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CKFA_S_AUFNR - Order (Relevance Based on Status)

CKFBEFU_CR - Goods Receipt Data to Determine Credit Values

CKFLDMAP - Link Betweeen Internal Table Field and Screen Field

CKF_ACCOUNT_ASSIGNMENT - Data for Account Determination for Material Movements

CKF_APPREQUEST_VARIANT - Appropriation Request (Variant) Data for Easy Cost Planning


CKF_BAL_MSG_CONTEXT - PCP: Context of a message in the Application Log

CKF_BASE_PLANNING_OBJECT - Base Planning Object Structure

CKF_BO_BASE - General Structure for Shared Buffer

CKF_BO_BASE_DATA - General Structure for Shared Buffer - Data

CKF_BO_BASE_DISPLAY - Object from Shared Buffer - General Structure

CKF_BO_BASE_KEY - General Structure for Shared Buffer - Key

CKF_BO_CCS_CURR - Internal Structure Shared Buffer Entry - PCP

CKF_BO_INTERNAL_ACTIVITY - Entry Shared Buffer Internal Activity

CKF_BO_INTERNAL_ACTIVITY_DATA - Data Part Entry Shared Buffer Internal Activity

CKF_BO_INTERNAL_ACTIVITY_KEY - Key for Shared Buffer Internal Activity

CKF_BO_INT_ACTIVITY_DISPLAY - Object from Shared Buffer for GR Costing - Display View

CKF_BO_MATERIAL - Entry Shared Buffer Material

CKF_BO_MATERIAL_DATA - Data Part Entry Shared Buffer Material

CKF_BO_MATERIAL_DISPLAY - Object from Shared Buffer for GR Costing - Display View

CKF_BO_MATERIAL_KEY - Key for Shared Buffer Material

CKF_BUFFER_OBJECT - Entry Shared Buffer External Structure - PCP

CKF_BUFFER_OBJECT_DATA - Data Part Entry Shared Buffer Cost Estimate

CKF_BUFFER_OBJECT_DISPLAY - Object from Shared Buffer for GR Costing - Display View

CKF_BUFFER_OBJECT_INTERNAL - Internal Structure Shared Buffer Entry - PCP

CKF_BUFFER_OBJECT_KEY - Key for Shared Buffer

CKF_BZOBJ_HEADER_FIELDS - KKDI Screen Fields that Flag the Reference Object

CKF_CCSKEY - Key Fields for Cost Component Split

CKF_CCS_CONTROL_DATA - Cost Component Split Structure Information

CKF_CCS_CURRENCY - Currency Structure for Shared Buffer - PCP

CKF_CKIS_CC_DATA - Data Part of the CKIS_CC Table

CKF_CKIS_CC_KEY - Key Fields for the CKIS_CC Table

CKF_CKIS_EXTENSION - For the BAdI Interface for Extension of CKIS

CKF_CKTC_CBEW - Extended CKTC_CBEW Structure

CKF_CKTC_GUID - Extended CKTC_GUID Structure

CKF_COMPONENT_TABLE_LINE - PCP: Row of a Table With Valuation Objects

CKF_CONDITION_LINE - PCP: Line Origin Group with Value (Info Record Valuation)

CKF_COSTING_DATES - Date fields of a cost estimate

CKF_COSTING_RESULT - Control Parameters for Calling Up Unit Costing - Export

CKF_COST_COMPONENTS - Cost Components in Cost Component split

CKF_COST_COMPONENTS_ENHANCE - Enhancement of Cost Components in Cost Component Split

CKF_COST_ESTIMATE_HEADER - Header Data of a Cost Estimate

CKF_COST_OBJECT - PCP: General Cost Object

CKF_CO_PRODUCTION_ORDER - CO Production Order Structure

CKF_CO_PROD_EQUI - Costing: Apportionment Weight per Co-Product

CKF_CURRENCY_INFO - PCP: Currency Information in Database

CKF_CURR_CCS - Cost Component Split with Currency Information

CKF_DELTA_COMPANY_SPLIT - PCP: Delta Profit Legal View Total/Fixed

CKF_DELTA_PC_SPLIT - PCP: Delta Profit Profit Center View Total/Fixed

CKF_DIP - DIP Structure

CKF_DIP_CUSTOMER_EXIT - View of CKHS+CKIS for Dynamic Item Processor User Exits

CKF_DISTR_KEY - Distribution Keys for Time-Based Dist.of Costing Items

CKF_DISTR_POS - Quantities/Values of Costing Item Distributed in Time

CKF_DY55X - Workspace-Related Screen Structure (Unit Costing)


