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EAMI_AMS_ALLOC - Allocation of AMI to Grid

EAMI_CHECKBOX_KEY - Structure for Checkbox in ALV Tree

EAMI_CUSTOMIZING - AMI: Customizing for Device Management

EAMI_DEVICE_CONFIRM - AMI device confirmation




EAMI_DEV_APPL_IN - Business logic structure for BulkRegisteredNotif In

EAMI_DEV_BLK_CO_IN - Structure used for bulk confirmation inbound methods

EAMI_DEV_BLK_NO_IN - Business logic structure for BulkRegisteredNotif In

EAMI_DEV_BLK_OUT - bulk structure for device outbound processes

EAMI_DEV_CHG_BLK_OUT - bulk structure for outbound change processes

EAMI_DEV_CHG_OUT - Outbound process device structure

EAMI_DEV_CHG_RQ_OUT - Structure used for device change request outbound process.

EAMI_DEV_CO_IN - inbound services structure

EAMI_DEV_CRT_RQ_OUT - Structure used for device creation outbound process

EAMI_DEV_DATA_CHG_OUT - Structure for device outbound processes

EAMI_DEV_DATA_OUT - Device data for outbound processes

EAMI_DEV_LOC_INFO - Device location information

EAMI_DEV_NO_IN - Structure for master data update inbound process

EAMI_DEV_OUT - Structure for outbound process service call

EAMI_DEV_REGISTERGROUPID - Device - register group

EAMI_DEV_REL - AMI Device allocation relationship

EAMI_DEV_REPL_OUT - AMI device replication

EAMI_DISC_APPL_BLK_IN - Used to receive disc. data from the eSOA message response.

EAMI_DISC_APPL_BLK_OUT - Used to transferdisc. data to the eSOA message.

EAMI_DISC_APPL_IN - Used to receive disc. data from the eSOA message response.

EAMI_DISC_APPL_OUT - Used to transferdisc. data to the eSOA message.

EAMI_DISC_BLK_APPL_IN - Used to receive bulk disc. data from the eSOA msg response.

EAMI_DISC_CNC_APPL_IN - Used to receive disc. data from the eSOA msg confirmation

EAMI_DISC_CNC_APPL_OUT - Used to transferdisc. data to the eSOA message.

