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DB2ASUTIL - Performance Values for OS/390 Address Spaces

DB2DSCFILTER - Statement Cache Filter

DB2DSCHDR - Header for statement cache statistics

DB2DSINFO - Storage and Catalog Information on DB2 Datasets

DB2DSMEM - Information concerning a DB2 data sharing group member

DB2DSNUC - Control Center stored procedures parameters

DB2DSNUP - DB2/390: Parameters Passed to DSNUTILS Stored Procedure

DB2DSSHDR - Header for Data Set Statistics

DB2DSSTOR - Storage Information on Datasets Allocated by DB2

DB2DSVOL - List of Volumes on which R/3 Datasets Reside

DB2JSINF - Header Table of JCL Administration

DB2JSTATUS - Status of Submitted JCL Jobs

DB2LSCONFIG - DB2 Landscape Tool Configuration

DB2QSST - DB2 Perf. Manag. Data: Storage Manager Data

DB2QSTC - Structure for Statement Trace

DB2QSTCC - Structure for Statement Trace

DB2QSYSW1 - Table holding different DB2 IFI statistics values

DB2QSYSW2 - DB2 statistics (part 2)

DB2RSTLIST - List of tablespaces on which RUNSTATS is to be run




DB2TSBACK - List of tablespaces that need a backup

DB2TSBACKN - Generated Table for View

DB2TSDETL - Detailed Information on a DB2 Tablespace

DB2TSDETLP - Detailed Information on a Partition of a DB2 Tablespace

DB2TSDYN - Dynamics of the Size of Tablespaces

DB2TSDYNO - Dynamics of the size of tablespaces

DB2TSDYNT - Template for List Output: Dynamics of Size of Tablespaces

DB2TSHIS - DB2/390: Storage Information on R/3 Tablespaces

DB2TSHISRG - Time Range of the History of Tablespace Sizes

DB2TSHIS_O - DB2/390: Storage information on R/3 tablespaces

DB2TSINFO - info on ts

DB2TSSIZE - DB2/390: Storage Information on R/3 Tablespaces

DB2TSSIZED - DB2/390: Storage Information on Datasets of Tablespaces

DB2TSSIZEO - DB2/390: Storage information on R/3 tablespaces

DB2TSSIZEP - DB2/390: Storage Information on Partitions of Tablespaces

DB2TSSIZEV - DB2/390: Storage Information on R/3 Tablespaces

DB2TSSIZE_T - DB2/390: Storage Information on R/3 Tablespaces

DB2TSTAB - Structure for tablespace lists that hold DB/TS name

DB2TSVOL - List of Volumes on which the Datasets of a Tablespace Reside

DB2TS_SIZE - DB2/390: Type for int. table of size info of tablespaces

DB2TS_SIZP - DB2/390: Type for int. table of size info of tablespaces

DB2_SHOW_SYSTEM_PARAMETER - Expected and Found Values of DB2 installation Parameters

DB2_SHOW_SYSTEM_PARM_LONG - Output Structure for Dynpro 0100 of Program RSDB2CKRD

DB2_SMS_DATA - sms info in DB02 (Space)

DB2_SMS_SP_OUT - structure for output of SP ADMIN_INFO_SMS

DB2_SNODETEXT - DB2 Deadlocks Output Structure for Display of Details

DB2_SQL_EDITOR_HIST - stmt History for SQL editor

DB2_SUBSYSTEM_DETAILS_TAB - detail structure for VIEW_DATA of DB2_ACTION_DB02_Overview

DB2_SUBSYSTEM_VIEW - DB2: Subsystem View for DB02 (Space)

DB2_SYSINFO - structure for dbcon names and member names

DB2_SYSLOG_ENTRY - DB2:CCMS: Z/OS Syslog entry

DB2_SYSLOG_MULTILINE_MSG - DB2: CCMS: Contains a parsed Multiline Message

DB2_SYSPARM_CONFIG - ZPARM Configuration table

DB2_SYSPARM_ROW - Sysparm structure

DB2_SYSPLEX_INFO_ZOS - DB2: SYSPLEX information for z/OS

DB2_SYSTEM_ENTRY - DBA Cockpit System descriptor

DB2_S_INLINE_LOB - DB2-z/OS: LOB inline length

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