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CNV_PACK_TREE - Dependent packages in a tree structure

CNV_PE_ACT_CTRL - Activity control

CNV_PE_ADD_REPO - Additional repositories for posting engine objects

CNV_PE_AFS_CLASS_ALLOC_DEP - Class: Allocation dependencies

CNV_PE_AFS_CLASS_LCL_DEP_DESCR - Class: Local dependency descriptions

CNV_PE_AFS_CLASS_LCL_DEP_LTXT - Class: Local dependency long texts

CNV_PE_AFS_CLASS_OVERWR - Class Overwritten Values

CNV_PE_AFS_CLS_AENNR - Class: Change numbers

CNV_PE_ALV_HNDL - Table to store handle for ALV specifc-input structures

CNV_PE_AREA - Posting engine area

CNV_PE_AREA_MWB - MWB attributes for PE area

CNV_PE_AREA_TRUD - Undetected Transformation Rules of area

CNV_PE_AREA_TYP - Types of a posting engine area

CNV_PE_AREA_TYPT - Types of a posting engine area - texts

CNV_PE_AR_SOVAR - Table for AREA Selection Criteria Variants

CNV_PE_AR_SOVARP - Ranges for WL1 Selection Criteria variant

CNV_PE_BTC_CFGL - Local batch processing settings

CNV_PE_BTC_CNFP - Batch processing settings (project level)

CNV_PE_BTC_CONF - Batch processing settings (area level)

CNV_PE_BTC_JOBS - Batch Jobs per Area

CNV_PE_BTC_RUN - Run Ids for MC simulation and transfer activities

CNV_PE_CHA_CLASS_VIEW - exts, Additional Data, and Icons for characteristic

CNV_PE_CHGLOG - Change log table

CNV_PE_CLASS_TAB - Knowledge Base for Deletion of PE Objects

CNV_PE_CLU - Cluster table for storing various data, e.g. DM tables

CNV_PE_CODE_STEP - Code steps for PE objects

CNV_PE_CTRL_OBJ - Control objects, being considered during copy proc. of owner

CNV_PE_DEL_BUFF - Objects ID´s that are soft-deleted

CNV_PE_DOWN_LOG - Download log

CNV_PE_DTL_S_COBJ_REF - Object reference of migration object

CNV_PE_EXE - Posting Engine EXE Rules

CNV_PE_EXE_STEP - Execution rule steps

CNV_PE_EXE_STEPT - Execution rule step description

CNV_PE_FIAA_CPIT - TRFM configuration parameter values for FI-AA area

CNV_PE_GEN_LOG - Cluster table to log generated object information

CNV_PE_GEN_OBJ - List of generated objects

CNV_PE_GEN_OBJ_R - General (optional) registration of generated objects

CNV_PE_IF - Interface description

CNV_PE_IF_CTA_AD - Interface Call Transaction ADDITION Sequence of Screens

CNV_PE_IF_DM_ES - Connection of PE data models to BOD data models

CNV_PE_IF_DM_ESF - Filter assignment for ES preselection

CNV_PE_IF_DM_MWB - MWB attributes for PE data model parameters

CNV_PE_IF_DM_SD - Selection dependency across TEMPLATE data models

CNV_PE_IF_DM_SEL - General selection configuration for PE data model

CNV_PE_IF_FORKEY - Foreign key in PE interface description

CNV_PE_IF_MAP - Interface mapping in posting engine

CNV_PE_IF_MAPAIF - Interface Mapping additive Interfaces

CNV_PE_IF_MAPI - Interface mapping items in PE

CNV_PE_IF_PAR - Interface parameters in posting engine

CNV_PE_IF_PAR_AP - Access paths for interface parameters in mappings

CNV_PE_IF_PAR_WL - Interface parameter of type Worklist Field in PE

CNV_PE_IF_PMAP - Interface parameter mapping in PE

CNV_PE_IF_PMAPM - Interface parameter mapping of type Simple Move in PE

CNV_PE_IF_PMAPTR - Interface parameter mapping of type Via Transformation Rule

CNV_PE_IF_RAP - RAP interfaces -- additional information

CNV_PE_IF_RETEV - Interface (parameter) return evaluation

CNV_PE_IF_RETEV6 - Interface (parameter) return evaluation mapping for type ANY

CNV_PE_IF_RETEVT - Interface (parameter) return evaluation texts

CNV_PE_IF_SMAPH - Header table for structural interface mappings

CNV_PE_IF_SMAPI - Items of structural interface mapping

CNV_PE_JF_ACTPAR - Action Parameter

CNV_PE_JF_ACTQUE - Action Queue

CNV_PE_JF_INDX - Indx table for storing list of objects for job framework

CNV_PE_JF_PRT - Portion

CNV_PE_JF_STPJOB - Jobs of step

CNV_PE_JF_S_ACT_CTRL - Action Controller

CNV_PE_JF_S_ACT_REG - Structure for lock object ECNV_PE_JF_ACTRE

CNV_PE_LAST_UPD - Indicator from OBJ_TYPE that object in ID must recalc. IDENT

CNV_PE_LOAD - Load Customizing

CNV_PE_LOAD_LOG - Tracking of loading template objects in productive clients

CNV_PE_L_S4_MR_LONG_TEXT - Master recipe long text

CNV_PE_L_S4_MR_PLPO - Linetype for application select table

CNV_PE_MC_ACOP - Generated Table for View

CNV_PE_MC_AREA - Generated Table for View

CNV_PE_MC_COMP - Generated Table for View

CNV_PE_MC_LOCK - MC table for DB lock (ENQUEUE) logic

CNV_PE_MC_MAIN - Generated Table for View

CNV_PE_MC_PROGRESS_BAR_INFO - Progress bar info


CNV_PE_OBJECT - Central storage for posting engine objects

CNV_PE_OBJECT_T - Posting engine object texts

CNV_PE_OBJTYPE - Object types within the posting engine

CNV_PE_OBJTYPE_T - Object types within the posting engine - texts

CNV_PE_OBJ_DEL - Objects IDs that are deleted from DB; until incl. DMIS SP14

CNV_PE_OBJ_DEL2 - Objects IDs that are deleted from DB; from DMIS SP15 ff.

CNV_PE_OBJ_DEL2R - Registr. of deleted object as of CNV_PE_OBJ_DEL2 in client

CNV_PE_OBJ_LOCK - (Dummy) table for DB lock (ENQUEUE) logic

CNV_PE_OBJ_SELV - Control table dependency between PE object and sel. variant

CNV_PE_OBJ_SELV2 - Control table: Dependency between objects and sel variants

CNV_PE_OBJ_VERS - Object versions (instance serialization)

CNV_PE_OPT_STAT - Generated Table for View

CNV_PE_PARAM - General parameters for parameter values

CNV_PE_PARAM_OBJ - List of parameters for a given object type

CNV_PE_PCL_DEST - (PCL) RFC destination assignment per project and area

CNV_PE_PCL_PACK - Posting enginge project <-> PCL package link

CNV_PE_PROJ - Posting Engine Project

CNV_PE_PROJ_ACOP - Storage of relevant areas (to be copied) on project level

CNV_PE_PROJ_ADEP - PE project - area dependence (predecessor - successor)

CNV_PE_RUNTM_SET - Runtime evaluation: Settings

CNV_PE_RUNTM_VAL - Runtime estimation: Timesteps

CNV_PE_S4AFSFI_S_GL_CSKB - Structure for CSKB fields

CNV_PE_S4FI_S_GL_CSKB - Structure for CSKB fields

CNV_PE_S4_AENNR_KNOBJ - Dependency to Change number assignment


CNV_PE_S4_AFS_CLS_OVRWR_DSCR - Class: Overwritten values descriptions and long texts

CNV_PE_S4_AFS_S_BUKRS - Structure for Company Code

CNV_PE_S4_AFS_S_BUKRS_KOKRS - Structure for Company Code and Controlling Area

CNV_PE_S4_AFS_S_BUKRS_KTOPL - Structure for Company Code and Chart Of Acc.

