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CMMASEBYQNQRY - Generated Table for View

CMMASEQNCUBE - Generated Table for View

CMMFSA_C_BROGRP - Broker Groups for Commodity Derivatve Orders

CMMFSA_C_BROGRPT - Broker Groups for Commodity Derivatve Orders

CMMFSA_D_APICFG - Table for Commodity Subaccount API Configuration

CMMFSA_D_BROFIX - Broker Communication Settings

CMMFSA_D_BRORACC - Counterparty Broker Reference Accounts

CMMFSA_D_CHRCMPG - Commodity Sub Account Mapping Table for Free Characteristics

CMMFSA_D_CLACCNT - Broker Clearing Accounts

CMMFSA_D_CNTRSUB - CDOTE Subaccounts of Interlat Counterparty

CMMFSA_D_FIXVFLD - Broker FIX Message Field Values

CMMFSA_D_OFFFOOT - Subaccount Footprint Options

CMMFSA_D_SA_MAP - Commodity Subaccount Mapping

CMMFSA_D_SUBACCT - Commodity Subaccount

CMMFSA_FREE_CHAR_DATA - Free characteristics data

CMMFSA_S_BROGRP - Structure for Broker and Broker group ID

CMMFSA_S_CDS_VIEW_NAME - Structure for CDS View names from Business Context

CMMFSA_S_CHANGEDBY - Range structure for Changed By

CMMFSA_S_CHANGEDON - Range structure for Last changed on

CMMFSA_S_COMMODITY - Structure for range of Commodity

CMMFSA_S_CREATEDBY - Structure for range of Created By

CMMFSA_S_CREATEDON - Structure for range of Created On

CMMFSA_S_DATERANGE - Range structure for Date

CMMFSA_S_EDIT_SA - BOPF Edit Sub Account

CMMFSA_S_FREE_CHAR - Structure for Free Characteristics and their descrpition

CMMFSA_S_FREE_CHAR_DATA - Free characteristics data

CMMFSA_S_FREE_CHAR_MAPPING - Free Characteristics mapping

CMMFSA_S_FUTURESACCOUNT - Structure for range of Futures Account

CMMFSA_S_PORTFOLIO - Structure for range of Portfolio

CMMFSA_S_REFACCT - Structure for range of Reference Account

CMMFSA_S_RNG_BROKER - Structure for range of Broker Account

CMMFSA_S_RNG_SUBACCOUNTUUID - Structure for range of Subaccount UUID

CMMFSA_S_STATUS_REASON - Reason for Lifecycle Status

CMMFSA_S_SUBACCOUNT - Subaccount Structure for BADI

CMMFSA_S_SUBACCOUNTID - Structure for range of Subaccount ID

CMMFSA_S_SUBACCT - Structure for Commodity Sub Account

CMMFSA_S_SUBACCTNAME - Structure for range of Subaccount Name

CMMFSA_S_SUBACCTSTATUS - Structure for range of Subaccount Status


CMMFSA_S_SUBACCT_DETAILS - Structure for Sub Account Details

CMMFSA_S_SUBACCT_PLANT - Structure for fields Subaccount and Plant

CMMFSA_S_SUBACCT_UPLOAD - Sub Account Upload structure for display

CMMFSA_S_SUB_ACCOUNT_ADMIN - Commodity Subaccount Admin Structure

CMMFSA_S_SUB_ACCOUNT_EXTN - Commodity Free Characteristics Extension Structure

CMMFSA_S_SUB_ACCOUNT_EXTN_TF - Commodity Sub Account Extension Structure Transient Fields

