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ECMADMC - Administrative Information About Creation

ECMADMM - Administrative Information About Change

ECMADMR - Administrative Information About Release

ECMCA - SAP Consolidation: Journal Entry Table (Actual)

ECMCC - SAP Cons.: Object Table Movement Attributes

ECMCGRAPH - Internal Change Graph

ECMCHAR600 - CIF: ECM Validity

ECMCO - SAP Cons.: Object Table Assignment Fields (Object/Partner)

ECMCT - SAP Cons.: Totals Table

ECMDATE - Include Date Specification and Parameter Effectivity

ECMDATEINT - Time Interval

ECMDATE_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (Generated)

ECMEVAL_LOCVAL - Engineering Change Management: Local Validity for Object

ECMEVAL_RESULT - Result of Validity Evaluation

ECMMAS02 - Change number (II)

ECMMDTYORDERBKT - Generated Table for View

ECMMDTYORDERFILL - Generated Table for View

ECMMDTYORDERREQ - Generated Table for View

ECMMDTYORDFPKT - Generated Table for View

ECMMDTYSUBACCT - Generated Table for View

ECMMHDGPLNEXPSR - Generated Table for View

ECMMHDGPLNGDATA - Generated Table for View

ECMMROBJHDR - Generated Table for View

ECMMROBJITM - Generated Table for View

ECMOBJDATEINT - Time Interval for Object

ECMPLRQVERS - Generated Table for View

ECMPRE_BSP_ATTR - PC UI Attributes for Predecessor Change Number

ECMPRE_UI_ATTR - UI Attributes for Predecessor Change Number

ECMP_ICMS_ACTIVE - Brazil: Check if ICMS credits should be used first

ECMREV01 - IDOC structure for revision level

ECMSG_COLL - Collecting Messages for eCATT SAPGUI

ECMUNDO_BAL_CONTEXT - Additional Fields for Application Log

ECMVAL_ORD_CTXT - Keys for Order and Context

ECM_ADM - Administrative Data

ECM_ADM_DATA - General Administrative Data

ECM_BSP_ATTR - PC UI Attributes for Change Number

ECM_CITEM_RANGE - Compensation Review Item Range

ECM_COST - Estimated-Costs Table

ECM_CTXT - Context

ECM_CTXTH - Context Hierarchy for Change Type

ECM_CTXTT - Context Description

ECM_CTXT_EXT - Validity: Context with Possible Statuses for ECO

ECM_DATA - General Engineering Change Management Master Data

ECM_ECA_EMPL_QU - EmployeeCompensationAgreementERPByEmployeeQuery

ECM_ECA_EMPL_RP - EmployeeCompensationAgreementERPByEmployeeResponse

ECM_ECMACMSGRADEA_EE_QRY - Query for EmployeeCompensationAgreementCompensationStructu

ECM_ECMACMSGRADEA_EE_RSP - Response for EmployeeCompensationAgreementCompensationStruct

ECM_ECMADJUSTMNTPLANERP_EE_QRY - Query for EmployeeCompensationAdjustmentPlanERPByEmployee

ECM_ECMADJUSTMNTPLANERP_EE_RSP - Response message for EmployeeCompensationAdjustmentPlanERP

ECM_ECMAEANSALARY_EE_QRY - Query for EmployeeCompensationAgreementEstimatedAnnualSala

ECM_ECMAEANSALARY_EE_RSP - Response for EmployeeCompensationAgreementEstimatedAnnualS

ECM_ECMALTIPLAN_EE_QRY - Query for EmployeeCompensationAgreementLongTermIncentivePl

ECM_ECMALTIPLAN_EE_RSP - Response for EmployeeCompensationAgreementLongTermIncenti

ECM_EECMPAGR_EE_FIELDS - output structure for Employee Compensation Agreement

ECM_EECMPAGR_EE_FIELDS_CMP - Compensation data for Workagreements

ECM_EECMPAGR_EE_SEL - Selection structure for Employee Compensation Agreement

ECM_EMPLOYEE - structure for Employee IDs and Workagreements

ECM_EXCHANGE_FAULT_DATA - Proxy Structure (Generated)

ECM_EXCHANGE_LOG_DATA - Proxy Structure (Generated)

