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AD01CHKRES - DIP profile: Check result

AD01CHKRES_DETAILS - DIP profile: Detail check result

AD01COLL - Structure of Transfer Table to FB DIPALV_COLLECTIVE_RRB

AD01COLLRESULT - Results List for Collective Processing

AD01CTKEY - Cost type (key)

AD01C_ATTR - DIP profile: Characteristics

AD01C_CHK - DIP profile: Check function

AD01C_CHKT - DIP profile: Check function texts

AD01C_CT - Apportionment reason

AD01C_CTT - Apportionment reason text

AD01C_MAT - DIP profile: Material determination

AD01C_MATA - DIP profile: Material determination criteria

AD01C_PROF - DIP profile: Usage

AD01C_PRTX - DIP profile: Texts

AD01C_SEL - DIP profile: Sources

AD01C_SELA - DIP profile: Selection criteria

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