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BOEARLY_REPAYMENT - Business Operation: Fields for Unscheduled Repayment

BOE_ACTION_CONF - Action config table

BOE_ACTION_REQ - Boe action request


BOE_BUF_REG - Buffer register table

BOE_COL_ITEM - Collection item data table



BOE_COUNT_OPTION - Bill of Exchange Count Options

BOE_CRIT_AP_REP_DETAIL - BOE Search Criteria for AR Detail Report

BOE_CRIT_AP_REP_DETAIL_FI - BOE Search Criteria for AR Detail Report integrated with FI

BOE_CRIT_AP_REP_DETAIL_FI_1 - BOE Search Criteria for AR Detail Report integrated with FI

BOE_CUST_ACT - Enable customer enhance status


BOE_CUST_TEXT - Obsolete: Enable customize status

BOE_CUS_ACT_CONF - Customizae action

BOE_CUS_ITEM - Custody item data table

BOE_C_AMOUNT - Max allowed amount in local currency

BOE_C_AMT_AP - Max allowed amount in local currency

BOE_C_AMT_BN - Max amount per house bank for payable. BoE

BOE_C_AMT_HB - Max amount per certain custumer for rec. BoE

BOE_C_AMT_KN - Max amount per certain custumer for rec. BoE

BOE_C_AMT_LF - Maximal amount for Payable BoE per Vender

BOE_C_CB_INT - BoE configuration for Cash Budgeting Integration

BOE_C_CHG_DIST - Banks charges distribuion type for batch operation

BOE_C_POST_ACC - (obsolete)'Post on account' mothod: use New UI or SAP GUI UI

BOE_C_REQUEST - Configuration of Transaction & Request Enabling

BOE_C_T_AND_R - Configuration of Enabling Transactions & Requests

BOE_DIS_ITEM - Discount item data table

BOE_DOC - Boe Document

BOE_D_EXCEPT - Exception Data of BOE Counting

BOE_D_INVENTORY - Making inventory of bill of exchange receivable

BOE_D_INVE_ITEM - Table of BOE Counting Item

BOE_D_LOCK - Lock Data of BOE Counting

BOE_END_ITEM - Endorse item data table

BOE_EXEPT_REA - Maintenance View of Supplementary Reason

BOE_FTCLEAR - Clearing Data for Internal Posting Interface

BOE_FTPOST - Document Header and Items for Internal Posting Interface

BOE_GLOBAL_TURKEY - Bill of Exchange List: Global Data

BOE_HISTORY_HEADER - Bill of Exchange History: Header Data

BOE_HISTORY_ITEM - Bill of Exchange History: Item Data

BOE_OBYA - Clearing Between Company Codes

BOE_OP_HISTORY - Operation history data table

BOE_PAY_ITEM - Payment item data table



BOE_PLE_ITEM - Pledge item data table of BoE management

BOE_POST_OPTION - Define the special G/L indicator for BoE posting

BOE_POWL_SELCRIT - BOE search criteria for POWL

BOE_REF_DOC - Reference documnet for BoE

BOE_REP_AP_RESULT_DETAIL - BoE master data output result

BOE_REP_AP_RESULT_DETAIL_FI - BoE master data output result integrated with FI

BOE_REP_NAV_SEARCH - Navigation from SUM to DetailOPERATOR

BOE_SNUM_FTR01 - Number range object for BOE FTR01