CMMFSA_S_TRADER_SCENARIO - Strucutre for Trader Scenario Login

CMMFSA_V_APICFG - Generated Table for View

CMMFSA_V_BROGRP - Generated Table for View

CMMFSA_V_OFFFOOT - Generated Table for View

CMMFSA_V_SA_MAP - Generated Table for View

CMMFSA_V_SUB_AC - Generated Table for View

CMMUSRCRTSTS - Generated Table for View

CMM_SFGDT_VERSION_GUID - Version Guid and SFGDT Structure

CMM_SP_WFL_VH - Generated Table for View

CMM_SRCG_S_ITM_CMMDTY_QTY - Commodity Quantity for Sourcing

CMM_SRCG_S_MESSAGES - Message Structure

CMM_SUB_ACCOUNT_ROW - Sub Account Ranges

CMM_S_AVG_OPTUL - Updating table for underlying flow for average price options

CMM_S_AVG_PRICE_RET - Average Price return structure from API

CMM_S_BAL_CONTEXT - Commodity Management: Application log context

CMM_S_BAS_QUOT - Download structure Basis Market Data

CMM_S_BPPNL_PROC_AGGREGATE - Structure for BP PnL Processing Aggregation

CMM_S_BPPNL_PROC_PREPARE - Structure for Beginning Position PnL Processing Prepare

CMM_S_BPPNL_PROC_PRE_PROCESS - Structure for BP PnL Processing Pre Process

CMM_S_BPPNL_TERM_CALC_DLT_VAL - Structure for BP PnL Calculate Delta Value

CMM_S_BPPNL_TERM_CALC_MTM_VAL - Structure for BP PnL Calculate MtM Value

CMM_S_BPPNL_TERM_CAL_VAL_STAT - Structure for BP PnL Calculate Value Statistics Currency

CMM_S_BPPNL_TERM_MRG_DLTA_STK - Structure for BP PnL Merge Delta Stock

CMM_S_BPPNL_TERM_VAL_STAT_CURR - Structure for BP PnL Statistics Currency

CMM_S_BROKACC - Structure for Counterparty and Brokers

CMM_S_CALC_DELTA_STK - Structure for Merge Delta Stoc

CMM_S_CALC_DELTA_VAL - Structure for Merge Delta Stoc

CMM_S_CALC_DELTA_VAL_STK - Structure for Merge Delta Stoc

CMM_S_CALC_DOC_CURR - Structure for Convert to document currency

CMM_S_CALC_MTM_VAL - Structure for Merge Delta Stoc

CMM_S_CALC_MTM_VAL_STK - Structure for Merge Delta Stoc

CMM_S_CALC_TERM_RATE - Structure to calculate term rate

CMM_S_CALC_VAL_STAT_CURR - Structure for Merge Delta Stoc

CMM_S_CD_RO_BASE_COMPLETE - Risk Object base Structure - Header and Item

CMM_S_CREA_DATE - Range structure for RO creation date and time

CMM_S_DATEWISE_PRC_DET - Date wise commodity price details

CMM_S_DISP_GMDAFX_RESULT - ALV structure to display FX curves data

CMM_S_EVAL_APPLOG_CONTEXT - Versioned Financial Results - Application Log Context Fields

CMM_S_EVAL_ATTRIBUTES - Versioned Financial Results - Attribute fields

CMM_S_EVAL_CALC_DETAILS - Versioned Financial Results - Calculation Details

CMM_S_EVAL_CALC_DETAILS_PC - Versioned Financial Results - Calculation Details Paym.Curr.

CMM_S_EVAL_CALC_DETAILS_QC - Versioned Financial Results - Calculation Details Quot.Curr.

CMM_S_EVAL_CALC_DETAILS_SC - Versioned Financial Results - Calculation Details Stat.Curr.

CMM_S_EVAL_KEYS - Versioned Financial Results - Key Fields

CMM_S_EVAL_OPTIONS - Versioned Financial Results - Options

CMM_S_EVAL_VALUES - Versioned Financial Results - Values

CMM_S_EVAL_VALUES_PAYM_CURR - Versioned Financial Results - Values in Payment Currency

CMM_S_EVAL_VALUES_QUOT_CURR - Versioned Financial Results - Values in Quotation Currency

CMM_S_EVAL_VALUES_STAT_CURR - Versioned Financial Results - Values in Statistics Currency

