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ADATABSIZE - SAP DB: Table Sizes Including Indexes in KB

ADATENTRY - Screen Fields Entry/Correction for Meter Reading Times

ADATSCREEN - Screen Fields Entry/Correction for Meter Reading Times

ADJTC_DFT_ASSIGN - Update Types for Position Reconciliation

ADJT_TRANSACTION - Treasury: Reconciliation business transactions

ADPTST3 - Adapter Test: Complex Substructure

ADRT - Communication Data Text (Business Address Services)

ADRTOWNSHIP - Township codes

ADRTOWNSHIPT - Township (long texts)

ADRTOWNSHIP_D - Data part of the table ADRTOWNSHIPT

ADRTS - Shadow Table: Texts for Communications Data (BAS)

ADRTS2 - Shadow Table 2: Communication Data Texts (BAS)

ADTTX - Teletex Number Data Transfer Structure (BAS)

ADTTX_STR - Communication Type Telex Number

AD_TSACAM1 - Generated Table for View

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