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DIOHFW_APPL_S - Application structure

DIOHFW_APPL_VAL - Value table for applications

DIOHFW_FCODE_VAL - Value table of function codes

DIOHFW_FVAL_FCODE - Reference Filter value <-> Fcode

DIOHFW_HIER_DEF - Object hierarchy definition

DIOHFW_MESSAGE_S - Message structure

DIOHFW_NODEID_REF_S - OHF: referenence between node id and object reference


DIOHFW_NODES_SEL_S - Structure of type and range of diohfw_refobj

DIOHFW_NODE_DS - Dialog structure for nodes

DIOHFW_NODE_KEY_S - Node key - node linking structure.

DIOHFW_NODE_OBJ_S - Node and application object references

DIOHFW_NODE_REF_S - OHFW: Node object - reference object relation

DIOHFW_NODE_TABIX_S - Row index of node in buffer table

DIOHFW_NTYPE_RANGE - Node type range

DIOHFW_NTYPE_TXT - Text table for node types

DIOHFW_NTYPE_VAL - Value table for node types

DIOHFW_OO_NODES_S - OHFW: Node object - reference object relation

DIOHFW_PROTOCOL_S - Structure for storing protocols

DIOHFW_REFOBJ_SEL_S - Range structure for OHF reference object number

DIOHFW_SCREEN_S - Screen fields

DIOHFW_SUBSCREEN_S - Subscreen structure

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