Select data from sap tables CNV_2

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CNV_20000_ANA - Table to store analysis results

CNV_20000_ANALYSIS_STATUS - Analysis Status

CNV_20000_CBKPF - Data collected from BKPF for item tables coversion in FY

CNV_20000_CCLED - Company code and Ledger Combination Particiaption in New G/L

CNV_20000_CHECKS - Master table for Analysis Check IDs

CNV_20000_ERKRS - Operating concerns involved in fiscal year conversion

CNV_20000_IKPF - Backup copy of IKPF (header for phys. inventory document)

CNV_20000_MAPP - Mapping for the errneous table

CNV_20000_MCDX - Fiscal Year conversion -- data

CNV_20000_NRIV - Back up table for NRIV

CNV_20000_NRIV_M - Customizing table to store NRIV object mapping

CNV_20000_PERIV - Participating fiscal year variants and company codes

CNV_20000_PROJECT_DETAILS - Project Details

CNV_20000_RBKP - Backup copy of RBKP (document header for incoming invoice)

CNV_20000_RESULT - Result of the fiscal year analysis

CNV_20000_RSEG - Backup copy of RSEG (line item for incoming invoice)

CNV_20000_S4_CREATE_PROJECT - Create Project

CNV_20000_S4_DETAILS_FYV - Details of Fiscal Year Variant

CNV_20000_S4_FYV_SAVE - Save Fiscal Year Varinat

CNV_20000_S4_S_LOG_MESSAGE - Log message in text format

CNV_20000_S4_VALID_FYV - Get Valid Fiscal Year Variant

CNV_20000_S_ANA_DECISION - Analysis check decision

CNV_20000_S_ANA_DECISION_UPD - Analysis check decision

CNV_20000_VALIDATION_VISIBLE - Visbility of Validation

CNV_20011_MAP - FYV: Conversion relevant Mapping

CNV_20011_S_MAP_GRP - FYVC: Mapping group

CNV_20011_S_UI_MAP - FYVC:UI structure for Mapping activity

CNV_20011_S_UPDKZ - FYVC: Front end display structure for Mapping

CNV_20011_UI_S_SYMSG - CNV-FYV: Message handling structure

CNV_2001C_SB_AC - Table to Store ACT IDs for Solution Builder Tables

CNV_2001C_SB_FP - Table to store filename-param_name of Sol Builder Tables

CNV_20100FAGL011 - Backup copy - FAGL_011ZC of relevant CoAs

CNV_20100SETLEAF - Backup copy - SETLEAF (0102,0109)

CNV_20100_0000_S - Structure - same as for table CNV_20110_0000_S

CNV_20100_ACC_S - Structure - same as for table CNV_20110_ACC_S

CNV_20100_AVSPO - Mapping for AVIP: AVSPO(old) - AVSPO(new)

CNV_20100_BPRIO - Priority control for B-level

CNV_20100_CCODE - Structure - same as for table CNV_20110_CCODE

CNV_20100_CEFORM - CEFORMF records with rel. org. units + addit. VALUE field

CNV_20100_CFUNC - All conversion routines used in CoA conversion package

CNV_20100_CHART - Structure - same as for table CNV_20110_CHART

CNV_20100_CHECK - Results of check programs

CNV_20100_COES - Duplicate COES keys (target values)

CNV_20100_CONFL - Conflicts on field level (new found account fields)

CNV_20100_CSKA - Backup copy - CSKA

CNV_20100_CSKB - Backup copy - CSKB

CNV_20100_CSKU - Backup copy - Cost Element Texts

CNV_20100_DATAB - Temporary storage of old CSKB-DATAB/DATBI values

CNV_20100_GRIX - Backup copy - GRIX_SEL for relevant org.units

CNV_20100_IC_ACC - Accounts per CoA and (I)tem (C)ategory assignment

CNV_20100_IC_BUK - Accounts per company code to be checked for item category

CNV_20100_IC_CST - Constellat. for source accnt due to (I)tem (C)ategory map.

CNV_20100_IC_POS - Status of postings per account and company code

CNV_20100_IMPL - Implicit merges of accounts / cost elements

CNV_20100_KNUM - KNUMV/KNUMH for org-dependent conversion KONV/KONH

CNV_20100_MASK - Masked entries not converted during the conversion

CNV_20100_REPORT - Dummy structure

CNV_20100_REPPAR - Table is obsolete

CNV_20100_RESULT - Result of determining basic scenarios

CNV_20100_SCEN - Elementary scenarios for chart of accounts conversion

CNV_20100_SCENT - Elementary scenarios for chart of accounts conv. (descript

CNV_20100_SKA1 - CNV backup copy for SKA1

CNV_20100_SKAT - CNV backup copy for implementation of country-spec. CoA - ID

CNV_20100_SKB1 - CNV backup copy for SKB1

CNV_20100_S_ACCT_LINETYPE - Allocation: acct number - item type

CNV_20100_S_ACC_MERGE_GROUPS - Mapping entries for one account merge group

CNV_20100_S_BUKRS - Participating company codes (in ME)

CNV_20100_S_BUKRS_HIER - Extended mapping for participating company codes (in ME)

CNV_20100_S_DOUBLE - Structure for determining duplicate A and B segments

CNV_20100_S_IC_CHECK_ACC - (I)tem(C)ategory check of accts per CoA (package ID neutral)

CNV_20100_S_IC_CHECK_POS - Status of postings per acct and CC (package ID neutral)

CNV_20100_S_IC_CST - Constellat. for source accnt (package ID neutral)

CNV_20100_S_IC_CST_DATA - Constellat. for source accnt (data p. of CNV_20100_S_IC_CST)

CNV_20100_S_IC_CST_KEY - Constellat. for source accnt (key of CNV_20100_S_IC_CST)

CNV_20100_S_IC_T8G17_REF - T8G17 Reference

CNV_20100_S_KSTAR - Secondary cost elements mapping (in ME)

CNV_20100_S_KSTAR_HIER - Extended secondary cost elements mapping (in ME)

CNV_20100_S_KSTAR_TEXT_MAPPING - Structure with information of (new) cost element texts

CNV_20100_S_KTOPL - Chart of Accounts mapping (in ME)

CNV_20100_S_KTOPL_TEXT_MAPPING - Structure with information of (new) chart of accounts texts

CNV_20100_S_MAPPING - account mapping

CNV_20100_S_OTHERS - OTHERS mapping (in ME)

CNV_20100_S_OTHERS_HIER - Extended OTHERS mapping (in ME)

CNV_20100_S_SAKNR - G/L accounts mapping (in ME)

CNV_20100_S_SAKNR_HIER - Extended G/L accounts mapping (in ME)

CNV_20100_S_SAKNR_TEXT_MAPPING - Structure with information of (new) G/L account texts

CNV_20100_S_T002 - Language Keys (Comp. BC-I18)

CNV_20100_S_T004 - Customizing for new chart of accounts (in ME)

CNV_20100_S_T004_INFO - Relevant fields of table T004

CNV_20100_T001 - CNV backup copy for T001

CNV_20100_T001K - CNV backup copy for T001K

CNV_20100_T001W - CNV backup copy for T001W

CNV_20100_T004 - CNV backup copy for T004 (list of charts of accounts)

