR_BALANCES - Table structure for Migration Balances Report

FARR_S_MIG_ED_PP_PARAM - Parallel job parameter: Migration Exchange Rate Difference

FARR_S_MIG_PACKAGE - Migration package

FARR_S_MIG_PACKAGE_RANGE - FARR migration package range

FARR_S_MIG_REPORT_RESULT_DET - Result Structure for Initial Load Report (Detail View)

FARR_S_MIG_REPORT_RESULT_SUM - Result Structure for Initial Load Report (Summary View)

FARR_S_MON_SEL_LEGACY - Personalized display of legacy data

FARR_S_MON_SEL_TECH - Personalized display of technical fields

FARR_S_MON_SEL_USR - Personalized Action

FARR_S_MSG - Structure of Message

FARR_S_MSG_CONTEXT - Message Context

FARR_S_MSG_CTX_REPLACE - Old and new context information

FARR_S_NAME_VALUE - Field name and value

FARR_S_NEW_COMPOUND_POB - New Compound POB Structure

FARR_S_NEW_POB_CT_DET_BADI - New POB data determine change type BAdI

FARR_S_NOTE - Note structure

FARR_S_OBJNR - Revenue object number



FARR_S_OCM_MIGR_FLFMT_MI_WS - OCM Migration: Fulfillment RAI MI

FARR_S_OCM_MIGR_FLFMT_WS - OCM Migration: Fulfillment RAI





FARR_S_OI_CNDN_ITEM_XI - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_S_OI_PRFTABLTY_SUPLMNT_XI - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_S_OLD_POB_CT_DET_BADI - Old POB data input to determine change type BAdI

FARR_S_OL_PARAMETERS - OCM Migration: migration parameters

FARR_S_OPERATION_DOC - Operation Document Info

FARR_S_ORDER_COND_ITEM_BADI - BAdI Structure - Order Condition Item

FARR_S_ORDER_ITEM_BADI - BAdI Structure - Order Item

FARR_S_ORDER_ITEM_DATA - RAR Order Item Frequently Used Attributes

FARR_S_ORDER_MAIN_ITEM_BADI - BAdI Structure - Order Main Item

FARR_S_ORIGDOC - Structure Original Document

FARR_S_ORIGINALDOCUMENT - Structure for Original Document

FARR_S_ORIG_RAIC - RAI class for Source Document Item Type

FARR_S_OUTSTAND_RESULT - Result for Outstanding POBs by Contract monthly

FARR_S_OUTSTAND_REVENUE_SEARCH - Outstanding revenue search criteria

FARR_S_OWN_PRICE_EXPLAINER - Structure type used by Simulation

FARR_S_PA_CONTRACT_SEARCH - Search for Posted Amounted By Contract

FARR_S_PA_POB_TYPE_SEARCH - Search For Posted Amount POB Type

FARR_S_PERIOD_CLOSE - Structure for Cust. Table FARR_C_CLOSE

FARR_S_PERIOD_DATE - Structure of Period date

FARR_S_PERIOD_RANGE - line of posting period range table

FARR_S_PERIOD_SCHEDULE - Period Job Schedule

FARR_S_PERIOD_WITH_DATES - Structure of fiscal periods with dates

FARR_S_PLANNEDINVOICEDOCUMENT - Structure for Planned Invoice

FARR_S_PLANNED_INVOICE_DOC - Structure Planned Invoice

FARR_S_PNG_PARAM - Parallel job parameter: UI elements to PPF

FARR_S_POBTYPE_PIE - Structure for POB type pie chart

FARR_S_POB_4_LIAB_ASSET_BADI - POB Data Input For Calculate Liability and Asset BAdI

FARR_S_POB_ACCOUNT - Structure of POB account. Extract from defitem.

FARR_S_POB_ACCRUAL_DATA - Structure of POB data needed by Accrual Management

FARR_S_POB_ACCT_PRINCIPLE - Structure of POB Accounting Principle

FARR_S_POB_ACTP_COCD - Structure of POB header data

FARR_S_POB_ADV_QUERY - Advance POB query structure

FARR_S_POB_ALCTD_AMT_W_FLG - Structure for POB's Allocated Amount with Change Flag


FARR_S_POB_ALLOCATED_AMOUNT - Allocated Amount for a Performance Obligation


FARR_S_POB_AMOUNT - POB id with diff amount

FARR_S_POB_AMT_LIABLITY_ASSET - Structure for Liability and Asset amount in each POB

FARR_S_POB_API - Interface Structure of FARR Performance Obligation

FARR_S_POB_API_MAIN - Main API Structure of Performance Obligation

FARR_S_POB_ATTR - Attribute Structure of POB

FARR_S_POB_ATTR_AIMD - Structure for Datasource 0FARR_POB_ATTR2

FARR_S_POB_ATTR_BUFFER - Attribute Structure of POB

FARR_S_POB_ATTR_EX - Structure of extra POB attributes

FARR_S_POB_ATTR_SPLIT - POB attributes used for prospective split

FARR_S_POB_ATTR_WS - Attribute Structure of POB

FARR_S_POB_BRF - BRF+ export structure Performance Obligation

FARR_S_POB_CALC_DATE - POB header data with inovice date

FARR_S_POB_CHANGE_DATA - Structrue of new POB entry and old POB entry

FARR_S_POB_CHANGE_IF - Structure of POB change

FARR_S_POB_CHANGE_MODE - Structure of POB Change Mode


FARR_S_POB_CHG_AMOUNT - POB changed amounts

FARR_S_POB_CHG_HIS - Structure of POB Change History

FARR_S_POB_CHG_MODE_REASON - Structure for POB Change Mode Reason

FARR_S_POB_CHG_SIM - POB change simulation information

FARR_S_POB_CHG_VALUE - POB changed values

FARR_S_POB_CHG_VALUE_EX_ALLOC - Pob changed value for excluded allocation ones


FARR_S_POB_COMPOUND_STRUCTURE - Structure of Higher Level POB ID and CO Object Number