EAMI_DISC_CNC_IN - Used to receive the inbound data from eSOA for Cancellation

EAMI_DISC_CNC_OUT - Used to pass the outbound data to eSOA for cancellation

EAMI_DISC_CO_IN - Used to receive the inbound disc. data from the service

EAMI_DISC_DEVICE - Disconnection data for Outbound services

EAMI_DISC_DEVICE_CONF - Disconnection data for inbound eSOA processing

EAMI_DISC_DEVICE_NO - Disconnection data for notification Outbound services

EAMI_DISC_NO_OUT - outbound disconnection notification application data

EAMI_DISC_RESC_RESULT_SHOW - Structure for rescheduling select result

EAMI_DISC_RESULT - result list of monitoring disc orders

EAMI_DISC_RESULT_SHOW - Disconnection/reconnection order show

EAMI_DISC_RQ_OUT - Used to pass the outbound disc. data to the service

EAMI_DUNN_MSG_DEV - Target device for messages created by dunning

EAMI_EASTS_COMP - EASTS Comparison Structure

EAMI_EGER_COMP - EGER Comparison Structure

EAMI_EM_ATTR - Structure for Attribute of Event

EAMI_EM_ATTRD - Event Attributes Display

EAMI_EM_CUSTOMIZING - Structure for all customizing tables

EAMI_EM_DB_DATA - AMI Event Management Data Base Data

EAMI_EM_DOC_TYPE - Structure for Document Type

EAMI_EM_EQUNR - IS-U AMI Event Management Equipment Structure

EAMI_EM_EVENTATTR_DESC - Smart Meter Event Attribute with Description

EAMI_EM_EVENTD - Event display structure

EAMI_EM_EVENTID - IS-U AMI Event Management Event ID structure


EAMI_EM_EVENTRESULT_DESC - Smart Meter Event Results with Description

EAMI_EM_EVENTRESULT_DESCD - Event Result Description Display

EAMI_EM_EVENTTYPE - Structure for Event Type

EAMI_EM_EVENT_ATTRS - Structure for attributes of an Event

EAMI_EM_EVENT_CATEGORY - Structure for Event Category

EAMI_EM_EVENT_DATA - IS-U Event Management AMI Event

EAMI_EM_EVENT_DATAD - Line Type of ALV Grid in Event Monitor

EAMI_EM_EVENT_DATA_DESC - Smart Meter Event Data with Description

EAMI_EM_EVENT_HEADER - Smart Meter Event Header Data

EAMI_EM_EVENT_LOG - IS-U AMI Event Management Event Log Structure

EAMI_EM_EVENT_SOURCE - Structure for event source

EAMI_EM_EVTERRD - Result Errors Display

EAMI_EM_EVTPROC - Event ID Ranges for Mass Activity

EAMI_EM_HANDLE_MESSAGE - Event Handling Message Structure

EAMI_EM_MAD_EVENT - Addon Structure for Event Mass Activity

EAMI_EM_MESSAGE - IS-U AMI Event Message Structure

EAMI_EM_MESSAGED - Message Display

EAMI_EQUNR_AMS - Equipment, AMS, and AMCG






EAMI_FKKMAZE_KEY - Key structure of Dunning history of line items

EAMI_G_TYPE_FIELDS - Structure for ALV List of AMI Capabilities

EAMI_G_TYPE_FIELDS_2 - Structure for ALV List of AMI Capabilities

EAMI_IDS_OUT - Outbound services return values

EAMI_INH_STATUS_REF_RANGE - Range of indexes of inherited status


EAMI_LOG_ALV_DATA - Data Structure for Display of AMI Log Data as ALV

EAMI_LOG_ALV_MSG - Structure for Display of AMI-LOG-MSG

EAMI_LOG_ARCHIVE_DATES - Residence Times per Object Type in AMI Service Communication


EAMI_LOG_DATA_SHORT - Short log data

EAMI_LOG_DB_DATA - AMI Log and Message Data

EAMI_MDUS_PROF_DATA - Service Call Structure for MDUS Profile Value Request

EAMI_MEASTASK - Structure used for measurement tasks within AMI

EAMI_MEASTASK_PROFILE - Measurement task profile

EAMI_MEASTASK_REL - Measurement task allocation relationships

EAMI_MRDR_CREATE_REQUEST_OUT - Structure for Sending Meter Reading Results to the Proxy

EAMI_MR_AMILOG - AMI Auxiliary Structure for Logging

EAMI_MR_APPL - AMI: MR Structure for Service Communication

EAMI_MR_APPL_REQ - AMI Auxiliary Structure

EAMI_MR_CANCEL_CONFIRMATION_IN - Structure for Definition of AMI Table

EAMI_MR_CANCEL_REQUEST_OUT - Structure for Sending MR Cancellation Requests to Proxy

EAMI_MR_CHANGE_REQUEST_IN - Structure for Definition of AMI Table

EAMI_MR_CONFLOG - AMI Auxiliary Structure for Logging

EAMI_MR_CREATE_CONFIRMATION_IN - Structure for Definition of AMI Table

EAMI_MR_CREATE_REQUEST_IN - Structure for Definition of AMI Table

EAMI_MR_CREATE_REQUEST_OUT - Structure for Sending Meter Reading Orders to Proxy

EAMI_MR_CREATE_REQUEST_SRR_OUT - Structure for Definition of AMI Table

EAMI_MR_LOG_CREATE_CONFIRM_OUT - Structure for Definition of AMI Table

EAMI_MSG - Message Data for Creating Instance

EAMI_MSG_ACTIVE - Message Could Be Sent to Equipment

EAMI_MSG_ALV - Messages in ALV

EAMI_MSG_ATTR - Message Attributes

EAMI_MSG_ATTR_AND_TEXT - Structure for Message Attributes and Its Text

EAMI_MSG_BLK_OUT - Bulk Structure for Messaging Outbound

EAMI_MSG_CAT_AND_TEXT - Structure for Message Category and Its Text

EAMI_MSG_CONTR - Control Data for Messaging

EAMI_MSG_CUSTOMIZING - Structure for all Customizing Tables of Messages

EAMI_MSG_DATA - Message Data

EAMI_MSG_DATA_OUT - Structure for Messaging Notification Out

EAMI_MSG_DGRP_AND_TEXT - Structure for Message Attr. Determination Group and Its Text