CNV_20100_T004T - CNV backup copy for mapping tables

CNV_20100_T011 - Balance sheet/p&l structures for conversion

CNV_20100_T030 - CNV backup copy for T030

CNV_20100_T077S - CNV backup copy for T077S

CNV_20100_T801E - Org. derivation (LIB,RNAME) by T801E

CNV_20100_T8G17 - Backup copy - T8G17

CNV_20100_TABCHK - Table fields to be analyzed

CNV_20100_TKA01 - Backup copy - controlling areas

CNV_20100_TKA02 - Backup copy - TKA02

CNV_20100_UPLOAD - Structure for uploading a table

CNV_2010C_ACTIVE - Table for active flag

CNV_2010C_AGENT - Workflow agents selected by user

CNV_2010C_CLREPORT - Cloud Reporting Query

CNV_2010C_CTS - Table to store customizing TRs assigned to a mapping GUID

CNV_2010C_DOMV - Generated Table for View

CNV_2010C_GLDEC - Generated Table for View

CNV_2010C_GLMAP - Generated Table for View

CNV_2010C_GLMAPV - Generated Table for View

CNV_2010C_GL_DES - Mapping for GL description in 2010C

CNV_2010C_GL_MAP - Mapping table for 2010C package

CNV_2010C_JOB - Generated Table for View

CNV_2010C_LCOA - Conversion - Local Chart of Accounts

CNV_2010C_MAPX4T - Mapping of G/L Account Texts for CBC

CNV_2010C_MAP_X4 - Mapping of G/L Account for CBC

CNV_2010C_MTEXTV - Generated Table for View

CNV_2010C_OBJECTLIST - Transfer structure for objects

CNV_2010C_PACK_V - Generated Table for View

CNV_2010C_PARAMS - Parameter table for 2010C

CNV_2010C_PROGFV - Generated Table for View

CNV_2010C_PROGPV - Generated Table for View

CNV_2010C_PROGTV - Generated Table for View

CNV_2010C_Q2P - Generated Table for View

CNV_2010C_REC_DT - Stores the modified entries during conversion of table

CNV_2010C_REFOBJECT - Transfer structure for object and reference object

CNV_2010C_SB_AC - Table to Store ACT IDs for Solution Builder Tables

CNV_2010C_SB_FP - Table to store filename-param_name of Sol Builder Tables

CNV_2010C_SB_MAP - Mapping table to handle inactive FSV content in SB tables

CNV_2010C_SKAD - CNV Backup copy of SKAD

CNV_2010C_SKAT - CNV backup copy for SKAT

CNV_2010C_STATE - Status table for execution of all activities and history

CNV_2010C_S_CHANGELOG - Structure for Renumbered G/L change logs

CNV_2010C_S_DOMAIN_FIXED_VALUE - Structure for domain fixed value

CNV_2010C_S_GLDES_LAISO - Structure for GL mapping description

CNV_2010C_S_KTOKS - Structure for G/L Account Group and description

CNV_2010C_S_NDM_COA_VALUE_HELP - Structure for CoA Value Help for SCE/ANC in NDM

CNV_2010C_S_OLD_GL_LAISO - Structure for SAKNR and LAISO

CNV_2010C_S_SAKNR_SELOPT - Structure: Select Options for G/L Account Number (SAKNR)

CNV_2010C_S_SAKNR_SPRAS_DATA - Structure containing SAKNR, SPRAS and Description

CNV_2010C_S_SAVE_AGENT - Structure Workflow agents selected by user

CNV_2010C_S_SKAT_ENTITYSET - SKAT ENTITYSET for performance improves

CNV_2010C_S_UI_GLDES - Structure for GL mapping description

CNV_2010C_S_UI_GLMAP - Structure for GL mapping

CNV_2010C_S_UI_GLMAP_N - Structure for GL mapping with GL Acc group & type short text

CNV_2010C_S_UI_OVERVIEW - Structure for UI Overview Page

CNV_2010C_S_USER - Structure with User Names and alias

CNV_2010C_TDC_COA_INFO - Chart of Account information in TDC

CNV_2010C_TR - Transport Requests that needs to be converted

CNV_2010C_TRN_DT - List of tables modified post conversion

CNV_2010C_TR_FUN - Assignment of fields to organizational units

CNV_2010C_TR_OBJ - Conversion: Objects

CNV_2010C_TR_OBT - Object types required for delimitation

CNV_20110_0000_S - Pre-analysis of mapping for CoA - 0000 sets

CNV_20110_ACC_S - Pre-analysis of mapping for CoA - accounts/cost elements

CNV_20110_CCODE - Pre-analysis of mapping for CoA - company codes

CNV_20110_CCODE_S - Pre-analysis of mapping for CoA - company codes

CNV_20110_CHART - Pre-analysis of mapping for CoA

CNV_20110_CHART_S - Pre-analysis of mapping for CoA

CNV_20110_PACKID - Internal structure package 20110

CNV_20110_SCEN - Elementary scenarios for chart of accounts conversion

CNV_20110_SCENT - Elementary scenarios for chart of accounts conv. (descript.)

CNV_20200_AMDP - Fiscal Year when note 890976 became effective

CNV_20200_CAJO - Differences in cash journal master data

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_ACCGRP_DUPL - Duplicate securities account groups

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_ACCGRP_EXIST - Not existing Securities account groups

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_ACCGR_DUPREC - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_ACC_COD_DUPL - Duplicate accounting codes

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_ACC_CO_EXIST - Not existing Accounting codes

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_ACC_C_DUPREC - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_ACTIVITY - Structure with Activity/Ledger/CCode Information

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BRANCH_EXIST - Not existing Branches

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BRNCH_DUPREC - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKAC_DUPREC - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKKK_DUPREC - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKKO_DUPREC - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRC_DUPREC - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge (BUKRS-RCOMP)

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRN_DUPREC - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_ACCCOD - Structure with Company Code / Accounting Code

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_ACCGRP - Structure with Company Code / Securities Account Group

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_BUTXT - Company codes

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_CJNR - Structure with company code/cash journal

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_CJNR_P - Duplicate cash journal numbers which require no mapping

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_CJTR - Structure with company code/cash journal business transact.

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_COFI_V - Structure with company code -> Variant for Real-Time Integr.

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_DUPREC - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_FIKRS - Structure with company code /fm area info

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_HBKID - Structure with company code / house bank info

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_HKTID - Structure with company code / house bank account info

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_INFO - Structure with relevant company code information (T001)

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_KKBER - Structure with company code / credit control area info

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_KOKRS - Structure with company code -> controlling area relationship

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_KTOPL - Structure with company code / chart of account info

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_LAND1 - Structure with company code/country key

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_LEVEL1 - Structure with company code/Organiz. level 1 number (CoCd)

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_PERIV - Structure with company code / fiscal year variant info

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_RCOMP - Structure with company code / company info

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_RLDEPO - Structure with company code / securities account

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_RLDNR - Structure with company code / ledger info

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_RLDNR1 - Structure with company code / ledger info (new G/L)

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_SPLIT - Structure with company code/Document Split Active Indicator

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_T012 - Structure of T012 (without includes)

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_T012K - Structure with company code / house bank account info

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_VERTR - Structure with Company Code / No. of. IS-U Contracts

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_WAERS - Structure with company code/currency info

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_XCOS - Structure with company code/Cost of sales accounting status

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_XDISM - Structure with company code/Indic. Dispute Case Proc. Active

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUKRS_XJVAA - Structure with company code/Indic. Joint Venture Acc. Active

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUK_ACC_CODE - Structure with Company Code / Accounting Code

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUK_COFI_VAR - Structure with company code / Variant for Real-Time Integr.

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUK_HBK_BNKA - Structure with company code / house bank info

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BUK_LDGRP - Structure with Company code / CoCd text / Ledger group

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_BWKEY - Valuation Area

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_CJNR_DUPREC - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_CJNR_EXIST - Not existing Cash journal numbers

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_CJNR_INFO - Cash journal info

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_CJNR_TAB - Structure for Differences in table TCJ_C_JOURNALS

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_CJNR_TAB_ANA - Structure for Differences in table TCJ_C_JOURNALS

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_CJTRANS_TAB - Structure for Differences in table TCJ_TRANSACTIONS

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_CJTR_DUPREC - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_CJTR_EXIST - Not existing Cash journal business transaction numbers

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_CJTR_TAB - Structure for Differences in table TCJ_TRANSACTIONS

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_CJTR_TAB_ANA - Structure for Differences in table TCJ_TRANSACTIONS

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_CJ_POSTINGS - Structure with CJ new - CJ old and postings exist indicator

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_FAGL_MIG - Structure: new G/L migrations

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_HBKID_DUPREC - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_HBKID_EXIST - Not existing house bank ID's

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_HKTID_DUPREC - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_HKTID_EXIST - Not existing house bank account ID's

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_HKTID_HKONT - Structure with company code / house bank account / G/L acct

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_J_1BBRANCH - Structure with Company Code / Business Place

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_KKBER_DUPREC - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge


CNV_20200_CHECK_S_KNB1_TAB1 - Summary of differences in customer master data

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_KNB1_TAB2 - Structure for Differences in customer master data

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_LFB1_TAB1 - Summary of differences in vendor master records

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_LFB1_TAB2 - Structure for Differences in vendor master data

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_PARTY - Structure for Parameter type


CNV_20200_CHECK_S_RF180 - Information about a balance adjustment run

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_RLDEPO_EXIST - Not existing Securities accounts

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_RLDEP_DUPREC - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_SKB1_TAB1 - Summary of differences in G/L account master records

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_SKB1_TAB2 - Structure for Differences in G/L account master data

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_SRMBOR - structure with fields of SRMBORCUST (except MANDT)

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_T001Z - Structure with company code / parameter

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_T093B - Structure with Company code-related depreciation area specif

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_T093C - Structure with company code / asset accounting info

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_TABAS - Tabas key with idicator if a company code has open docs.