ECM_GROUP - Group Assignment for Change Number

ECM_GUID_RANGE - Range Structure for GUIDs

ECM_HIE - Change Hierarchy

ECM_KND - Change Type

ECM_KNDT - Change Type Descriptions

ECM_OBJADM - Object Mgmt Records

ECM_OBJTYPES - Subscription of Application to Engineering Change Management

ECM_OBJ_VAL - Validity for Engineering Change Order

ECM_ORD - Change Order

ECM_ORDER_DATA - General Data for Engineering Change Order

ECM_ORG - Organizational Unit

ECM_ORGPHS_DATA - Organizational Unit Data Set - Phase

ECM_PHS - Phases

ECM_PHST - Phase Description

ECM_PRM - Parameter Effectivity

ECM_PRM_DEF - Parameter Definition

ECM_PRM_EXT - Parameter Effectivity: External Format

ECM_REQ - Data for Engineering Change Request

ECM_REQUEST_DATA - General Data for Engineering Change Request

ECM_SEL - Selection Structure for Engineering Change Management

ECM_STXT - Descriptions

ECM_S_APPROVAL - Structure for the compensation approval

ECM_S_ATTRIB - Structure: Change Master attributes

ECM_S_BDG_AMOUNT - Budget Amount & Currency

ECM_S_BDG_AWARDS - Budget Awards & Unit


ECM_S_BDG_COST_TEXT - Cost items and texts for budget customizing

ECM_S_BDG_DATA - Budget Data

ECM_S_BDG_EE_BUDGET - Budget Employee Data

ECM_S_BDG_OWNER - Budget Owner

ECM_S_BDG_PERNR_PLUNIT - Budget type and planunit per personnel number

ECM_S_BDG_PST - Budget process support table

ECM_S_BUDGET_AMOUNT_PER_PERNR - Budget amounts per employee

ECM_S_BUDGET_PERIOD_KEY - Key of Budget period (Table T79pm)

ECM_S_BUDGET_TOGGLE_UI - Budget toggle control structure for the planning UI

ECM_S_BUDGET_TYPE_TBL_UI - Budget type (table display) for the planning UI

ECM_S_BUDGET_TYPE_TEXT_KEY - Key for budget type texts

ECM_S_BUDGET_TYPE_UI - Budget type for the planning UI

ECM_S_BUDGET_UNIT_TBL_UI - Budget unit (table display) for the planning UI

ECM_S_BUDGET_UNIT_UI - Budget unit for the planning UI

ECM_S_BUTYP_FINYR - Budget type and financial year

ECM_S_CAREA_CPLAN_DATE - Compensation area, Compensation plan and date

ECM_S_CELL_READONLY - Structure for readonly-information for cells

ECM_S_COL_FIELD_MAPPING - Mapping relation between an IT0759 field and an OADP column

ECM_S_COMPDATA_CHANGED - Compensation data change flags

ECM_S_COMP_AREA_ITEM - Compensation area and item

ECM_S_COMP_HISTORY - Compensation History Structure

ECM_S_COMP_MANAGER - Compensation Manager

ECM_S_CURRENCY_UI - Currency for the planning UI

ECM_S_DEPENDENT_PLAN_DATA - Compensation data changeable by the dependent plan BAdi


ECM_S_EASY_DATA - ECM Easy Mode: Data

ECM_S_EMPLOYEE_RELATED_MESSAGE - Structure for Messages related to an employee and a plan

ECM_S_GR_BUBBLE - Bubble of a chart

ECM_S_GR_CATEGORY - Category of a chart

ECM_S_GR_CHART_ITEM - Chart item

ECM_S_GR_POINT - Point of a chart

ECM_S_GR_RANGE - Range of a chart

ECM_S_GR_SERIES - Series of a chart

ECM_S_GUIDELINE_TEXT - Guideline text

ECM_S_IT0759_NOTE - Note from infotype 0759

ECM_S_KEY_VALUE_PAIR - String key-value pair

ECM_S_OADP_CELL_DATA - Buffered OADP cell data

ECM_S_OADP_CHANGED_CELL - Row and column of an OADP cell with changed contents

ECM_S_OADP_REFERENCE - OADP reference and instance ID

ECM_S_ORGUNIT_STATUS - Status for an org unit in the org. unit based process


ECM_S_PR_POS_GRADE_STRUC_HIST - Position, grade & structure history

ECM_S_PR_TCS - Total Compensation

ECM_S_TABSTATUS - Tab status for the compensation planning UI

ECM_S_WD_INP_CTX_UI - Helper structure for collection of WD Input field values

ECM_TASK_DATA - Data for Change Task

ECM_TSK - Change Task

ECM_TYPES - Effectivity types

ECM_UI_ATTR - UI Attributes for Change Number

ECM_UPPEROPEN_DATE_PERIOD - Proxy Structure (Generated)

ECM_VAL - Validity

ECM_VALH - Validity - Full History

ECM_VAL_EXT - Validity for Instance

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