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BIZCARRAY_OF_BIZC_COMPONENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCARRAY_OF_BIZC_CONTENT_OBJE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCARRAY_OF_BIZC_CONTEXT_NAME - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCARRAY_OF_BIZC_DESCRIPTION - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCARRAY_OF_BIZC_DOCUMENTATIO - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCARRAY_OF_BIZC_DOCU_ATTRIBU - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCARRAY_OF_BIZC_ERROR1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCARRAY_OF_FIXED_RESTRICTION - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCARRAY_OF_MATCH_ATTRIBUTE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCARRAY_OF_NAME_CO_RELATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCARRAY_OF_STRING - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCBIZC_COMPONENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCBIZC_CONFIGURATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCBIZC_CONTENT_OBJECT - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCBIZC_CONTENT_TYPE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCBIZC_CONTEXT_NAME - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCBIZC_DESCRIPTION - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCBIZC_DOCUMENTATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCBIZC_DOCU_ATTRIBUTE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCBIZC_ERROR1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCBIZC_EXCEPTION1 - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCBIZC_SC_KEY - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCDOCATT - BIZC: Buffer for KW Attributes

BIZCDOCBUF - BIZC: Buffer for Description and URL

BIZCDOCBUFASC - BIZC: Buffer for Documentation

BIZCDOCBUFBIN - BIZC: Buffer for Documentation

BIZCFIXED_RESTRICTION - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCGET_DEV_COMPONENT_IN_DOC - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCGET_DEV_COMPONENT_OUT_DOC - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCGET_J2EE_CLUSTER_NAME_IN - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCGET_J2EE_CLUSTER_NAME_OUT - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCGET_JCO_DESTINATIONS_IN - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCGET_JCO_DESTINATIONS_OUT - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCINIT_SEARCH_IN_DOC - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCINIT_SEARCH_OUT_DOC - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCINIT_SEARCH_RESULT - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCLOOKUP_CONTENT_IN_DOC - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCLOOKUP_CONTENT_OUT_DOC - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCLOOKUP_CONTENT_RESULT - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCMATCH_ATTRIBUTE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCNAME_CO_RELATION - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCRCFGT - Business Content: Usage Configuration Template

BIZCRDC - Business Content: Development Component Versions

BIZCRDCV - Obsolete

BIZCRDOC - Obsolete

BIZCRDOCL - Business Content: Document Link

BIZCRDOCU - Business Content: Usage Type of Documentation in Objects

BIZCROBJ - Business Content: Content Object

BIZCROBJT - Business Content: Object Type

BIZCROBJT_T - Business Content: Object Type

BIZCROBJ_T - Business Content: Content Object

BIZCRSCV - Business Content: Software Component Versions

BIZCRUOCO - Business Content: Usage Types of Content Objects

BIZCSEARCH_CONTENT_IN_DOC - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCSEARCH_CONTENT_OUT_DOC - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCSEARCH_CONTENT_RESULT - Proxy Structure (Generated)

BIZCS_SM_OBJ_STATUS - Structure for SolMan Status

BIZC_AREA_REG - Business Content: Usage => Shared Objects Server

BIZC_AUTHOR_CONTEXT - Context for Authoring

BIZC_BROKER_INFO - Business Content: SHM Broker Info

BIZC_CONFIG - Business Content: Tasklist

BIZC_CONF_STAT - Status Codes for Configuration (and Installation)

BIZC_CONF_STAT_DES - Status Descriptions

BIZC_CO_HEADER - Business Content: Information Structures for Content Object

BIZC_CO_INFO - Business Content: Information Structures for Content Object

BIZC_CO_KEY - BIZC: Key of a Content-Object - Cross-Provider

BIZC_CO_SKEY - BIZC: Key of a Content Object with Internal Provider I

BIZC_CPROV_REG - Business Content: Registered Content Provider

BIZC_CPROV_SOLMA - Connection Table: l Content Provider - SolMan

BIZC_DC_INFO - Business Content: Info

BIZC_DDLB_VALUE - Values for Dropdown Listbox

BIZC_DEVELOPMENT_COMPONENT_KEY - Key of Development Component Version

BIZC_DOCH - BIZC: Administrative Information for Document

BIZC_DOC_INFO - Document Info Record

BIZC_DOC_USAGE - Usage of an External Document

BIZC_ENVIRONMENT_ID_STRUC - ID Structure of the Environment

BIZC_ENVIRONMENT_KEY - Unique ID of a System Environment for BizContent

BIZC_EP_COMPONENT - Product Assignment to Components

BIZC_EP_SYSTEM - Product Assignment to Systems

BIZC_ERROR - Business Content: Error Structure

BIZC_ERROR_RFC - Business Content: Error as String

BIZC_FIELDRANGE - Business Content: Field Name -> SelOption (for Searching)

BIZC_FIXED_RESTRICT - Fixed Values for Search Restriction

BIZC_FIXED_RESTRICTION - Fixed Values for Attributes

BIZC_INST_PDCT_DES - Installed Product and Descriptions (System Also)

BIZC_INST_SC_PER_SYS - Installed Components of a System

BIZC_KEY_VALUE - Entry in Input Help

BIZC_LANGU_STRING - Business Content: Language -> Text

BIZC_LANGU_UPDATE_STATUS - Business Content: Result of Update Texts in Given Languages

BIZC_MATCH_ATTRIBUTE - Business Content: Match Attribute for Filtered Search

BIZC_NAMEDC_CO_REL - Business Content: Named Context --> Content Object

BIZC_NAMEDC_DATA - Business Content: Named Context (Simple Data)