FARR_S_POB_COMP_TRAN_ENH - Structure of Enhancement for transition comparative report

FARR_S_POB_COM_CODE_SALES_ORG - POB with company code and sales org for authority check

FARR_S_POB_COND_ACCT - Account for POB and condition type level

FARR_S_POB_COND_TYPE - POB and condition type

FARR_S_POB_COOBJNR - Structure of POB ID and CO Object Number

FARR_S_POB_COST_API - Interface structure for POB Cost

FARR_S_POB_CO_ACCT - Raw Data for Performance Obligations - with Acc. Principle

FARR_S_POB_CREATE - Creation Structure of FARR Performance Obligation

FARR_S_POB_CREATE_IF - Creation Structure of FARR Performance Obligation

FARR_S_POB_CTYPE_ADMIN - Adminstration Fields for POB Change Type

FARR_S_POB_CTYPE_ATTR - POB Change Type Attributes

FARR_S_POB_CTYPE_DB - POB Change Type DB data

FARR_S_POB_CTYPE_KEY - Key Fields for POB Change Type

FARR_S_POB_CTYPE_WS - POB Change Type Working Structure

FARR_S_POB_DATA - Structure of POB Data

FARR_S_POB_DATA_AMT - POB master data with Invoice, revenue and Billable amount

FARR_S_POB_DATA_BRF - POB value in Revenue Accounting Engine for BRF+


FARR_S_POB_DATA_CHG - POB data change structure

FARR_S_POB_DATA_REV_TRANSFER - POB data-program A build for FX and Posting management

FARR_S_POB_DATA_UI - POB data with amount from condition type

FARR_S_POB_DATA_WITH_ATTR - Structure of changed POB with attribute

FARR_S_POB_DB - POB DB related data

FARR_S_POB_DEFERRAL - Structure for right of return based on POB ID

FARR_S_POB_DELETE_IF - Delete Structure of FARR Performance Obligation

FARR_S_POB_DIS_INVOICE - Structure of Distributed Invoice on POB level

FARR_S_POB_FREEZE - Freeze period boundaries

FARR_S_POB_FREEZE_ADMIN - Adminstration Fields for POB Freeze

FARR_S_POB_FREEZE_API - POB-related API structure for freeze period process

FARR_S_POB_FREEZE_ATTR - POB Freeze Attributes

FARR_S_POB_FREEZE_DB - Freeze Periods of Performance Obligations DB data

FARR_S_POB_FREEZE_KEY - Key Fields for POB freeze

FARR_S_POB_FREEZE_RESULT - Result of the freeze period processing

FARR_S_POB_FREEZE_WS - Performance obligation freeze list working structure

FARR_S_POB_FULFILLMENT_API - Interface structure for POB Fulfillments

FARR_S_POB_FULFILL_QUANTITY - fulfill quantity


FARR_S_POB_HISTORY - Structure for POB/Contract Structure Change History

FARR_S_POB_ID_INDEX - pob reference with id as index

FARR_S_POB_ID_MAP - Mapping Structure for POB Temporary ID and POB ID

FARR_S_POB_ID_RANGE - Structure of POB ID range


FARR_S_POB_KEY - Key Structure of POB


FARR_S_POB_LOG_DATA_ATTR - Structure For POB Log Data Attribute

FARR_S_POB_MAIN - Main Structure of FARR Performance Obligation

FARR_S_POB_MAIN_WS - Main Structure of FARR Performance Obligation

FARR_S_POB_MISSING_INFO - Missing POB information in reconciliation between RAI and RA

FARR_S_POB_NAME_RANGE - Structure of POB Name Range

FARR_S_POB_NAME_REFERENCE - The mapping of POB name and its reference

FARR_S_POB_NOT_PROCESSED - Number of not processed RAI related to POB.

FARR_S_POB_ORDER_INFO - POB's original order information

FARR_S_POB_PIE - POB structure for POB pie chart

FARR_S_POB_POSTING - posting information of one POB, calculated by accrual engine

FARR_S_POB_POSTING_DATA - Attributes of POB used by posting


FARR_S_POB_QUERY - Query structure of POB

FARR_S_POB_RECON - Structure for POB ID and Reconciliation fields

FARR_S_POB_RECONKEY - Structure of POB on recon key level

FARR_S_POB_REF - Structure of POB references

FARR_S_POB_REF_BUFFER - Structure of POB references

FARR_S_POB_REVENUE - Revenue Amount of POB

FARR_S_POB_REVENUE_DATE - Structure of POB fulfill date

FARR_S_POB_REVSUM - Sum of revenues of Performance Obligation

FARR_S_POB_REV_ACCOUNT - Revenue account field for manual POB

FARR_S_POB_REV_BLOCK_FLAG - Structure of POB revenue block flag

FARR_S_POB_ROR_AMOUNT - Structure of POB ROR Amount value

FARR_S_POB_SIMU - Revenue accounting conditions for simulation

FARR_S_POB_STATUS - Status structure of Performance obligation

FARR_S_POB_STATUS_SET_PARAM - Parallel job parameter: set POB status for migration

