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CNV20000TABCTRL - Control table to handle the NOTUSE indicator

CNV_00001_API_MAP_RTYPE_PTYPE - Mapping: routine type definition->param. type definitions

CNV_00001_CHANGE_DATA - Structure with information about object creation

CNV_00001_CHBOX_DEF - Definition of a checkbox entry

CNV_00001_CND - Status of partitioning analysis

CNV_00001_CNDRES - Results of partitioning analysis for SELECT statement

CNV_00001_CREATION_DATA - Structure with information about object creation

CNV_00001_CTRLTAB_COMMON - Common part for control tables

CNV_00001_DIST_ANALYZE_RES - Result of table distribution analysis


CNV_00001_FIELD_DESC - Name and value of any field

CNV_00001_FIELD_DESCRIPTION - Field description

CNV_00001_FORMS - Form routines used in conversions

CNV_00001_ICWBSC - Obsolete: Mapping between CWB scenario and iCWB scenario

CNV_00001_ICWBSV - Generated Table for View

CNV_00001_INDEX_DATA - Description of an index

CNV_00001_LEGEND_ITEM - Item of the legend to show

CNV_00001_MSG - Collector structure for error messages

CNV_00001_MSSCONNDATA - MsSQL connection - copy for smaller releases

CNV_00001_MSSINDINFOCOLL - Collection of index information - copy for smaller releases

CNV_00001_MSSSERIA - MSSQL: Serialization Format of RAT Data - copy for small rel

CNV_00001_NAME_VALUE - Generic structure: name - value pair

CNV_00001_NONTR_FIELDS - Non-transparent fields

CNV_00001_OPTPRG - Optiization tools for CWB

CNV_00001_OPTPRT - Texts for optimization transactions

CNV_00001_ORGFLD - Transfer struct. for field-dependent org. inform. (10030)

CNV_00001_PACKDP - Dependent packages description

CNV_00001_PACK_COLOR - Structure for a mapping of package to color

CNV_00001_PARAMS - Parameter table

CNV_00001_PARAM_ACC_TYPES - Parameter accepted types

CNV_00001_PARS - Parameters of form routines used in conversion

CNV_00001_PAR_FM - CNV: Structure for parameter definitions

CNV_00001_PDOMS - Domains suitable for conversion routine parameters

CNV_00001_PHASE_RUNTIME - Runtime of a phase

CNV_00001_PIFD_ABSTR_FIELD - CWB Basis PIFD: abstract field definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_ABSTR_TABLE - CWB Basis PIFD: abstract table definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_CONTROL - CWB Basis PIFD: conversion control definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_DATATYPE - CWB Basis PIFD: data type definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_FIELD - CWB Basis PIFD: normal field definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_INCLUDE - CWB Basis PIFD: include definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_PACKAGE - CWB Basis PIFD: package definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_PACKAGE_DEP - CWB Basis PIFD: package dependency definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_PACKPACKDEP - CWB Basis PIFD: package dependency definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_PARAM - CWB Basis PIFD: parameter definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_PARAM_SRCH - CWB Basis PIFD: parameter definition (for search)

CNV_00001_PIFD_PARSRCHTYP - CWB Basis PIFD: Search parameter dependent type definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_ROUTINE - CWB Basis PIFD: routine definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_ROUTINE_SRCH - CWB Basis PIFD: routine definition (for search)

CNV_00001_PIFD_ROUTSRCHTYP - CWB Basis PIFD: Search routine dependent type definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_SELCOND - CWB Basis PIFD: selection condition definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_SELPART - CWB Basis PIFD: selection partition definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_STATE - CWB Basis PIFD: state definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_STATE_REL - CWB Basis PIFD: state relation definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_STEP - CWB Basis PIFD: step definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_STEPROUTINE - CWB Basis PIFD: step routine definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_TABFIELD - CWB Basis PIFD: table dependent field definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_TABFIELDPAR - CWB Basis PIFD: table field routine dependent parameter def.

