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ARO_TA - Asset Retirement Obligations: Processes/Transactions

ARO_TA_AP - Accounting principle specific amounts per process

ARO_TA_CALC - Calculation steps at cost estimation level

ARO_TA_CF - Accounting principle specific data at ARO transaction level

ARO_TA_LAY - Acc. principle specific data at cost estimation layer level

ARO_TA_PLAN - Settlement Plan at ARO transaction level

ARO_TA_SCAL - Simulated calculation steps at cost estimation level

ARO_TA_SCF - Simulated cash flow data at ARO transaction level

ARO_TA_SLAY - Simulated data at cost estimation layer level

ARO_TC_AP_CUST - Assign Customizing Sets to Accounting Principles

ARO_TC_CLC_METH - Calculation Method

ARO_TC_CLC_MT_T - Calculation Method Text

ARO_TC_COMPTXT - Component text of lease

ARO_TC_CONFIG - General Obligation specific configuration

ARO_TC_COTYPE - Cost types in a cost estimation plan

ARO_TC_COTYPET - Cost type description

ARO_TC_COT_AP - Active cost types per Accounting Principles

ARO_TC_CUSTSET - Customizing for Dynpro Registration

ARO_TC_C_SET_T - Obligation Types Texts

ARO_TC_INF - Inflation Index - Definition and Short Description

ARO_TC_INF_D - Inflation Rates/Interest Rates

ARO_TC_INF_T - Names for Price Increase Processes/Indexes

ARO_TC_INT - Interest Variants/Interest Index - Definition & short desc.

ARO_TC_INT_D - Management of (Capital Market) Interest Rates

ARO_TC_INT_T - Names for Discounting Interest Rate Variants

ARO_TC_OBJ_T - Customizing for underlying object type

ARO_TC_OBJ_T_T - Object type texts

ARO_TC_OBL_T - Obligation Types

ARO_TC_OBL_T_T - Obligation Types Texts

ARO_TC_SLVRS - Sorted List of Provision Version

ARO_TC_SLVRST - Sorted List of Provision Version Text

ARO_TC_SLVRS_C - Assign Cell to Sorted List of Provision Version

ARO_TC_SLVRS_CT - Sorted List of Provision Version Cell Text

ARO_TC_SLV_ACRT - Assign Accrual Type to Sorted List Version of Provision

ARO_TC_SLV_AT_C - Sorted List of Provision Accrual Type Decreasing Indicator

ARO_TC_SLV_DG_C - Sorted List of Provision Doc. Group Decreasing Indicator

ARO_TC_SLV_OTP - Assign OTP to Sorted List of Provision Version

ARO_TREE_STRUCTURE - Tree for User Interaction in Accrual Accounting ARO

ARO_TS_EXTERNAL_ID - Text Structure for External ID

ARO_T_ASS_CUST - Account Assignment Scenarios

ARO_T_SCEN_T - Asssignment Scenario

ARO_T_SCEN_T_T - Assignment Scenario Texts

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