BIZC_NAMEDC_ID - Business Content: Named Context ID

BIZC_NAMEDC_ID_RFC - Business Content: Named Context ID

BIZC_NAMEDC_OBJECT_INFO - Business Content: Object Info

BIZC_NAMEDC_TABLE_RFC - Business Content: Table for Converting Named Context to RFC

BIZC_NVATTR - Bizc Name-Value Attribute

BIZC_OBJECT_INFO - Business Content: Object Info

BIZC_OBJGUID_MAP - Mapping Structure Between Two External Content Object IDs

BIZC_OBJGUID_STATUS - Business Content: Table with Objects and Statuses

BIZC_OBJIDS - Internal and External Object GUIDs

BIZC_OBJ_CFGSTAT - BIZC: Configuration Status of an Object

BIZC_OBJ_CONFIG_INFO - Business Content: Configuration of an Object

BIZC_OBJ_PDCT_MAP - Mapping Structure Between Object and Product

BIZC_OBJ_STATUS - Structure for Configuration Status of an Object

BIZC_PDCT_DES - Product and Its Description

BIZC_PERS_STAT - Business Content: Persistent Status

BIZC_RANGE - Business Content: Range (for Searching)

BIZC_R_CFGT_STAT - Business Content: Usage Configuration Template

BIZC_R_DCV_STAT - Business Content: Software Component with Status

BIZC_R_DOCBIN_STAT - Business Content: Local Document Description and URL

BIZC_R_DOCB_STAT - Business Content: Local Document Description and URL

BIZC_R_DOCC_STAT - Business Content: Local Document Binary Content

BIZC_R_DOCU_STAT - Business Content: Documentation Usage Type with Status

BIZC_R_DOC_STAT - Business Content: Software Component with Status

BIZC_R_OBJT_STAT - Business Content: Object Type with Status

BIZC_R_OBJT_T_STAT - Business Content: Object Type with Status

BIZC_R_OBJ_STAT - Business Content: Object with Status

BIZC_R_OBJ_T_STAT - Business Content: Object with Status

BIZC_R_SCV_STAT - Business Content: Software Component with Status

BIZC_R_UOCO_STAT - Business Content: Use of Content Object with Status

BIZC_SCOPE_RFC - Business Content: Scope for RFC

BIZC_SC_INFO - Business Content: Info

BIZC_SEARCH_CONTROL - Business Content: Search Control

BIZC_SEARCH_MASK - Fixed Values for Search Restriction

BIZC_SEARCH_OPTIONS_RFC - Business Content: Structure for Search Options for RFC

BIZC_SEARCH_RESTRICTION_RFC - Business Content: Search Restriction in RFC Format

BIZC_SELOPT - Business Content: Structure for Searching

BIZC_SEL_OBJ_DATA - Structure of Object Data After Selection

BIZC_SMSY_HW_DATA - SMSY Structure for Hardware Data

BIZC_SMSY_INST_SC - Installed Systems from SMSY

BIZC_SMSY_SYS_DATA - System Data from SMSY

BIZC_SMSY_SYS_INFO - Structure for System Info RFC

BIZC_SM_CONFIG_OBJECT - Structure for Object Display in Solution Manager

BIZC_SM_CONFIG_OBJECT_KEY - Key of a Configuration Object Entry in Solution Manager

BIZC_SM_OBJID_MAP - Mapping Structure of Solution Manager Object IDs

BIZC_SM_PDTVERS - ID of Product Version

BIZC_SM_PDTVERS_DESCR - Product Versions and Their Descriptions

BIZC_SOFTWARE_COMPONENT_KEY - Key of Software Component Version in the SLD

BIZC_STRING_RFC - Business Content: Table for Converting Named Context to RFC

BIZC_SYS_ADMIN - Administration of BizCont Server

BIZC_SYS_DATA - System Data from SMSY

BIZC_SYS_INFO - System Information

BIZC_TASKLIST - Business Content: Tasklist

BIZC_TASK_DOCU - Business Content: Template Management for Configuration

BIZC_TASK_INDEX - Business Content: Index of Tasks in Task List

BIZC_TASK_INDEX_KEY - Business Content: Key of Table BIZC_TASK_INDEX

BIZC_TASK_RUN - Business Content: Internal Runtime Management

BIZC_TASK_RUN_KEY - Business Content: Key of Table BIZC_TASK_RUN

BIZC_TASK_USAGE - Business Content: Usage of Tasks

BIZC_TASK_USAGE_KEY - Business Content: Key of Table BIZC_TASK_USAGE

BIZC_TEMPLATE - Business Content: Template Management for Configuration

BIZC_TEMPLATE_INFO - Business Content: Info Record for a Template

BIZC_TEMPLATE_T - Business Content: Template Management for Configuration

BIZC_TEMPL_CONFIG - Business Content: Template, Object Configuration

BIZC_TEMPL_CREA - Configuration Template: Data for Creating/Changing

BIZC_TEMPL_DATA - Data of the Configuration Template

BIZC_TEXT_RFC - Business Content: Text for RFC

BIZC_TREE_CTRL - View Control Hierarchy

BIZC_TREE_ITEM_TEST - Business Content: Structure for Tree Control

BIZC_UI_DETAIL - Screen Fields for Detailed View

BIZC_UI_ERROR - Screen Fields for Error Display

BIZC_UI_MESSAGE - Screen Fields for Error Display

BIZC_UI_SEARCH - Screen Fields for Search

BIZC_UI_TEMPLATE - Screen Fields for Template Editor


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