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TWB2BCM - GT: Copying methods on business data level

TWB2BCMT - GT: Copying methods on business data level

TWB2DICC - GT: Copy Control for Difference Calculation Corrections

TWB2DICCD - GT: Communication Data for TWB2DICC

TWB2DIGRP - GT: Copy Group for Creation of Diff. Calculation Correction

TWB2DIGRPD - GT: Communication Data for TWB2DIGRP

TWB2DIGRPT - GT: Copy Group for Creation of Diff. Calculation Correction

TWB2HCM - GT: Copying methods on header level

TWB2HCMT - GT: Copying methods on header level (Text)

TWB2HCR - GT: Copy Requirements on header level

TWB2HCRT - GT: Copy Requirements on header level (Text)

TWB2HEDGE - WB2C: Hedging Types

TWB2HEDGECURR - Hedge for Each Currency

TWB2HEDGEPART - Business Partner for Each Company Code

TWB2HEDGET - WB2C: Description of Hedging Types

TWB2ICM - GT: Copying methods on item level

TWB2ICMT - GT: Copying methods on item level (Text)

TWB2ICR - GT: Copy Requirements on item level

TWB2ICRT - GT: Copy Requirements on item level (Text)

TWB2MATCHINGFLD - Trading Contract: Matching Field Definition

TWB2MATCHINGGRP - Trading Contract: Matching Group Definition

TWB2MATCHINGGRPT - Trading Contract: Matching Group Definition

TWB2MATCHINGSTR - Trading Contract: Matching key structure name definition

TWB2MATCHINGTBL - Trading Contract: Matching Source table definition

TWB2MATCHINGTYP - Trading Contract: Matching Type Definition

TWB2MATCHINGTYPG - Trading Contract: Matching Type assignment to Matching Group

TWB2MATCHINGTYPT - Trading Contract: Matching Type Definition text

TWB2PCM - GT: Copying methods on header level

TWB2PCMT - GT: Copying methods on header level

TWB2_EC_SOURCE - Generated Table for View

TWB2_EC_TARGET - Generated Table for View

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