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TRGS_AA_REF - Range Structure Account Assignment Reference

TRGS_ACCASS_COUNTERPARTY - Data about Counterparty to Derive Account Assignments

TRGS_ACCASS_GENERAL - General Data to Derive Account Assignments

TRGS_ACCASS_MASTER_DATA - Master Data to derive Account Assignments

TRGS_ACCASS_PRODUCT_DATA - Financial Product Related Data to Derive Account Assignments

TRGS_ACCOUNTING_CODE - Range Structure for Treasury Code

TRGS_ACCOUNT_GROUP - Treasury: Structure of Securities Account Group

TRGS_ACC_CC_PG - Structure for CoCd, Accounting Code, Table of Product Groups

TRGS_ACC_SYMBOL - Range Structure Account Symbol

TRGS_ACTIVE - Range Structure: Active Indicator for Transactions

TRGS_ACTIVITY_CAT - Range Structure for Transaction Activity Category

TRGS_ACTIVITY_STATUS - Range Structure for Active Status of Activity Category

TRGS_ACT_ALIGNED_VALUE - Actual or aligned value

TRGS_AMORT_LOG_FLOW_DATA - Amortization Log Flow Information

TRGS_AMORT_PROC - Attributes of an Amortization Procedure

TRGS_ASSIGNMENT - Range Structure for Assignment

TRGS_AWKEY - Range Structure AWKEY

TRGS_AWORG - Range Structure AWORG

TRGS_AWREF - Range Structure AWREF

TRGS_BOND_CLASS - Classification of bond

TRGS_BUKRS - Range Structure Customer Number

TRGS_BUKRS_DEALNUMBER - Key Structure for Transaction

TRGS_BUKRS_DEALNUMBER_TIMESTMP - Key Structure for Transaction

TRGS_BUKRS_EXT_ACCT - Key Structure for Transaction

TRGS_BUKRS_FIKRS - Structure BUKRS & FM Area (for Funds Compounding)


TRGS_BUKRS_LOANSCONTRACT - Key Structure for Loans

TRGS_BUKRS_PORTFOLIO - Key Structure for Portfolio

TRGS_BUKRS_SECACCGRP - Key Structure for Securities Account Group

TRGS_BUKRS_SECURITYACCOUNT - Key Structure for Securities Account

TRGS_BUSTRANSCAT - Range Structure for Business Transaction Category

TRGS_BUSTRANSID - Range Structure for Business Transaction ID

TRGS_BUSTRANS_FLOWS - Structure for Business Transaction with BEPP/BEVI Flows

TRGS_BUSTRANS_ID_CAT - Structure for Business Transaction ID with Category

TRGS_BUSTRANS_STATE - Range Structure for Business Transaction Status

TRGS_BUS_TRANS_CAT - Range Structure Business Transaction Category

TRGS_CANR - Range Structure Corporate Actions Number

TRGS_CHANGE_DATE - Range Structure: Last Changed On

TRGS_CHANGE_NAME - Range Structure: Last Changed By

TRGS_CHAR80 - Structure for a Character String with 80 Characters

TRGS_CHARACTERISTICS - Range Structure for Characteristics

TRGS_CLEARING_ACC - Range Structure Clearing Account

TRGS_COMMODITY_ID - Range Structure for Commodity Id

TRGS_COMPANY_CODE - Range Structure for Company Code

TRGS_COMPONENT_RULE - Structure: Component / Change Rule for TRG Accumulator

TRGS_COMP_VALUES - Values for Position Components

TRGS_COM_VAL_CLASS - Range Structure for General Valuation Class

TRGS_COST_CENTER - Range Structure for Cost Center

TRGS_COUNT_I_P - Number of Existing Operative Flows for an ID

TRGS_CTY_TYPE - Range Structure for Commodity Type

TRGS_CURRENCIES - Treasury: Position and Valuation Currency

TRGS_DATUM - Range Structure for Date

TRGS_DB_OS_GUID - Range Structure for Business Transaction ID


TRGS_DEAL_NUMBER - Range Structure for Transaction Number

TRGS_DEAL_TECHID - Range Structure for Transaction Number

TRGS_DERIV_ORIG_COMP - Structure: Composition of Derived Components

TRGS_DESIG_DATA - Valuation Basis to Override Customizing

TRGS_DETAILED_AMORT_LOG - Detailed Amortization Log

TRGS_DETAILED_LOG_HRESCALCRULE - Detailed Log: Cost of Hedging Reserve Calculation Rule

