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CKMLMV001 - Procurement alternatives

CKMLMV001T - Texts for procurement alternatives

CKMLMV001_SI_CFIN - Procurement Alternative: Fields for Central Finance

CKMLMV002 - Assignments material / procurement alternatives

CKMLMV003 - Process model: Receipts / mixing strategies

CKMLMV004 - Process model: Withdrawals

CKMLMV004WIP - Process Model: Deductions WIP

CKMLMV005 - Consumption alternatives

CKMLMV005T - Texts for consumption alternatives

CKMLMV006 - Control data for the quantity structure types

CKMLMV006T - Name for quantity structure types

CKMLMV007 - Name formation (structure table)

CKMLMV007A - Name formation (algorithms)

CKMLMV007R - Name formation (naming rules)

CKMLMV007RT - Name formation: Text for naming rule

CKMLMV007T - Name formation (name of structure)

CKMLMV009 - Process Catagory

CKMLMV009T - Process Catagory (description)

CKMLMV010 - Movement type group for ML update

CKMLMV010T - Text for movement type groups for ML update

CKMLMV011 - Costing run: Object list

CKMLMV011F - Costing Run: Filter Table for Object List

CKMLMV011H - Structure for filter hierarchy

CKMLMV011HF - Costing run: Hierarchy levels and fields

CKMLMV011T - Filter hierarchies

CKMLMV011TT - Filter type texts

CKMLMV011Z - Condition tables for data base access with filter fields

CKMLMV012 - Costing run: Predecessor/successor model

CKMLMV013 - Assignment table: Process for production order

CKMLMV014 - Assignment table: Procurement alternative for order

CKMLMV015 - Naming rule assignment for materials (header)

CKMLMV015Z - Naming rule assignment for materials for each procure. cat.

CKMLMV016 - Quantity structure tool: Naming rule

CKMLMV016T - Quantity structure tool: Texts for naming rules

CKMLMVADMIN - General Control Parameters for Actual Costing

CKMLMVTOOL_530 - Screen Element from Screen 530 in CKMLMVTOOL

CKMLMVTOOL_540 - Screen Element from Screen 540 in CKMLMVTOOL

CKMLMVTOOL_560 - Screen Element for Screen 560 in CKMLMVTOOL

CKMLMV_AUX_KALNR - Cost Estimate Numbers for Valuated Objects in QST

CKMLMV_PCP001 - Database Fields for Mixed Costing in QS Tool Table CKMLMV001

CKMLMV_PCP001_PC - Database Field for Mxd Cstng Table CKMLMV001 with suffix _PC

CKMLMV_PCP003 - Mixed Costing: Additional Fields for CKMLMV003

CKMLMV_SURF - Screen Field for QST Interfaces

CKMLMYMP - Periodic Receipt Values for Consumption Sequence Procedure

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