FARR_S_POB_STATUS_SET_PKG - Parallel check: package interval

FARR_S_POB_TBL_LOADING_STS - Loading Status on POB Level

FARR_S_POB_TR_ATTR_WS - Transient attributes of a PoB (working structure)

FARR_S_POB_TYPE_ATTR - POB type attribute structure

FARR_S_POB_TYPE_DATA - POB type data structure

FARR_S_POB_TYPE_DATA_BUFFER - POB type data buffer structure

FARR_S_POB_TYPE_DESC - POB type and description

FARR_S_POB_TYPE_KEY - POB Type key structure

FARR_S_POB_TYPE_QUERY - Query structure of POB

FARR_S_POB_TYPE_RANGE - Structure of POB Name Range


FARR_S_POB_VALUE - POB changed values

FARR_S_POB_WS - Structure of POB Data

FARR_S_POPER_AWKEY - Structure for Poper and Awkey

FARR_S_POPER_RECONKEY - A mapping relation between fiscal year period / usable key


FARR_S_POSTED_AMOUNT_CONTRACT - Result for Posted Amount By Contract

FARR_S_POSTED_AMOUNT_POB_TYPE - Result for Performance Obligation Type

FARR_S_POSTED_AMT_PER_ACCOUNT - Structure of posted amount per account

FARR_S_POSTED_COST - Structure of posted cost of cost correction

FARR_S_POSTED_COST_MAIN - Structure of Posted Cost on Condition Type Level

FARR_S_POSTED_REVENUE - Structure of Posted Revenue for Initial Load

FARR_S_POSTING_ATTR - Posting Attribute Structure

FARR_S_POSTING_ATTR_WS - Attributes of a posting item (working structure)

FARR_S_POSTING_BY_ACCOUNT - Structure for simulation to be posted by account

FARR_S_POSTING_BY_ACCOUNT_CLD - Structure for simulation to be posted by account

FARR_S_POSTING_BY_ACCOUNT_MAIN - Structure of include column using by simulate mode by acct

FARR_S_POSTING_BY_CONTRACT - posting entries by contract

FARR_S_POSTING_BY_POB - Structure for simulation to be posted by POB

FARR_S_POSTING_BY_POB_MAIN - Structure of include column using by simulate mode by POB

FARR_S_POSTING_BY_POST_MAIN - Structure of include column using by simulate mode by post

FARR_S_POSTING_DATA - Structure of Posting Data

FARR_S_POSTING_DATA_UI - Structure of Posting Data UI

FARR_S_POSTING_DB - Posting DB data

FARR_S_POSTING_GUID_RANGE - posting guid range


FARR_S_POSTING_KEY_WS - Key of a posting item (working structure)

FARR_S_POSTING_TEXT - Structure for simulation to be posted by account

FARR_S_POSTING_TR_ATTR_WS - Transient attributes of a posting item (working structure)

FARR_S_POSTING_WS - Posting working structure

FARR_S_POSTPONED_POSTING_DB - Postponed Posting DB data

FARR_S_POSTPONED_REVENUE_ATTR - Postponed Revenue Attributes

FARR_S_POSTPONED_REVENUE_DB - Postponed revenue and cost DB structure

FARR_S_POSTPONED_REVENUE_KEY - Postponed Revenue Key Fields

FARR_S_POSTPONED_REVENUE_WS - Working structure of a postponed revenue item

FARR_S_POSTPONED_REV_ATTR_WS - Attributes of a postponed revenue item (working structure)

FARR_S_POSTPONED_REV_KEY_WS - Key of a postponed revenue item (working structure)

FARR_S_POST_ACCT_ASSIGNMT - Post Account Assignment Fields

FARR_S_POST_CAT_RANGE - Structure of post category

FARR_S_POST_DEF_CHANGE_DATA - Structure of posting data and old defitem data

FARR_S_POST_GUID_RANGE - Range structure of post guid

FARR_S_POST_OPTIMIZATION - Posting Optimization Customizing Structure

FARR_S_POWL_QRY_DATA - Structrue for the POWL Query Data


FARR_S_PPF_JOB - Basic info about the mass process of a PPF job

FARR_S_PPRANGE - Structure for range table for parallel process

FARR_S_PPRUN - Structure for table farr_pprun

FARR_S_PPRUNLOG - Revenue Accounting: Mass Run Application Logs

FARR_S_PPRUNSEL - Structure for table farr_pprunsel


FARR_S_PPRUNSPOOL - Structure for table farr_pprunspool

FARR_S_PP_LOCK - Mass Processing: Locked RAIs per Mass Rund ID


FARR_S_PP_PARAM - Parameters for Use of Parallel Processing

FARR_S_PP_SHM_ENTRY - shared memory entry

FARR_S_PRDL_BUNDLE_PP - Valid HEADER_ID/Contract combination for Parallel Processing

FARR_S_PRDL_BUNDLE_PP_PACK - Package-Related PP Param: Valid HEADER_ID/Contract Bundles

FARR_S_PRDL_PP_PARAM - Clean-Up and Reverse the Productive Data: PPF Parameters

FARR_S_PREDECESSORDOCUMENT - Structure for Predecessor Document Item

FARR_S_PREDOC - Structure Predecessor Item

FARR_S_PREDOC_CHANGE_MI - Changeable fields of aggregated predecessor POB

FARR_S_PRICE_ALLOC_CONTR_BADI - Contract data for Price Allocation BAdI

FARR_S_PRICE_ALLOC_POB_BADI - POB data input to price allocation BAdI

FARR_S_PRICE_ALLOC_RESULT_BADI - Price allocation BAdI result

FARR_S_PRICE_SIMULATION - structure for price simulation

FARR_S_PROC_FLFMT_ITEM - Partially proc. or Processed Fulfillment - predoc handling