BOE_STACUST - Customized status

BOE_STATUS_CUS - Obsolete: Enable customize status

BOE_STATUS_CUST - Obsolete: BoE status for cusotmer inserted

BOE_STATUS_GRP - BoE status grouping

BOE_STS - Data table for BoE status

BOE_S_ACTION_CONFIG - Action config table for customization

BOE_S_ACTION_GROUP - BoE Action Group for Bank Communication

BOE_S_ACTION_GROUP_PARAM - Action Group query paramater

BOE_S_ACTION_PARAM - Life cycle action query paramater

BOE_S_ACTION_REQ - Boe action request

BOE_S_ACTION_REQ_D - The structure for action request

BOE_S_ACTION_REQ_T - Text for Action Request

BOE_S_ADMIN - Admin Data for BoE

BOE_S_BANK_COMM_HIS_INCL - E-BoE Bank Communication History Include Structure

BOE_S_BAPI_BNR - Bill of Exchange number

BOE_S_BATCH_INFO - Batch action information of Boe

BOE_S_BATCH_PARAM - Paramater structure for batch action pop-up

BOE_S_BATCH_TRANSACTION - The mapping relation of batch id and transaction id

BOE_S_BC_PARAM - BoE bank communication parameters

BOE_S_BLANK_NOTE - Structure for Blank Notes

BOE_S_BLANK_NOTE_D - Structure for Blank Notes

BOE_S_BLANK_NOTE_TEXT - Text attribute for blank note

BOE_S_BLANK_NOTE_TREE - Information for Blank Notes Tree

BOE_S_BLOCK - Information for BoE Block

BOE_S_BUTTON_PRO - Property for buttons

BOE_S_BUTTON_PRO_BACKUP - Property for buttons

BOE_S_CHART_REP - BoE chart report result

BOE_S_CHART_SEARCH - boe chart search structure

BOE_S_CHART_SETTINGS - chart settings

BOE_S_CHECK_STATUS_TXT - Structure for BoE check status

BOE_S_CHGOBJ - Changed Object

BOE_S_COLL - Collection structure

BOE_S_COL_D - Collection structure

BOE_S_COUNTING_SEARCH_CRIT - Boe Counting Search Criteria

BOE_S_CUST_ACTION_CONFIG - Action config table for customization

BOE_S_CUST_CONF - BOE customing status config

BOE_S_CUST_PARAM - Customizing action param

BOE_S_CUST_STATUS - Enable customize status

BOE_S_CUS_ITEM - Custody structrue

BOE_S_CUS_ITEM_D - Custody structure


BOE_S_DIS_ITEM - Discount structure

BOE_S_DIS_ITEM_D - Discount structure

BOE_S_DOC - Structure for BoE document

BOE_S_DOC_AMT - Amount in BoE

BOE_S_DOC_D - BoE Data structure

BOE_S_DOC_TEXT - Text attribute for Bill of exchange document

BOE_S_END_ITEM - BoE history details

BOE_S_END_ITEM_D - BoE Endorsement Details

BOE_S_EPIC - Structure for BOE integrate with EPIC

BOE_S_EPIC_LINE_BC_PARAMETER - Bank Communication Parameter for EPIC

BOE_S_EXCEPT - Exception Data of BOE Count

BOE_S_EXCEPT_D - Exception Data of BOE Count

BOE_S_FI_AR_DETAIL_REP_CRIT - BOE Search Criteria for AR FI Posting Detail Report

BOE_S_FI_AR_DETAIL_REP_RESULT - BoE FI Posting AR Detail Report data output result

