Select data from sap tables COER_

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Display SAP table details

COERI - Sales Order Value Revenue - Internal Structure

COERR_BAL_COLUMNS - Additional Columns for Application Log

COERR_CHECK - Controlling Cockpit: Data to Be Checked

COERR_F4_MSGTYP - Message Types for Error Worklist Selection

COERR_METHOD - Controlling Cockpit: Check Routine

COERR_MSG - Controlling Cockpit: Message

COERR_MSG_HNDL - Controlling Cockpit: Message with Log Handle

COERR_PARAM - Controlling Cockpit: Parameter Data for Check

COERR_TABLES - Controlling Cockpit: Data in Table for Check

COERT - Special Data Transfer: Sales Order -> Accounting

COER_KEY - Reference Structure for SD Document Number Table

COER_WA - COER Structure for Report RKPSSHOW

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