FARR_S_PROC_INVOICE_ITEM - Partially proc. or Processed Invoice - predoc handling

FARR_S_PRO_CATCHUP - Attribute to describe catchup data

FARR_S_PRO_CATCHUP_BUFFER - Attribute to describe catchup data buffer

FARR_S_PST_CAT_MAP - Structure of Mapping Posting Category

FARR_S_QUANT_EST_BRF - BRF+ export structure: determination of estimated quantity

FARR_S_RAC_BY_CI_UPD_NOTIF - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_S_RAC_BY_FI_UPD_NOTIF - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_S_RAC_BY_II_UPD_NOTIF - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_S_RAC_BY_OI_UPD_NOTIF - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_S_RAI0_CO_ALL - Work Structure - Raw Data Conditions

FARR_S_RAI0_CO_DISP - Display Structure for Condition Items Status Raw

FARR_S_RAI0_CO_FIX - Not changeable Fields for RAI Changing

FARR_S_RAI0_INS - Structure for INSERT RAI0

FARR_S_RAI0_MI_ALL - Work Structure - Raw Data Main Items

FARR_S_RAI0_MI_DISP - Display Structure for Main Items Status Raw

FARR_S_RAI0_MI_FIX - Not changeable Fields for RAI Changing

FARR_S_RAI0_RAIC - Tables per Class - Raw Data

FARR_S_RAI2_CO_ALL - Work Structure - Processable Conditions

FARR_S_RAI2_CO_DISP - Display Structure for Condition Items Status Processable

FARR_S_RAI2_CO_FIX - Not changeable Fields for RAI Changing

FARR_S_RAI2_INS - Structure for INSERT RAI2

FARR_S_RAI2_MI_ALL - Work Structure - Processable Main Items (All RAI Classes)

FARR_S_RAI2_MI_DISP - Display Structure for Main Items Status Processable

FARR_S_RAI2_MI_FIX - Not changeable Fields for RAI Changing

FARR_S_RAI2_RAIC - Tables per Class - Processable

FARR_S_RAI4_CO_ALL - Work Structure - Processed Conditions (all Status)

FARR_S_RAI4_CO_ARCH - Archiving Structure Revenue Accounting Items (Conditionsn)

FARR_S_RAI4_CO_DISP - Display Structure for Condition Items Status Processed

FARR_S_RAI4_CO_KEY - Key Fields - Condition Items - Status processable

FARR_S_RAI4_HEAD_ARCH - Archiving Structure for Revenue Accounting Items (Header)

FARR_S_RAI4_INS - Structure for INSERT RAI4

FARR_S_RAI4_MI_ALL - Work Structure - Processed Main Items

FARR_S_RAI4_MI_ARCH - Archiving Structure Revenue Accounting Items (Main)

FARR_S_RAI4_MI_DISP - Display Structure for Main Items Status Processed

FARR_S_RAI4_RAIC - Tables per Class - Processed

FARR_S_RAIC - Structure for revenue accounting item class

FARR_S_RAIC_DBTAB - Name of Generated Objects for Revenue Accounting Item Class

FARR_S_RAIRECON_COND - Conditions for Reconciliation

FARR_S_RAIRECON_FULFILLMENT - Reconciliation: Structure for Fulfillments

FARR_S_RAIRECON_FULFL_DETAIL - Reconciliation: Structure for Fulfillments

FARR_S_RAIRECON_INVOICE - Reconciliation: Structure for Invoices

FARR_S_RAIRECON_INVOICE_DETAIL - Reconciliation: Structure for Invoices - Detail

FARR_S_RAIRECON_MAP - Reconciliation: Structure for Issues With Mapping Table

FARR_S_RAIRECON_ORDER - Reconciliation: Structure for Order Items

FARR_S_RAIRECON_ORDER_DETAIL - Reconciliation: Structure for Order Items - Details

FARR_S_RAIRECON_POB_COUNT - Structure for counting itemy by POB

FARR_S_RAIX_DEL - Analysis of Exempted Revenue Accounting Items for Deletion

FARR_S_RAI_API_CO_ALL - Interface Structure for API - Conditions

FARR_S_RAI_API_MI_ALL - Interface Structure for API - Main Items

FARR_S_RAI_BASIC_BRF - Basic fields: BRF+ appl. for GL accnt det. during RAI transf

FARR_S_RAI_BASIC_EST_QUAN_BRF - Basic fields: BRF+ appl. for GL accnt det. during RAI transf

FARR_S_RAI_BUKRS_USAGE_END_DAT - Usage End Date for each Company Code

FARR_S_RAI_CA01_BRF - CA01 Input structure: BRF+ accnt. det. during RAI trans.

FARR_S_RAI_CA01_EST_QUAN_BRF - CA01 Input structure: BRF+ est. quantities during RAI trans.