CNV_PE_S4_AFS_S_CABN - Characteristic

CNV_PE_S4_AFS_S_CABNT - Characteristics Text

CNV_PE_S4_AFS_S_CAWN - Characteristic values

CNV_PE_S4_AFS_S_CAWNT - Value Texts

CNV_PE_S4_AFS_S_CUKB - API Sturcture for Basic Data of Dependency

CNV_PE_S4_AFS_S_CUKBT - API Structure for Lang-Dependent Dependency Descriptions

CNV_PE_S4_AFS_S_CUKN - API Structure for Souces of Dependency

CNV_PE_S4_AFS_S_CUOB - API Structure for Allocations for Object Dependencies

CNV_PE_S4_AFS_S_DOC1 - API Structure for Dependency Documentation

CNV_PE_S4_AFS_S_LT_CHAR - API Structure for Long Text for Charachteristics

CNV_PE_S4_AFS_S_LT_VALUE - API Structure for Long Text for Value

CNV_PE_S4_AFS_S_TCME - Validity for Global Characteristics

CNV_PE_S4_AFS_S_WERKS_KOKRS - Structure for Plant and Controlling Area

CNV_PE_S4_CLASS_ALLOC_DEP - Class: Allocation dependencies

CNV_PE_S4_CLASS_LCL_DEP_DESCR - Class: Local dependency descriptions

CNV_PE_S4_CLASS_LCL_DEP_LTXT - Class: Local dependency long texts

CNV_PE_S4_CLASS_LONGTEXTS - Class longtexts

CNV_PE_S4_CLASS_OVERWR - Class Overwritten Values

CNV_PE_S4_CLS_AENNR - Class: Change numbers

CNV_PE_S4_CLS_OVRWR_DSCR - Class: Overwritten values descriptions and long texts

CNV_PE_S4_CSDEP_DAT - BOMs: Basic Data of a Dependency

CNV_PE_S4_CSDEP_DESC - BOMs: Object Dependency Descriptions

CNV_PE_S4_CSDEP_DOC - BOMs: Object Dependency Documentation

CNV_PE_S4_CSDEP_ORD - BOMs: Sort Sequence of Object Dependencies

CNV_PE_S4_CSDEP_SORC - BOMs: Source Code of Object Dependencies

CNV_PE_S4_CSLTX_LINE - BOMs: Long text

CNV_PE_S4_CUVTABVAL_CABN - Characteristic details for varinat table entry

CNV_PE_S4_CUVTAB_AENR - Change number for variant table entry

CNV_PE_S4_PP_MAT_BOM - Change Number

CNV_PE_S4_S_AUFNR - Technical structure for project structure migration object

CNV_PE_S4_S_BUKRS - Structure for Company Code

CNV_PE_S4_S_BUKRS_KOKRS - Structure for Company Code and Controlling Area

CNV_PE_S4_S_BUKRS_KTOPL - Structure for Company Code and Chart Of Acc.

CNV_PE_S4_S_CABN - Characteristic

CNV_PE_S4_S_CABNT - Characteristics Text

CNV_PE_S4_S_CAWN - Characteristic values

CNV_PE_S4_S_CAWNT - Value Texts

CNV_PE_S4_S_CUKB - API Structure for Basic Data of Dependency

CNV_PE_S4_S_CUKBT - API Structure for Lang-Dependent Dependency Descriptions

CNV_PE_S4_S_CUKN - API Structure for Sources of Dependency

CNV_PE_S4_S_CUKN_AS - CUKN application select

CNV_PE_S4_S_CUOB - API Structure for Allocations for Object Dependencies

CNV_PE_S4_S_DOC1 - API Structure for Dependency Documentation

CNV_PE_S4_S_KNNAM - Structure for Object Dependency Routing

CNV_PE_S4_S_KOKRS_KTOPL - Structure for CO Area and Chart of Accounts

CNV_PE_S4_S_LT_CHAR - API Structure for Long Text for Charachteristics

CNV_PE_S4_S_LT_VALUE - API Structure for Long Text for Value

CNV_PE_S4_S_PM_MD - Structure for Measurement Document Long Text

CNV_PE_S4_S_PM_MP - API Structure for Long Text for Measuring Point

CNV_PE_S4_S_TCME - Validity for Global Characteristics

CNV_PE_S4_S_WERKS_BUKRS - Structure for Plant and Company Code

CNV_PE_S4_S_WERKS_KOKRS - Structure for Plant and Controlling Area

CNV_PE_SELV_EXPR - Technical selection expression

CNV_PE_SELV_HDR - Header information of selection variants

CNV_PE_SELV_S_RSDSEXPR - Logical expressions (dynamic selections)

CNV_PE_SELV_S_RSDSEXPR_TAB - Logical expression for selection variant

CNV_PE_SEL_LOCK - (Dummy) table for DB lock (ENQUEUE) logic

CNV_PE_SEL_S_SEL_CTRL_REF - Object references of selection controller each area

CNV_PE_SIMTYPE - Simulation types within the posting engine

CNV_PE_SIMTYPE_T - Simulation types within the posting engine - texts

CNV_PE_STATUS - Status values within PE

CNV_PE_STATUS_BU - Posting engine status bundle

CNV_PE_STATUS_T - Status value texts

CNV_PE_STEP_INFO - Generated Table for View

CNV_PE_STEP_NUM - Generated Table for View

CNV_PE_STEP_T - Generated Table for View

CNV_PE_SUPPORT_TECH_SEL_RCV - Receiver Technical Selection Criteria

CNV_PE_SUPPORT_TECH_SEL_SND - Sender Technical Selection Criteria

CNV_PE_S_ADD_REPO - Additional repositories for posting engine objects

CNV_PE_S_ADD_REPOS - Additional repository IDs

CNV_PE_S_ANLB_CPIT - Configuration parameter for ANLB

CNV_PE_S_ANLB_TCFG_KB - ANLB TCFG&KB configuration information

CNV_PE_S_ANY_DATA_INFO - Structure for any data

CNV_PE_S_AREA_ASSIGNMENT - PE: Structure for Area Assignment Presentation

CNV_PE_S_AREA_DATA_FIELDS - data fields (information) per area

CNV_PE_S_AREA_KEY_FIELDS - Key fields of an area

CNV_PE_S_AREA_MWB_ATTRIBUTES - MWB attributes on PE area level

CNV_PE_S_AREA_PRED_AREA - Area - Predecessor Area

CNV_PE_S_AREA_REFS - Area object references in posting engine

CNV_PE_S_AREA_RFC_INFO - RFC information of area

CNV_PE_S_AR_SOVAR_FIELD - Structure for Select Option Variant Field


CNV_PE_S_AR_SOVAR_LIST - AREA Selection Criteria Variants list

CNV_PE_S_AR_SOVAR_PARAMS - Felder der Select option

CNV_PE_S_AR_SOVAR_PARAMS_DATA - Felder der Select option data

CNV_PE_S_AR_SOVAR_PARAMS_KEYS - Felder der Select option key fields

CNV_PE_S_BOD_WSPOS_AREA_INFO - Information about WSPOS and the corresponding AREA assignmen

CNV_PE_S_BRGR00 - Batch Input Structure for Session Data

CNV_PE_S_BSCHL - Structure for posting keys

CNV_PE_S_BSCHL_DIFF - Customizing differences

CNV_PE_S_BTCSTATUS_RANGE - Job status range

CNV_PE_S_BTC_CONFIG - Batch processing configuration


CNV_PE_S_BTC_JOB_HEADER - Batch job header data

CNV_PE_S_BTC_TASK_RANGE - Background task range

CNV_PE_S_BUKRS_ANZBP - Company Code - Number of posting periods


CNV_PE_S_BUKRS_RANGE - Range for bukrs value

CNV_PE_S_BUKRS_WAERS - Company code/currency info

CNV_PE_S_CHECK_NAME - Check name


CNV_PE_S_CLEANUP_RESULT - structure for storing cleanup result

CNV_PE_S_CLUSTER_STORAGE_INFO - general description of a cluster storage (ident + content)

