Select data from sap tables ADRST

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ADRSTATUS - SADR -> ADRC address conversion status per address group

ADRSTRCONV - Conversion of Street Sections

ADRSTRCONV_C1 - Conversion of Streets with Delete Flag

ADRSTRCONV_C2 - Conversion of Streets with Error Flag


ADRSTREETD - Street: Screen fields

ADRSTREETT - Streets (long texts)

ADRSTRPCD - Street (section)/postal code: Assignment

ADRSTRTCCS - Division-Dependent Data for Street

ADRSTRTHSN - Field for table control with house number intervals

ADRSTRTISU - IS-U Applic. Data for Street

ADRSTRTKON - Franchise Contracts for Street

ADRSTRTMRU - MRUs for Street

ADRSTRTPRD - Street sections: Screen fields; Postal codes: Assignment

ADRSTRTT_D - Data part of the table ADRSTREETT

ADRSTRTYPE - Street type

ADRSTRTYPT - Street type (long texts)

ADRSTRT_D - Data part of the table ADRSTREET

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