FARR_S_RAI_CONF - Configuration of Revenue Accounting Item Classes

FARR_S_RAI_CONF_0100 - Structure for Screen 0100 (FARR_RAI_CONF)

FARR_S_RAI_CONF_0101 - Structure for Screen 01001 (FARR_RAI_CONF)

FARR_S_RAI_CONF_0105 - Structure for Screen 0105 (FARR_RAI_GEN)

FARR_S_RAI_CONF_0120 - Structure for Screen 0120 (FARR_RAI_CONF)

FARR_S_RAI_CONF_0179 - Structure for Screen 0179 (FARR_RAI_CONF)

FARR_S_RAI_CONF_0199 - Structure for Screen 0199 (FARR_RAI_CONF)

FARR_S_RAI_CONF_0201 - Structure for Screen 0201: Field Display (FARR_RAI_CONF)

FARR_S_RAI_CONF_0220 - Structure for Screen 0220: Field Display (FARR_RAI_CONF)

FARR_S_RAI_CONF_0230 - Structure for Screen 0230: Field Display (FARR_RAI_CONF)

FARR_S_RAI_CONF_0300 - Structure for Screen 0300 (FARR_RAI_CONF)

FARR_S_RAI_CONF_0510 - Structure for Screen 0510 (FARR_RAI_CONF)

FARR_S_RAI_CONF_0520 - Structure for Screen 0520 (FARR_RAI_CONF)

FARR_S_RAI_CONF_0530 - Structure for Screen 0530 (FARR_RAI_CONF)

FARR_S_RAI_CONF_0540 - Structure for Screen 0540 (FARR_RAI_CONF)

FARR_S_RAI_CONF_BASICS - General Configuration Data for RAI Class

FARR_S_RAI_COST_DIF - Structure for recognized cost difference result

FARR_S_RAI_COS_BRF - Account Determination in ARL: Cost Accounts

FARR_S_RAI_CO_ALL - Work Structure for Conditions (all Status)

FARR_S_RAI_CO_ALV_VISIBLE - Display fields on first screen

FARR_S_RAI_CO_DISP - Display Structure for Condition Items

FARR_S_RAI_CO_EDIT - Work Structure for Condition Items (all Status)

FARR_S_RAI_CO_KEY - Key Fields - Condition Items

FARR_S_RAI_CO_TABKEY - Key Tables per Table - Condition Items

FARR_S_RAI_CO_TECH - technical, non visible Fields for RAI Changing (Cond Item)

FARR_S_RAI_DATETIME - Date and Time fields

FARR_S_RAI_DELETE - RAI Deletion structure for initial load

FARR_S_RAI_ENQUEUE - Structure for locking Revenue Accounting Items

FARR_S_RAI_EST_BRF - Estimated amounts and quantities

FARR_S_RAI_EXC - Data Fields for Exceptions

FARR_S_RAI_FIELD - Field of a Revenue Accounting Item Class

FARR_S_RAI_FULFILLMENT_DIF - Structure for src order fulfillment different detail result

FARR_S_RAI_FUNCNAME - Function Modules for Revenue Accounting Items

FARR_S_RAI_GEN - Information for Generation (Work Structure)

FARR_S_RAI_GEN_0100 - Display Generated Objects (Screen 0100 FARR_RAI_GEN)

FARR_S_RAI_GEN_0105 - Structure for Screen 0105 (FARR_RAI_GEN)

FARR_S_RAI_GEN_0110 - Structure for Screen 0110 (FARR_RAI_GEN)

FARR_S_RAI_GEN_BRF - Input structure: BRF+ accnt. det. during RAI trans.

FARR_S_RAI_GEN_INDEX - Information for Generation for Indexes

FARR_S_RAI_GEN_OBJ - Generated Objects for a Revenue Accounting Item Class

FARR_S_RAI_GEN_SIMU - Information for Simulating Generation for RAICAT

FARR_S_RAI_HIST_KEY - Key Fields of Database Table FARR_D_RAI_HIST

FARR_S_RAI_IDS_RACONTRACT_POB - Contract ID and POB for different Account Principles

FARR_S_RAI_IFCOMP - Selection of Interface Components

FARR_S_RAI_IFCOMPS - Interface Components for RAI (Sort Sequence)

FARR_S_RAI_IFCOMP_STRUC - Structures for Interface Components

FARR_S_RAI_INDEX - Index Information for a Revenue Accounting Item Class

FARR_S_RAI_INDEX_FIELDS - Fields of an Index of a Revenue Accounting Item Class

FARR_S_RAI_INVOICE_COND_DIF - Structure for invoice condition type different detail result

FARR_S_RAI_INVOICE_ITEM_DIF - Structure for invoice item different detail result

FARR_S_RAI_MI_ALL - Work Structure for Main Items (all Status)

FARR_S_RAI_MI_ALV_VISIBLE - Display fields on first screen

FARR_S_RAI_MI_DISP - Display Structure for Main Items

FARR_S_RAI_MI_EDIT - Work Structure for Main Items (all Status)

FARR_S_RAI_MI_FREE_SEL - Fields for free selections for RAI Monitor

FARR_S_RAI_MI_KEY - Key Fields - Main Items

FARR_S_RAI_MI_ORIG - Fields for Main Items of Original Document

FARR_S_RAI_MI_TABKEY - Key Tables per Table - Main Items

FARR_S_RAI_MI_TECH - technical, non visible Fields for RAI Changing (Main Item)

FARR_S_RAI_MON_SELCRIT - Selection Criteria for Displaying Revenue Accounting Items


FARR_S_RAI_MSG_DISP - FARR_RAI: Messages for Display

FARR_S_RAI_NO_ENQUEUE - Revenue Accounting Items that could not be locked

FARR_S_RAI_ORDER_DIF - Structure for source order different detail result

FARR_S_RAI_PACK - Structure for packages of Revenue Accounting Items

FARR_S_RAI_PP_PARAM - Parameters for Use of Parallel Processing

FARR_S_RAI_QUANTITY_DIF - Structure for src order total quantity different result