TRGS_DFIES_PROJ_RFC - Compatible Projection of Structure DFIES

TRGS_DIFF_CURRENCY - Range Structure: Diff. Currency

TRGS_DIFF_OP - Structure for Operative Differentiations

TRGS_DIFF_VALUES - Structure for Differentiation Term with Value and Text

TRGS_DIS_FLOWTYPE - Range Structure Update Type

TRGS_EXCLUDES - Exclude Structure for Position Selection

TRGS_EXPOSURE_ITEM_ID - Range Structure for Exposure Item ID

TRGS_EXPOSURE_SUBITEM_ID - Range Structure for Exposure Subitem ID

TRGS_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT - Range Structure: External Account

TRGS_EXT_ACCOUNT - Range Structure for External Account

TRGS_EXT_REF - Range Structure: External Reference

TRGS_FACILITY - Range Structure for Facility

TRGS_FACILITYBUKRS - Range Structure: Company Code of Facility

TRGS_FINANCE_PROJECT - Range Structure for Finance Project

TRGS_FISCAL_YEAR - Range Structure for Fiscal Year

TRGS_FI_POSTING_DATE - Range Structure for FI Posting Date

TRGS_FI_POSTING_PERIOD - Alternative FI Posting Period

TRGS_FI_REVERSAL_PERIOD - Alternative FI Reversal Period

TRGS_FLAG_LONG_SHORT - Range Structure Indicator: Long or Short Position

TRGS_FLOWS_FOR_CASH - Financial Transaction Flows for Cash Management

TRGS_FLOW_INFO_FUT - General Flow Structure

TRGS_FUNCTIONAL_AREA - Range Structure for Functional Area

TRGS_FUND - Range Structure for Fund

TRGS_GL_ACCOUNT - Range Structure G/L Account

TRGS_GRANT_NBR - Range Structure for Grant


TRGS_HCLASS_GENERAL - General Data to Derive Hedging Classification

TRGS_HEDGED_ITEM - Range Structure for Hedged Item ID

TRGS_HEDGE_PLAN - Range Structure for Hedge Plan

TRGS_HOUSEBANK - Range Structure for House Bank

TRGS_HOUSEBANK_ACC - Range Structure for House Bank Account

TRGS_HREL_GUID - Range Structure for HRel Guid

TRGS_HREL_NUMBER - Range Structure for Hedging Relationships

TRGS_ID_CAT - ID Category

TRGS_IGT_STATUS - Range Structure for IGT Status

TRGS_INIT - Structure: Initialization of Parallel Valuation Areas

TRGS_INIT_ALV - Structure of Output Table for SAP List Viewer at Migration

TRGS_INIT_HEAD_ALV - Structure of Output Table for SAP List Viewer at Migration

TRGS_INIT_RULE - Structure: Rules for Initialization of Parallel Val. Areas

TRGS_INIT_STEP - Step for Initializing Parallel Valuation Areas

TRGS_INTERNAL_REFERENCE - Range Structure for Internal Reference

TRGS_KEY_ASSGN - Mapping Structure for Class CL_KEY_ASSIGNMENT_TRG

TRGS_KEY_ASSGN_I - Include Structure for Class CL_KEY_ASSIGNMENT_TRG

TRGS_KEY_FIGURE_VALUE - Key figure values

TRGS_KUNNR - Range Structure Customer Number

TRGS_LOANS_CONTRACT - Range Structure for Loans Contract

TRGS_LOTGENERATION_DEALNR - Range Structure for Lot-Generating Transaction Number

TRGS_LOT_ID - Range Structure for Lot ID

TRGS_MASTER_AGREEMENT - Range Structure for Master Agreement

TRGS_MIGDATA - Extracted Securities Data

TRGS_MIGDATA_RFC - Extracted Securities Data for RFC Call

TRGS_MIGR - Step in Migration to CFM 1.0

TRGS_MIGR_ALV - Structure of Output Table for SAP List Viewer at Migration

TRGS_MIGR_ENQUEUE - Structure for the Conversion Lock Object

TRGS_MIGTRANS_RFC - Extracted Securities Flow for Transfer to RFC Module

TRGS_MIG_ACCGRP - Migration to ERP 2.0: Sec. Master Data with Additional Infos

TRGS_MIG_RWA_CCODE - Structure to Set Up a Range Table Company Code

TRGS_MIG_RWA_SECACC - Structure to Create a Range Table Securities Account

TRGS_MIG_SECACCGRP - Help Structure, Compatible with TRGT_SECACCGRP

TRGS_MIG_TRANSACTION - Structure for Migration to Enterprise 2.0

TRGS_MLM_SCENARIO_ID - Range Structure for Scenario ID

TRGS_OBJECT_NUMBER - Range Structure for Object Number

TRGS_ORIGINAL_FLOW - General Structure for Flow: Securities, Loans, Money Market

TRGS_PAR - Parallel Processing Control

TRGS_PARTNER - Range Structure for Partner

TRGS_PAR_TASK - Tasks called by RFC

TRGS_PAYMENT_DATE - Range Structure Payment Date

TRGS_PAYMENT_INFO - Payment Information

TRGS_PAYMENT_INFO_DISPLAY - Display Payment Information

TRGS_PAYMENT_INFO_SM - Display Payment Information (Screen Modi)

