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COTPL - CO-ABC Template Master Data

COTPLACT - CO-OM-ABC: Values for Activation Column in Process Template

COTPLACTT - CO-OM-ABC: Texts for Entries in Activation Column

COTPLAPPL - Template applications

COTPLAPPLT - Template application texts

COTPLCLASS - Template environments

COTPLCLASS_NA - Invalid Template Environments

COTPLCLT - Template environment texts

COTPLCOLUMN - Template columntypes

COTPLCOLUMNT - Template column default texts (if not in COTPLDEFCOLT)

COTPLCUSTTABHIER - Hierarchy for Customer-Specific Tables

COTPLDEF - Template: Definitions for Classes

COTPLDEFCELL - Template Cell Control

COTPLDEFCOL - Template columns

COTPLDEFCOLT - Template column texts per class

COTPLDEFLINETYP - Template line types per application

COTPLDEFTC - Table Control Assignments: Fields

COTPLDROPDOWN - DropDown-Listbox Values for Template columns

COTPLF - CO-ABC Find Template

COTPLFC - CO-OM-ABC: Process Template Control Blocks (TYPE TPLIC_BCB)

COTPLFLTAB - Dialog Window Titles for Errors in Process Template Imports

COTPLFP - CO-OM-ABC: Formula Parameter Lists for Process Template

COTPLFS - ABC: Sources of Formulas in a Template

COTPLFV - CO-OM-ABC: Formula Value Lists for Process Template

COTPLIC - CO-OM-ABC: Execution Communication for Process Template

COTPLICVAL - CO-OM-ABC: Period Values for Process Template

COTPLKONST - Constants for Parallel Processing of Template Allocation

COTPLLINETYPE - Template linetypes

COTPLLINETYPET - Template line type texts

COTPLP - CO-OM-ABC: Items in Process Template

COTPLPARAMETERS - Parameters for Transfer to Parallel Processing Module

COTPLPT - CO-OM-ABC: Texts for Items in Process Template

COTPLR - CO-OM-ABC: Master Data Extension, Process Template (Reports)

COTPLRUNTIME - Information for Runtime Analysis of Template Allocation

COTPLS - CO-ABC: Source Text for Formulas in Template

COTPLT - CO-OM-ABC: Descriptive Text for Process Template

COTPLTABCUSTCLT - Tempalte: Valid Customer Tables in Environment Maintenance

COTPLTABLE - Template: Valid Tables in Environment Maintenance

COTPLTABLET - CO-ABC: Valid Tables in Template Environment (lang-dependnt)

COTPLTCFIX - Template: Fix values for characteristics of customer tables

COTPLTCFIXCLT - Template: Fix values for characteristics of customer tables

COTPL_INFO - Template Information

COTPL_SEND_FUNC - Template sender function information

COTPL_S_METOBJ - Template object value

COTPL_S_VALUE - Template object values

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