FARR_S_RAI_RACPOB - Structure for RA Contract and POB

FARR_S_RAI_RECON - Structure about RAI reconciliation package fields

FARR_S_RAI_RECON_UI - Structure about RAI reconciliation display result for UI

FARR_S_RAI_RECTYPE - Record Type and Status of the RAI

FARR_S_RAI_RECTYPE_STATUS - Record Type and Status of the RAI

FARR_S_RAI_REC_BRF - Account Determination in ARL: Cost Accounts


FARR_S_RAI_REFERENCEFIELDS - Structure for RAIC Reference Fields

FARR_S_RAI_RESCUE - Fields which prevent the deletion of outdated RAIs

FARR_S_RAI_REV_BRF - Account Determination in ARL: Revenue Accounts

FARR_S_RAI_SAMPLE_CO_COND - Parameters for Generating Test Data (Condition Table)

FARR_S_RAI_SAMPLE_CO_PARAMS - Parameters for Generating Test Data (Conditions)


FARR_S_RAI_SAMPLE_MI_PARAMS - Parameters for Generating Test Data (Main Items)

FARR_S_RAI_SAMPLE_PARAMS - Parameter for sample items

FARR_S_RAI_SEL_MI - Selection Criteria for Displaying Revenue Accounting Items

FARR_S_RAI_SOURCEDOCITEMKEY - Structure for Source Document Key



FARR_S_RAI_SRCKEY - Structure for Source Document Key

FARR_S_RAI_SRCKEY_L - Structure for Source Document Key with long timestamp


FARR_S_RAI_STRUCNAMES - Structures for External Format

FARR_S_RAI_TABNAMES - Table Names for Database Accesses

FARR_S_RAI_UI_HEADER - Structure about RAI reconciliation UI header Information

FARR_S_RANGE_COND - Range table structure for conditions

FARR_S_RARK_PP_PARAM - Parallel job parameter: set migration status

FARR_S_RARK_PP_PKG - Structure for parallel intervals during migration to RA1.1

FARR_S_RAW_POB - Raw Data for Performance Obligation Creation

FARR_S_RAW_POB_CO - Raw Data for Performance Obligations - Conditions

FARR_S_RAW_POB_SIMU - Raw Data for Performance Obligation Creation

FARR_S_REASSIGN_HEADER - Header structure for POB reassignment

FARR_S_REASSIGN_HEADER_FINAL - Header structure for POB reassignment

FARR_S_REASSIGN_SOURCE_OBJS - Source Contracts and POBs of Reassignment

FARR_S_REASSIGN_SRC_OBJS_NEW - Source Contracts and POBs of Reassignment

FARR_S_REASSIGN_USE_IDX - Structure of Reassigment to Indicate Reading Contract by IDX

FARR_S_RECKEY_ATTR - Recon key data source object

FARR_S_RECONKEY_COUPLE - Reconciliation Key Pari for Prospective Split

FARR_S_RECONKEY_DB - Reconciliation key DB data

FARR_S_RECONKEY_WS - Working Structure For Recon Key

FARR_S_RECON_BELNR - Structure for reconciliation key and document number

FARR_S_RECON_BUKRS_KEY_FI - Structure for FI user search Criteria

FARR_S_RECON_BUKRS_KEY_FI_CLD - Structure for FI user search Criteria

FARR_S_RECON_ERR - Structure for reconciliation error table

FARR_S_RECON_FI_RESULT - Structure for Reconciliation FI user result

FARR_S_RECON_FI_RES_DATA - Structure for Reconciliation FI user result

FARR_S_RECON_HISTORY - Structure for reconciliation history table

FARR_S_RECON_KEY - Structure for Reconciliation Key

FARR_S_RECON_KEY_BUFFER - Structure for reconciliation key buffer table

FARR_S_RECON_KEY_COMPONENTS - components of reconciliation key

FARR_S_RECON_KEY_MAIN - The Key part of Reconciliation Key

FARR_S_RECON_KEY_PK - Package Info. Structure for migration from RA 1.0 to 1.1

FARR_S_RECON_KEY_POB - Structure of Recon key and POB

FARR_S_RECON_KEY_RANGE - Structure of Reconciliation key range

FARR_S_RECON_KEY_STATUS_RST - Structure of reconciliation key status result

FARR_S_RECON_PNG_DETAIL - Structure for Reconciliation between Posting and G/L Details

FARR_S_RECON_PNG_DETAIL1 - Structure for Reconciliation between Posting and G/L Details

FARR_S_RECON_PNG_GL - Structure for Reconciliation between Posting and G/L FI

FARR_S_RECON_PNG_POSTING - Structure for Reconciliation between Posting and G/L Posting

FARR_S_RECON_PNG_SRH - Structure for reconciliation between Posting and G/L Search

FARR_S_RECON_PNG_SUMMARY - Structure for Reconciliation between Posting and G/L Summary

FARR_S_RECON_PNG_VDETAIL - Structure for Reconciliation between Posting and G/L Posting

FARR_S_RECON_PNG_VDET_SHADOW - Detail mode of shadow posting used for Recon_posting_gl

FARR_S_RECON_PNG_VSUM - Structure for Reconciliation between Posting and G/L Posting