CKF_ERROR_MESSAGE - PCP: Error Structure

CKF_EXT_KALNR_COM - Extended Structure for Allocating Cost Estimate Numbers

CKF_FIELD_VALUE - Transfer Structure: Field Name and Content

CKF_GUI_CC_DATA - Data for Concurrent Costing for GUI

CKF_GUI_CC_DATA_INCAPP - Append Structure for Include CKF_GUI_CC_DATA (IS2ERP)

CKF_GUI_CE_SETTINGS - Display-controlling Status Fields for a Costing Hierarchy

CKF_GUI_CE_TREE_ADDITIONS - Control Fields for Hierarchy Display of Cost Estimates

CKF_GUI_CKIS_CC_DATA - Data for Concurrent Costing for GUI

CKF_GUI_CKIS_CC_PRICES - Data for Concurrent Costing for GUI

CKF_GUI_HERK_RESOURCE - External Display of the Resource Fields

CKF_GUI_KIS1 - Extended KIS1 = KIS1 + Texts + Quantities + Values

CKF_GUI_PRICE - External Display of the Price Fields

CKF_GUI_QUANTITY - External Display of the Quantity

CKF_GUI_RESOURCE - External Display of the Resource Fields

CKF_GUI_RESOURCE_EXT - External Display of Particular KIS1 Fields

CKF_GUI_TEXTS - Itemization Texts in Easy Cost Planning

CKF_GUI_VALUE - External Display of the Value Fields

CKF_INFO_RECORD - PCP: Structure for Finding a Purchasing Info Record

CKF_INTERNAL_ORDER - Internal Order - Structure

CKF_IPPE_RESOURCE - Resource Fields for iPPE

CKF_KALKTAB_EXTENSION - For the BAdI Interface for Extension of KALKTAB

CKF_KALM_EXTENSION - For the BAdI Interface for Extension of KALM

CKF_KALNR_COM - General Structure for Allocating Cost Estimate Numbers

CKF_KALNR_COM_KEY - General Key Field for Allocating Cost Estimate Numbers

CKF_KEKO_CC_DATA - Attributes of the KEKO_CC Table

CKF_KEKO_CC_DATA_INCAPP - Append Structure for Include CKF_KEKO_CC_DATA (IS2ERP)

CKF_KEKO_CC_KEY - Key Fields for the KEKO_KEY Table

CKF_KEKO_EXTENSION - For the BAdI Interface for Extension of KEKO

CKF_KEKO_IPPE - Additional Data for iPPE Costing

CKF_KEKO_KEPH - Structure with KEKO and KEPH Tables

CKF_KISU_EXTENSION - For the BAdI Interface for Extension of KISU

CKF_MATERIAL - Material (Structure)

CKF_MATERIAL_COMPONENT - PCP: Material Component Project System

CKF_MAT_STRAT - Strategy for Material Valuation

CKF_MBEW - MBEW + currency key + currency type

CKF_NETWORK_ACTIVITY - Network Activity Structure

CKF_NOTIFICATION - Message Structure

CKF_NS_COMPONENT_TABLE_LINE - PCP: Line in a Costing Item Table (No Service)

CKF_ORGANIZATION - Organizational Units

CKF_PM_COSTING_OBJECT_LINE - PCP: Persistence Manager Entry

CKF_PP_DATA - Additional Information from Logistics (Reporting)

CKF_PREFETCHED_MATERIAL - Material for which a Preread is Carried Out

CKF_PRICE_COMPONENTS - Price Components for Material Price

CKF_PRICE_LINE - Valuation Data

CKF_PRICE_QUANTITY_UNIT - PCP: Price and Price Unit of Measure

CKF_PRICE_SPLIT - PCP: Price Total/Fixed

CKF_PRICE_SPLIT_CO - PCP: Price Total/Fixed

CKF_PRICE_UNIT - PCP: Price and Price Unit of Measure

CKF_QUANTITY - PCP: Quantity + Quantity Unit

CKF_RANGES_GUID_LINE - Range Table for Cost Estimate Numbers

CKF_RANGES_KALNR_LINE - Range Table for Cost Estimate Numbers

CKF_RESOURCE - Cost Estimate Resource Object

CKF_RESOURCE_TEMPLATE_AMOUNT - Resource Object of the Costing with Quantity

CKF_RES_REVPOS - Resource Object of Costing (Revenue Items)