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_TCJ_C_JOURNA - Structure for selected fields of TCJ_C_JOURNALS

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_TCJ_TRANSACT - Structure for Cash Journal Business Transactions

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_TCURM - Material Management Configuration

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_TEXTINFO - Structure for language-dependent text information

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_TRGC_TAC_VA - Structure with Accounting Code / Valuation Area

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_UDM_SPS - Structure of table UDM_SPS_ADMIN (without client field)

CNV_20200_CHECK_S_X001 - Structure for Derived Company Code Additional Data (X001)

CNV_20200_CHK_S_ACCGRP_SRC_DUP - Key of source from duplicate record ACCGRP

CNV_20200_CHK_S_ACC_CO_SRC_DUP - Key of source from duplicate record ACC_CODE

CNV_20200_CHK_S_BRANCH_SRC_DUP - Key of source from duplicate record (branches)

CNV_20200_CHK_S_BUKAC_SRC_DUP - Key of source from duplicate record BUKRS/ACC_CODE

CNV_20200_CHK_S_BUKRC_SRC_DUP - Key of source from duplicate record BUKRS/RCOMP

CNV_20200_CHK_S_BUKRS_SRC_DUP - Key of source from duplicate record

CNV_20200_CHK_S_CJNR_SRC_DUP - Key of source from duplicate record CJNR

CNV_20200_CHK_S_CJTR_SRC_DUP - Key of source from duplicate record (CJ bus. transactions)

CNV_20200_CHK_S_HBKID_SRC_DUP - Key of source from duplicate record HBKID

CNV_20200_CHK_S_HKTID_SRC_DUP - Key of source from duplicate record HKTID

CNV_20200_CHK_S_KKBER_SRC_DUP - Key of source from duplicate record KKBER

CNV_20200_CHK_S_RLDEPO_SRC_DUP - Key of source from duplicate record RLDEPO

CNV_20200_CJPOST - Cash journal master - do postings exist per company code

CNV_20200_CJTR - Differences in cash journal business transactions

CNV_20200_CJTR1 - Merge of cash journal business transactions (identic. sett.)

CNV_20200_DBBLG - Accounting documents in table BKDF in relevant company codes

CNV_20200_KNB1 - Differences in customer account master data

CNV_20200_LFB1 - Differences in vendor account master data

CNV_20200_RF180 - Copy of RF180 with new AFTLF to determine AFTLF-Mapping

CNV_20200_RFDT_FB_F107_SBELNR - Range structure for RELID name

CNV_20200_RFDT_FB_F107_S_BUKRS - Range structure for RELID name

CNV_20200_RLDNR - Company code - ledger (for new general ledger)

CNV_20200_SKB1 - Differences in G/L account master data

CNV_20200_SNAP - Backup table for TFK021_SNAP: Acct Balance: Current Snapshot

CNV_20200_SP_FNC - Lists Priority Routines which support Spec Prio Handling

CNV_20200_SP_S_LEADING_TABLE - Leading Table with description

CNV_20200_SP_S_OVERVIEW - Line of the overview of the special priority handling

CNV_20200_SP_S_TABLE_DESC - Table with description

CNV_20200_SP_TAB - Definition of tables for the Special Priority Handling

CNV_20200_SP_VAL - Control Table for the Special Priority Handling

CNV_20200_S_ACCGRP - Structure with company code / securities account group

CNV_20200_S_ACCGRP_HIER_MAPP - Complete Mapping for Securities Account Groups

CNV_20200_S_ACCGRP_MAPPING - Line of a Mapping table for Securities Account Group

CNV_20200_S_ACC_CODE_MAPPING - Line of a Mapping table for Accounting Code

CNV_20200_S_BRANCH - Structure with company code / business place

CNV_20200_S_BRANCH_HIER_MAPP - Complete Mapping for Business places

CNV_20200_S_BRANCH_MAPPING - Line of a Mapping table for Branches

CNV_20200_S_BUKRS - Company Codes

CNV_20200_S_BUKRS_ANLN1 - Structure: Company code - asset number

CNV_20200_S_BUKRS_BUKRSN - structure: company code / company code for number assignment

CNV_20200_S_BUKRS_BUTXT_BUKRSN - structure: company code / BUTXT / CoCd for number assignment

CNV_20200_S_BUKRS_KKBER - structure: company code / credit control area

CNV_20200_S_BUKRS_KOKRS - structure: company code / controlling area

CNV_20200_S_BUKRS_ZUAWA - Structure with BUKRS - ZUAWA

CNV_20200_S_CAJO_DATA - Differences in cash journal master data: data

CNV_20200_S_CAJO_POST - Cash journals: Postings in company code

CNV_20200_S_CHECK_CJTRANS_LANG - Number of entries per language and company code

CNV_20200_S_CJNR - Structure with company code / cash journal no.

CNV_20200_S_CJNR_HIER_MAPP - Complete Mapping for Cash journal numbers

CNV_20200_S_CJNR_MAPPING - Line of a Mapping table for Cash Journal Number

CNV_20200_S_CJTRANS_ALL - All customizing for cjtrans

CNV_20200_S_CJTRANS_HIER_MAPP - Complete Mapping for Cash journal business transact. numbers

CNV_20200_S_CJTRANS_INT_MAPP - Internal Cash Journal Business Transaction Number Mapping

CNV_20200_S_CJTRANS_MAPPING - Line of a Mapping table for Cash Journal Bus. Trans. Number

CNV_20200_S_CJTRANS_PUB - Mapping of Cash Journal Business Transactions

CNV_20200_S_CJTRANS_PUB_HIER - Hierarchie of Cash Journal Business Transaction Numbers

CNV_20200_S_CJTRANS_PUB_MAPP - Mapping of Cash Journal Business Transaction Numbers

CNV_20200_S_CJTR_BUKRS - Merge of cash journal business transactions

CNV_20200_S_CJTR_DATA - Differences in cash journal business transaction data: data

CNV_20200_S_DEFTAX_ITEM_KEY - structure of table key DEFTAX_ITEM

CNV_20200_S_DIMEN_BUNIT - structure with DIMEN/BUNIT

CNV_20200_S_HBKID - Structure with company code / house bank ID

CNV_20200_S_HBKID_HIER_MAPP - Complete Mapping for House Bank ID's

CNV_20200_S_HBKID_MAPPING - Line of a Mapping table for Short key for a house bank

CNV_20200_S_HKTID - Structure with company code / house bank ID / house bank acc

CNV_20200_S_HKTID_HIER_MAPP - Complete Mapping for House Bank Account ID's

CNV_20200_S_HKTID_MAPPING - Line of a Mapping table for ID for account details

CNV_20200_S_KKBER - Structure: credit control area

CNV_20200_S_KNB1_DATA - Differences in customer master data: data

CNV_20200_S_LFB1_DATA - Differences in vendor master data: data

CNV_20200_S_LVL_1_MAPPING - Line of a Mapping table for Company Level 1 - (ORG1)

CNV_20200_S_MAPPING_TMP_DUPL - Mapping name - temporary duplicates indicator

CNV_20200_S_OBJECT - Structure: Number range object

CNV_20200_S_OBJECT_BUKRS - Structure with OBJECT - BUKRS

CNV_20200_S_OBJECT_TMP_DUPL - Number range object - temporary duplicates indicator

CNV_20200_S_PC205 - structure - APZNR/BEGDA/ENDDA/BUKRS

CNV_20200_S_PRIORITY_MATRIX - Represents one specialpriority mapping of a certain scenario

CNV_20200_S_RCOMP - Structure: company

CNV_20200_S_RLDEPO - Structure with company code / securities account

CNV_20200_S_RLDEPO_HIER_MAPP - Complete Mapping for Securities Accounts

CNV_20200_S_RLDEPO_MAPPING - Line of a Mapping table for Securities Account

CNV_20200_S_SKB1_DATA - Differences in G/L master data: data

CNV_20200_S_SP_BUKRS_DESCR - Company Code with description

CNV_20200_S_SP_BUKRS_MERGE - Company code merge with description

CNV_20200_S_STCEG_HIER_MAPP - Complete Mapping for VAT registration numbers

CNV_20200_S_T014 - structure: credit control area - currency - fiscal year vari

CNV_20200_S_T093B_DATA - Differences in Comp.code-related depreciation area specific.

CNV_20200_S_T093C_DATA - Differences in asset accounting master data: data

CNV_20200_S_T880 - structure: company - currency

CNV_20200_S_UPLOAD - Structure for uploading a table

CNV_20200_S_ZUAWA_OBJECT - Structure with ZUAWA - OBJECT

CNV_20200_T001 - Original settings of company codes

CNV_20200_T001AD - Original settings of company codes (additional fields)

CNV_20200_T093B - Differences in Comp.code-related depreciation area specific.