FARR_S_RECON_PNG_VSUM_SHADOW - Sum mode of shadow posting used for Recon_posting_gl

FARR_S_RECON_POSTING_GL - Result list of reconciliation between posting and G/L Acct

FARR_S_RECON_RA_GL - Structure for reconciliation for G/L Accounting list

FARR_S_RECON_RA_GL_SRH - Structure for reconciliation for G/L Accounts Search

FARR_S_RECON_SRH_COMMON - Structure for accrual total table

FARR_S_RECON_SRH_CRITERIA - Structure for Searching Criteria

FARR_S_RECON_SRH_RESULT - Structure for accrual total table

FARR_S_REC_ACCOUNT_BRF - BRF+ export structure: determination of receivables account

FARR_S_REC_REV_AMOUNT - Structure of recognized revenue amount

FARR_S_REFERENCE_ID_RANGE - Structure for Reference ID Range

FARR_S_REFERENCE_TYPE_RANGE - Structure for Reference Type Range

FARR_S_REF_SDOC - Structure reference sales documents

FARR_S_REF_SDOC_DATA - Data structure reference sales documents

FARR_S_REF_SDOC_KEY - Key structure reference sales documents

FARR_S_REKEY_RUID - Attributes of recon key & run id

FARR_S_REMAINING_DURATION - Remaining Duration after Prospective Change

FARR_S_REPOST_RST - Structure for Repost Result List

FARR_S_REPROCESS_ADD_PARAMETER - Conract Reprocessing Additional Parameters


FARR_S_REVENUE_DEFITEM - Revenue related deferral item

FARR_S_REVERSE_RST - Structure for reverse document

FARR_S_REVERSE_RUN_ID - Structure for reverse run ID

FARR_S_REVERSE_SEARCH_CRITERIA - Structure for reverse searching criteria

FARR_S_REVIEW_CONT_POWL_DATA - Structure of Review Contract POWL data

FARR_S_REVIEW_REASON_DESC - Review Reason and Description

FARR_S_REVIEW_REASON_UI - Structure for review contracts popup UI

FARR_S_REV_ACCOUNT_BRF - BRF+ export structure: determination of revenue account

FARR_S_REV_COND - Structure of Revenue on Condition Type level

FARR_S_REV_EXPLAIN_DATA - Revenue explain data structure

FARR_S_REV_EXPLAIN_KEY - Key structure of revenue explain data

FARR_S_REV_REC - Structure for Revenue recognization

FARR_S_REV_REC_UI - Revenue schedule data

FARR_S_REV_SCHEDULE_DATA - Attribute Structure of Revenue Schedule

FARR_S_REV_SCHEDULE_KEY - Key Structure of Revenue Schedule

FARR_S_REV_SCH_QUERY - Query Structure of Revenue Schedule

FARR_S_REV_SPREADING_DATA - POB revenue spreading data

FARR_S_REV_SUMMARY - Revenue summary data



FARR_S_ROUND_PP_PARAM - Parallel job parameter: rounding handling for local amount

FARR_S_RSDSSELOPT - Structure of generic SELECT-OPTION for (dynamic selections)

FARR_S_RSDS_FRANGE - Free selection as RANGES-tables

FARR_S_RSDS_RANGE - Free selection table field range

FARR_S_RUNID_NR - Structure used for customizing only:

FARR_S_RVS_RUNID - Run ID reverse history

FARR_S_RW_REASON_ATTR - Review reason attribute

FARR_S_RW_REASON_DATA - Structure of review reason data

FARR_S_RW_REASON_KEY - Review reason Key

FARR_S_SCHEDULED_FULFILL - Schedule Fulfillment of time-based POB for Initial Load

FARR_S_SCHEDULED_FULFILL_EXT - Schedule Fulfillment of time-based POB for Initial Load

