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VLCMATNRTXT - VELO: Material Number and Description for Model List

VLCMCS - VELO : Asignment of models to calculation sheet profile

VLCMGADIA - VELO: Dialog Structure Master Warranty Customizing

VLCMMAP - VELO : Mapping of models to used vehicle config. charact.

VLCMMSTATU_RANGE - VELO : Primary status range structure

VLCMODEL - VELO: Material Number and Class for Model

VLCMODELLISTE - VELO: Material Number and Description for Model List

VLCMODELSNR - VELO : Assignment of number ranges to models

VLCMSGCONTDOCNUM - VELO : Context for Error Log IDOC Monitor

VLCMSGCONTXT - VELO : Context for Error Log

VLCMSGCONTXTRSVN - VELO : Context for Error Log

VLCMVEHE - VELO: Output Structure: Monitoring Confirmations Header

VLCMVEPO - VELO: Output: Monitoring Confirmations Item

VLCM_CONTEXT - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

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