BOE_S_FI_INTEGRATION - Structure for Integration with FI

BOE_S_FI_STATUS_TEXT - Bills of exchange FI Status text

BOE_S_FORM_HEADER - Print Form for Bill of Exchange Header

BOE_S_FORM_ITEM - Print Form for Bill of Exchange Item

BOE_S_FORM_QUERY - Print Form for Query Bill of Exchange

BOE_S_HOLDER - Holder for Bill of Exchange

BOE_S_IMPORT_EXCEL_TRANS - Structure for Import Transaction Excel

BOE_S_INT_PROP - Structure for Integration Property

BOE_S_INVENTORY - Structure of BOE Inventory Master Data

BOE_S_INVENTORY_D - Structure of BOE Inventory Master Data

BOE_S_INVENTORY_HEADER - Structure of BOE Inventory Master Data

BOE_S_INVENTORY_HEADER_FRONT - Structure of BOE Inventory Master Data

BOE_S_INVENTORY_ITEM - Structure of BOE Inventory Master Data

BOE_S_INVENTORY_ITEM_FRONT - Structure of BOE Inventory Master Data

BOE_S_ITEM_BC_PARAMETER - GUID/ACTION keys Bank Communication Parameter for BOE

BOE_S_ITEM_PARAMETER - GUID/ACTION keys Bank Communication Parameter for BOE

BOE_S_KEY - BoE Document Key

BOE_S_LOCK - Lock Data of BOE Counting

BOE_S_LOCK_D - Lock Data of BOE Counting

BOE_S_MASS_OPEN_ITEMS - Mass open items with batch id

BOE_S_MASS_POSTING_HEADER - Posting header with batch ID

BOE_S_MASS_TRANSACTION - Mass transaction with batch id

BOE_S_MD_AP_SUM_REP_RESULT - BoE master data output result

BOE_S_MD_AR_DETAIL_REP_CRIT - BOE Search Criteria for AR Detail Report

BOE_S_MD_AR_DETAIL_REP_RESULT - BoE master data output result

BOE_S_MD_AR_SUM_REP_RESULT - BoE master data output result

BOE_S_NUMBER_PARA - Structure for BoE number parameter

BOE_S_OBYA - Clearing Between Company Codes

BOE_S_OI_QUERY - Open Item Query Param

BOE_S_OP_HISTORY - BoE Operation history

BOE_S_OP_HISTORY_D - BoE Operation history


BOE_S_OUTPUT_ID - Structure for outputmangement object ID

BOE_S_PARA - Structure for parameter

BOE_S_PARAMS - GUIBB feeder parameters for batch action

BOE_S_PAY_ITEM - Payment Structure

BOE_S_PAY_ITEM_D - Payment structure

BOE_S_PLEDGE_POOL - Pledge Pool Chart

BOE_S_PLE_ITEM - Pledge Structrue

BOE_S_PLE_ITEM_D - Pledge Structrue

BOE_S_POSTING_HEADER - BoE FI posting header

BOE_S_POSTING_LINE - BoE posting line item structure for bank/discount line

BOE_S_POST_INFO - Posting Information for Bill of Exchange

BOE_S_POWL_COUNT_RESULT - Structure for counting result

BOE_S_POWL_SEARCH_CRIT - Structure of BOE Powl Search Result

BOE_S_POWL_SEARCH_RESULT - Structure of BOE Powl Search Result

BOE_S_POWL_TASK_CRIT - Structure for transaction task

BOE_S_POWL_TASK_RESULT - Structure for transaction task result

BOE_S_QUERY - BoE Query Parameter Structure

BOE_S_QUERY_BLANK - Query Parameter for Blank Notes Volume

BOE_S_QUERY_HISTORY - Query Parameter for histories

BOE_S_RATING - Structure for Credit Rating Information

BOE_S_REF_DOC - Data structure for reference document

BOE_S_REF_DOC_D - Data structure for reference document

BOE_S_REJECT - Structure for Reject

BOE_S_REP_BOE_STATUS_TEXT - Structure for BOE Status Text Datasource

BOE_S_REP_BOE_TYPE_TEXT - Bills of exchange type text

BOE_S_REP_COMP_CODE_TEXT - Company code text for odp datasource

BOE_S_REP_CUSTOMER_TEXT - Customer text for odp datasource

BOE_S_REP_GSBER_TXT - Business Areas for BOE

BOE_S_REP_POST_STATUS_TEXT - Structure for BOE Status Text Datasource

BOE_S_REP_PROFIT_CTR_TEXT - Profit Center text for odp datasource

BOE_S_REP_STATU_TEXT - Structure for BOE Status Text Datasource

BOE_S_REP_VENDOR_TEXT - Vendor text for odp datasource

BOE_S_REQUEST_PARAMETER - Parameter for BoE method 'REQUEST'

BOE_S_REQ_CONF - Action Request Config structure

BOE_S_STATUS_CUST - BOE customing status config

BOE_S_STATUS_GRP - Boe Customize status group

BOE_S_TOOLBAR_PRO - Tool bar buttons properties

BOE_S_TRA_CAT_TEXT - Structure for Bill of exchange transaction category

BOE_S_VERIFY_STATUS_TXT - Structure for BoE verification status

BOE_S_VOID - Boe void structure

BOE_TR_LIST - Bill of Exchange List

BOE_TR_SUMS - Bill of Exchange List: Totals

BOE_T_BUK - Table for company used bill of exchange

BOE_V_BUK - Generated Table for View

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