CNV_PE_S_CODE_STEP_IDENT_INFO - Complete information of a code step ident (with code object)


CNV_PE_S_COMPLETE - The model structure of completing

CNV_PE_S_CONTEXT_PLAUS_SGN - Help structure for ULV context info in PLAUS_SGN check

CNV_PE_S_CONTEXT_STRUCTURE - Context structure for ULV log call

CNV_PE_S_CONTEXT_TT_LDAMTF - Help structure for ULV context info in LOAD_TT_CUST

CNV_PE_S_CONTEXT_TT_LDDEF - Help structure for ULV context info in LOAD_TT_CUST

CNV_PE_S_CONTEXT_VALUES - Fieldname and its value for ULV call with context structure

CNV_PE_S_CUSTOMIZING_IDENT - Customizing identifier for config class

CNV_PE_S_DEBUG_INFO - Debug information

CNV_PE_S_DEL_OBJECTS - Pair of object type and object id

CNV_PE_S_DM_DATA_INFO - Info (data) of a given transfer list parameter/table

CNV_PE_S_DM_DATA_REF_INFO - Info (data) of a given data model parameter (as DATA ref)

CNV_PE_S_DS_PE - LTR2 Data Set Posting Engine

CNV_PE_S_ERROR_DETAILS - WL item error details

CNV_PE_S_ERROR_FLAGS - WL item error flags

CNV_PE_S_ERROR_ITEMS - WL item lists for error messages

CNV_PE_S_EXE_PROC_EXCLUDED - Execution rule and if processing is excluded

CNV_PE_S_EXE_REFS - Exe object references of posting engine objects


CNV_PE_S_EXE_STEP_INFO - Execution rule step information with description

CNV_PE_S_FIAA_AFABE_BWASL - FI-AA method/transaction type for depreciation area

CNV_PE_S_FIAA_ANLA_AFABE_VAL - Interface Structure for Posting to Assets

CNV_PE_S_FIAA_ANLA_AFABE_VAL_W - Asset values - Wide structure spliitted in current/past year

CNV_PE_S_FIAA_ANLA_INFO - FI-AA Asset information

CNV_PE_S_FIAA_ANLA_POST_INFO - FI-AA Asset including posting information

CNV_PE_S_FIAA_CPIT - TRFM configuration parameter values for FI-AA area

CNV_PE_S_FIAA_REVENUE_INFO - FI-AA revenue information for asset

CNV_PE_S_FIELD_INFO - Info of a given field, relevant for output

CNV_PE_S_FI_ACCCLR - Structure with ACCCLR information

CNV_PE_S_FI_ACCREV - Structure with ACCREV information

CNV_PE_S_FI_BOE_FB01 - Structure with BOE information for FB01

CNV_PE_S_FI_DOCUMENT_HEADER - FI document header


CNV_PE_S_FI_RFBIBL - Posting interface params for fumo CNV_PE_POST_FI_CT_RFBIBL

CNV_PE_S_FI_T001 - Company code information

CNV_PE_S_FUGR_DEF - Global attributes/definition of a function group

CNV_PE_S_FUMO_DEF - Global attributes/definition of a function module

CNV_PE_S_GEN_DDIC_INDEX_PROPS - Properties of DDIC index object to be generated

CNV_PE_S_GEN_DDIC_PROPS - Properties of DDIC object to be generated

CNV_PE_S_GEN_DDIC_TTYP_PROPS - Properties of DDIC table type bject to be generated

CNV_PE_S_GEN_DR_TR_REFS - Decision Rule TRule Generator references

CNV_PE_S_GEN_PROG_DEF - Information for a program/include (to be generated)

CNV_PE_S_GEN_SYNTAX_CHECK - result of a syntax check

CNV_PE_S_GEN_TABLE_DEPOBJ_STAT - Dependent object status of e.g. a DDIC table

CNV_PE_S_GROUP_ID_FIELDS - Field relevant for group id identification

CNV_PE_S_HELP_STRUC - Help structure with fields usable as reference

CNV_PE_S_IF_DATA - Interface data

CNV_PE_S_IF_DATA_FIELDS - data fields of an interface

CNV_PE_S_IF_DATA_PAR_REFS - Object references for PE interface data parameters

CNV_PE_S_IF_DATA_PAR_TABLE - Interface data paramter type table

CNV_PE_S_IF_DM_ES_MAP - Mapping to BO data model

CNV_PE_S_IF_DM_SEL_DEP - Selection dependencies to another data model

CNV_PE_S_IF_FLD_SEL_DEP - Selection dependencies between fields

CNV_PE_S_IF_FORKEY_COMPLETE - Complete foreign key info (incl. text of parameters)

CNV_PE_S_IF_FORKEY_INFO - Table of foreign key elements

CNV_PE_S_IF_GEN_CLASS_LIST - List of generated classes

CNV_PE_S_IF_KEY_FIELDS - key fields of an interface

CNV_PE_S_IF_MAINTENANCE - UI: Structure for interface maintainance

CNV_PE_S_IF_MAPI_DATA_FIELDS - Data fields of interface mapping items in PE

CNV_PE_S_IF_MAPI_KEY_FIELDS - Key fields of interface mapping items in posting engine

CNV_PE_S_IF_MAPI_REFS - References to interface mapping items

CNV_PE_S_IF_MAPPING - Structure for Interface mappings

CNV_PE_S_IF_MAP_ADD_IFS - Interface Mapping additive Interfaces

CNV_PE_S_IF_MAP_REFS - Interface Mappings

CNV_PE_S_IF_MAP_TYPE_RANGE - Line of interface mapping type range table

CNV_PE_S_IF_MAP_VALID_LIST - IF_PAR and IF_SMAP, which can be referred to in an IF_MAP

CNV_PE_S_IF_PARAM - Interface Parameters (on UI)

CNV_PE_S_IF_PARAM_CREATION - Structure for parameter creation

CNV_PE_S_IF_PARTYP_FIELD - Technical field description in Posting engine

CNV_PE_S_IF_PAR_AP - Parameter access path

CNV_PE_S_IF_PAR_IF_PAR_LIST - IFPar ID and corresponding IFPar IDs

CNV_PE_S_IF_PAR_MWB_ATTRIBUTES - MWB attributes for DM parameter

CNV_PE_S_IF_PAR_PAIRS - Parameter pairs (PAR 1 = PAR 2) in two different interfaces

CNV_PE_S_IF_PAR_PROPERTIES - Properties of interface parameter

CNV_PE_S_IF_PAR_REFS - Parameter object references in posting engine

CNV_PE_S_IF_PAR_STRUCTURE - Interface parameter of type structure: field catalog

CNV_PE_S_IF_PAR_STRUCTURE_TR - Interface parameters of type structure (TRule IF only!)

CNV_PE_S_IF_PAR_TTYP_PROPS - Interface parameter of type TTYP: Technical information

CNV_PE_S_IF_PMAPM - Parameter mapping items for type Simple move

CNV_PE_S_IF_PMAPTR_WL1_INFO - WL1 parameter info with TRule assignment (PMAPTR)

CNV_PE_S_IF_PMAP_REFS - Parameter mapping object references

CNV_PE_S_IF_REFS - Interface References

CNV_PE_S_IF_RETEVAL_IF_PAR - Return evaluation ID assignment for interface parameter

CNV_PE_S_IF_RETEV_INFO - Info about return evaluation ID

CNV_PE_S_IF_RT_ACT_PAR_MAP - PE IF Runtime: mapping of actual to formal parameters

CNV_PE_S_IF_RT_DATA_ALIASES - PE IF Runtime: Aliases for Data without reference to IF PAR

CNV_PE_S_IF_RT_DATA_DECL - PE IF Runtime: Data decl. for parameter

CNV_PE_S_IF_RT_DECL_PREFIX - PE IF Runtime: Data declaration prefix

CNV_PE_S_IF_RT_EXCEP_HANDLING - PE IF Runtime: Source for catch blocks

CNV_PE_S_IF_RT_LL_SEQ - PE IF Runtime: Loop Level and current Sequence number

CNV_PE_S_IF_RT_MAP_LOOPSTR - PE IF Runtime: Loop Structure and Objects

CNV_PE_S_IF_RT_MAP_READSTR - PE IF Runtime: Read Structure (Access Path)

CNV_PE_S_IF_RT_MAP_SOURCE_ET - PE IF Runtime: Source for exit times of mapping gen.

