Select data from sap tables DCDDL

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DCDDLCHK - DD: DDL checks - for example, used names

DCDDLGETSTATE - DD: Result after read of a DDL source

DCDDLGOTSTATE - DD: Result after read of a DDL source

DCDDLPUTSTATE - DD: Control Structure for Reading a DDL Source

DCDDLSACTCTRL - DD: Controls the activation of a DDL object

DCDDLSDBCHG - DD: DB-Relevant Changes

DCDDLSSTATDET - DDL Statistics - Details for Totals

DCDDLSSTATH - DDL Statistics - Header Table

DCDDLSSTATSUM - DDL Statistics - Totals


DCDDLSSTAT_DLMSTAT_2 - Statistics for DLM - ACM separate

DCDDLSSTAT_DLMSTAT_DUR - Statistics for DLM - Duration of Activation

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