CKF_RES_TPL - Cost Estimate Resource Object

CKF_SALES_DOCUMENT_ID - ID for sales order cost estimate

CKF_SALES_ORDER_ITEM - Sales Order Item Structure

CKF_SB_BASE_ITEM - Structure for Cl_SB_Composite_CK

CKF_SD_KEKOKEY - Key Fields for Access to CO Costing

CKF_SERV_CATALOGUE_LINE - Service Line (Structure)

CKF_SHARED_BUFFER_ENTRY - Pointer Structure to Instances of Shared Buffer Items

CKF_SPECIAL_STOCK_DATA - PCP: special stock information

CKF_STATE_OF_COSTING - Status Data for Cost Estimate

CKF_STRATEGY - Strategy for Material Valuation

CKF_SUBSTRAT - Sub-Strategy for a Material Valuation Strategy

CKF_S_ACTUAL_OUTTAB_CACHE - Buffer for Output Table Reporting

CKF_S_CCS_TABLE - PCP: Line in a Cost Component Split Table

CKF_S_CC_EXTENSIONS - Table Extensions for Concurrent Costing

CKF_S_CE_HEADER_FOR_EXECUTION - PCP Data for Execution Services from (via) Cost Estimate

CKF_S_CE_SIMPLE_HIERARCHY - Row Type for ALV Tree Costing Hierarchy

CKF_S_COSTING_MODEL_CACHE - Cache for the Costing Model

CKF_S_COSTING_MODEL_VAL_CACHE - Cache for the Valuated Costing Model

CKF_S_COST_ESTIMATE_LEVEL - Costing Run Level of a Costing

CKF_S_COST_ESTIMATE_USAGE - PCP: Where-Used List of a Cost Estimate

CKF_S_ECP_GUI_ATTRIBUTES - GUI Settings in Easy Cost Planning


CKF_S_ECP_HITLIST - List: My Cost Estimates

CKF_S_ECP_NODE - Structure for Nodes in Easy Cost Planning Hierarchies

CKF_S_ECP_NODE_KEY_FOLDER - Relationship Between Two Node Types

CKF_S_ECP_NODE_KEY_RELATION - Relationship Between Two Node Types

CKF_S_ECP_WS_HIERARCHY - Easy Cost Planning Hierarchy Line

CKF_S_ECP_WS_HIERARCHY_CACHE - Cache for the Workspace in Easy Cost Planning

CKF_S_ECP_WS_KEY - Key to an Easy Cost Planning Hierarchy

CKF_S_EGROUP_VALUES - Cost Component Split in Cost Component Group Display

CKF_S_EXECUTION_DETAILS - Detailed Information on Calling Up Easy Execution Services

CKF_S_FLAT_ITEMIZATION - Flat Costing Hierarchy

CKF_S_GUI_CE_TREE - Multilevel BOMs Line

CKF_S_GUI_CE_TREE_BOSPS - Reporting Structure for BOSPS Transfer Log (GUI_KIS1)

CKF_S_GUI_ECP_EXPLORER - GUI Structure for Hierarchies in Easy Cost Planning

CKF_S_GUI_GENERIC_BPO - Header Fields Generic Cost Estimate

CKF_S_GUI_KIS1 - KIS1 Display Structure


CKF_S_KEKO_EXT_CC - Enhancements to KEKO for Concurrent Costing

CKF_S_KIS1_EXT_CC - KIS1 and Attributes of Concurrent Costing

CKF_S_TRANSACTION - PCP: Table Line of the Transaction Manager

CKF_TYPE_CURR_CCS - Cost Component Split with Info on Currency and Structure

CKF_USER - PCP: Persons Participating in a Costing

CKF_VALUATION_VIEW_LINE - PCP: valuation view with local key

CKF_VALUE_SPLIT - PCP: Value Total/Fixed

CKF_VAL_RESULTS - Other Valuation Results (Excluding Value Information)

CKF_WBS - PSP / Project

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