CNV_PE_S_IF_RT_PAR_DATA_ALIAS - PE IF Runtime: Alias of IF par in generated coding

CNV_PE_S_IF_RT_PMAP_GEN_REFS - PE IF Runtime: object references to pmap generators

CNV_PE_S_IF_RT_PMAP_METHODS - PE IF Runtime: Methods for PMAPS-Execution

CNV_PE_S_IF_RT_SMAP_GEN_REFS - PE IF Runtime: object references to smap generators

CNV_PE_S_IF_RT_SMAP_PMAPS - PE IF Runtime: List of parameter mappings with sequence

CNV_PE_S_IF_RT_TR_HANDLING - PE IF Runtime: TRule specific source

CNV_PE_S_IF_SCREEN_SEQUENCE - Sequence of Screens for Call Transaction alternative

CNV_PE_S_IF_SMAPH_DATA_FIELDS - Data fields of header table of structural mappings

CNV_PE_S_IF_SMAPH_KEY_FIELDS - Key fields of header table for structural mappings

CNV_PE_S_IF_SMAPI_AP_DETAILS - access path details for structural mapping

CNV_PE_S_IF_SMAPI_DATA_FIELDS - Data fields of items for structural mapping

CNV_PE_S_IF_SMAPI_KEY_FIELDS - Key fields of items of structural mapping

CNV_PE_S_IF_SMAPI_LOOPSTR - Posting Engine Interface Table items from SMAP

CNV_PE_S_IF_SMAPS_DATA_FIELDS - Data fields (information) per structural map of type split

CNV_PE_S_IF_SMAPS_KEY_FIELDS - Key fields of structural mapping of type Split

CNV_PE_S_IF_SMAP_DATA_FIELDS - data fields (information) per structural interface mapping

CNV_PE_S_IF_SMAP_KEY_FIELDS - Key fields of a structural mapping

CNV_PE_S_IF_SMAP_REFS - Structural mapping object references

CNV_PE_S_IF_TAB_JOIN_ADDON - Table join addon

CNV_PE_S_IF_TAB_REL - Posting Engine Interface Table Relation with conditions

CNV_PE_S_IF_TAB_REL_LOOPSTR - Posting Engine Interface Table Relation loop structure

CNV_PE_S_IF_TAB_REL_WH_CLAUSE - Posting Engine Interface Table Relation where clause

CNV_PE_S_IF_TAB_SEL_DEP - Selection dependencies between tables

CNV_PE_S_IF_TAB_STATUS_TREE - PE: Complete table status tree (incl. FORKEY) of interface

CNV_PE_S_IF_TAB_TREE - Table tree information of a given interface

CNV_PE_S_IF_TAB_TREE_COMPLETE - Complete table tree (incl. FORKEY) of an interface

CNV_PE_S_IF_TAB_TREE_LEVEL - Table tree level information of a given interface

CNV_PE_S_IF_TAB_WH_CLAUSE_ADDO - Posting Engine Interface Table Relation where clause Addon's

CNV_PE_S_IF_TEMPLATE_MAPPING - PE Interfaces: Mapping between new IDs and Templates

CNV_PE_S_IF_TYPE_RANGE - Line of interface type range table


CNV_PE_S_MAP_UPLOAD - Mapping files upload (UI structure)


CNV_PE_S_MMST_EXIT_DATA - Stock Transfer: Storage of Exit Data from Code Steps

CNV_PE_S_MMST_EXIT_MARA - Stock Transfer: MARA structure for Code Step exits

CNV_PE_S_MMST_EXIT_MARC - Stock Transfer: MARC structure for Code Step exits

CNV_PE_S_MMST_EXIT_T001L - Stock Transfer: T001L Structure for Code Step exits

CNV_PE_S_MMST_EXIT_T156SC - Stock Transfer: T156SC Structure for Code Step exits

CNV_PE_S_MMST_MOVEMENT_TYPE - Stock Transfer:Stock Category/Movement Type Config Parameter

CNV_PE_S_MMST_VPRSV_EXT - Stock Transfer: Mat. Price Control Ind. Structure (VPRSV)

CNV_PE_S_MODIFICATION_INFO - Information about modifications

CNV_PE_S_MSG_INDX - Structure for message index logging

CNV_PE_S_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES - line type list of object attributes

CNV_PE_S_OBJECT_ID_RANGE - Range for object ID

CNV_PE_S_OBJECT_REFS - Object references of posting engine objects

CNV_PE_S_OBJ_EVT - Object Event

CNV_PE_S_OBJ_EVT_PARAM - Object Event Parameters

CNV_PE_S_OBJ_ID - Simple structure with object ID

CNV_PE_S_OBJ_NAME - Simple structure with object name (SOBJ_NAME)

CNV_PE_S_OBJ_TABINFO - Table information for a certain object

CNV_PE_S_OBJ_TASK - Task at runtime

CNV_PE_S_OBJ_TYPE_INFO - Details of an PE object type

CNV_PE_S_OBJ_TYPE_TEXT - Texts of a PE object type

CNV_PE_S_PARAM_RANGE - Ranges structure for general parameters

CNV_PE_S_PAR_GEN_STRUC_INFO - Information about generated structures of a given IF param

CNV_PE_S_PAR_GEN_TABLE_INFO - Information about generated tables of a given IF param

CNV_PE_S_PAR_GEN_TTYP_INFO - Information about generated table types of a given IF param

CNV_PE_S_PCL_JOB - PCL Job Information

CNV_PE_S_PCL_JOB_HEADER - PCL Job header data


CNV_PE_S_PFW_BINDING - structure for pfw binding

CNV_PE_S_PFW_PARAMETER - Structure for defining PFW parameters

CNV_PE_S_PROC_STATUS_AREA - Process status for a single area

CNV_PE_S_PROC_STATUS_PROJ - Processing status for project

CNV_PE_S_PROC_STATUS_SYS_TYPE - Processing status via a system type

CNV_PE_S_PROG_DEF - Global attributes/definition of a program

CNV_PE_S_PROG_STATUS - Progress status

CNV_PE_S_PROJ_DATA_FIELDS - Data fields (information) of a project

CNV_PE_S_PROJ_KEY_FIELDS - Key fields of a project

CNV_PE_S_PROJ_REFS - Project object references in posting engine

CNV_PE_S_READ - The model structure of reading

CNV_PE_S_RETEV_TEXT - Text of return evaluation ID

CNV_PE_S_RSDS_FRANGE - Field select options

CNV_PE_S_RUNTIME_ALL - Runtime evaluation time for all items

CNV_PE_S_RUNTIME_ITEM - Runtime evaluation speed (item/sec)

CNV_PE_S_RUNTIME_RESULT - Runtime evaluation results

CNV_PE_S_RUNTIME_SETTINGS - Area runtime evaluation settings

CNV_PE_S_S4AFS_COND_KEY_FIELDS - Structure : Condition Table Field Names and Values

CNV_PE_S_S4CO_BAPIACPTOT - CO Planning: Total Values for Plan Activity BAPIs

CNV_PE_S_S4CO_BAPIACPVAL - CO Planning: Total Values for Plan Activity BAPIs

CNV_PE_S_S4CO_CMDT_CC - Structure for Inactive Cost Center

CNV_PE_S_S4CO_CON_COMP_CODE - Controlling and Company Code

CNV_PE_S_S4CO_INACTIVE_PRCTR - Inactive Profit Center

CNV_PE_S_S4FI_BUKRS_CURR_INFO - For storing BUKRS related Currency Information

CNV_PE_S_S4MM_PIR_CONDITION - Info Record Conditions

CNV_PE_S_S4MM_PIR_SCALEQUAN - Info Record Conditions: Quantity Scales

CNV_PE_S_S4MM_PIR_SCALEVAL - Value-Based Scales

CNV_PE_S_S4MM_PIR_VALIDITY - Validity Periods of Conditions


CNV_PE_S_S4SD_COND_KEY_FIELDS - Structure : Condition Table Field Names and Values