CNV_20200_T093C - Differences in asset accounting master data

CNV_20200_T880 - Original list of companies

CNV_20200_TABA - Copy of table TABA (before conversion)

CNV_20200_TABAS - Stores the last runs of corresponding BUKRS per package ID

CNV_20200_TABCHK - table field analysis

CNV_20201_DOMS - CNVRENAME-DOMNAME and number rangeobj. of subobjects

CNV_20201_NRIV_A - Number range objects: Indicator for shifting and tracking

CNV_20201_NRIV_N - Target number ranges

CNV_20201_NRIV_O - Source number ranges

CNV_20201_NR_OBJ - Number range objects - characteristics

CNV_20201_OBJ - relevant number range objects for conv. rule maintenance

CNV_20201_ORG - Assignment of the org. units before the conversion

CNV_20201_PRED - Predecessor activities in phase R before number range load

CNV_20201_REF - Subobjects - reference indicator

CNV_20201_RNMB - Conversion rules for number ranges

CNV_20201_S_MAP_BELNR - Mapping for number range objects

CNV_20201_S_NRIV_MAX - Structure NRIV_MAX


CNV_20201_S_OP - Dummy structure for CNV_20201_OPERATOR

CNV_20201_S_SUBOBJ - relevant subobjects

CNV_20201_TAB - Conversion rules (CNVRNMB-CNV_RULE)

CNV_20201_TABT - Conversion rules (CNV_20201_RNMB-CNV_RULE): Texts

CNV_20201_TRACK - Log for number range objects: Old value - new value

CNV_20201_TRACKT - Log for number range obj.: Old_value - New_value (test run)

CNV_20211_CHECK_S_ACTIVITY - Structure with Activity/Ledger/Company Information

CNV_20211_CHECK_S_BUKRC_DUPREC - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20211_CHECK_S_RCOMP_CURR - Structure with company / local currency

CNV_20211_CHECK_S_RCOMP_DUPL - Duplicate companies

CNV_20211_CHECK_S_RCOMP_EXIST - Not existing Companies

CNV_20211_CHECK_S_RCOMP_INFO - Structure with relevant company information (T880)

CNV_20211_CHECK_S_RCOMP_LAND1 - Structure with company/country key

CNV_20211_CHECK_S_RCOMP_RLDNR - Structure with Global Company-Ledger Assignment in FI-SL

CNV_20211_CHECK_S_RCOMP_WAERS - Structure with company/currency info

CNV_20211_RFDT_FB_F107_S_VBUND - Range structure for RELID name

CNV_20211_S_BUKRS_RCOMP - structure: company code / company

CNV_20211_S_RCOMP - CNV_20211_S_RCOMP

CNV_20211_S_RCOMP_MAPPING - Line of a Mapping table for companies (RCOMP)

CNV_20211_S_TEXT_MAPPING - Structure with information of (new) company text

CNV_20212_CHECK_S_KKBER_DUPL - Duplicate credit control areas

CNV_20212_CHECK_S_KKBER_EXIST - Not existing Credit Control Areas

CNV_20212_CHECK_S_KKBER_INFO - Structure with credit control area info

CNV_20212_CHECK_S_KKBER_PERIV - Structure with credit control area / fiscal year variant

CNV_20212_CHECK_S_KKBER_WAERS - Structure with credit control area / currency

CNV_20212_CHECK_S_KKB_TXT_INFO - Structure with credit control area info with texts

CNV_20212_CHECK_S_TEXTINFO - Structure for language-dependent text information

CNV_20212_S_KKBER - Structure with Credit Control Area

CNV_20212_S_KKBER_MAPPING - Line of a Mapping table for Credit control area

CNV_20212_S_TEXT_MAPPING - Structure with info. of (new) credit control area texts

CNV_20305_CBUKRS - SAP LT: Backup table of CEPC_BUKRS

CNV_20305_CEPC - SAP LT: Backup table of CEPC

CNV_20305_COTPLS - Copy of COTPLFS (full)

CNV_20305_OBJECTLIST - Transfer structure for objects

CNV_20305_SETNOD - Lower-level sets in sets

CNV_20305_T001 - backup table of T001 (certain fields only)

CNV_20305_TKA01 - backup table of TKA01 (certain fields only)

CNV_20305_TKA02 - backup table of TKA02 (certain fields only)

CNV_20306_CHECK_S_CMDT_PC - Table of inactive profit centers

CNV_20306_CHECK_S_INACTIVE_BP - Table of inactive business processes

CNV_20306_CHECK_S_INACTIVE_CC - Table of inactive cost centers

CNV_20306_CHECK_S_INACTIVE_PC - Table of inactive profit centers

CNV_20306_CHECK_S_KOKRS_DUPL - Controlling Areas Duplicates

CNV_20306_CHECK_S_KOKRS_EXIST - Not exsisting Controlling Areas

CNV_20306_CUSTOM - Reconciliation table for conversion of TKA00

CNV_20306_S_KOKRS_MAPPING - Line of a Mapping table for controlling areas (KOKRS)

CNV_20306_S_TEXT_MAPPING - Structure with information of (new) controlling area text

CNV_20306_TKA00 - Control parameters for controlling areas

CNV_20306_TKA00C - Control parameters for controlling areas

CNV_20306_TKA0C - Table for backup of TKA00

CNV_20308_ACTION - Action Log

CNV_20308_CMP - Header Data for Package Comparison

CNV_20308_CMPMSG - Messages for Package Comparison Runs

CNV_20308_COND - Conditions for Data Download

CNV_20308_DELTRA - Delta Trace

CNV_20308_DFDATA - Log for Deviations

CNV_20308_DL - Downloads

CNV_20308_DLCODE - Coding Downloads

CNV_20308_DLCOND - Conditions for Download

CNV_20308_DLDATA - Cluster for Data Download

CNV_20308_DLFLD - Table Fields to Be Compared for Download

CNV_20308_EXPORT - Export in INDX for Transfer

CNV_20308_FIELDS - Table Fields for Comparison

CNV_20308_FLDCAT - Field Catalog for Download

CNV_20308_HLPMSG - More Tips: Messages

CNV_20308_INCL - Separate Copy of CNVINCL

CNV_20308_MONSET - Monitor Settings

CNV_20308_PACK - Separate Copy of CNVPACK

CNV_20308_PACKDP - Separate Copy of CNVPACKDP

CNV_20308_PACKT - Text Table for CNV_20308_PACK

CNV_20308_PARAM - Parameters for Package Comparison

CNV_20308_PRGMSG - Messages for Program Execution

CNV_20308_PROG - Programs to Be Compared

CNV_20308_PS - PS: Project System

CNV_20308_PSACT - PS: Actions

CNV_20308_PSPACK - PS: Package Finding

CNV_20308_PSPH - PS: Project Phases

CNV_20308_PSPHT - PS: Project Phase Texts

CNV_20308_STAFF - Assignment of Users to Objects

CNV_20308_STRUC_CODELINE - Coding Line

CNV_20308_STRUC_CONVFUNC - Conversion Functions

CNV_20308_STRUC_REPORT - Report

CNV_20308_VAR - Variants

CNV_20308_VART - Variants Text Table

CNV_20310_CHECK_S_CMDT_CC - Table of inactive profit centers

CNV_20310_CHECK_S_INACTIVE_CC - Table of inactive cost centers

CNV_20310_CHECK_S_KOSTL - Structur for KOSTL check

CNV_20310_CHECK_S_KOSTL_DUPREC - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20310_CHECK_S_KOSTL_DUP_CC - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20310_CHECK_S_KOSTL_DUP_FB - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20310_CHECK_S_KOSTL_DUP_GB - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20310_CHECK_S_KOSTL_DUP_PC - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20310_CHECK_S_KOSTL_DUP_PR - Merge Group including source kokrs

CNV_20310_CHECK_S_KOSTL_DUP_WR - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20310_CHECK_S_KOSTL_EXIST - A not permitted cost center

CNV_20310_CHECK_S_KOSTL_PERM - A not existing cost center

CNV_20310_CHECK_S_SRC_DUPREC - Key of source from duplicate record (csks)

CNV_20310_CHECK_S_SRC_DUP_BUKR - Key of source from duplicate record (csks) with bukrs

CNV_20310_CHECK_S_SRC_DUP_FKBE - Key of source from duplicate record (csks) with fkber

CNV_20310_CHECK_S_SRC_DUP_GSBE - Key of source from duplicate record (csks) with fkber

CNV_20310_CHECK_S_SRC_DUP_PRCT - Key of source from duplicate record (csks) with prtcr

CNV_20310_CHECK_S_SRC_DUP_WAER - Key of source from duplicate record (csks) with fkber

CNV_20310_CHECK_S_TKA01 - Line Type for TKA01 Entries

CNV_20310_S_BUKRS - structure for list of company codes

CNV_20310_S_BUKRS_KOSTL_MAPP - KOSTL mapping based on company code

CNV_20310_S_BUKRS_ZUAWA - Structure with BUKRS - ZUAWA

CNV_20310_S_CSKS - Line Type for CSKS master data

CNV_20310_S_KOSTL_HIER - Mapping Hirarchy for KOSTL

CNV_20310_S_KOSTL_HIER_MAPP - Complete Mapping for KOSTL

CNV_20310_S_KOSTL_KOKRS_MAPP - Complete Mapping for KOSTL

CNV_20310_S_KOSTL_MAPPING - Mapping for KOSTL

CNV_20310_S_TEXT_MAPPING - Structure with information of (new) cost center texts

CNV_20310_S_ZUAWA - Structure for list of ZUAWA

CNV_20317_DATBI - Determination for date dependent tables

CNV_20317_INTF - CNV_20305 DATBI Customizing Interface Data

CNV_20317_S_DATBI_F4 - Structure for DATBI F4 Help

CNV_20317_S_TR - Structure for CNV_20305_TR and description

CNV_20317_TR - Tree Customizing for date dependent master data

CNV_20317_TRT - Tree Customizing for date dependent master data

CNV_20320_CHECK_S_LSTAR - Check Structure for Activity Master

CNV_20320_CHECK_S_LSTAR_DUPREC - Table Line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20320_CHECK_S_LSTAR_DUP_LE - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20320_CHECK_S_LSTAR_DUP_PR - Merge Group including source kokrs