CMM_S_EVAL_VFIND_HLP_FIELDS - Versioned Financial Results - Helper Fields


CMM_S_IDX - Index: Data Part

CMM_S_IDX_ADMIN - Index: Admin Data Part

CMM_S_IDX_BUKRS_RNG - Index: Range structure for BUKRS

CMM_S_IDX_CHANGE_DATA - Index: Change Data

CMM_S_IDX_CONSUMER_RELEVANCE - Index: Relevance per Consumer

CMM_S_IDX_CONSUMER_RNG - Index: Range structure for CMM_IDX_CONSUMER

CMM_S_IDX_EKGRP_RNG - Index: Range structure for EKGRP

CMM_S_IDX_EKORG_RNG - Index: Range structure for EKORG


CMM_S_IDX_EXT_ID_RNG - Index: Range structure for CMM_IDX_EXT_ID

CMM_S_IDX_K - Index: Primary Key Without Client

CMM_S_IDX_KUNNR_RNG - Index: Range structure for KUNNR

CMM_S_IDX_LIFNR_RNG - Index: Range structure for LIFNR

CMM_S_IDX_OBJ_DATA - Index: Data part for key object

CMM_S_IDX_OBJ_DOC_CAT_RNG - Index: Range structure for document category

CMM_S_IDX_OBJ_DOC_TYPE_RNG - Index: Range structure for CMM_IDX_OBJ_DOC_TYPE

CMM_S_IDX_OBJ_ID_RNG - Index: Range structure for CMM_IDX_OBJ_ID

CMM_S_IDX_OBJ_ITEM_RNG - Index: Range structure for CMM_IDX_OBJ_ITEM

CMM_S_IDX_OBJ_TYPE_RNG - Index: Range structure for CMM_IDX_OBJ_TYPE

CMM_S_IDX_ORG_DATA - Index: Organizational Data

CMM_S_IDX_ORG_DATA_MM - Index: Organizational Data MM

CMM_S_IDX_ORG_DATA_SD - Index: Organizational Data SD

CMM_S_IDX_PK - Index: Primary Key

CMM_S_IDX_PREDECESSOR - Index: Predecessor

CMM_S_IDX_RUN_FAILED_RNG - Index: Range structure for CMM_IDX_RUN_FAILED

CMM_S_IDX_RUN_ID_RNG - Index: Range structure for CMM_IDX_RUN_ID

CMM_S_IDX_SEL_CRIT - Index: Selection criteria

CMM_S_IDX_SPART_RNG - Index: Range structure for SPART

CMM_S_IDX_START_OBJ - Index: Start Object


CMM_S_IDX_VBAK_CONDITIONS - Index: Help structure: Conditions of sales document

CMM_S_IDX_VKBUR_RNG - Index: Range structure for VKBUR

CMM_S_IDX_VKGRP_RNG - Index: Range structure for VKGRP

CMM_S_IDX_VKORG_RNG - Index: Range structure for VKORG

CMM_S_IDX_VTWEG_RNG - Index: Range structure for VTWEG

CMM_S_IDX_WORK - Index: Work structure of index table

CMM_S_INRASTO_RO_EXT_KEY - Intra Company STO Risk Object External Key

CMM_S_INTRA_STO_CHANGES - Intra Company STO Change document structure

CMM_S_INV_ANTCP_DATA - Anticipated invoice item in material management

CMM_S_INV_ANTCP_IMP - Importing data for final invoice anticipation

CMM_S_INV_ANTCP_ITM - Anticipated invoice item in material management

CMM_S_INV_ANTCP_ITM_LOG_REF - Reference for error table

CMM_S_INV_ANTCP_ITM_RESULT - Anticipated invoice item result in material management

CMM_S_INV_ANTCP_KEY - Goods receipt based anticipated invoice item

CMM_S_INV_ANTCP_PARAM - Parameter for final invoice anticipation

CMM_S_ITM_PRICE_DATE - Calculate item price date

CMM_S_LOAD_GMDAFX_RESULT - Load Pre-caculated forex curves result structure

CMM_S_MSG - Commodity Management: System message

CMM_S_MSG_FIELDS - Message fields

CMM_S_NAPNL_AGGR - Structure for NA PnL Explicit Agri calculation

CMM_S_NAPNL_CALC - Sturcture for New activity PnL Calc

CMM_S_NAPNL_CALC_01 - Structure for PnL Calc 1

CMM_S_NAPNL_CALC_02 - Structure for PnL calc 2

CMM_S_NAPNL_CALC_03 - Structure for PnL Calc 3

CMM_S_NAPNL_IMP_AGGR - Structure for NA PnL Implicit Agri calculation

CMM_S_NAPNL_MAP_MTM - Structure for mapping from MTM to NA PnL

CMM_S_NAPNL_MAP_MTM_IMP - Structure for mapping from MTM to NA PnL

CMM_S_NAPNL_PREP_EXT - Structure for New Activity PnL prep Ext

CMM_S_OBJNR - Object Number

CMM_S_OBJ_K - Commodity Management: Object key (without Client)

