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ALACVALAID - Alert: global AID of actual value (to be used in MTypedefval

ALAGENTINFO - Information About CCMS Agents

ALAGENTRFCDEST - Details of a CCMS Agent RFC Destination

ALAGGCTRC - Control Data of an Aggregate Request for Performance DB

ALAGGDATA - Result of Aggregate per Time Slot in Performance Database

ALAGGREQ - Request Structure for Aggregate in Performance Database

ALAIDALSTA - Alert: Structure for Alert Status Changes

ALAIDCKEY - Alert Cache: Key Fields

ALAIDKEY - Alert: Global Alert Identifier: Key Structure

ALAIDMARK - Alert: Global Alert Identifier and Selected Indicator

ALAIDMN - Alerts: AID and MTE Name

ALAIDTIDMN - Alerts: AID + Short TID + MTE-Name + Parameters of MTE

ALALERTALV - Mon. Arch.: Contains Alert Parameters for ALV Display

ALALERTDB - Alert: alert database (general alert structure, raw message)

ALALERTRAW - Alert: general alert structure (raw message Text)

ALALERTRC - Alert: general alert structure plus RC

ALALERTX - CCMS Monitoring: Cache for Alerts Already Read

ALALRAWRC - Alert: general alert structure (raw message line)plus RC

ALALRTGUID - GUIDs for CCMS Alert IDs (for Alert Framework)

ALALRWR40C - Alert: gen. alert structure (raw message line) plus RC (40C)

ALAPSRVALV - Mon.Arch.: ALV Display Structure for Appl.Server Information

ALARC_PAR1 - Archive parameters for transfer for storing using SAPspool

ALATGRF4 - Alerts: Structure for F4 Processing of Attribute Groups

ALAVALSYSTEMS - Monitoring Structure for Configuring Central Autoreaction

ALAVCNTRL - Control Structure for Configuring Availability Monitoring

ALAVLAGENT - Combine CCMSPING Agents into Groups

ALAVLCNTL - CCMS: Control Structure for Availability Configuration

ALAVLCTRL - CCMSPING Push Technology: Current State of Worklists

ALAVLGCNTL - CCMS Avail. Mon.: Control Table for Reference System Group

ALAVLGRP - Logon Groups Determined from Message Server by CCMSPING

ALAVLGRPG - Logon Groups Determined from Message Server by CCMSPING

ALAVLGRPNM - CCMS: Name of a Monitored Logon Group

ALAVLGRP_C - CCMS: Control Table for RFC_PING Check of Logon Groups

ALAVLGUID - CCMSPING: Mapping Table GUID <-> Monitored System

ALAVLINSTG - CCMSPING: Return Table for ABAP Application Servers

ALAVLJ2EE - Structure for CCMSPING J2EE Engine Availability Monitoring

ALAVLJ2EEG - Structure for CCMSPING J2EE Engine Availability Monitoring

ALAVLJ630CL - CCMS: J2EE 6.30 Cluster Data

ALAVLJ630LO - CCMS: J2EE 6.30 Local Data (JCMON)


ALAVLPTRC - Control Table for RFC_PING - CCMS Availability Monitoring

ALAVLSRVNM - CCMS: Name of a Monitored Application Server

ALAVLSRVR - App. Servers Determined from Message Server by CCMSPING

ALAVLSRVRG - App. Servers Determined from Message Server by CCMSPING

ALAVLSYSAS - Work Structure for CCMS Server Availability Monitoring

ALAVLWORK - CCMS: Dummy Table for Config. Table Controls

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