CNV_20320_CHECK_S_LSTAR_EXIST - A not existing activity type

CNV_20320_CHECK_S_LSTAR_PERM - A not permitted activity type

CNV_20320_CHECK_S_SRC_DUPREC - Key of source from duplicate record (csla)

CNV_20320_CHECK_S_SRC_DUP_LEIN - Key of source from duplicate record (csla) with LEINH

CNV_20320_CHECK_S_TKA01 - Line Type for TKA01 Entries

CNV_20320_S_CSLA - Line Type for CSLA Master Data

CNV_20320_S_LSTAR_HIER - Mapping Hirarchy for KOSTL

CNV_20320_S_LSTAR_HIER_MAPP - Complete Mapping for Activity Types (LSTAR)

CNV_20320_S_LSTAR_KOKRS_MAPP - Complete Mapping for Activity Types (LSTAR)

CNV_20320_S_LSTAR_MAPPING - Mapping Activity Types

CNV_20320_S_LSTAR_TEXT_MAPPING - Line Type Activity Type Text Mapping

CNV_20325_CHECK_S_SRC_DUPREC - Key of source from duplicate record (tka03)

CNV_20325_CHECK_S_STAGR_DUPREC - Table Line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20325_CHECK_S_STAGR_DUP_PR - Merge Group including source kokrs

CNV_20325_CHECK_S_STAGR_EXIST - A not existing statistical key figure

CNV_20325_CHECK_S_STAGR_INFO - Structure with relevant key figures information (TKA03)

CNV_20325_CHECK_S_STAGR_PERM - A not permitted statistical key figure

CNV_20325_S_STAGR_HIER - Mapping Hirarchy for KOSTL

CNV_20325_S_STAGR_HIER_MAPP - Line of a Mapping table for statistical key figures (STAGR)

CNV_20325_S_STAGR_MAPPING - Line of a Mapping table for statistical key figures (STAGR)

CNV_20325_S_TKA03 - structure representing table tka03

CNV_20330_FIELD - Table analysis - table fields with object numbers

CNV_20330_TABLE - Table analysis - tables with object number fields

CNV_20330_TSTRUC - Structure of CO object numbers

CNV_20330_VALUE - Table analysis - found object types per table field

CNV_20332_PARTIF - Participating Interfaces (AO object ID mapping)

CNV_20332_S_OBJID_AO_MAPP - Reconciliaton object number mapping (OBJID_AO)

CNV_20333_DUPLIC - VD object IDs of duplicate CKRCO table keys

CNV_20333_PARTIF - Participating Interfaces (VD object ID mapping)

CNV_20333_PRIO - CKRCO key for priority VD object numbers

CNV_20333_STATUS - VD object IDs of duplicate CKRCO table keys

CNV_20333_S_COMP_FIELD - Assignment comp. of CKRCO-VARHIEBG to fieldname (internal)

CNV_20333_S_OBJID_VD_MAPP - Summarization object number mapping (OBJID_VD)

CNV_20335_CHECK_S_CMDT_BP - Table of inactive business processes

CNV_20335_CHECK_S_INACTIVE_BP - Table of inactive business processes

CNV_20335_CHECK_S_PRZNR - Line Type of CBPR Master Data

CNV_20335_CHECK_S_PRZNR_DUPREC - Table Line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20335_CHECK_S_PRZNR_DUP_CC - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20335_CHECK_S_PRZNR_DUP_PR - Merge Group including source kokrs

CNV_20335_CHECK_S_PRZNR_DUP_WR - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20335_CHECK_S_PRZNR_EXIST - A not existing business process

CNV_20335_CHECK_S_PRZNR_PERM - A not permitted business process

CNV_20335_CHECK_S_SRC_DUPREC - Key of source from duplicate record (cbpr)

CNV_20335_CHECK_S_SRC_DUP_BUKR - Key of source from duplicate record (cbpr) with bukrs

CNV_20335_CHECK_S_SRC_DUP_WAER - Key of source from duplicate record (cbpr) with fkber

CNV_20335_CHECK_S_TKA01 - Line Type for TKA01 Entries

CNV_20335_S_CBPR - Line Type of CBPR Master Data

CNV_20335_S_PRZNR_HIER - Mapping Hirarchy for PRZNR

CNV_20335_S_PRZNR_HIER_MAPP - Mapping PRZNR with complete hierarchy

CNV_20335_S_PRZNR_KOKRS_MAPP - Mapping PRZNR with complete hierarchy incl KOKRS

CNV_20335_S_PRZNR_MAPPING - Mapping Business Process

CNV_20335_S_TEXT_MAPPING - Structure with information of (new) business process texts

CNV_20340_CHECK_S_ECYCLE_EXIST - A not existing operationg concern cycle

CNV_20340_CHECK_S_E_CYCLE_DUP - Table Line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20340_CHECK_S_KCYCLE_EXIST - A not existing controlling area cycle

CNV_20340_CHECK_S_K_CYCLE_DUP - Table Line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20340_CHECK_S_SRC_E_DUPREC - Key of source from duplicate record (tka03)

CNV_20340_CHECK_S_SRC_K_DUPREC - Key of source from duplicate record (tka03)

CNV_20340_ME_DIS - Customizing for parameter visibility in ME UI

CNV_20340_S_CYCLE_ERKRS_MAPP - Line of a Mapping table for cycles (CYCLE) - ERKRS dependent

CNV_20340_S_CYCLE_HIER_MAPP - Line of a Mapping table for cycles (CYCLE)

CNV_20340_S_CYCLE_INFO - Line for Table Type for DB-Table T811C

CNV_20340_S_CYCLE_KOKRS_MAPP - Line of a Mapping table for cycles (CYCLE) - KOKRS dependent

CNV_20345_CHECK_S_CMDT_PC - Table of inactive profit centers

CNV_20345_CHECK_S_DUMMY - Source dummy profit center of merging co areas

CNV_20345_CHECK_S_DUMMY_FULL - Profit Center mapping with Is_dummy flag

CNV_20345_CHECK_S_INACTIVE_PC - Table of inactive profit centers

CNV_20345_CHECK_S_PRCTR - Line Type of CEPC Master Data

CNV_20345_CHECK_S_PRCTR_DUPREC - Table Line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20345_CHECK_S_PRCTR_DUP_CC - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20345_CHECK_S_PRCTR_DUP_PR - Merge Group including source kokrs

CNV_20345_CHECK_S_PRCTR_DUP_SM - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20345_CHECK_S_PRCTR_DUP_WR - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20345_CHECK_S_PRCTR_EXIST - A not existing profit center

CNV_20345_CHECK_S_PRCTR_PERM - A not permitted profit center

CNV_20345_CHECK_S_SRC_DUPREC - Key of source from duplicate record (cepc)

CNV_20345_CHECK_S_SRC_DUP_BUKR - Key of source from duplicate record (cepc) with bukrs

CNV_20345_CHECK_S_SRC_DUP_SGMT - Key of source from duplicate record (cepc) with segment

CNV_20345_CHECK_S_SRC_DUP_WAER - Key of source from duplicate record (cepc) with waers

CNV_20345_CHECK_S_TKA01 - Line Type for TKA01 Entries

CNV_20345_S_BUKRS_PRCTR_MAPP - PRCTR mapping based on company code

CNV_20345_S_CBUKRS_MAPPING - SAP LT: Mapping simulation for CEPC_BUKRS conversion

CNV_20345_S_CEPC - Line Type of CEPC Master Data

CNV_20345_S_CEPC_BUKRS - Line Type for transparent table CEPC_BUKRS

CNV_20345_S_PRCTR_HIER - Mapping Hierarchy (Top Level) for Profit Center

CNV_20345_S_PRCTR_HIER_MAPP - Mapping Hierarchy for Profit Center

CNV_20345_S_PRCTR_KOKRS_MAPP - Mapping Hierarchy for Profit Center incl KOKRS

CNV_20345_S_PRCTR_MAPPING - Mapping for Profit Center

CNV_20345_S_TEXT_MAPPING - Structure with information of (new) profit center texts

CNV_20345_S_TKA01 - Structure Type to access TKA01 without APPL reference

CNV_20345_S_TKA02 - Structure Type for transparent table TKA02

CNV_20365_CUR - Controlling area currencies for conversion

CNV_20365_DATREF - Reference fields for exchange rate determination

CNV_20365_JA - rate type by year

CNV_20365_ORG - Controlling area currencies for conversion

CNV_20375_CHECK_S_KSTAR - Check Structure for KSTAR

CNV_20375_CHECK_S_KSTAR_DUPREC - Table Line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20375_CHECK_S_KSTAR_DUP_FC - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20375_CHECK_S_KSTAR_DUP_KT - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20375_CHECK_S_KSTAR_DUP_PR - Merge Group including source kokrs

