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E1BPQMTB_LONGTEXT - BAPI Structure: ALE Distribution of Insp. Method Long Texts

E1BPQMTB_QMTB - BAPI Structure: ALE Distribution of Inspection Method

E1BPQMTB_QMTT - BAPI Structure: ALE Distribution of Insp. Method Short Texts

E1BPQPGR_CD_LTXT - BAPI Structure: ALE Dist. of Codes for Long Text Lines

E1BPQPGR_GRP_LTXT - BAPI Structure: ALE Dist. of Catalog/Code Group Long Texts

E1BPQPGR_QPCD - BAPI Structure: ALE Dist. of Codes for Code Group/Catalog

E1BPQPGR_QPCT - BAPI Struc.: ALE Dist. of Short Txts for Catalogs/CodeGroups

E1BPQPGR_QPGR - BAPI Structure: Inspection Catalog for Code Groups

E1BPQPGR_QPGT - BAPI Struc.: ALE Dist. of Short Txts for Catalogs/CodeGroups

E1BPQPMK_LONGTEXT - BAPI Structure for ALE Distribution Long Texts MstrInsChar

E1BPQPMK_QPMK - BAPI Structure ALE Distribution of Master Insp. Char.

E1BPQPMK_QPMT - BAPI Structure ALE Distribution Short Texts MstrIns. Char.

E1BPQPMK_QPMZ - BAPI Structure ALE Distribution Assgmt InsMeth./MstrInsChar

E1BPQPMK_SMPL_LTXT - BAPI Structure ALE Distr. Long Texts PhysSampDraw. MstrInsC

E1BPQUANMODELRANGE - Ranges Table for Quantity/Rate Model

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