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TRGC_AMORTPROC_T - OLD!! Treasury: Amortization Procedure Texts

TRGC_AMORT_PROC - OLD!! Treasury: Amortization Procedure

TRGC_ASYN_FIX_RG - Asynchronous Fixing for Each Product Type

TRGC_AUTO_INI_VA - Automatic Valuation Area Initialization

TRGC_CFG_CNTXT - Configuration Context

TRGC_COM_VALCL - General valuation class

TRGC_COM_VALCL_T - Treasury: General Valuation Class (Text)

TRGC_CVC1 - Assignment of Product Cat. and Trans. Cat. to GVC Group

TRGC_CVC_GR - Definition: Grouping of General Valuation Class

TRGC_CVC_GR_ASS - Assignment of General Valuation Class to Group

TRGC_CVC_GR_STAT - Assignment of General Valuation Class to Group

TRGC_DERIV_ASSGN - Treasury: Assignment of Derivation Categories

TRGC_DER_ONLINE - Control Derived Business Transactions

TRGC_DFTSOURCASS - Assign Update Types to Usages

TRGC_DF_QUANTCAT - Prel. Solution: Assignm.: Update Type - Pos.Mgmnt Cat. Units

TRGC_FICLASS - Financial Instrument Classification

TRGC_FICLASS_PT - Classification of Product and Transaction Types

TRGC_FICLASS_T - Financial Instruments Classification Description

TRGC_FICLASS_TY - Financial Instrument Classification Type

TRGC_FICLASS_TYT - Financial Instrument Classification Type Descrptions

TRGC_IMP_PROC - Impairment Procedure

TRGC_IMP_PROC_T - Impairment Procedure Text

TRGC_MIGR1 - Customizing for Converting to Enterprise 2.0

TRGC_MIGR2 - Migration: Key Date of Data Transfer per Company Code

TRGC_MIGR_PMP - Conversion Position Management Procedure

TRGC_MIG_PMP_OTC - Conversion: Assignment of OTC Position Management Procedures

TRGC_OLDVALCLASS - Treasury: Rel. Betw. Previous and General Valuation Classes

TRGC_OP_VAL_AREA - Define alternative paying valuation area

TRGC_PAR - Parallel Processing Control

TRGC_PARAM - Assignment of Parameters and Parameter Values

TRGC_PAY_REL - Payment Relevance of Update Type

TRGC_PAY_REL_LO - Payment Relevance of Flow Type for Loans, Operative

TRGC_PC_EXCL - Product Cats of the Parallel Valn Areas to be Excluded

TRGC_PG_EXCL - Product Groups to be Excluded in the Parallel Val. Areas

TRGC_PL_ASGNFTYP - Assignment of Profit/Loss Types to Flow Type

TRGC_PL_ASSIGN - Assign Profit/Loss Types to Update Type and Valuation Area

TRGC_PL_CATE - Define/Maintain Profit/Loss Types

TRGC_PL_CATE_T - Text Table for Profit/Loss Types

TRGC_PM_PROC - Treasury: Position Management Procedure

TRGC_PM_PROC_ASS - Assignment of Position Management Procedure

TRGC_PM_PROC_T - Treasury: Position Management Procedure Texts

TRGC_PT_EXCL - Product Types to be Excluded in the Parallel Val. Areas

TRGC_STEP_PROC - Procedure for Steps

TRGC_STEP_PROC_T - Step Procedure Texts

TRGC_TAC_VA - Assignment of Accounting Code to Valuation Area

TRGC_TAX - CFM: Derivation Rules for Tax Flows

TRGC_TR_ACC_CODE - Accounting Code

TRGC_TR_SWITCH - Switch Table

TRGC_VALCLS_MAP - Treasury: Asst of Gen. ValnCl. to ValnCl. for each Valn Area

TRGC_VAL_AREA - Valuation Areas

TRGC_VAL_CLASS - Treasury: Valuation Class

TRGC_VAL_CLASS_T - Treasury: Valuation Class (Text)

TRGC_VA_ACCPR_LK - Link Accounting Principle to Valuation Area

TRGC_ZATTRIB - Custom Settings for Valuation Steps

TRGC_ZATTRIB_T - Texts for Custom Settings for Valuation Steps

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