CNV_20375_CHECK_S_KSTAR_EXIST - A not existing cost elements

CNV_20375_CHECK_S_KSTAR_PERM - A not permitted cost elements

CNV_20375_CHECK_S_KSTAR_PRIM - Primary cost elements

CNV_20375_CHECK_S_SRC_DUPREC - Key of source from duplicate record (CSKB)

CNV_20375_CHECK_S_SRC_DUP_FUNC - Key of source from duplicate record (cska) with FUNC_AREA

CNV_20375_CHECK_S_SRC_DUP_KTYP - Key of source from duplicate record (cskb) with KATYP

CNV_20375_CHECK_S_TKA01 - Line Type for TKA01 Entries

CNV_20375_SETLF - Backup for SETLEAF before modification

CNV_20375_S_CSKA - Line Type of CSKS Master Data

CNV_20375_S_CSKB - Line Type of CSKS Master Data

CNV_20375_S_KSTAR_HIER - Top Level Mapping for Cost Element

CNV_20375_S_KSTAR_HIER_MAPP - Mapping Hierarchy for Cost Elements

CNV_20375_S_KSTAR_KOKRS_MAPP - Mapping Hierarchy for Cost Elements incl KOKRS

CNV_20375_S_KSTAR_MAPPING - Mapping for Cost Elements

CNV_20380_S_NRRANGE_MAP - Number range- number mapping

CNV_20380_S_TKA04_CHANGE - List of Controlling areas which NRNR has to be changed

CNV_20400_CHECK_S_BUKRS_INFO - Structure for Company Code Informations (T001)


CNV_20400_CHECK_S_COTPLFS_DUPL - CO-Templates that require renaming when merging COAr

CNV_20400_CHECK_S_CO_WAERS - Structure type for currencys of controlling objects

CNV_20400_CHECK_S_KOKRS_ALLEW - Structure for Controlling Area - ALLEW Information

CNV_20400_CHECK_S_KOKRS_CVPROF - Controlling Area including valuation profile settings

CNV_20400_CHECK_S_KOKRS_ERKRS - Structure for Kokrs Erkrs Information

CNV_20400_CHECK_S_KOKRS_FIKRS - Structure for Kokrs Fikrs Information

CNV_20400_CHECK_S_KOKRS_INFO - Structure with relevant controlling area information (TKA01)

CNV_20400_CHECK_S_KOKRS_KTOPL - Structure with controlling area / chart of account info

CNV_20400_CHECK_S_KOKRS_LMONA - Structure with controlling area / fiscal year variant inform

CNV_20400_CHECK_S_KOKRS_WAERS - Structure for currency settings for controlling areas

CNV_20400_CHECK_S_PCA - Structure with relevant controlling area information (TKA00)

CNV_20400_CHECK_S_TEXTINFO - Structure for language-dependent text information

CNV_20400_CHECK_S_TKA00 - Structure with relevant controlling area information (TKA00)

CNV_20400_EXCLU - Tables to be excluded

CNV_20400_SETN - Lower-level sets in sets

CNV_20410_ADDMAP - CO-PA merge: Add logical duplicates to mapping

CNV_20410_CHECK_S_ERKRS_ALEACT - structure with op. concern / CO-PA Distribution indicator

CNV_20410_CHECK_S_ERKRS_DUPL - Duplicate operating concerns

CNV_20410_CHECK_S_ERKRS_EXIST - Not existing Operating concerns

CNV_20410_CHECK_S_ERKRS_INFO - Structure with relevant operating concern information (TKEB)

CNV_20410_CHECK_S_ERKRS_PALEDG - Structure: operating concern - PA ledger

CNV_20410_CHECK_S_ERKRS_PATYPE - structure with op. concern / Type of Profitability Analysis

CNV_20410_CHECK_S_ERKRS_PERIV - structure with op. concern / fiscal year variant

CNV_20410_CHECK_S_ERKRS_WAERS - structure with op. concern / currency

CNV_20410_CHECK_S_TEXTINFO - Structure for language-dependent text information

CNV_20410_CHECK_S_TVGAI - Number range table for number range objects COPA_IST

CNV_20410_DUPLIC - Logical Duplicates of CO-PA object numbers

CNV_20410_INDEX - Upper Limits of Index for Log. Dupl. Analysis of CO-PA obj.

CNV_20410_SIZE - Analysis results of relevant table fields (PAOBJNR)

CNV_20410_S_ADD_MAP_TABNAME - Selection of tables for adding 1:1 mappings

CNV_20410_S_ANALYZE_TABNAME - Selection of tables for logical duplicates analysis

CNV_20410_S_BUKRS - Line of a table for Company Code

CNV_20410_S_BUKRS_KOKRS - Line of a table for Company Code - Controlling Area

CNV_20410_S_BWKEY - Line of a table for Valuation Area

CNV_20410_S_BWKEY_BUKRS - Line of a table for Valuation Area - Company Code

CNV_20410_S_CONT_JOB_LOG - CO-PA merge: job log context

CNV_20410_S_CONVFUNC - Line of a table for conversion routines

CNV_20410_S_ERKRS - Line of a table for Operating Concern

CNV_20410_S_ERKRS_MAPPING - Line of a Mapping table for Operating Concern

CNV_20410_S_ERKRS_WITH_CHANGES - Structure: Operating concern with change indicators

CNV_20410_S_KOKRS - Line of a table for Controlling Area

CNV_20410_S_KOKRS_ERKRS - Line of a table for Controlling Area - Op. Concern

CNV_20410_S_TAB_FLD_NO_EO_VAL - structure: table, field, flag if no EO values found

CNV_20410_S_WERKS - Line of a table for Plant

CNV_20410_S_WERKS_BWKEY - Line of a table for Plant - Valuation Area

CNV_20410_TASKS - CO-PA merge: States and logs of tasks

CNV_20425_AASUM - EWU conversion: Table for asset totals at account level

CNV_20425_BAL - EMU conversion: Logging transaction figures change

CNV_20425_SCA - EMU conversion: Table of the clearings to be adjusted

CNV_20425_SOP - EMU conversion: Table for open items total

CNV_20425_S_ABST - 20425: Reconciliation 2 / 3 local currency

CNV_20551CONTROL - Control table for deletion packages (select single)

CNV_20551FLDSUGG - Structure CNV_20551FLDSUGG

CNV_20551HROBJID - HR object IDs (internally numbered) and deletion flag

CNV_20551NEGATIV - Obj. that are not meant to be deleted (for reconciliation)

CNV_20551_ABGL - Rules for reconciliating with a reference table

CNV_20551_ANATAB - Identify HR tables that were not cleaned up (tables)

CNV_20551_AN_RUL - Analysis of intransp. Fields: Rule

CNV_20551_AN_RUP - Analysis of intransp. fields: Rule (params)

CNV_20551_AN_TAB - Analysis of intransp. fields: Table fields

CNV_20551_AN_TAP - Analysis of intransp. fields: Table fields (params)

CNV_20551_AN_TXP - Analysis of intransp. fields: Text (params)

CNV_20551_AN_TXT - Analyis of intransp. fields: Text

CNV_20551_APLNO - Identific. applicant number and relevance for deletion

CNV_20551_CDCLS - Object classes for exact deletion of change documents

CNV_20551_CDCLS1 - Found relevant object classes for detailed deletion

CNV_20551_COMPOS - Merge intransparent fields

CNV_20551_COMP_T - Tables for object comparision

CNV_20551_COUNT - Counter for selection for deletion (empty fields)

CNV_20551_CO_BEL - CO_BELNR that are marked for deletion

CNV_20551_DD02L - Structure: DD02L information for the table

CNV_20551_DD03L - Structure: DD03L information for table fields

CNV_20551_DD06L - Structure: DD06L information for the table

CNV_20551_DEFDEL - Default deletion criteria table

CNV_20551_DEFINE - Intransparent fields: Definition

CNV_20551_DELDOC - Generated Table for View

CNV_20551_DELET1 - List of tables with CHECK_MANDT for take-over

CNV_20551_DELTAB - Tables earmarked for dropping

CNV_20551_DEL_PROCEDURE - Deletion Procedure

CNV_20551_DEL_SF_TYP - Structure for Check Deletion Procedure SF

CNV_20551_DEL_SF_TYPE - Structure for Check Deletion Procedure SF

CNV_20551_DERIV - Object types for Find_Objects - evaluation tables

CNV_20551_DERIV1 - Object types for Find_Objects - fields and check fields

CNV_20551_DERIV2 - Object types for Find_Objects - parameter fields

CNV_20551_DERIV3 - Object types for Find_Objects - evaluation rule

CNV_20551_DOMS - Domname,Rollname,Convfunc,Objecttype,Counter

CNV_20551_DUMMY - Structure for field definitions

CNV_20551_D_CHK - Intransparent fields: Check tables for CNV_20551_DATA_CHEC

CNV_20551_EXCL - Tables which were manually excluded from deletion

CNV_20551_EX_TAB - Tables which were manually excluded from deletion

CNV_20551_HELP_STRUCTURE - Internal structure for upload

CNV_20551_KABA03 - Struct.: Screen fields for function module K_POPUP_TO_DECIDE

CNV_20551_KNUMH - Condition record numbers selected for deletion (Dom. KNUMB

CNV_20551_KNUMVT - Condition numbers selected for deletion (Domain KNUMV)

