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DCEIACTCHK - Control String for Checks of an External Index

DCEIACTDET - Control String for Activation Program Actions for Ext. Index

DCEIACTRES - Contains Results of Activation of an Ext. Index

DCEIACTSTP - Computed Steps for Activating an External Index

DCEIDATCHK - Control String for External Index: Definition Data Selection

DCEIPHYCHK - Control String for External Index: Physical Definition

DCEISYNCHK - Control String for External Index: Synchronization

DCENACTCHK - Control string for checking the lock object activation prog.

DCENACTDET - Control string for the actions of the lock object act. prog.

DCENACTRES - Contains results of lock object activation

DCENBTCHK - Control String for Checks of Base Tables of a Lock Object

DCENFDCHK - Control String for the Field Checks of Lock Objects

DCENFDNAM - Control String for Name Checks of Lock Parameters

DCENFKCHK - Control String for Foreign Key Checks of Lock Objects

DCENFKFOF - Control String for Foreign Key Field Checks for Lock Objects

DCENGPCHK - Control string for Granularity Check of Lock Objects

DCENHDCHK - Control String for Header Checks for Lock Objects

DCENQGRBEG - Prefix of a lock granularity

DCENQUGET - Control structure for DD_ENQU_GET.

DCENQUPUT - Control string for function module DD_ENQU_PUT



DCEXIXGET - Control Structure for DD_EXIX_GET

DCEXIXPUT - Control Structure for Function Module DD_EXIX_PUT

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