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DB2BACKUP - DB2/390: Backup Needed

DB2BASETAB - structure with base and aux table

DB2CATINX - Info on Indexes from DB2 Catalog Table SYSIBM.SYSINDEXES

DB2CATTAB - Info on Tables from DB2 Catalog Table SYSIBM.SYSTABLES

DB2DATASET - info on datasets

DB2DATETIME - structure for date & time

DB2DATETIMEMSEC - structure for date, time & msec

DB2PARAMETER - db2 system parameter


DB2PARTS - structure for partition info

DB2QACCEL - DB2 Accelerator System Statistics

DB2QALRTLOAD - Load table for alert router part of DB2 IFI collector

DB2SAPCLINST - structure for sapcl installer - landscape tools

DB2SAPSYS - SAP systems located in one DB2 subsystem

DB2TABHIST - DB02 Table History

DB2TABIXS - info on index structure

DB2TABLIST - DB02 Table List

DB2TABONL - DB2/390: Screen for Online Space Info on a Table (DB15)

DB2TABSTAT - DB2/390: Screen for Statistical Space Info on a Table (DB15)

DB2TABSTOR - Table parameters for DB2/MVS

DB2TABSTRUC - info on table structure

DB2_ACCEL_PROP - Accelerator properties

DB2_ACCEL_STATIC_INFO - static info about the accelerator


DB2_ACCOUNTING_OVERVIEW - overview tab for accounting data details

DB2_ACCOX_PROFILE - Structure to store input parameter of DB2 SP DSNACCOX

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