CNV_20551_KOKRS1 - Controlling areas to be partially deleted

CNV_20551_KOMBI - Combined check routines

CNV_20551_KOMBI1 - Combined check routines - sequence of the object types

CNV_20551_KOND - Table has become obsolete

CNV_20551_KORDOM - Correction table for domains for 20551

CNV_20551_KORREK - Correction of the data element for table fields

CNV_20551_KV042 - Structure: Variances: Function parameters

CNV_20551_MATNR - Material numbers scheduled for deletion

CNV_20551_MBLNR - Material documents selected for deletion

CNV_20551_MESG - Structure: Message collector

CNV_20551_NOCHAN - Tables whose conversion logic must/should not be changed

CNV_20551_NOCONS - Modification of search for deletion criteria

CNV_20551_OBJ - Object types for check routines & Find_Objects

CNV_20551_OBJCVT - Objecttypes for which a re-conversion shall take place

CNV_20551_OBJNR - CO object numbers selected for deletion (internal numbering)


CNV_20551_PARAMS - Intransparent fields: Parameters

CNV_20551_PCL - Structure information for PCLx-RELID

CNV_20551_PCLX - Structure information for PCLx-RELID

CNV_20551_PDSNR - PDS No. selected for deletion (sequ. no. for PCD messages)

CNV_20551_PERC - Determine percentage of data to be deleted

CNV_20551_PERNR - Identific. personnel areas and relevance for deletion

CNV_20551_PERSA - Personnel areas (DEL_FLAG=X => relevant for deletion)

CNV_20551_POOL - List of the pool tables and related table pools

CNV_20551_RESULT - Found relevant objects for deletion (statistics)

CNV_20551_RKEOBJ - Numbers for reference objects (CO-PA)

CNV_20551_RLGRAP - Fields for DATEINAME

CNV_20551_S4_ACTIVITY_STATUS - Activity Status

CNV_20551_S4_COMPANY_CODES - Company Codes and Descriptions

CNV_20551_S4_CREATE_PROJECT - Create Conversion Project

CNV_20551_S4_LOGS - Structure for Logs

CNV_20551_S4_OBJNR - Structure for OBJNR

CNV_20551_S4_ORIGIN - Structure for Origin

CNV_20551_S4_ORIGIN_OBJTYP - Structure for Origin and Object Type

CNV_20551_S4_RESULT - Structure for Results

CNV_20551_S4_SCOB - Structure for Scanned Objects

CNV_20551_SCOB - Objects selected for deletion (org. units, master data)

CNV_20551_SCOB1 - Objects selected for deletion (without parameters)

CNV_20551_SCOB1A - Objects selected for deletion, (50-digit, without parameter)

CNV_20551_SCOB1B - Objects selected for deletion (without parameters)

CNV_20551_SCOB1C - Objects selected for deletion, (50-digit, without parameter)

CNV_20551_SCOB2 - Objects selected for deletion (with 1 parameter)

CNV_20551_SCOB2A - Objects selected for deletion, (50-digit, with 1 parameter)

CNV_20551_SCOB2B - Objects selected for deletion (with 1 parameter)

CNV_20551_SCOB2C - Objects selected for deletion, (50-digit, with 1 parameter)

CNV_20551_SCOB3 - Objects selected for deletion (with 2 parameters)

CNV_20551_SCOB3A - Objects selected for deletion (50-digit, with 2 parameters)

CNV_20551_SCOB3B - Objects selected for deletion (with 2 parameters)

CNV_20551_SCOB3C - Objects selected for deletion (50-digit, with 2 parameters)

CNV_20551_SCOB4 - Objects selected for deletion (with 3 parameters)

CNV_20551_SCOB4A - Objects selected for deletion (50-digit, with 3 parameters)

CNV_20551_SCOB4B - Objects selected for deletion (with 3 parameters)

CNV_20551_SCOB4C - Objects selected for deletion (50-digit, with 3 parameters)

CNV_20551_SEQORD - Table dependency for start sequence

CNV_20551_SMSELKRIT - Example structure for references to SMSELKRIT table fields

CNV_20551_SPRAS - Control table for deletion packages (language)

CNV_20551_STAT - Statistics

CNV_20551_SUGG - Deletion criteria

CNV_20551_S_DEEP_STRC - Deep structure for object comparision

CNV_20551_S_DOMAIN_FIXED_VALUE - Structure for domain fixed value

CNV_20551_TABCVT - Tables for special (re-) processing

CNV_20551_TEMP - List of objects with conflicts (temporary)

CNV_20551_TSSTAT - Status management for CC-Delete TS processes

CNV_20551_TSTRU2 - Intransparent fields: Condition for structure description

CNV_20551_TSTRU2_O - Structure for creating/changing entries in CNV_20551_TSTRU2

CNV_20551_TSTRU2_O0 - Structure for creating/changing entries in CNV_20551_TSTRU2

CNV_20551_TSTRUC - Intransparent fields: Structure description

CNV_20551_TSTRUC_O - Structure for creating/changing entries in CNV_20551_TSTRUC

CNV_20551_UPLOAD - Structure for uploading a table

CNV_20551_VBELN - Sales documents selected for deletion

CNV_20551_VBTYP - Sales document types in tables

CNV_20551_VIEW - Generated Table for View

CNV_20551_YZ_TAB - other filled tables

CNV_20600_CHECK_S_ACC_COD_DUPL - Duplicate accounting codes

CNV_20600_CHECK_S_ACC_CO_EXIST - Not existing Accounting codes

CNV_20600_CHECK_S_ACC_C_DUPREC - Table line for duplicate Entries during merge

CNV_20600_CHECK_S_BUKRSN_DUPL - Duplicate company codes for number assignment

CNV_20600_CHECK_S_BUKRSN_EXIST - Not existing Company codes for Number assignment

CNV_20600_CHECK_S_BUKRSN_INFO - Structure with relev. company code for num. ass. (T093C)

CNV_20600_CHECK_S_BUKRS_DUPL - Duplicate company codes

CNV_20600_CHECK_S_BUKRS_EXIST - Not existing Company codes

CNV_20600_CHECK_S_BUKRS_INFO - Structure with relevant company code information (T001)

CNV_20600_CHK_S_ACC_CO_SRC_DUP - Key of source from duplicate record ACC_CODE

CNV_20600_HELP_STRUCTURE - Internal structure for upload

CNV_20600_RNG_BUKRS - Ranges for company codes

CNV_20600_S_ACC_CODE - Structure with acounting code

CNV_20600_S_ACC_CODE_BUKRS - Relation Accounting Code - Company Code

CNV_20600_S_ACC_CODE_MAPPING - Line of a Mapping table for Accounting Code

CNV_20600_S_ACC_CODE_TEXT_MAPP - Structure with information of (new) accounting code text

CNV_20600_S_BUKRS - Structure with Company code

CNV_20600_S_BUKRSN - Structure with company code for number assignment

CNV_20600_S_BUKRSN_MAPPING - Line of a Mapping table for CoCd's for No. assign. (BUKRSN)

CNV_20600_S_BUKRS_BUKRSN - Relation Company Code - Company Code for Number Assignment

CNV_20600_S_BUKRS_MAPPING - Line of a Mapping table for Company Code



CNV_20600_S_OBJTYPE - Structure with OBJTYPE

CNV_20600_S_TEXT_MAPPING - Structure with information of (new) company code text

CNV_20600_UPLOAD - Structure for uploading a table

CNV_20700_DB_MAPPING - Display mapping as per DB

CNV_20700_S_MARA - Relevant fields of MARA

CNV_20700_S_MATNR_MAPPING - Line of a Mapping table for Material Number

CNV_20700_S_TEXT_MAPPING - Structure with information of (new) material number texts

CNV_20700_TCMF5H - Analyze table TCMF5 for package 20700

CNV_20700_TCMF5P - Analyze table TCMF5 for package 20700

CNV_20800_CUST - Special settings for package 20800

CNV_20800_KNVK - CNV backup copy: Customer master contact person

CNV_20800_KTOKD - CNV_20800: empty, only for maintenance view

CNV_20800_MSEG - Table to maintain database for MSEG

CNV_20800_PARAM - Multi-purpose generic parameter table

CNV_20800_STAT - Statistics - feedback from projects

CNV_20800_S_KUNNR_MAPPING - Line of a Mapping table for Customer (KUNNR)