CNV_PE_S_S4_ADDRESS - Contact : Complete Address

CNV_PE_S_S4_ADD_FILES - Additional Files DMS

CNV_PE_S_S4_ADR10 - Contact : ADR10 Structure Type

CNV_PE_S_S4_ADR11 - Contact : ADR11 Structure Type

CNV_PE_S_S4_ADR12 - Contact : ADR12 Strcuture Type

CNV_PE_S_S4_ADR13 - Contact : ADR13 Structure Type

CNV_PE_S_S4_ADR2 - Contact : ADR2 Structure Type

CNV_PE_S_S4_ADR3 - Contact : ADR3 Structure Type

CNV_PE_S_S4_ADR4 - Contact : ADR4 Structure Type

CNV_PE_S_S4_ADR5 - Contact : ADR5 Structure Type

CNV_PE_S_S4_ADR6 - Contact : ADR5 Table Type

CNV_PE_S_S4_ADR7 - Contact : ADR7 Structure Type

CNV_PE_S_S4_ADR8 - Contact : ADR8 Strcuture Type

CNV_PE_S_S4_ADR9 - Contact : ADR9 Strcuture Type

CNV_PE_S_S4_ADRC - Contact : ADRC structure

CNV_PE_S_S4_ADRCT - Contact : ADRCT Structure Type

CNV_PE_S_S4_ADRT - Contact: ADRT Structure Type

CNV_PE_S_S4_AFS_CHAR_REL - Characteristic Relevance fields

CNV_PE_S_S4_AFS_CO_BAPIACPTOT - CO Planning: Total Values for Plan Activity BAPIs

CNV_PE_S_S4_AFS_CO_BAPIACPVAL - CO Planning: Total Values for Plan Activity BAPIs

CNV_PE_S_S4_AFS_CO_CMDT_CC - Structure for Inactive Cost Center

CNV_PE_S_S4_AFS_CO_COMP_CODE - Controlling and Company Code

CNV_PE_S_S4_AFS_CO_INACTIVE_PR - Inactive Profit Center

CNV_PE_S_S4_AFS_DEPDATA - Basic Data of Dependency

CNV_PE_S_S4_AFS_DEPDESCR - Dependency Descriptions

CNV_PE_S_S4_AFS_DEP_AENNR - Change Number

CNV_PE_S_S4_AFS_DEP_CONS - Constraint

CNV_PE_S_S4_AFS_DOC_DEPSOURCE - Source Code of Object Dependencies

CNV_PE_S_S4_AFS_DOC_LANG - Documentation: SAPscript Text Lines


CNV_PE_S_S4_CONT_VERS - Structure for Content Versioning

CNV_PE_S_S4_CPDEP_DAT - Basic Data of Dependency with Change Numbers

CNV_PE_S_S4_CPDEP_DESC - Descriptions of Object Dependencies with Change Numbers

CNV_PE_S_S4_CPDEP_DOC - Documentation on Object Dependencies with Change Numbers

CNV_PE_S_S4_CPDEP_ORD - Sequence of Object Dependencies with Change Numbers

CNV_PE_S_S4_CPDEP_SORC - Sources of Object Dependencies with Change Numbers

CNV_PE_S_S4_CPRO_ATTR - Attributes of Configuration Profile with Change Numbers

CNV_PE_S_S4_DEPDATA - Basic Data of Dependency

CNV_PE_S_S4_DEPDESCR - Dependency Descriptions

CNV_PE_S_S4_DEP_AENNR - Change Number

CNV_PE_S_S4_DEP_CONS - Constraint

CNV_PE_S_S4_DIR - Document Data


CNV_PE_S_S4_DOC_DEPSOURCE - Source Code of Object Dependencies

CNV_PE_S_S4_DOC_LANG - Documentation: SAPscript Text Lines

CNV_PE_S_S4_FI_CURR_COMPARISON - Currency Comparison result used for posting

CNV_PE_S_S4_KAPA_API03 - API structure: capacities, intervals of available capacity

CNV_PE_S_S4_KEYFIELD - Contact : Key Fields of Application Select

CNV_PE_S_S4_MISC_PRT_CRTXD - Posting Engine: Structure of the texts for the PRTs

CNV_PE_S_S4_MISC_PRT_DOCL - Misc. PRT to Document Linkage


CNV_PE_S_S4_NOTIF_JEST - Structure for Status handling

CNV_PE_S_S4_TLDEP_DAT - Basic Data of Task List Dependency with Change Numbers

CNV_PE_S_S4_TLDEP_DESC - Descriptions of Task List Dependencies with Changes Numbers

CNV_PE_S_S4_TLDEP_DOC - Documentation of Task List Dependencies with Change Numbers

CNV_PE_S_S4_TLDEP_ORD - Allocations for Task List Dependencies with Change Numbers

CNV_PE_S_S4_TLDEP_SRC - Source Code of Task List Dependencies with Change Numbers

CNV_PE_S_S4_TL_HEADER - Task List API: Header data insert structure

CNV_PE_S_S4_TL_MPACK - Task List API: Data for maintenance packag update / insert

CNV_PE_S_S4_TL_OPR - Task list : Structure for operation update / insert

CNV_PE_S_S4_TL_PLMZ_UP - Tasklist: Structure for update or create material components

CNV_PE_S_S4_TL_PRT - Task List API: PRT data for create or change

CNV_PE_S_S4_TL_REL - Task list: Structure relations for insert / change in API

CNV_PE_S_S4_TL_SPACK - Task List API: Service data for read detail

CNV_PE_S_S4_TL_SPACK_CONTR - Task list API: Contract limits of service package

CNV_PE_S_S4_TL_SPACK_LIMIT - Task list API: Limit data of service package

CNV_PE_S_S4_TL_SPACK_OUTLINE - Task list API: Service package outline data

CNV_PE_S_S4_TL_TEXT - Text Header for Task List APIs

CNV_PE_S_S4_TL_TEXT_LINES - Text Lines for Task List APIs

CNV_PE_S_S4_VARIANTS - Structure for variants

CNV_PE_S_SCREEN_SEQUENCE - Sequence of Screens for Call Transaction

CNV_PE_S_SCREEN_SEQUENCE_A - Sequence of Screens for Call Transaction actual screen

CNV_PE_S_SCREEN_SEQUENCE_AD - Sequence of Screens for Call Transaction additionals

CNV_PE_S_SCREEN_SEQUENCE_P - Sequence of Screens for Call Transaction precursor screen

CNV_PE_S_SEL_OBJ_DATA_FIELDS - data fields of a Selection Object

CNV_PE_S_SEL_OBJ_KEY_FIELDS - Key fields of a Selection Object

CNV_PE_S_SEVER_LEVELS - Severity level

CNV_PE_S_SHLP_FIELDDESCR - Structure to replace FIELDDESCR in search help parameter

CNV_PE_S_SHLP_FIELDPROP - Structure to replace FIELDPROP in search help parameter

CNV_PE_S_SHLP_INTDESCR - Structure to replace INTDESCR in search help parameter

CNV_PE_S_SHLP_INTERFACE - Structure to replace INTERFACE in search help parameter

