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CFXDASTASSGMTCUR - Generated Table for View

CFX_ACCESS - Track first access of object by user

CFX_ACTION_RECIP - Receiver of a Status Action

CFX_ADMINISTRATION - Collaboration Folders: Administration Data

CFX_ALIAS - Alias Names for Contexts

CFX_ALIAS_TS_CONTEXT - Context Attributes

CFX_API_TS_ADMINISTRATION - Collaboration Folders: Administration Data

CFX_API_TS_ALIAS - Alias (Old Name: Context) for API

CFX_API_TS_ALIAS_ID_NAME_VALUE - Alias: ID, Name and Value

CFX_API_TS_ALIAS_ID_VALUE - Alias with ID and Value

CFX_API_TS_ALIAS_NAME_VALUE - Alias, Just Name and Value

CFX_API_TS_AREA - Attributes of a Work Area

CFX_API_TS_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE - Attribute: Namespace, ID and Value

CFX_API_TS_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_R - Attribute: Namespace, ID and Value

CFX_API_TS_AUTHORIZATION - Access authorization


CFX_API_TS_COLLABORATION - Attribute of a Collaboration

CFX_API_TS_COL_DEF - CFX: Collaboration and Name

CFX_API_TS_COL_LIST - Data of a Collaboration

CFX_API_TS_CONTENT - cFolders API: Contents of Documents in Binary Form

CFX_API_TS_DOC - Attributes of a Folder Object

CFX_API_TS_DOC_VERSION - Attributes of a Document Version

CFX_API_TS_FAULT - Error According to SOAP

CFX_API_TS_FAVORITE_DEF - CFX: Object Details for Definition of Favorites Object

CFX_API_TS_FIELDGROUP_MASTER - Master Flag for Field Groups

CFX_API_TS_FIELD_FLAG - Generic Object: Value of a Field or a Link List

CFX_API_TS_FOLDER - Attributes of a Folder

CFX_API_TS_GO_FIELD_VALUE - Generic Object: Value of a Field or a Link List

CFX_API_TS_GO_FIELD_VALUE_W - Generic Object: Value of a Field or a Link List

CFX_API_TS_ID - ID of an Object

CFX_API_TS_ID_NS - ID and Namespace for API

CFX_API_TS_ID_TYPE - ID and Category of an Object

CFX_API_TS_ITEM - BOM Item: ID and Components

CFX_API_TS_ITEM_ATTRIB_VALUE - BOM Item: Attribute: Namespace, ID and Value

CFX_API_TS_ITEM_ATTRIB_VALUE_R - BOM Item: Attribute: Namespace, ID and Value

CFX_API_TS_ITEM_CHANGES - BOM Item: ID, Components, Components Changed?

CFX_API_TS_ITEM_CONTEXT - BOM Item: Context for Identification in Backend System

CFX_API_TS_ITEM_LINKED_DOC - BOM Item: Linked Documents

CFX_API_TS_ITEM_READ - BOM Item: ID, Components and their BOMs

CFX_API_TS_NAME_VALUE - Name/Value Pair, e.g., for Aliases

CFX_API_TS_OBJECT_TYPE - x!!! OBSOLET !!! Type of an Object

CFX_API_TS_OBJ_STATUS - Status of an Object (for Example, Collaboration)

CFX_API_TS_PROFILE_LIST - Data of a Status Profile

CFX_API_TS_REDLINE - Redline Layer Attributes


CFX_API_TS_ROLE_AUTH - Zugriffsberechtigung für Rollen

CFX_API_TS_STATUS_TRANSITIONS - CFX: Assignment of Subsequent Status to StatusTransition IDs


CFX_API_TS_TEXT_ALIAS_TEXT - Text Alias (=Language-Independent Text ID) and Text

CFX_API_TS_USER_AUTH - Zugriffsberechtigung für User

CFX_API_TS_USER_GRP_AUTH - Zugriffsberechtigung für User Gruppen

CFX_API_TS_USER_ID - Structure with User ID

CFX_APPL_LOG - Usage log

CFX_ARCH_FILE - File Definition After Administration of Documents

CFX_ARCH_SESSN - Structure as for ADMIN_Documents

CFX_AREA - Collaboration Folders: Area

CFX_AREA_VISITOR - Collaboration Folders: Area Visitors

CFX_ASSIGNMENT - Assignment to External Objects

CFX_ASSIGNMENTS - Assignment to External Objects


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