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BCA_DIM_BL_STR_EXTR_BI_AGGR - Structure type to be sent to BW system

BCA_DIM_BL_STR_EXTR_BI_DETL - Structure type to be sent to BW system for detailed data

BCA_DIM_BL_STR_EXTR_RECON_AGGR - Aggregated Data for Billing Documents Reconciliation

BCA_DIM_BL_STR_EXTR_RECON_DETL - Detailed data used by the extractor

BCA_DIM_BU_PAY_D - Payment Details of a Business Partner

BCA_DIM_CALCDET - Calculation details for billing items


BCA_DIM_POC_S_PARAM_NAME_VALUE - Parameter Name and Value Details

BCA_DIM_POC_S_PRE_BO_EVENT - Previous BO for External Events

BCA_DIM_STR_AGGR_RCN_DATA - Aggregate data to be sent to BaS system

BCA_DIM_STR_BPCA - Internal representation of GDT BusProcChainAssignment

BCA_DIM_STR_BUPA - Ranges Structure for Business Partner

BCA_DIM_STR_CLEAR_AC_LIST - List of Clearing Accounts

BCA_DIM_STR_FIN_INST_BUS_TYP_C - Financial Instrument Business Transaction Type Code

BCA_DIM_STR_MAPPED_CONTRACTS - Contract Data - UKMS Mapped Values

BCA_DIM_STR_RCN_DATA_BL_REFUND - Data to be recieved from BaS in case of billing refunds


BCA_DIM_STR_REF_CL_ACCNT - Proxy GUID of the clearing account

BCA_DIM_STR_RNG_BUSINESS_AREA - Range structure for business area

BCA_DIM_STR_RNG_CONTRACT_INT - Range structure for Contract GUID

BCA_DIM_STR_RNG_RCN_DATE_POST - Range Table for Posting Date

BCA_DIM_STR_RNG_RECONC_SYSTEM - Range Table for Logical System

BCA_DIM_STR_UKMS_BACID - Structure for BAC ID Contract account mapping

BCA_DYN_CONDGROUP - Screen Fields for Condition Group Maintenance

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