CMM_S_PLANT_VALAREA - Plant Valuation Area

CMM_S_PO_INDEX_RELEVANCY - Structure for PO relevancy for Index table

CMM_S_PRIKEY - Range structure for RO Pricing key

CMM_S_QP_AGGR - Calculate quotation group and period sum

CMM_S_QP_QG_AGGR - Calculate quotation group and period sum

CMM_S_QP_QG_CONV_CUR - Structure for currency conversion

CMM_S_QP_QG_CONV_UOM - Structure for convert uom

CMM_S_QP_QG_PRICE_DATE - Structure for calculate price dates

CMM_S_QP_QG_PRICE_QUOTES - Structure for price quotes

CMM_S_ROBJ_ADMIN_DATA - Risk Object : Admin Data

CMM_S_ROBJ_BASE - Risk Object: Type and Key Fields

CMM_S_ROBJ_BASE_CC - Risk Object: Conditions fields determined by PRICING

CMM_S_ROBJ_BASE_CC_K - Conditions determined by PRICING - #GENERATED#

CMM_S_ROBJ_BASE_COMPLETE - Risk Object base Struct BOPF item action - Header and Item

CMM_S_ROBJ_BASE_DF_I - Risk Object: Document flow relevant fields

CMM_S_ROBJ_BASE_EXT_H - Risk Object Type specific Header Data

CMM_S_ROBJ_BASE_EXT_I - Risk Object Type specific Item Data

CMM_S_ROBJ_BASE_EXT_KEY - Risk Object: External key

CMM_S_ROBJ_BASE_GEN_I - Risk Object: Generic Data

CMM_S_ROBJ_BASE_H - Risk Object: Header Data

CMM_S_ROBJ_BASE_I - Risk Object: Item Data

CMM_S_ROBJ_BASE_KOMK - Risk Object: KOMK pricing relevant fields

CMM_S_ROBJ_BASE_KOMP - Risk Object: KOMP pricing relevant fields

CMM_S_ROBJ_BASE_MISC_I - Risk Object: Miscellanous Risk Reporting Item Data

CMM_S_ROBJ_CALC_COND - Conditions determined by PRICING

CMM_S_ROBJ_EXT_KEY - Basic External Key

CMM_S_ROBJ_HEADER_INT - Structure for RO header

CMM_S_ROBJ_INTRA_STO - Risk Object Intra Company STO related fields

CMM_S_ROBJ_INTRA_STO_I - Risk Object Intra Company STO related fields

CMM_S_ROBJ_ITEM_INT - Structure for RO item fields

CMM_S_ROBJ_LASTUPD_RISK_HDR - Risk Object: Last Updated fields RO Header

CMM_S_ROBJ_LASTUPD_RISK_ITEM - Risk object Last Updated fields RO Header

CMM_S_ROBJ_PRC_ANALYS_LOG - Pricing Analysis Log

CMM_S_ROBJ_STATUS - Range structure for Risk Object Status

CMM_S_ROBJ_TYPE - Range structure for Risk Object Type

CMM_S_ROBJ_TYPE_REGISTRY - Risk Object Type Registry Data


CMM_S_RO_KEY - Risk Revaluation Keys

CMM_S_SAG_ROBJ_HEADER_ENH - Risk Object Schedilung Agreement Header Related Fields

CMM_S_SAG_ROBJ_ITEM_ENH - Risk Object Schedilung Agreement Item Related Fields

CMM_S_SAG_RO_EXT_KEY - Structure: Scheduling Agreement Risk Object External Key

CMM_S_TERM_PROCESSING - Structure for term processing

CMM_S_TEST_MOCK_DO_PRICING - CMM Test Objects: Mocking Structure for DO_PRICING

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