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ECOBJUSE - Where-Used Lists of WB Objects in eCATT Objects

ECODSRV_CATPING_CATFR - eCATT OData Service - eCATT - Remote System Info

ECODSRV_CATPING_CVERS_SDU - eCATT OData Service - Structure for Software Components

ECOD_LOG_CLASS - Classes in eCATT AUnit Log

ECOD_LOG_HEAD - Headers of eCATT AUnit Log

ECOD_LOG_METHOD - Method Calls in eCATT AUnit Log

ECOD_LOG_OP_CALL - Operation Call in eCATT AUnit Log

ECOD_LOG_OP_ERR - Messages from Operation in eCATT AUnit Log

ECOD_LOG_OP_HTTP - HTTP Header for Operation in eCATT AUnit Log

ECOD_LOG_OP_MSG - Messages from Operation in eCATT AUnit Log

ECOD_LOG_V_FLAT - Generated Table for View

ECOD_ST_FILTER - eCATT - OData Smoke Test - Filter

ECOD_ST_LOG_KEYS - Transfer of Keys Outside Session Boundaries

ECOD_ST_PROJECT - eCATT - OData Smoke Test - Projects

ECOD_ST_SERVICES - eCATT - OData Smoke Test - Service List

ECOD_USER_INFO - User Information for Services

ECOLLSINV - Generated Table for View

ECOLLSP2P - Generated Table for View

ECOMCONTR - IS-T Processing Control

ECOMCONTROL - Communication Control Based on Service Types

ECOMCONTROLEX - Communication Control: Exceptions at Point of Delivery Level

ECOMCONTROLSP - Communication Control Based on Service Providers

ECOMEVENT - Communication Events

ECOMEVENTA - Activate Events

ECOMEVENTT - Communication Events (Texts)

ECOMEVENT_COMP - IS-U component for event

ECOMPARTNER - Contains Partners and Modules for Communication

ECOMPDEFN_CONTROL - Controls for Definition of RTP Component

ECOMPDEFN_KEY - RTP Component Table Key for Transport

ECOMPDEFN_OBJ - Object for Definition of RTP Component

ECOMPDEFN_SCREEN - Screens for Definition of RTP Component

ECOMPROC - Function Modules for Each Communication Event

ECOMPROCT - Function Modules for Each Communication Event (Texts)

ECOMP_BBPCHD - Comparison Structure for Budget Billing Change Document

ECOMP_CONT_LIST_BR - Contract List as Compensation Receiver

ECOMP_GRP_BR - Brazil: Compensation Groups

ECOMP_ICMS_BR - Brazil: Maintain ICMS tax exemption criteria

ECOMP_REL_BR - Brazil: Define Energy Compensation Relationships

ECOMP_SEQ_CTRL_TBL_S_BR - Structure for Compensation Sequence Control Table

ECONCARD - Business Partner: Concession Card

ECONCARDD - Screen Fields: Business Partner Concession Card

ECONCARDH - Business Partner - Concession Card: Time Slice

ECONCARDH_D - Time Slices of Business Partner's Concession Card

ECONCARDH_DI - Time Slice of Business Partner's Conc. Card (Direct Input)

ECONCARD_D - Business Partner: Concession Card

ECONCARD_DETAIL - Details of Business Partner Concession Card for Table Update

ECONCARD_DETAIL_DI - Details of Business Partner's Concession Card (Direct Input)

ECONCARD_DI - Business Partner Concession Card - Header Data (Dir. Input)

