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CVP_SD_ADRNR - Address Details of Cust./One-Time Cust. for SD Application

CVP_SD_SORT - SoRT Details of Customer/Supplier/Contact for SD Application

CVP_SD_SORT_CTRL - Control of EoP SoRT Definition by SD Application

CVP_SD_S_SORT_DATA - Structure for SD SoRT Data

CVP_SHLP_FILTER - Customizing table for filtering search helps

CVP_SORT - SoRT Details of Customer/Supplier/Contact for application

CVP_SORT_ACT - Activitiy and SoRT date for closed business

CVP_SORT_CD - Changed SoRT records with reasons

CVP_SWITCH - Define / Store Process Switch

CVP_SWITCHT - Define / Store Process Switch

CVP_SWITCH_V - Generated Table for View

CVP_S_ADRNR_RESULT - SoRT Information After EOP Check for CPD Addresses

CVP_S_API_BEHAVIOR - Read API behavior

CVP_S_BAL_CTX - Additional contexts for Application logs

CVP_S_BUKRS_KUNNR - Company code and customer number

CVP_S_BUKRS_KUNNR_AUTH - Company, customer authorities

CVP_S_BUKRS_KUNNR_BEGRU - Company, customer, authority group and block flag

CVP_S_BUKRS_KUNNR_BLOCK - Company, customer and block

CVP_S_BUKRS_LIFNR - Company code and vendor number

CVP_S_BUKRS_LIFNR_AUTH - Company, vendor authorities

CVP_S_BUKRS_LIFNR_BEGRU - Company, vendor, authority group and block flag

CVP_S_BUKRS_LIFNR_BLOCK - Company, vendor and block

CVP_S_CHDOC_TABLE_RELEVANCE - Table relevance in change documents

CVP_S_CUSTOMER_RANGE - FSCM-DM: Range for Object Key

CVP_S_DUMMY_MSK - Dummy structure for DPP_MASK_RSTRCT

CVP_S_EOPAPP - Application Names for EoP check

CVP_S_EOPARV - Application Rule Variant for EoP check

CVP_S_EOPCLASS - Application Classes Registered for EoP Check

CVP_S_EOP_CHECK_MESSAGES - Result Log Messages after EOP check

CVP_S_EOP_CHECK_PARTNERS - Master data IDs for blocking

CVP_S_EOP_CHECK_PARTNERS_CPD - Master data One Time account IDs for blocking

CVP_S_EOP_PARTNER_PURCMPL - Structure for cvp_tt_eop_partner_purcmpl

CVP_S_EOP_PARTNER_PURCMPL_EXP - Master data IDs for blocking export interface

CVP_S_EOP_PROXYCLASS_LOGPORT - Customer/Vendor EoP check: Proxyclass with logical port

CVP_S_EOP_SYSTEM_CONTYPE - Customer/Vendor EoP check: EOP System with connection type

CVP_S_EOP_SYSTEM_DATA - Customer/Vendor EoP check: System data

CVP_S_ES_CHECK - Mapping structrue for enterprise service check

CVP_S_KNA1_EOP_CHECK_SEL - For KNA1 selection during EoP check preparation

CVP_S_KNB1_EOP_CHECK_SEL - For KNB1 selection during EoP check preparation

CVP_S_KNVK_EOP_CHECK_SEL - For KNVK selection during EoP check preparation

CVP_S_KNVV_EOP_CHECK_SEL - For KNVV selection during EoP check preparation

CVP_S_KTONR_PARNR - Customer or vendor, partner

CVP_S_KUNNR - Customer

CVP_S_KUNNR_AUTH - Customer authorities

CVP_S_KUNNR_BEGRU - Customer, authority group and block flag

CVP_S_KUNNR_BLOCK - Customer and block

CVP_S_KUNNR_BUKRS - Customer number, company code, sales organisation

CVP_S_KUNNR_PARNR - customer, contact person

CVP_S_LFA1_EOP_CHECK_SEL - For LFA1 selectin during EoP check preparation

CVP_S_LFB1_EOP_CHECK_SEL - For LFB1 selection during EoP check preparation

CVP_S_LIFNR - Vendor

CVP_S_LIFNR_AUTH - Vendor authorities

CVP_S_LIFNR_BEGRU - Vendor, authority group and block flag

CVP_S_LIFNR_BLOCK - Vendor and block

CVP_S_LIFNR_BUKRS - Vendor number, company code, purchasing organisation

CVP_S_LIFNR_PARNR - Vendor, contact person

CVP_S_MASK_DATAELEMENT - CVP: Dataelements to be masked

CVP_S_MESSAGE - Error Indicator and Messages

CVP_S_NOERPL_EOP_CHK_CPD_E - No ERP Layer: EoP check Check CPD Exporting

CVP_S_NOERPL_EOP_CHK_CPD_I - No ERP Layer: EoP check Check CPD importing

CVP_S_NOERPL_EOP_CHK_PRTNRS_E - No ERP Layer: EoP check Check Partners Exporting

CVP_S_NOERPL_EOP_CHK_PRTNRS_I - No ERP Layer: EoP check Check Partners importing

CVP_S_NOERPL_EOP_FINAL_I - No ERP Layer: EoP check Finalize importing

CVP_S_NOERPL_EOP_INIT_E - No ERP Layer: EoP check initialization exporting

CVP_S_NOERPL_EOP_INIT_I - No ERP Layer: EoP check initialization Importing

CVP_S_NOERPL_EOP_PURCOMPL_E - No ERP Layer: EoP check Purpose Complete Exporting

CVP_S_NOERPL_EOP_PURCOMPL_I - No ERP Layer: EoP check Purpose Complete importing

CVP_S_NOERPL_UNB_FINAL_I - No ERP Layer: Unblock Finalize importing

CVP_S_NOERPL_UNB_INIT_E - No ERP Layer: Unblock check initialization exporting

CVP_S_NOERPL_UNB_INIT_I - No ERP Layer: Unblock check initialization Importing

CVP_S_NOERPL_UNB_PREP_RESET_E - No ERP Layer: Unblock Prepare reset exporting

CVP_S_NOERPL_UNB_PREP_RESET_I - No ERP Layer: Unblock Prepare Reset importing

CVP_S_NOERPL_UNB_RESET_E - No ERP Layer: Unblock reset exporting

CVP_S_NOERPL_UNB_RESET_I - No ERP Layer: Unblock Reset importing

CVP_S_PARNR - Contact person

CVP_S_PARNR_AUTH - Contact, authority group and block flag

CVP_S_PARNR_BEGRU - Contact, authority group and block flag

CVP_S_PARTNER_DATES - Master data IDs with Creation and last change date


CVP_S_SELECT_PARTNERS - Master data IDs for data selection

CVP_S_SELECT_PARTNERS_APPL - Master data IDs for data selection + application name

CVP_S_SORT_RESULT - SORT information after EOP check

CVP_S_UNBLK_ALV_DISP - Structure for displaying cvp_unblk_reqst in ALV grid

CVP_S_UNBLK_REQST - Structure for unblocking table cvp_unblk_reqst

CVP_S_UNBLK_REQST_STATUS - structure for keyfields of unblocking table cvp_unblk_reqst

CVP_S_UNBLOCK_STATUS - structure for keyfields of unblocking table cvp_unblk_reqst

CVP_S_VENDOR_RANGE - Range for Object Key

CVP_S_VKORG_KUNNR - Sales Organisation and customer number

CVP_S_VKORG_KUNNR_AUTH - Sales Organisation, Customer authorities

CVP_S_XSLT_VERSION - Version handling of the XSLT transformation

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