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BGR00 - Batch Input Structure for Session Data

BGRFC_CCMS_DATA - Data for CCMS Monitor

BGRFC_CLIENT_SEL - Structure for Client Selections

BGRFC_CONFIGURATION_ENQ_STRUCT - Lock Object for Configuration Transaction

BGRFC_CPROG_SEL - Structure for Range Table for Selection by Program Name

BGRFC_CUST_I_DST - Inbound Scheduler/Application Server Customizing

BGRFC_CUST_I_SRV - Inbound Scheduler/Destinations Customizing

BGRFC_CUST_I_SYS - Customizing for Outbound Scheduler/System-Wide Settings

BGRFC_CUST_O_DST - Outbound Scheduler/Application Server Customizing

BGRFC_CUST_O_SRV - Outbound Scheduler/Destination Customizing

BGRFC_CUST_O_SYS - Customizing for Outbound Scheduler/System-Wide Settings

BGRFC_CUST_SUPER - Customizing for bgRFC Supervisor Destinations

BGRFC_DATE_SEL - Structure for Rows of Range Table

BGRFC_DB_CONS_ENQ - Structure for Lock Object E_BGRFC_DB_CONS

BGRFC_DESTINATION_RESOURCE - Resource Management for Background RFC

BGRFC_DESTINATION_RESOURCE_STX - Statistics for Resource Management in Background RFC


BGRFC_DEST_INB_UNIT_ID - Structure wih Destination Name and Unit ID: Internal

BGRFC_DEST_IN_SEL - Row Type for Range Table

BGRFC_DEST_OUTB_UNIT_ID - Structure wih Destination Name and Unit ID: Internal

BGRFC_DEST_OUT_SEL - Structure for Rows of Range Table

BGRFC_EVENT_PARM - Inbound Scheduler/Destinations Customizing

BGRFC_EVENT_REGISTRATION - Event Registration in Background RFC

BGRFC_EXEC_UNIT_NUMB_INBOUND - Destination Name and Number of Executable Units

BGRFC_EXEC_UNIT_NUMB_OUTBOUND - Destination Name and Number of Executable Units

BGRFC_F4STR_TIMESTAMP - bgRFC: Input Help Structure for Time Stamps

BGRFC_FUNCTION_CALL_ORDER - bgRFC function calls order in a unit

BGRFC_FUNC_DATA_LINE - Block for Serialized bgRFC Parameters

BGRFC_FUNC_LINE - Data for Calling Function Module

BGRFC_IUNIT_HIST - History of Inbound bgRFC Unit

BGRFC_I_DESTLOCK - Inbound tRFC/qRFC Destination Locks

BGRFC_I_DEST_ERR - Error Messages for bgRFC Destinations in Inbound Case

BGRFC_I_DEST_REGISTRATION - Registration (ENQ) of Running Schedulers for Destination

BGRFC_I_RUNNABLE - Inbound tRFC/qRFC: Executable Units

BGRFC_I_SERVER_REGISTRATION - Registration (ENQ) of Running Schedulers on Server

BGRFC_I_UNIT_HISTORY_TYPE - Unit History for Inbound bgRFC Unit

BGRFC_LOCK - Lock Information for Background RFC

BGRFC_LOCK_DEL - Enqueue Structure for Deleting Autoabap Locks

BGRFC_LOCK_ID_SEL - Range Type for Lock ID of Background RFC

BGRFC_LOCK_STRUCTURE - Row Structure for Table of bgRFC Lock Entries

BGRFC_LOCK_TIME - Timestamp when bgRFC Locks Removed

BGRFC_MAIN_I_DST - Maintain Inbound Destinations

BGRFC_MESSAGE_ENTRY - Structure for bgRFC Messages

BGRFC_NOSEND_CONFIRM - Confirmation of Processing Status in No-Send Scenarios

BGRFC_NOTI_ERR - Temporary Storage of Error Messages

BGRFC_N_RUNNABLE - Obsolete Table (No-send scenario not implemented) Do not use

BGRFC_OUNIT_HIST - History of Outbound bgRFC Unit

BGRFC_O_CONVERT - Information for Conversion Background Processing

BGRFC_O_CONV_ERR - Units with Errors Occurred During Conversion

BGRFC_O_DESTLOCK - Outbound tRFC/qRFC: Destination Locks

BGRFC_O_DEST_ERR - Error Messages for bgRFC Outbound Destinations

BGRFC_O_DEST_REGISTRATION - Registration (ENQ) of Running Schedulers for Destination

BGRFC_O_RUNNABLE - Outbound tRFC/qRFC: Executable Units

BGRFC_O_SERVER_REGISTRATION - Registration (ENQ) of Running Schedulers on Server

BGRFC_O_UNIT_HISTORY_TYPE - Unit History for Outbound bgRFC Unit

BGRFC_PARAMETER_CHANGED - Structure for Parameter Changes in bgRFC Customizing

BGRFC_PERFORM_MONITOR_STRUCT - Structure for bgRFC Performance Monitor

BGRFC_REG_DEST - Unit History Interface in bgRFC

BGRFC_REG_I_DEST - Unit History Interface: Inbound bgRFC

BGRFC_REG_I_DEST_TYPE - Register: Inbound Destination for Unit History

BGRFC_REG_O_DEST - Unit History Interface: Outbound bgRFC

BGRFC_REG_O_DEST_TYPE - Register: Inbound Destination for Unit History

BGRFC_REQUEST_INBOUND - Number of Runnable Units Registered at Last Commit

BGRFC_REQUEST_OUTBOUND - Number of Runnable Units Registered at Last Commit



BGRFC_SCHEDULER_DEST_INFO - Registered Destination Information


BGRFC_SCHEDULER_INFO - Detailed bgRFC Scheduler Information

BGRFC_SCHEDULER_NUMBER_INFO - Structure for Number of bgRFC Schedulers

BGRFC_SDATA - Payload Structure of bgRFC Unit ( out / in / outin )

BGRFC_SRV_CFM - Confirmed bgRFC Units

BGRFC_SRV_DEL - Enqueue Structure for Deleting bgRFC-SRV

BGRFC_SRV_STATE - Server Status of bgRFC Units

BGRFC_SUPPORTABILITY_INFO - Parameter for Activation of Analysis Tools (Debug, Trace)

BGRFC_TCODE_SEL - Structure for Range Table for Transaction Code Selection


BGRFC_UNIT_DEL - Enqueue Structure for Deleting bgRFC Units

BGRFC_UNIT_DELTIME - Enqueue Structure for Deleting bgRFC Units


BGRFC_UNIT_HISTORY_STRUCT - Structure for Registered Destinations

BGRFC_UNIT_ID_HISTORY - Structure of Unit ID for Unit History

BGRFC_UNIT_ID_SEL - Range Type for bgRFC Unit IDs

BGRFC_UNIT_ID_SEL_CONTAINER - Container of Range Tables for bgRFC Unit IDs

BGRFC_UNIT_ID_SEL_CONTAINER2 - Container of Range Tables for bgRFC Unit IDs

BGRFC_UNIT_INFORMATION - Structure for Unit Information

BGRFC_UNIT_STATE_STRUCT - Structure for Unit IDs and Status Values

BGRFC_UNIT_TIME - Timestamp when Background RFCs Completed

BGRFC_USER_NAME_SEL - Structure for Range Table of User Names

BGRFC_UTASK_KEY - Assignment of Update Keys to RFC Unit Locks

BGR_CLASS_DATA - Data for BOM group class

BGR_CTRL_DATA - Control Data for Assembly Class

BGR_INFO - Additional Fields for STZU

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