ECONCARD_D_DETAIL - Details of Business Partner's Concession Card for Processing

ECONCELIGD - Screen Fields: Concession Authorization

ECONCHECK - Structure for EDM Consistency Checks

ECONCHECKERR - Struct. for Error Codes and Texts for EDM Consistency Checks

ECONCHECKGRP - Structure for Const. Check Groups and Texts for EDM Profiles

ECONCHECKGRPCHK - Structure for Allocation of Cons. Checks for EDM Check Group

ECONCHECKGRPERR - Strtucture for Error Actions per Consistency check

ECONCPOST - Posting Details for Concession

ECONCPOSTD - Screen Structure for Concession Posting

ECONDBILLRATE - Rates with Conditional Billing

ECONDI - IS-U: Conditions

ECONDIADMIN - Administration Data for Managing Conditions

ECONDIBILL - Attributes for Conditional Billing

ECONDIPARAM - Parameter Definition of Conditional Application Structure

ECONDIPARAMVALUES - Values Extracted from a Condition

ECONDIPERIOD - Period of a Condition in Billing

ECONDIPROCINTF - IS-U: Processing Interface for Conditions

ECONDIPROCINTFT - ISU: Text Table - Processing Interface for Conditions

ECONDIRESVALUES - Conditional Value with Validity Period

ECONDITRIGGER - Time-Based Proration of Rate Steps and Operands

ECONDIVALUEOP - Relationship of TOU Result Parameter to Operand in Billing

ECONDIVALUES - Validity Periods for Result Parameters

ECONDTYPE - Condition Types

ECONDTYPET - Comunication Control Condition Type Text

ECONF_OUT - Characteristic Attributes per Document Item

ECONNSTSREQSMCNCCO_APPL_IN - Cancel Confirmation Application Data Inbound

ECONNSTSREQSMCNCRQ_APPL_OUT - Create Confirmation Application Data Outbound

ECONNSTSREQSMCRTBLKCO_APPL_IN - Utilities Connection Status Bulk Create Confirmation

ECONNSTSREQSMCRTBLKRQ_APPL_OUT - Utilities Connection Status Bulk Create Request

ECONNSTSREQSMCRTCO_APPL_IN - Utilities Connection Status Create Confirmation

ECONNSTSREQSMCRTRQ_APPL_OUT - Utilities Connection Status Create Request

ECONSEG_C_KEY - Key Structure for BOL Entity IsuConSegContainer

ECONSEG_C_QUERY - Query Structure for Entity IsuConsegContainer

ECONSEG_C_S - Attribute Structure for BOL Entity IsuConSegContainer

ECONSEG_DEF - Customer Consumption Default Segment

ECONSEG_H - Customer Consumption Segment Header

ECONSEG_HT - Customer Consumption Segment Text

ECONSEG_H_KEY - Attribute Structure for BOL Entity IsuConSeg

ECONSEG_H_PAR - Customer Consumption Segment Parameter

ECONSEG_H_S - Display Structure: Customer Consumption Segment

ECONSEG_I - Customer Customer Segment Item

ECONSEG_ID_TEXT_S - Customer Consumption Segment ID and Text

ECONSEG_IT - Customer Consumption Segment Item Text

ECONSEG_I_CHANGE_FIELD - Change Fields for BOL Entity IsuConSegItem

ECONSEG_I_KEY - Key Structure for BOL Entity IsuConSegItem

ECONSEG_I_PAR - Customer Consumption Segment Item Parameter

ECONSEG_I_S - Attribute structure for entity IsuConSegItem

ECONSEG_KEY - Key Structure for BOL Entity IsuConSeg

ECONSEG_RISKCL - Segment Risk Class

ECONSTREQSMBLKNO_APPL_OUT - Application data conncetion status notification bulk

ECONSTREQSMCNCBLKNO_APPL_OUT - Application data conncetion status notification canc bulk

ECONSTREQSMCNCNO_APPL_OUT - Application data conncetion status notification cancellation

ECONSTREQSMNO_APPL_OUT - Application data conncetion status notification

ECONTRACT001QR_APPLDATA_IN - Inbound application data for service ECONTRACT001QR

ECONTRACT001QR_APPLDATA_OUT - Outbound application data for service CONTRACT001QR

ECONTRACT_CONTR - External Control Data for Contract

ECONTRBILBLKCHGRC_APPL_IN - Internal representation of inbound application data

ECONTRBILBLKCHGRC_APPL_OUT - Internal representation of outbound application data

ECONTRBILCONSIDQR_APPL_IN - Internal representation of inbound application

ECONTRBILCONSIDQR_APPL_OUT - Internal representation of outbound application data

ECONTREEITM - Tree Control Entry for Concession Authorization

ECONTRREGN_APPLDATA_IN - Inbound Appl. Data for Service NB Contract Registration

ECONTRREGN_APPLDATA_OUT - Outbound Appl. Data for Service NB Contract Registration

ECONTR_DL_PERSIS - Persistency table for contract download to CRM


ECOP_DOMAINS2OBJ - Domains of an Organizational Unit

ECOP_EXCEPTION2DOMAIN - Exceptions for a Domain

ECOP_IMG_ACTIVITY - ECOP: IMG Activities Structure

ECOP_ITEM - ECOP Item Structure

ECOP_NRDATA_DYNP_FLDS - Number Range Information Screen Fields

ECOP_OBJECTS - ECOP: Org. Objects Handled


ECOP_ORGUNIT - Information about an Organizational Unit

ECOP_TAB2DOMAIN - Tables Belonging to a Domain

ECOP_TABDATA_DYNP_FLDS - Table Data Editor Screen Fields



ECOVDICT - IS-U customer information : dictionary for data export

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