TRGS_PL_CATEGORY - Range Structure for Profit/Loss Types

TRGS_PORTFOLIO - Range Structure for Portfolio

TRGS_POSITION_ACCOUNT - Range Structure for Futures Account

TRGS_POSITION_SELECTION - Selection Parameters

TRGS_POSNR - range structure for item number

TRGS_POSTING_CAT - Range Structure Posting Category

TRGS_POSTING_DATE - Range Structure Posting Date

TRGS_POSTING_PERIOD - Range Structure Posting Period

TRGS_POSTING_YEAR - Range Structure Posting Year (Fiscal Year)

TRGS_POS_ATTRIB_LONG - Range Structure for Long Position Attribute

TRGS_POS_ATTRIB_MEDIUM - Range Table for Medium Position Attribute

TRGS_POS_ATTRIB_SHORT - Range Structure for Short Position Attribute

TRGS_POS_CURR - ###Pos Curr

TRGS_POS_MAN_PROC - Range Structure for Position Management Procedure

TRGS_POS_VALUES - Structure for Position Values

TRGS_PRODUCT_CATEGORY - Range Structure for Product Categories

TRGS_PRODUCT_GROUP - Range Structure for Product Group

TRGS_PRODUCT_TYPE - Range Structure for Product Type

TRGS_PROFIT_CENTER - Range Structure for Profit Center

TRGS_PRQ_KEYNO - Range Structure for Key Number for Payment Request

TRGS_PS_DATA - Structure for Public Sector Differentiations

TRGS_PS_TERMS - Position-Differentiating Acct Assignments from Public Sector

TRGS_PS_USED_TERMS - Used Diff. Tems from Public Sector

TRGS_RAW4096 - Structure for X Field with 4096 Bytes

TRGS_REF_PMCAT - Assignment: Position Management Category

TRGS_RFHA_COUNT - Structure for Transaction Number and Number of Flows

TRGS_RISKCAT_VALUE - Risk Category Value

TRGS_RPBANK - Range Structure for Partner Bank Details

TRGS_RPNNR - Range Structure for Daybook

TRGS_SBERFIMA - Line Structure of a Range Table for SBERFIMA


TRGS_SECURITY_ACCOUNT - Range Structure for Securities Account

TRGS_SECURITY_ACCOUNT_TYPE - Range Structure for Securities Account Type

TRGS_SECURITY_ID - Range Structure for Security ID Number

TRGS_SEC_CLASS - General Security Classification

TRGS_SELSTAT - Control Data for the Selection of Securities Data

TRGS_SFHAZBA - Range for Mvt Type

TRGS_STACK_INDEX - Index of callstack

TRGS_SUBPOSITION_OID - Subposition Range Structure

TRGS_SUMMAND_ACT_ALIGN_VALUE - Summands for actual or aligned value

TRGS_SVORGANG - Range Structure for SVORGANG

TRGS_TAX_FLOW - Flow Structure for Tax Generation

TRGS_TAX_FLOW_INT - Flow Structure for Tax Generation

TRGS_TPM_SEC_ACCT_GRP - Range Structure for Securities Account Group

TRGS_TRAC_DOC_STATE - Range Structure Accounting Adaptor Document Status

TRGS_TRADER - Range Structure for Trader

TRGS_TRANSACTION_CATEGORY - Range Structure for Transaction Category

TRGS_TRANSACTION_CURR - Range Structure: Transaction Currency

TRGS_TRANSACTION_TYPE - Range Structure for Transaction Type

TRGS_TREA_CLEARING_STATUS - Range Structure: Clearing Status

TRGS_TRIL_FLOW_CAT - Ranges Structure for Flow Category in Income Ledger

TRGS_TRIL_RECLASS_ORIGIN - Ranges Structure for the Reclassification Reason

TRGS_TRPR_PAYM_STATE - Range Structure Accounting Adaptor Document Status

TRGS_UPDATE_TYPE - Range Structure Update Types

TRGS_USER - Range Structure for User

TRGS_USER_ALV_I - Include Structure for ALV Display of User Data

TRGS_USER_DATA - Treasury: Entry/Change Data

TRGS_USER_DATA_I - Treasury: Entry/Change Data (Include)

TRGS_USER_DATA_INCL - Treasury: Entry/Change Data (Include)

TRGS_USER_NAME - Range Structure User Name

TRGS_VALUATION_AREA - Range Structure for Valuation Area

TRGS_VALUATION_CLASS - Range Structure for Valuation Class

TRGS_WBS_ELEMENT - Range Structure for WBS Element

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