CNV_00001_PIFD_TABFIELDROUT - CWB Basis PIFD: table field dependent routine definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_TABINCLUDE - CWB Basis PIFD: table dependent include definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_TABLE - CWB Basis PIFD: normal table definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_TABLE_REL - CWB Basis PIFD: table relation definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_TABLE_WSTAT - PIFD representation of CWB basis conf. for table with status

CNV_00001_PIFD_TABPRIOPAR - CWB Basis PIFD: table prio routine dependent parameter def.

CNV_00001_PIFD_TABPRIOROUT - CWB Basis PIFD: table dependent prio routine definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_TABSELPART - CWB Basis PIFD: table dependent selection partition def.

CNV_00001_PIFD_TABSELPARTCND - CWB Basis PIFD: table dependent select. partition condition

CNV_00001_PIFD_TABSTEP - CWB Basis PIFD: table dependent step definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_TABSTEPPAR - CWB Basis PIFD: table step routine dependent parameter def.

CNV_00001_PIFD_TABSTEPROUT - CWB Basis PIFD: table step dependent routine definition

CNV_00001_PIFD_TYPEDEF - CWB Basis PIFD: typedef definition

CNV_00001_PUSR - Table is no longer required

CNV_00001_ROUTINE_ACC_TYPES - Accepted types of the routine

CNV_00001_ROUTINE_NAME_RANGE - Range of routine name

CNV_00001_ROUTINE_STATEMENT - Form routine statement definition

CNV_00001_ROUTINE_TABLES - Definition of TABLES parameter

CNV_00001_ROUTINE_USECHANGE - Definition of USING / CHANGING parameter

CNV_00001_SAVED_TABLE_METADATA - Metadata of a saved table

CNV_00001_SET_MAN_LOAD_TABLES - Load Tables

CNV_00001_SET_MAN_VARI_TABLES - Load Tables

CNV_00001_SIMMON - Table for status of selection simulation jobs

CNV_00001_SMAINT_TABFILTER - Filter for displaying tables in settings maintenance

CNV_00001_SMAINT_TABSTATUS - Table status for settings maintenance

CNV_00001_SRC_FIELD_PARAM - Parameter name for source field

CNV_00001_STATUS - Table with possible statuses

CNV_00001_S_CLU_VIEWER_TREE - CNV Viewer Tree columns

CNV_00001_S_DATAPACK_DATA - Data of a single table of data pack

CNV_00001_S_FIELDMAP_FLDS - Field in fieldmapping with error flag

CNV_00001_S_FIELDMAP_MAPPING - Field / Parameter Mapping

CNV_00001_S_INDX_DATA - Line of compressed data in generic format

CNV_00001_S_PARAMETER_DESCR - Parameter Description

CNV_00001_TABLE_PROGRAM - Coding assigned to table name

CNV_00001_TABLE_REF - Structure describing reference to standard table of any type

CNV_00001_TEMP_KEY - Key for temporary stored data

CNV_00001_TS_UPLOAD_DATA - Structure passed as a parameter from troubleshooting

CNV_00001_TYPEDEF - Type definition

CNV_00001_USR - Conversion: Lock and unlock users

CNV_00001_VIEWS - Table for avtivation of DB views

CNV_00001_WHERE_USED - Table and (optionally) field name where routine is used

CNV_00001_XML_ATTRIBUTE - XML Attribute representation

CNV_00300_MAPS - CWB-ME Interface - Mappings associated with Packages

CNV_00300_MAPSPC - CWB-ME Interface - Template ID - Profile Class - Check Class

CNV_00300_S_TEMPLATE_MAPPING - structure for template mapping

CNV_00555_TYPE - Data types for CNV_SIM00

CNV_02300_NOTES - Contains the list of SAP Notes required before migration

CNV_05010_CLU - Cluster for saving table contents

CNV_05010_INFO - Status information on table backup record

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