CNV_PE_S_SHLP_SELOPT - Structure to replace SELOPT in search help parameter

CNV_PE_S_SIMULATION_TYPE - Simulation type

CNV_PE_S_SOVAR_FIELD - Structure for Select Option Variant Field

CNV_PE_S_SPA_GPA - SPA/GPA parameter

CNV_PE_S_STATUS - Status values

CNV_PE_S_STATUS_BU_DATA_FIELDS - Data fields of a status bundle

CNV_PE_S_STATUS_BU_KEY_FIELDS - Key fields of a status bundle

CNV_PE_S_STATUS_COUNT - Count of WL items with a particular status

CNV_PE_S_STATUS_DATA_FIELDS - data fields for a given status (bundle)


CNV_PE_S_STATUS_ID_ASSIGNMENT - Assignment of Status ID to other Status ID

CNV_PE_S_STATUS_ID_RANGE - Range for status value

CNV_PE_S_STATUS_T - status value text line

CNV_PE_S_STATUS_XR - Cross reference from area type & WL subtype to bundle id

CNV_PE_S_SUPPORT_DEL_KB_INCONS - Inconsistency of deletion knoweldge base


CNV_PE_S_SUPPORT_DEVC_RANGE - Range of development classes



CNV_PE_S_SYSTEM_TYPES - Type of a participating system

CNV_PE_S_T006 - Units of Measurement

CNV_PE_S_T006A - Assign Internal to Language-Dependent Unit

CNV_PE_S_T006_DIFF - Customizing differences in table T006 (Units of measurement)

CNV_PE_S_T093 - T093 information

CNV_PE_S_T093A - T093A information

CNV_PE_S_T093B - T093B information

CNV_PE_S_T093C - T093C information

CNV_PE_S_TABFIELD_FOR_DELETION - Field, which needs to be considered when deleting entries

CNV_PE_S_TABLE_FIELD - Table + Fieldname

CNV_PE_S_TCFG_MOVE_CORR_PROPS - TCFG move corresponding proposal

CNV_PE_S_TCURX - Decimal Places in Currencies

CNV_PE_S_TCURX_DIFF - Customizing differences

CNV_PE_S_TPAR_DPAR_ID - TRFM parameter and corresponding dm parameter ID

CNV_PE_S_TPAR_SEARCH_RES - Search Result for Transfer Method Parameter

CNV_PE_S_TPM_RT_BEGIN_END - Start and end time


CNV_PE_S_TRFM_CFG_TABS - TRFM configuration tables


CNV_PE_S_TRFM_CP - TRFM config parameters (Header + items)

CNV_PE_S_TRFM_CPIT - TRFM configuration parameter item

CNV_PE_S_TRFM_CP_CURR - Configuration parameter CURR

CNV_PE_S_TRFM_CP_RECON - Field relevant for recon identification

CNV_PE_S_TRFM_DATA_FIELDS - data fields of CNV_PE_TRFM without status fields

CNV_PE_S_TRFM_FFN - TRFM specific Fiori forward navigation details

CNV_PE_S_TRFM_FLDL_DH - Data Handler: Field links

CNV_PE_S_TRFM_KB_REFS - Transfer method knowledge base references


CNV_PE_S_TRFM_PAR_RELV_IDENT - Relevance Identifier

CNV_PE_S_TRFM_REFS - Transfer method object reference


CNV_PE_S_TRFM_REVENUE_INFO - revenue informaiton of trfm

CNV_PE_S_TRFM_SCN - Structure for TRFM scenarios

CNV_PE_S_TRFM_SIM - TRFM specific simulation details


CNV_PE_S_TRFM_STEP_REFS - TRFM reference with step

CNV_PE_S_TRFM_STR_DH - TRFM KB Structure (CNV_PE_TRFM_STR) Data Handler Info

CNV_PE_S_TRFM_TCFG_REFS - Reference of TCFG class for a given transfer method

CNV_PE_S_TRFM_TOPL_DH - Data Handler: Structure links

CNV_PE_S_TRFM_TPAR_DH - Transformation Method Parameter Data Provider Collection

CNV_PE_S_TRFM_TPAR_DP_TXT - Texts for transfer method parameter attributes

CNV_PE_S_TRFM_TPAR_PARL - TRFM parameter link result x-reference for CNV_PE_TRFM_TPAR

CNV_PE_S_TRFM_TRANS_INFO - Information about how to transfer a specific parameter

CNV_PE_S_TRFM_TREL_PARL - TRFM parameter link result x-reference for CNV_PE_TRFM_TREL

CNV_PE_S_TRFM_TR_IGN - Ignore TRule information for transfer method

CNV_PE_S_TRFM_TSPL_PARL - TRFM parameter link result x-reference for CNV_PE_TRFM_TSPL

CNV_PE_S_TRFM_UNDO_REFS - UNDO transfer method object reference for POST TRFM

CNV_PE_S_TR_CALL_INFO - TRule mapping information

CNV_PE_S_TR_CLONE_LIST - TRule clone information

CNV_PE_S_TR_DEPENDENCY_LIST - TRule dependency information

CNV_PE_S_TR_IN_USE - Trules in use

CNV_PE_S_TR_WHERE_USED_DETAIL - Where used list table - with tabname + fieldname

CNV_PE_S_TR_WHERE_USED_TABS - Known Tables for Trule Where Used


CNV_PE_S_TT_LDAMTF_HANDLER - Structure for handler class of CNV_PE_TT_LDAMTF


CNV_PE_S_TT_LDDEF_HANDLER - Structure for handler class of CNV_PE_TT_LDDEF

CNV_PE_S_UI_IF_CREATION - Structure for interface creation

CNV_PE_S_UI_IF_TAB_SEL_DEP - Table selection dependencies

CNV_PE_S_UI_WL_ITEM_MSG_DETAIL - Message details for WL Item

CNV_PE_S_ULV_BAPIMSG_CONTEXT - Information from BAPI messages for ULV context

CNV_PE_S_ULV_CONTEXT - General structure for ULV context storage

CNV_PE_S_VR_ASSIGN_LIST - Configuration proposal and sequence in list of assignment

CNV_PE_S_VR_ASSIGN_LIST_REFS - Configuration proposal and sequence in list of assignment

CNV_PE_S_VR_DATA_FIELDS - data fields of a validity range

CNV_PE_S_VR_KEY_FIELDS - Key Fields of a Configuration Proposal

CNV_PE_S_VR_REFS - Configuration proposal references of posting engine objects

CNV_PE_S_WHERE_USED - Where used list in Posting Engine

CNV_PE_S_WL1_VALUE_RG - Value range for WL1 Item Select Options

CNV_PE_S_WL2POST_WL_ITEM_INFO - WL_ITEM information relevant for fumo WL2SIM & WL2POST

CNV_PE_S_WL2_CLUSTER - Transfer list parameter data in cluster format

CNV_PE_S_WL2_DATA_INFO - Info (data) of a given transfer list parameter/table

CNV_PE_S_WL2_DATA_INFO_BULK - Info (data) to be passed to WL2POST function

CNV_PE_S_WL2_WL_ITEM_DATA_INFO - Info (data) of a given transfer list parameter/table

CNV_PE_S_WLIPC_INFO - Structure for several fields of CNV_PE_WLIPC DB table

CNV_PE_S_WLRL_RAW_FORMAT - Format of RESULTRAW field in WLRL-table

CNV_PE_S_WL_AREA_TRANSFER_INFO - Information on area transfer

CNV_PE_S_WL_DATA_FIELDS - data fields of a worklist

CNV_PE_S_WL_ITEM_CONFIG_FIELDS - Configuratoin Fields (information) of a Worklist Item

CNV_PE_S_WL_ITEM_DATA_FIELDS - data fields of a worklist item

CNV_PE_S_WL_ITEM_GROUP_ID - simple info about WL item group ID (used for table type)

