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COMPANYINFO_VAT_CZ - Info About Company Sending VAT Report in Czech Republic

COMPANY_CODE_DATA_NL - Company Code Data for Netherlands

COMPANY_CODE_MASTER_DATA - Company Code Master Data

COMPARAM - ORACLE Database Parameters structure.

COMPARE_OUTPUT - Comparison result/output

COMPARE_RESULTS - Comaprison Results(Obsolete -Donot Use-To be Deleted)

COMPARE_SELTAB - Comparison seltab

COMPAUFNR - Assignment: PM/SM Order Number to Object

COMPCMP - OCM: Comparison result, individual records for components

COMPCMPB - Individual comparison result for components (document table)

COMPCMPD - Individual comparison result for components (online)

COMPCODE_INTERVALL - Interval for Active Component

COMPCOMP - Order components for order comparison

COMPCONF - OCM: Comparison result, state of change numbers

COMPCONFB - State of change numbers (document table)


COMPETENCY_NAME - Name of Qualification

COMPETENCY_VALIDATE_DEPRECIATE - Validity/Depreciation Meter Value of Qualification

COMPF - OCM: Names of compared fields

COMPFB - Secondary field names (document table)

COMPFD - Secondary field names (online)

COMPH - OCM: Comparison result (header entry)

COMPHB - Header entries for comparisons (document table)

COMPHCOD - Display Order, Component, and Operation Data

COMPHD - Header entries for comparisons (online)

COMPHDR - OCM: Comparison results, indiv. records for order headers

COMPHDRB - Individual comparison result for order headers (doc.table)

COMPHDRD - Comparison result, indiv. records for order headers (online)

COMPHEAD - Order headers for order comparison

COMPHIERARCHY - Structure for Creating Order Hierarchies

COMPINFO - Release Upgrade Information of a Component

COMPINFOXT - Component Upgrade Information (Including Moves)

COMPITEM - Order items for order comparison

COMPITM - OCM: Comparison result, individual records for items

COMPITMB - Individual comparison result for items (document table)

COMPITMD - Individual comparison result for items (online)

COMPLETE_ETINS_DATA - IS-U: Contains General and Specific Data for Tech. Inst.

COMPL_TYPE - Structure for displaying complex types

COMPMOVE - Goods Movement of Components

COMPMSG - Messages from checks for leveling steps

COMPMSGB - Message for individual comparison result (document table)

COMPMSGD - Message for single comparison analysis (online)

COMPNUMT - Table for temporary and final COMPNUMs

COMPONENTS - Components of stored documents

COMPONENT_INFO - Installed Component

COMPONENT_NAMES - Structure of Component Names (Including Layer)

COMPOPER - Order operation for the order comparison

COMPOPR - OCM: Comparison result, individual records for operations

COMPOPRB - Indiv. comparison result for order operations (doc. table)

COMPOPRD - Individual comparison result for order operations (online)

COMPPRT - OCM: Comparison result, individual record for PRTs

COMPPRTB - Individual comparison result for PRT (document table)

COMPPRTD - Individual comparison result for PRTs (online)

COMPRES - Comparison results for order objects

COMPRESSED_PART1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

COMPROBANTERESPONSE - AR : comprobanteResponse

COMPSEQ - Operation sequences for order comparison

COMPSQU - OCM: Comparison results; Single records for sequences

COMPSQUB - Single comparison result for order sequences (Buffer table)

COMPSQUD - Single comparison result for order sequences (Online)

COMPSTAT - Statistics of differences found during comparison

COMPTOOL - For the comparison of production resources/tools

COMPVIEW - Generated Table for View

COMPXPD_ANALYSIS - Reporting Data for Monitoring of Tasks

COMPXPD_DATA - Data for Describing Components in Expediting

COMPXPD_INPUT - Input Structure for Expediting Network Components

COMPXPD_LINE - Structure of a Line in Expediting for Network Components

COMPXPD_NMR_LINE - Structure for Subitem of Monitoring of Tasks

COMPXPD_T023 - Event Scenario Proposal

COMP_CODE_MDRPLCTN_BUNDLE_REQ - Company Code Master Data Replication Bundle Request Message

COMP_CODE_RPLCTN_REQ_MSG - Company Code Replication Request Message

COMP_CODE_S_ADR2 - Company Code Tel

COMP_CODE_S_ADR3 - Company Code Fax

COMP_CODE_S_ADR6 - Company Code Email

COMP_CODE_S_ADRC - Company Code Address

COMP_CODE_S_CONF_DETAIL - Company Code Detail

COMP_CODE_S_CONF_LIST - Company Code List

COMP_CP - PUTTBC Handling: Components for Copying

COMP_CUST - Transfer structure for additional fields LCOSDFB1 cust.exit1

COMP_DAT - Input fields for object comparison

COMP_DEST - Assign logical component to RFC destination

COMP_EXIT_EXP - Data for component from comparison exit (export)

COMP_EXIT_IMP - Data for a new component for check exit (import)

COMP_F_AT - Reference Table for LEABLu03

COMP_LAYER - Component Layering

COMP_MAN - Component: Structure for comparison of manually changed flds

COMP_MAT_STOCK - Material Stock (Structured Material)

COMP_PROPS - Software Component with Properties/Attributes

COMP_SELECT_LIST - Selected Component List with Respect to Operations

COMP_SYS - EM: Component <-> SAP System Assignment

COMP_TYPES - Hierarchy Tool: Comparison Type Check Table

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