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BNKA - Bank master record

BNKAAPP - Appendix to Table BNKA

BNKACCTGRPNODE - Generated Table for View

BNKAIN - Bank Master (Additional Fields for BNKA)

BNKA_BF - Bank data (neutral communications structure)

BNKA_CD_KEY - Key for Change Document BANK

BNKA_KEY - Key for Bank Master Record (BNKA)

BNKA_MSICH - RE: Lease-Out - Bank Data for Rental Collateral

BNKA_ROL - RE: Partner (Role, Object) - Bank and Additional Fields

BNKA_SEPA - Bank Master Data (Additional Fields for SEPA)

BNKA_TR_S - Bank details for F-36

BNKT - Conversion of temporary to internal bank keys

BNK_BANK_ACCOUNT_STATEMENT_NO1 - Bank account statement message

BNK_BANK_ACCOUNT_STATE_POST_M - Post Mapping Structure of BankAccountStatementNotification_I


BNK_BATCH_ITEM - Batch Payment Items

BNK_BTCH_STPAYLD - Batch status payload

BNK_BTCH_STREF - Status reference

BNK_BTCH_TIMEOUT - Batch timeout

BNK_BTC_COLL_UI - Collector runs (for UI)

BNK_BTC_HEADER_UI - Batch Header (for UI)

BNK_BTC_INCMNG_MSG_UI - Incoming external status Message ( for UI layer)

BNK_BTC_INSTRUC_UI - Instructions on Batch header level

BNK_BTC_ITEM_UI - Batch Payment Item (for UI)

BNK_BTC_MONIP_UI - Payment (in Monitor)

BNK_CPAY_ORD_NOTIF_ASYNC - CollectivePaymentOrderNotification

BNK_CPAY_ORD_NOT_PROCESS - CollectivePaymentOrderNotification Post Mapping Structure

BNK_FILE_TYPE - Define types of files

BNK_FPM_CPOR - Payment Medium: Specific Parameters

BNK_FPM_SWIFT - Payment Medium: S.W.I.F.T. MT Formats, Specific Parameters

BNK_FPM_SWIFT_103 - Payment Medium: S.W.I.F.T. MT Formats, Specific Parameters

BNK_FPM_SWIFT_MT104 - Payment Medium: S.W.I.F.T. MT104 Format-Specific Parameters

BNK_LOG_LOG - Log structure Logs for Signature Prototype

BNK_LOG_LYR - Log layer maintenance

BNK_META_LOG - Meta Table: Logs for Signature Bank Communication

BNK_PAYMENT_ADVICE - Notification of a payment with explanations about the reason

BNK_PAYMENT_ADVICE_NOTIFICATIO - Notification of a payment with explanations about the reason

BNK_PAYM_ADVICE_NOTIFICATION - Notification of a payment with explanations about the reason

BNK_PAYM_ADV_POST_MAPPING - FEH: payment advice structure for post mapping

BNK_PAYM_ADV_PSOT_MAPPING - FEH: payment advice structure for post mapping

BNK_QNAME - Qualified Name

BNK_SIGN_USER - Users for signing the Batch approval log

BNK_STR_2FA_FIELDS - BNK Two Factor Authentication: Fields Holder

BNK_STR_ADDN_GRP_FLDS - Additional grouping fields

BNK_STR_APPR_LST - Deatils of approvers

BNK_STR_BATCH_HEADER - Structure for Batch Header

BNK_STR_BATCH_INST_LOOKUP - Line of Instant lookup for Batch


BNK_STR_BATCH_MERGE_PARAM - Merge parameters

BNK_STR_BATCH_REL_APPR - Payment approval Release structure

BNK_STR_BATCH_RULE_ATTRIB - Attributes to define Rules for Batches

BNK_STR_BATCH_STREF_KEYS - Status reference keys

BNK_STR_BTCH_STREF - Batch Status reference structure

BNK_STR_CRDATE_RANGE - Range for created Date

BNK_STR_CRTIME_RANGE - Range line for the created time

BNK_STR_CRUSR_RANGE - Range for created User

BNK_STR_GUID_RANGE - Range line for GUID

BNK_STR_INCMNG_MSG_SELOPS - Sturcture containes the selctioh options for incmng msg moni

BNK_STR_ITEM_DETAIL - Batch Payment Item details from Reguh

BNK_STR_LOG_MESSAGE - Structure for log message

BNK_STR_MSG_RANGE - Range line for message ID

BNK_STR_OTXTYP_RANGE - Range line for the original transaction type information

BNK_STR_PARA_UI - Parameters for UI

BNK_STR_PAY_STAT - Payment batch status

BNK_STR_PYMT_GRP - Payment Group

BNK_STR_RULE_ATTRIB - Rule attributes

BNK_STR_RULE_CUST_DISPLAY - Payment grouping rules structure for display

BNK_STR_RULE_PRIO_4_DISP - Rule attributes

BNK_STR_RULE_SELOP - Payment grouping rules

BNK_STR_STATUS_HIST_UI - Batch Status History UI

BNK_STR_SYS_STAT - System status


BNK_STR_TIMEOUT_ALERT_CONT - Timeout alert container

BNK_STR_TXIDTP_RANGE - range line for Transaction ID

BNK_STR_USR_STAT - User status

BNK_STR_WI_LINK - Link between Batch Number and current Work Item

BNK_STR_XSTAT_MSG - Structure for External Status Message

BNK_STR_XSTAT_RSN - Structure for Status Reason Information

BNK_STR_XSTAT_RSN_NEW - Structure for Status Reason Information

BNK_STR_XSTAT_TX - Structure for Status: Transaction Information

BNK_STSRP_CNT - Control table

BNK_S_BATCHES_PAYMENTS - Batches and payments for the payment monitor

BNK_TIMEOUT - Timeout for Batch between two status

BNK_XSTAT_MSG - External Status Message

BNK_XSTAT_RSN - Status Reason Information

BNK_XSTAT_TX - Status: Transaction Information

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