FARR_S_SD01_BRF - BRF+ input structure

FARR_S_SD01_BRF_CUST - Structure for BRF procedure call


FARR_S_SEARCH_CRITERIA - Structure for Searching Criteria

FARR_S_SEL_ACCT_PRINCIPLE - Range of Accounting Principle

FARR_S_SEL_AWKEY - select options for reference key

FARR_S_SEL_BELNR - Selection options for D/L document number


FARR_S_SEL_COMPANY_CODE - select options for company code

FARR_S_SEL_FISCPER - select options for fiscal year/posting period

FARR_S_SEL_FISC_YEAR - selection option for fiscal year

FARR_S_SEL_JOB_GUID - select options for job GUID

FARR_S_SEL_LIAB_ASSET_FLAG - select option for liabilities/assets flag

FARR_S_SEL_PERIOD - select option for period

FARR_S_SEL_PERIOD_CLOSE_STATUS - Sel Structure of RA Period Close Status


FARR_S_SEL_POSTING_DATE - Selection option for posting date

FARR_S_SEL_POST_GUID - posting guid range

FARR_S_SEL_POST_PERIOD - select options for Posting period

FARR_S_SEL_RECON_KEY - select options for reconciliation key

FARR_S_SEL_RECON_KEY_STATUS - select option for reconciliation key status

FARR_S_SEL_RECON_KEY_TYPE - select option for type

FARR_S_SEL_RUN_DATE - Selection option for run date

FARR_S_SEL_RUN_ID - Selection option of RUN ID

FARR_S_SEL_TM_CONVERT - select options for Time based deferral item transferred



FARR_S_SHIFT_ATTR - Shift history data

FARR_S_SHIFT_AUDIT_DATA - Shift history data

FARR_S_SHIFT_AUDIT_UI_DATA - UI data structure of shift history audit


FARR_S_SHIFT_DATA - Shift history data

FARR_S_SHIFT_DATA_MAP - Recon key shift data with recognized amount

FARR_S_SHIFT_HIS_DATA - Shift history data

FARR_S_SHIFT_KEY - Key of shift history data

FARR_S_SHIFT_REASON_DESC - Contract Shift Reason Description


FARR_S_SRCDOC - Source Document

FARR_S_SRCDOC_COMP_RANGE - Structure for Source Document Component Range


FARR_S_SRCDOC_HILDOC - Source Document Fields and High-level Document Fields

FARR_S_SRCDOC_ID - Source Sender Component, Header ID and Item ID

FARR_S_SRCDOC_IP_VERSION - Source Document with Inbound processing version

FARR_S_SRCDOC_LOGSYS_RANGE - Structure for Source Document Logical System Range

FARR_S_SRCDOC_TYPE_RANGE - Structure for Source Document Type Range

FARR_S_SRC_HEADER_ID - Reference to Inbound Item Source Document using HEADER_ID


FARR_S_SSP_BRF - BRF+ export structure Standalone Selling Price

FARR_S_SSP_EXPLAINER - Structure type used by Simulation

FARR_S_T100_MSG - FARR message in application log


FARR_S_TCO_DATA - Test Cockpit Data

FARR_S_TCO_ECATT_LOG_EXPO - Test Cockpit: eCATT export parameter from log

FARR_S_TCO_FIRA_CUSTOMER_MD - Customer master data -----obsolete-----

FARR_S_TCO_PAR_VALS - Parameter Values for Execute


FARR_S_TCO_RA - Test Cockpit Screen Elements

FARR_S_TCO_SCREEN_0300 - Test Cockpit: Structure for Dynpro 0300

FARR_S_TCO_TCO - Test Cockpits Structure

FARR_S_TEXT - Text Table

FARR_S_TM_DURATION_CALC - Time based POB Duration Calculation

FARR_S_TM_REMAINING_PRCNT_CALC - Time-based POB Remaining Percentage

FARR_S_TM_TRANS_STATISTIC - Structure for statistic TM POB transfer

FARR_S_TOTAL_FULFILL_QTY - Structure of Aggrefated Fulfill Quantity

FARR_S_TOTAL_REV - Structure of Total Revenue

FARR_S_TRACE_LIST - Trace list structure (all fields)

FARR_S_TRACE_LIST_VISIBLE - Trace list structure (visible fields)

FARR_S_TRACE_RESULT - Trace result

FARR_S_TRANS_COMP_UI_LIST_DET - Transition Comparative Report - Detailed Result List

FARR_S_TRANS_COMP_UI_LIST_SUM - Transition Comparative Report - Summary Result List

FARR_S_TRANS_COMP_UI_SRCH_DET - Transition Comparative Report - Detailed Search Criteria

FARR_S_TRANS_COMP_UI_SRCH_SUM - Transition Comparative Report - Summary Search Criteria

FARR_S_TRANS_PP_PARAM - Parallel job parameter: calculate cumulative catch-up effect

FARR_S_TRANS_PRICE_EXPLAINER - Structure type used by Simulation

FARR_S_TRANS_REC_DATA - transition record when calculate cumulative catch-up effect

FARR_S_UCOMM - Function Codes

FARR_S_UIBB_CHECK - Flag indicating whether a UIBB is processed

FARR_S_USER_DATA - Structure of User Data


FARR_S_VALUATION_KEY - Closing Valuation Key

FARR_S_VBELN_RANGE - Range type for SD document

FARR_S_WAERS_RANGE - Structure of WAERS range

FARR_TY_BRF_FUNC - BRF+ Function identifiers

FARR_UUID - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_UUID1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

FARR_VV_ARCH_REST_CONTRACT - Generated Table for View

FARR_VV_ARCH_REST_RAI - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_ACCDET_AC - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_ACCDET_AI - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_ACCDET_CA - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_ACCDET_CJ - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_ACCDET_CL - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_ACCDET_CO - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_ACCDET_DC - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_ACCDET_DR - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_ACCDET_RA - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_ACCDET_RC - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_ACCDET_RL - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_ACCDET_RV - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_ACCDET_UR - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_ACCTPRINC - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_ACPR_BUKP - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_ACPR_BUKR - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_ACPR_CC - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_ADAPT_ACT - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_ARCH_REST - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_BAL_EXP - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_BRFUI_DT - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_CHECK_SEL - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_CLOSE - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_CODE_SWIT - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_COND_SIGN - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_COND_TYPE - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_CT_REASON - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_DET_CTR_H - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_DET_POB - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_DET_R_AA - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_DET_R_ARC - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_DET_R_ARV - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_DET_SSP - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_EXCL_CRCY - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_HC_MSG - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_INB_BRF - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_MIGPACK - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_POST_MODE - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_RAI01E - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_RAI05E - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_RAI05R - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_RAI05RES - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_RAI51 - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_RAI51A - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_RAI51B - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_RAI51E - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_RAI51K - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_RAI51R - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_RAI52E - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_RAIC_SAP - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_REFTY - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_REPR_ACCT - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_RW_REASON - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_SRCCO - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_SRCCO_LS - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_SRCCO_TY - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_SRCTY - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_TCO_PRC - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_TCO_SCN - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_TCO_TCO - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_TRANCODE - Generated Table for View

FARR_V_UI_CHRSN - Generated Table for View

Return Table index