EAMI_MSG_DISPLAY - Structure for Message Display

EAMI_MSG_OBJ - Structure for Message Processing

EAMI_MSG_OBJ_DATA - Object Data for Message

EAMI_MSG_OBJ_TYPE_AND_TEXT - Structure for Message Object Type and Its Text

EAMI_MSG_OUT - Structure for Outbound Process Service Call of Message

EAMI_MSG_PARA_AND_TEXT - Structure for Message Parameters(Placeholders) and Its Text

EAMI_MSG_PARA_VALUES - Values for Parameters(Placeholders) in Message Template

EAMI_MSG_PROCESSING - Structure for Sending Message

EAMI_MSG_SCREEN - Screen Data for Messages

EAMI_MSG_SCREEN_TEMPL - Screen Data for Message Template

EAMI_MSG_SOURCE_AND_TEXT - Message Source and Text

EAMI_MSG_TEMPL - Message Template structure (attributes + name + string)

EAMI_MSG_TEMPL_LANGU_SEL - Structure for display a selective list of msg. templ. langu

EAMI_MSG_TYPE_AND_TEXT - Structure for Message Type and Its Text


EAMI_OPSTATE_ALV - Display Structure for ALV of Operational State of Adv. Meter

EAMI_OPSTATE_AND_TEXT - Operational State and Text

EAMI_OPSTATE_DATA_IDQU - Structure for Operational State Request

EAMI_OPSTATE_DATA_IDRP - Structure for Operational State Reply

EAMI_OPSTATE_DATA_IN - Structure for Operational State Reply

EAMI_OPSTATE_DATA_OUT - Structure for Operational State Request

EAMI_OPSTATE_IDQU - Structure for Operational State Request

EAMI_OPSTATE_IDQU_BLK - Structure for Operational State Request

EAMI_OPSTATE_IDRP - Structure for Operational State Reply

EAMI_OPSTATE_IDRP_BLK - Structure for Operational State Reply

EAMI_OVERALL_OPSTATE - Overall Operational State of Advanced Meter

EAMI_PODINFO - Structure used for measurement task pod assignment

EAMI_POD_NO_OUT - Outbound notification pod structure

EAMI_PROFILE_ALLOC_HISTORY - Old and new values for profile allocation

EAMI_PROFILE_CONFIRM - AMI profile confirmation

EAMI_PROFILE_SYNC - Profile synchronization

EAMI_REG_POSTCODES_SEL - Regional Structure for Selection

EAMI_REG_SEL - regional selection structure

EAMI_SERVGRP_LRD_FILTER - WS-RM service group receiver determination by MDUS/AMS syst.

EAMI_SERVGRP_LRD_FILTER_MDUS - WS-RM service group receiver determination by MDUS system


EAMI_SMART_METER_CAPA_2 - AMI Capabilities Including AMI Activation Group


EAMI_SMDS_DEV_COMP - Comparison Structure for Device


EAMI_SMDS_PROF_COMP - EPROF Comparison Structure

EAMI_SOURCESYSTTXT - Source System for Which Data is Requested ID + Text

EAMI_STAT_CALLER_ID - Requester of Operational State of an Advanced Meter

EAMI_STAT_EQ_ERROR - Equipment and Error Indicator

EAMI_STAT_ICON_OF_OPSTATE - Operational State with Status Icon

EAMI_UII_MSG_ID - UUID and MSGID for service returns

EAMI_UPLOAD_STATISTICS - Structure for AMI Upload Statistics

EAMI_V_EGER_AND_BP_NO - Device Data and Business Partner Number

EAMI_V_EGER_BP_CONTRACT_NO - Device Data, Business Partner Number and Contract Number

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