CNV_20800_S_RENAME - Structure for Conversion: Renaming

CNV_20800_T077D - CNV table that states which customer account groups match

CNV_20900_CUST - Special settings for package 20800

CNV_20900_KNVK - CNV backup copy: Vendor master contact person

CNV_20900_KTOKK - CNV_20900: empty, only for maintenance view

CNV_20900_MSG - Table to maintain database for MSEG

CNV_20900_PARAM - Multi-purpose generic parameter table

CNV_20900_S_LIFNR_MAPPING - Line of a Mapping table for Vendor(LIFNR)

CNV_20900_S_RENAME - Structure for Conversion: Renaming

CNV_20900_T077K - Vendor account groups

CNV_21500_PCL1_B1_PDCIFT_OLD - PCL1(B1) PDCIFT old version

CNV_21500_PCL1_KN_VERSION - Type of KN-VERSION component of PCL1(KN)

CNV_21500_PCL1_PC_VERSION - Type of PC-VERSION component of PCL1(PC)

CNV_21500_PCL1_ZZ_NAMES - Structure of component NAMES of PCL1-ZZ

CNV_21500_PCL2_B2_WSTOLD - PCL2(B2) - old version of PDCWST

CNV_21500_PCL2_CU_DIR2 - Component DIR2 for PCL2(CU)

CNV_21500_PCL2_CU_PC260_OLD - PC260_OLD

CNV_21500_PCL2_CW_HRT - Type of HRT component of PCL2(CW)

CNV_21500_PCL2_CW_RBDIR - Type of RBDIR component of PCL2(CW)

CNV_21500_PCL2_CW_VERSION - Type of CW_VERSION component of PCL2(CW)

CNV_21500_PCL2_CW_WWDIR - Structure of component WWDIR of RELID PCL2-CW

CNV_21500_PCL2_CX_WXDIR - Type of WXDIR component of PCL2(CX)

CNV_21500_PCL2_CX_XWWDIR - Type of XWWDIR component of PCL2(CX)

CNV_21500_PCL2_CY_WYDIR - Type of WYDIR component of PCL2(CY)

CNV_21500_PCL2_GP_ADJMT - Type of ADJMT component of PCL2(GP)

CNV_21500_PCL2_GP_ADRET - Type of ADRET component of PCL2(GP)

CNV_21500_PCL2_GP_BDPAY - Type of BDPAY component of PCL2(GP)

CNV_21500_PCL2_GP_CRTLVS - Type of CRTLVS component of PCL2(GP)

CNV_21500_PCL2_GP_CUMT - Type of CUMT component of PCL2(GP)

CNV_21500_PCL2_GP_STLVS - Type of STLVS component of PCL2(GP)

CNV_21500_PCL2_GP_TRANSFER - Type of TRANSFER component of PCL2(GP)

CNV_21500_PCL2_GP_VERSION - Type of GP-VERSION component of PCL2(GP)

CNV_21500_PCL2_ID_IFACE_RESULT - Structure of component INTERFACE_RESULTS of PCL2-ID

CNV_21500_PCL2_ID_INTERFACE_VE - Structure of component INTERFACE_VER of PCL2-ID

CNV_21500_PCL2_IF_PC20I - Cluster RD/B2: Table AB

CNV_21500_PCL2_IF_VERSION - Structure of component IF_VERSION of PCL2-IF

CNV_21500_PCL2_PS_AS_SOURCE - Structure of component AS-SOURCE of PCL2-PS

CNV_21500_PCL2_PS_FIELDS - Structure of component FIELDS of PCL2-PS

CNV_21500_PCL2_PS_INFTY - Structure of component INFTY of PCL2-PS

CNV_21500_PCL2_PS_PRINT - Structure of component PRINT of PCL2-PS

CNV_21500_PCL2_PS_XREF - Structure of component XREF of PCL2-PS

CNV_21500_PCL2_PT_AS_SOURCE_TX - Structure of component AS-SOURCE-TEXT of PCL2-PT

CNV_21500_PCL2_R1_PRETAX - Structure of component PRETAX of PCL2-R1

CNV_21500_PCL2_TX_PTEXT - Structure of component TEXT-VERSION of RELID PCL1-TX

CNV_21500_PCL2_TX_TEXT_VERSION - Structure of component PTEXT of RELID PCL1-TX

CNV_21500_PCL2_WW_WDATE - Structure of component WDATE of PCL2-WW

CNV_21500_PCL2_WW_WFIRE - Structure of component WFIRE of PCL2-WW

CNV_21500_PCL2_WW_WSV - Structure of component WSV of PCL2-WW

CNV_21500_PCL2_WW_WWPBP - Structure of component WWPBP of PCL2-WW

CNV_21500_PCL2_WX_WSI - Structure of component WSI of PCL2-WX

CNV_21500_PCL2_WY_PBE01EXTRA28 - Helper structure for PCL2-WY

CNV_21500_PCL2_WY_PBE01EXTRA32 - Helper structure for PCL2-WY

CNV_21500_PCL2_WY_W274 - Structure of component W274 of PCL2-WY

CNV_21500_PCL2_WY_WTAX - Structure of component WTAX of PCL2-WY

CNV_21500_PCL2_XC_ALP - Structure of component ALP of PCL2-XC

CNV_21500_PCL2_XC_BT - Structure of component BT of PCL2-XC

CNV_21500_PCL2_XC_C0 - Structure of component C0 of PCL2-XC

CNV_21500_PCL2_XC_C1 - Structure of component CRT of PCL2-XC

CNV_21500_PCL2_XC_CRT - Structure of component CRT of PCL2-XC

CNV_21500_PCL2_XC_LS - Structure of component LS of PCL2-XC

CNV_21500_PCL2_XC_RC_VERSION - Structure of component RC-VERSION of PCL2-XC

CNV_21500_PCL2_XC_ST - Structure of component ST of PCL2-XC

CNV_21500_PCL2_XC_SV - Structure of component SV of PCL2-XC

CNV_21500_PCL2_XC_VERSC - Structure of component VERSC of PCL2-XC

CNV_21500_PCL2_XC_WPBP - Structure of component WPBP of PCL2-XC

CNV_21500_PCL2_ZA_DURCHSCHNITT - Structure of component DURCHSCHNITT of PCL2-ZA

CNV_21500_PCL2_ZD_VORAUS_UMLAG - Structure of component VORAUS_UMLAGE of PCL2-ZD

CNV_21500_PCL2_ZS_VERSION - Type of ZS-VERSION component of PCL2(ZS)

CNV_21500_PCL4_E1_ESDIR - Structure of component ESDIR of PCL4-E1

CNV_21500_PCL4_F1_PFORM - Structure of component PFORM of PCL4-F1

CNV_21500_PCL4_F1_PINFO - Structure of component PINFO of PCL4-F1

CNV_21500_PCL4_U1_AMTF - Structure of component AMTF of PCL4-U1

CNV_21500_PCL4_U1_TAU_RESULT - Structure of component TAU_RESULT of PCL4-U1

CNV_21500_PCL4_U1_TXTF - Structure of component TXTF of PCL4-U1

CNV_21500_PCL5_PS_ORG_VNAME - Structure of component ORG_VNAME of PCL5-PS

CNV_21500_PDC32 - PDC Time Tickets: Times and Quantity

CNV_21500_PDC32_OLD - PDC Time Tickets: Times and Quantity

CNV_21500_PDCIFT - Interface Table for PDC Time Tickets

CNV_21500_PDCWST - PDC Time Tickets

CNV_21500_PDCWST_OLD - PDC Time Tickets

CNV_21500_PDC_APL - Different Payment (for Time Tickets)

CNV_21500_PDC_FUND - Fund Accounting

CNV_21500_PDC_REF - FI Assignment Sizes for HR Objects (for Time Tickets)

CNV_21500_PDC_REF_OLD - FI Assignment Sizes for HR Objects (for Time Tickets)

CNV_21500_PLL_CONF_ACTIV - Incentive Wages: Activities

CNV_21500_PLL_CONF_QUANT - Incentive Wages: Quantities

CNV_21510_CLUSTER_RELID - Structure holding cluster table and relid data

CNV_21521_S_MAP_PERSG - Mapping of Employee Group

CNV_21522_S_MAP_PERSK - Mapping of Employee Subgroup

CNV_21523_S_MAP_BTRTL - Mapping of Personnel Subarea

CNV_21524_S_MAP_ABKRS - Mapping of Payroll Area

CNV_21525_S_MAP_SACHA - Mapping of Administrator

CNV_21526_S_MAP_MANDT - Mapping of Client

CNV_21527_S_MAP_LOGSYS - Mapping of Logical System

CNV_21528_S_MAP_PERSA - Mapping of Personnel Area

CNV_21529_S_MAP_LGART - Mapping of Wagetype

CNV_21530_NR_MAP - Subobject value mappings for NCE

CNV_21536_S_MAP_MASSN - Mapping of Personnel Action

CNV_21537_S_MAP_MASSG - Mapping of Reason for Personnel Action

CNV_21538_S_MAP_DATAR - Mapping of Date Type

CNV_21539_S_MAP_AWART - Mapping of Attendance or Absence Type

CNV_21543_S_MAP_SBMOD - Mapping of Administrator Group

Return Table index