Select data from sap tables ALPD

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ALPDBSYS - Name of actual system or logical system group

ALPDBTRULE - PFDB: Abstract rule or representation for date range

ALPDBUIALV - For ALV specific display (ALV out table)

ALPDBUIJOB - PFDB: UI structure to collect job periodicity

ALPDBUIRST - PFDB: Overall result and request information from UI display

ALPDBUIRVE - Report Variant Editor Displayed fields (IO fields)

ALPDBUIRVR - UI presentation of a RVAR rule to be edited.

ALPDBVADM - PFDB: Administration data for variant report

ALPDBVDEF - PFDB: Content definition for variant report

ALPDBVMISC - PFDB: Various Performance Report Information

ALPDBVNAM - PFDB: Name/description for a variant report

ALPDBVSET - PFDB: General settings for the whole variant report

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