CNV_PE_S_WL_ITEM_ICONS - Icon fields (for output) for a given worklist item


CNV_PE_S_WL_ITEM_KEY_FIELDS - Key fields of a worklist item

CNV_PE_S_WL_ITEM_MSG - Structure for WL_ITEM specific messages

CNV_PE_S_WL_ITEM_MSG_FIELDS - Message variables from WL Item protocol

CNV_PE_S_WL_ITEM_OUTPUT_INFO - Output fields for a worklist item

CNV_PE_S_WL_ITEM_REFS - Worklist item object references in posting engine


CNV_PE_S_WL_ITEM_STATUS_FIELDS - Status fields for worklist item

CNV_PE_S_WL_KEY_FIELDS - Key fields of a worklist

CNV_PE_S_WL_REFS - Worklist object references in posting engine

CNV_PE_S_WL_STATUS_FIELDS - Status fields in worklist

CNV_PE_S_WSOHERRDAT - DI: Structure for Returning Error Messages

CNV_PE_S_WSPOS - Workset position for ES tables

CNV_PE_S_XML - Structure with field XML (of type RAWSTRING)

CNV_PE_TCFG_S_PARAMETER_MAPING - PE: Structure configuration Parameter Mapping

CNV_PE_TMPL_CHG - Template change log table

CNV_PE_TMPL_CHGC - Copy of ->Template change log table

CNV_PE_TPM_CLU - Cluster table for logical transport object

CNV_PE_TPM_CLU_T - Cluster table for logical transport object texts

CNV_PE_TPM_CTRL - Control table for logical transport objects

CNV_PE_TPM_S_SHOW_TPM_CLU - Structure for TPM clu viewer

CNV_PE_TPM_S_XTAB - XTAB line of transport content

CNV_PE_TPM_S_XTAB_T - XTAB_T line of transport content (text table)

CNV_PE_TRFM - Transfer Methods

CNV_PE_TRFM_AP - Transfer method parameter access path definition

CNV_PE_TRFM_CPHD - TRFM configuration parameter header

CNV_PE_TRFM_CPHT - TRFM configuration parameter texts

CNV_PE_TRFM_CPIT - TRFM configuration parameter items

CNV_PE_TRFM_FFN - TRFM specific Fiori forward navigation details

CNV_PE_TRFM_FLD - Transfer method field parameter assignments (F4 help)

CNV_PE_TRFM_PARC - Transfer method parameter specific customizing/settings

CNV_PE_TRFM_PARL - Knowledge Base: Structure and field links

CNV_PE_TRFM_REL - Transfer method parameter Relv_ident specific info


CNV_PE_TRFM_RLPA - TRFM specific Result Link parameters

CNV_PE_TRFM_SCN - TRFM config class scenarios

CNV_PE_TRFM_SCNT - TRFM Config Class scenario texts

CNV_PE_TRFM_SIM - TRFM specific simulation type details

CNV_PE_TRFM_STR - Transfer method structure parameter settings

CNV_PE_TRFM_TPAR - Transfer method parameter transformations

CNV_PE_TRFM_TRCO - Control table for TRule, if Completing or Reading for TRFM

CNV_PE_TRFM_TREL - Relevance Ident specific TRFM parameter transformation

CNV_PE_TRFM_TSIM - Transfer method parameter run types

CNV_PE_TRFM_TSPL - Split (item) specific TRFM parameter transformation

CNV_PE_TRFM_UNDO - Undo Transfer Methods and their sequence

CNV_PE_TRFM_WLRL - Worklist result link processing per transfer method

CNV_PE_TT_APPLC - FI Totals (TT) sub/application specific PE customizing

CNV_PE_TT_LDAMTF - FI Totals (TT) ledger specific amount field name customizing

CNV_PE_TT_LDDEF - FI Totals (TT) ledger specific PE handling definition

CNV_PE_TT_TABDEF - FI Totals (TT) manually defined totals tables

CNV_PE_T_S4SD_COND_T681 - Conditions: CNV Structures

CNV_PE_UI_S_ADD_REPO - Add. Repo, Name + Type + Environment

CNV_PE_UI_S_API_CALL_RESULT - Structure for API Call Result Screen

CNV_PE_UI_S_AREA_DEP - Structure for area dependencies

CNV_PE_UI_S_AREA_DETAILS - Structure for Area Details

CNV_PE_UI_S_AREA_EXP_SETTINGS - Expert Settings for Area


CNV_PE_UI_S_AREA_RFC - Structure for Area RFC connections

CNV_PE_UI_S_AREA_SETTINGS - Settings of a PE Area

CNV_PE_UI_S_AREA_TPL_WSPOS - Available WorkSet item for an area template

CNV_PE_UI_S_AREA_WSPOS - Available WorkSet item for an area template

CNV_PE_UI_S_ASGN_EXE - Structure for assigned Execution Rules

CNV_PE_UI_S_ASGN_OBJECT_TYPE - Search help for assignable object type

CNV_PE_UI_S_ASGN_OBJ_CREATION - Creation Structure for assigned object

CNV_PE_UI_S_ASGN_RULE - Structure for assigned Execution Rules

CNV_PE_UI_S_AUTO_ADJUST_SEL - Structure for auto adjust selection

CNV_PE_UI_S_COMPLETING - The ui structure of completing mapping

CNV_PE_UI_S_CP_REF - Configuration parameter UI class

CNV_PE_UI_S_CURR_FIELDS - Tech. Field Assignment for OI and OL (CURR-screen)


CNV_PE_UI_S_DETAILS - Data Model Details


CNV_PE_UI_S_DND_HANDLE - Drag&Drop handles with flavors

CNV_PE_UI_S_ES_AREA_CONNECTION - Connection to area

CNV_PE_UI_S_ES_CONNECTION_ALV - Es connection information for alv

CNV_PE_UI_S_EVT_SCEN_WL1ITEM - Handler Scenario

CNV_PE_UI_S_EXE - Structure for a generic rule

CNV_PE_UI_S_EXE_CREATE - Structure for rule creation

CNV_PE_UI_S_EXE_CTP - Structure for execution rule template copy

CNV_PE_UI_S_EXE_ITEM_CREATE - Strtucture to create a trafo item

CNV_PE_UI_S_FIAA_CPIT - Structure for Retire Config UI

CNV_PE_UI_S_FIELD_TRANS_TREE - PE: Field TransformationTree

CNV_PE_UI_S_FI_TOTALS_AREA - Settings for FI Totals Area

CNV_PE_UI_S_FM_PARAM - Strucutre for function module parameter definition

CNV_PE_UI_S_GEN_SIMUL - Structure to initiate code simulation

CNV_PE_UI_S_GEN_SYNTAX_CHECK - UI representation of generic syntax checks

CNV_PE_UI_S_GROUP_ID_FIELD - Grouping field

CNV_PE_UI_S_HANDLER_REG - Register handler

CNV_PE_UI_S_IF - Structure with general interface information

CNV_PE_UI_S_IF_COPY - Structure for Interface Copy

CNV_PE_UI_S_IF_KIND_SEL - Kind Selection for UI

CNV_PE_UI_S_IF_MAP_CREATION - Structure for interface mapping creation


CNV_PE_UI_S_IF_PAR_SEL - Structure for Parameter selection

CNV_PE_UI_S_IF_PAR_TYPE_SEL - Structure for parameter type selection

CNV_PE_UI_S_IF_PMAP - Structure for interface parameter mapping

CNV_PE_UI_S_IF_PMAPM - Structure for parameter move mapping

CNV_PE_UI_S_IF_PMAPTR - Structure for mapping via transformation Rule

CNV_PE_UI_S_IF_PMAP_CREATION - Structure for Parameter mapping creation

CNV_PE_UI_S_IF_SMAP - Structure for structure mapping creation

CNV_PE_UI_S_IF_SMAPI - Structure or structural mapping table UI

CNV_PE_UI_S_IF_SMAPI_CREATION - Structure for Structural Mapping item creation

CNV_PE_UI_S_IF_SMAP_CREATION - Structure for SMAP creation

CNV_PE_UI_S_IF_TAB_REL - Structure for table relation ship

CNV_PE_UI_S_IF_TYPE_SEL - Structure for type value help

CNV_PE_UI_S_JOB_HEADER - Header for worklist Item Maintenance UI

CNV_PE_UI_S_JOB_INFO - Job information

CNV_PE_UI_S_JOB_SCHED_SETTINGS - Job planner settings

CNV_PE_UI_S_MSG_LIMITS - Messages limits

CNV_PE_UI_S_OBJECT_NODE - Node of a posting engine object tree

CNV_PE_UI_S_OBJ_COPY - Structure for Object Copy

CNV_PE_UI_S_OBJ_DND_MAP - Drag Drop Mapping in for PE Objects

CNV_PE_UI_S_OBJ_ID - PE: Interface Object ID, Descreption

CNV_PE_UI_S_OBJ_INFO - Structure for object info

CNV_PE_UI_S_OBJ_SEL - Structure for object selection selection

CNV_PE_UI_S_OBJ_USER_SETTINGS - User Settings for Object Maintenance UI


CNV_PE_UI_S_PARTYP - Strtucture for Partyp

CNV_PE_UI_S_PAR_DISP_MODE - Control Individual Parameter display mode

CNV_PE_UI_S_PAR_GEN_TABLE_INFO - Generated Table Information

CNV_PE_UI_S_PAR_NEGLIST - Negative list of transformation type


CNV_PE_UI_S_PROJ_OBTSCN - OBT scenario for PE project

CNV_PE_UI_S_PROJ_SETTINGS - Project settings (UI elements)

