Select data from sap tables EWOP

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EWOPSCOND - OPS: Conditions

EWOPSCOND_PF - OPS: Conditions for Presentation Field

EWOPSCONF - OPS: Configuration

EWOPSCONF_PF - OPS: Configuration for Presentation Field

EWOPSCONF_PFD - OPS: Config. for Presentation Field with Extra Dialog Fields

EWOPSLDCONST - OPS: Language-Dependent Constants

EWOPSLDCONST_PF - OPS: Language-Dependent Constants for Presentation Field

EWOPSPRESFLD - OPS: Presentation Field (with Text and Object Reference)

EWOPSPRESFLDNAME - OPS: Name of Presentation Field

EWOPSUTTXT - OPS: Text for Usage Type

EWOPS_CONFKEY - OPS: Key for OPS Configuration

EWOPS_PRES - OPS: Fields for Presentation Description

EWOPS_PRES_OBJ - OPS: Presentation Object

EWOPS_PRES_OBJ_CONTR - OPS: Control Data for Dialog with Presentation Object

EWOPS_PRES_OBJ_DIA - OPS: Presentation Object for Dialog

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