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DTATCHA - DME Switzerland: Header

DTATCHB - DME Switzerland: TA826 ISR Payments

DTATCHC - DME Switzerland: TA827 Domestic SFr Payments

DTATCHD - DME Switzerland: TA830 Foreign,and Foreign Curr.,(Domestic)

DTATCHE - DME Switzerland: TA832 Bank Check

DTATCHF - DME Switzerland: TA870 Bank Collection

DTATCHG - DME Switzerland: TA890 Total Record

DTATCHH - SAD Switzerland: TA00 Control Area

DTATCHI - SAD Switzerland: TA05 Domestic Transfer Bank/Post Office

DTATCHJ - SAD Switzerland: TA08 Payment Order with Reference

DTATCHK - SAD Switzerland: TA11 Payment Instructions

DTATCHL - SAD Switzerland: TA48 Debits from Domestic Post Office Acct.

DTATCHM - SAD Switzerland: TA98 Total Record

DTATCHN - SAD Switzerland: TA12 Transfer to Foreign Postal Account MB

DTATCHO - SAD Swtizerland: TA14 foreign postal transfers MB

DTATCHP - SAD Switzerland: TA25 foreign bank payments MB

DTATCHR - DME Switz: TA836 with IBAN Domestic and Abroad for all Curr.

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