CNV_PE_UI_S_PROJ_TECHNICAL - Technical Information for Project

CNV_PE_UI_S_READING - The ui structure of reading mapping

CNV_PE_UI_S_RETEVAL - Structure for Return Evaluation Screen

CNV_PE_UI_S_RETEVAL6 - return evaluetion any type maintaince alv UI

CNV_PE_UI_S_RETEVAL_PAR - Structure for Interface Parameters Return Evaluation UI

CNV_PE_UI_S_RFC_SEL - Structure for RFC Value Help

CNV_PE_UI_S_RUNTIME_RESULTS - UI Represenation for runtime results

CNV_PE_UI_S_RUNTIME_SETTINGS - UI Representation of the runtime settings

CNV_PE_UI_S_SELO_WH - Structure for table relationship

CNV_PE_UI_S_SEL_SETTINGS - Selection Settings for PE areas

CNV_PE_UI_S_SEL_SETTINGS_ALV - Selection Settings for PE areas for ALV

CNV_PE_UI_S_SEQ_TRFM - Sequential Transfer Method UI Structure


CNV_PE_UI_S_SMAP_SEL - Strucutre for SMAP Selection

CNV_PE_UI_S_STATUS_WIZ - Structure for tree status in Object Editor Wizard

CNV_PE_UI_S_STRUC_CONFIG_TREE - PE: Structure Configuration Tree

CNV_PE_UI_S_SYSTEM_TYPE - Structure for system type

CNV_PE_UI_S_TAB_FIELD_SH - Table Field Search Help

CNV_PE_UI_S_TCFG_PAR_DETAILS - PE: Structure configuration Parameter Mapping

CNV_PE_UI_S_TCFG_SELECTED_PAR - TCFG selected parameter


CNV_PE_UI_S_TOT_TAB_SH - Search Help for Totals Table

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRANSFER_RESULT - Structure for Return Evaluation UI

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRFM_ACT_SCEN_SH - Serach Help for active scenario

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRFM_ANLB - Configuration parameter UI for ANLB

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRFM_AP - Setting access path in UI

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRFM_CP - Configuration

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRFM_CP_SH - Search help for configuration parameter

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRFM_CREATE - Structure to create a transfer method


CNV_PE_UI_S_TRFM_ENRICH - Configuration parameter UI for enrich


CNV_PE_UI_S_TRFM_FLDL_DH - Transfer Method KB Field Link

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRFM_FLD_SRCH_CRIT - Criteria for search of fields

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRFM_INFO - Information on a Transfer Method

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRFM_KB_PAR_SEL - TRFM Parameter selection

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRFM_PAR_DTLS - PE: Filed Trnasformation Parameter Details

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRFM_REL_DH - Transfer Method RELV Ident Knowlege Base

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRFM_SCN - Active Scenario UI strucuture

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRFM_SIM - ALV structure for simulation

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRFM_STR_DH - Transfer Method KB Split Information

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRFM_TOPL_DH - Transfer Method KB Field Link

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRFM_TPAR_DH - UI Representation of TRFM Par Data Provider Collection


CNV_PE_UI_S_TRFM_WLRL - WLRL structure for UI

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRFR_INFO_WIZ - Structure for Transfer Info screen in Object Editor Wizard

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRULES - The ui structure of evm trules

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRULES_CO - Structure for complete read trule setting

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRULE_INFO - Rule and repository information

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRULE_PARAM - Struncture for TRULE parametre

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRULE_PAR_ASGN - Structure for Transformation Rule Parameter Assignment UI

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRULE_PAR_DISPLAY - Structure to control Importing/Exporting Parameter Display

CNV_PE_UI_S_TRULE_SEL - Structure for TRULE Selection

CNV_PE_UI_S_TT_LDAMTF - Structure for ledger Period settings

CNV_PE_UI_S_TT_LDDEF - Ledger Update Information

CNV_PE_UI_S_UNDET_TRS - UI structure of undetected transformation rules

CNV_PE_UI_S_UOI - PE:Structure to display UOI

CNV_PE_UI_S_USER_DATE_DETAILS - Structure for Creation and change details

CNV_PE_UI_S_VALUE_MAPS - the UI structure of import/export if mapping for trule

CNV_PE_UI_S_VR - Structure for validity range maintenance

CNV_PE_UI_S_VR_SEQ - Strtucture for validity range sequence

CNV_PE_UI_S_VR_TYPE - Structure for validity range type search help

CNV_PE_UI_S_WIZARD_STEPS - PE Editor Wizard Steps

CNV_PE_UI_S_WL1_DM_MAP - Mapping between worklist and data model parameters

CNV_PE_UI_S_WL1_INFO - Information on Worklist 1

CNV_PE_UI_S_WL1_PAR - Worklist 1 Item parameter

CNV_PE_UI_S_WL1_PAR_SH - Search Help for Parameter

CNV_PE_UI_S_WL1_SOVAR_FIELD - UI representation of a field of a Selection Criteria Variant


CNV_PE_UI_S_WL_DEL_SETTINGS - Settings for WL items deletion

CNV_PE_UI_S_WL_ITEM_MSG_DETAIL - Message details for WL Item

CNV_PE_UI_S_WL_MAINT_HEADER - Header for worklist Item Maintenance UI

CNV_PE_UI_WL1_ITEM_CONFIG - Structure for WL1 Item Configuration

CNV_PE_UPL_LOG - Upload log

CNV_PE_VR - Validity Range in posting engine

CNV_PE_WL - Worklist in posting engine

CNV_PE_WLIPC - Control class to be exec. per WL_ITEM during BUILD, SIM, ...

CNV_PE_WL_ITEM - Item of a worklist

CNV_PE_WL_ITEM_H - History (change log) of a worklist item

CNV_PE_WL_SOVAR - Head Table for WL1 Selection Criteria Variants

CNV_PE_WL_SOVARP - Ranges for WL1 Selection Criteria variant

CNV_PRIORITY_VALUES - Structure for priority values



CNV_PTD_CLASSIFY_DPP_INPUT - To hold the input parameters for the classification and DPP

CNV_PTD_CLASSIFY_DPP_TAB_INFO - PTD Structure for excel generation

CNV_PTD_S_APPL_COMPONENT - Range Table Structure for Application components

CNV_PTD_S_DELIVERY_CLASS - Structure for Delivery Classes Range Table

CNV_PTD_S_DEVCLASS - Structure for Packages Range table

CNV_PTD_S_DEVLAYER - Structure for Transport Layer in ABAP Workbench

CNV_PTD_S_EMAIL_ID - Structure for Email ID's

CNV_PTD_S_ROLLNAME - Structure for Rollname range table

CNV_PTD_S_SOFTWARE_COMPONENT - Range Table Structure for Software Components

CNV_PTD_S_TABLE_RANGE - Structure for Tables Range Table

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