Select data from sap tables TIM_

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TIMA_CNCREASON - Cancellation Reason for Insurance Object

TIMA_CNCREASONT - Text Table for Cancellation Reason for Insurance Object

TIMA_CRT_ACC - IO: Creation Variants for Account Creation

TIMA_CRT_ACCT - IO: Creation Variants Text Table for Automatic Acct Creation

TIMA_CRT_ACC_DEF - IO: Default Values for Automatic Account Creation

TIMA_CRT_EVENT - IO: Events for Account Creation Rules

TIMA_CRT_EVENTT - IO: Text Table for Events for Account Creation Rules

TIMA_CRT_FM - IO: Function Modules for Events for Account Creation Rules

TIMA_CRT_RULE - IO: Rules for Automatic Creation of a Contract Account



TIMA_CRT_RULET - IO: Text Table for Rules for Automatic Account Creation

TIMA_OTYP - IO: Categories for Insurance Object

TIMA_OTYPC_DEF - IO: Default Values for Creating an Insurance Object

TIMA_OTYPT - IO: Texts for Insurance Object Categories

TIMA_OTYP_ASGN - IO: Assigning External Insurance Object Categories to Groups

TIMA_OTYP_CUST - IO: Customizable Insurance Object Categories

TIMA_OTYP_CUSTT - IO: Texts for Customizable Insurance Object Categories

TIMA_OTYP_GRP - IO: Key for Grouping External Insurance Object Categories

TIMA_OTYP_GRPT - IO: Text Table for Grouping Key

TIMA_VKTYP_DEF - IO: Ctr. Acct Category Default Vals for Contr. Acct Creation

TIMEADMEXT - Administrative Fields (Enhanced Version)

TIMECADMIN - Time Calc Rule: Administrative Fields

TIMECAPL - Time Calc: Applications

TIMECPRF - Time Calc: Profile With Allowed Symbolic Names

TIMECPRFFI - Time Calc: Symbolic Names for Profile

TIMECPRFT - Time Calc: Texts for Profile

TIMECRULCU - Time Calc Rule Customizing

TIMECRULDA - Time Calc Rule: Data

TIMECRULDO - Time Calc Rule Data for Document

TIMECRULKY - Time Calc Rule: Key

TIMECT - Context Profile for a Time Function

TIMECTDU - Symbolic Durations of Context Profile

TIMECTEV - Activities for a Context Profile

TIMECTOB - Symbolic Name for a Reference Object (Object Reference)

TIMECTRU - Context Profile for Date Rules

TIMECTT - Texts for: Context Profiles for a Time Function

TIMECUDU - Name for Duration

TIMECUDUT - Texts for Symbolic Name of Duration

TIMECUEV - Symbolic Name for Activity ('Event')

TIMECUOB - Symbolic Name for a Reference Object ('Object Reference')

TIMECUOBT - Texts for Symbolic Name for a Reference Object

TIMECUUT - Symbolic Names for Time Durations

TIMECUUTT - Texts for Time Unit

TIMEDEPENDENTDATA - Time-dependent allocations

TIMEFILT - Substructure Time Filtering - Display Horizon

TIMEFILT_ER - Substructure Time Filtering - Display Horizon

TIMEFRAME_WPS - Timeframe (Start/End; Date/Time)


TIMEPF - Context Profile of a Time Function

TIMEPFDU - Symbolic Durations for Context Profile

TIMEPFEV - Activities for a Context Profile

TIMEPFOB - Symbolic Name for a Reference Object ('Object Reference')

TIMEPFRU - Context Profile for Date Rules

TIMEPFT - Texts for Context Profile of a Time Function

TIMERULEH - Date Rules (Header)

TIMERULEHD - Date Rule Header -> Definition of Data Section

TIMERULEL - Date Rule Lines

TIMERULELN - Date Rule Lines

TIMERULET - Date Rule (Long Text)

TIMERUNA - Date Rule of External Descriptor

TIMERUSH - Shadow Table for Transport Date Rule (Header)

TIMERUSL - Shadow Table for Transport Date Rule (Source)

TIMERUSLN - Shadow Table for Transport Date Rule (Source)

TIMESCTDU - Infos on Time Durations

TIMESDAT - Structure for Splitting a Date

TIMESDEFL - Default Value in Local Time

TIMESDEFLX - Default Value in Local Time

TIMESDUPOP - Structure for Time Duration Specification in Dialog Box

TIMESDWM - Time structure used in FB db02_db4_get_space_info

TIMESEVPOP - Structure for Date Specification in Dialog Box

TIMESFMT - Output Format for Times

TIMESFMTC - Texts for Commands

TIMESFMTD - Texts for Weekdays

TIMESIOF - Output Format for Times

TIMESLICEPRORATE - Basic Structure for Proration of Time Slices

TIMESLICES - Structure of Profiles and Time Slices

TIMESMSG - Structure for Message Handling

TIMESMSGIO - Message in Time Environment

TIMESOBPOP - Structure for Reference Object Input in Dialog Box

TIMESPERR - Parse Error -> Error During Parsing of Source Text

TIMESPFDU - Infos on Time Durations

TIMESPFEV - Infos on Date Types

TIMESPFOB - Infos on Reference Objects

TIMESPROFL - List Line for Allowed Entries in Profile

TIMESRUDY - Structure of All Screen Fields -> Better Support

TIMESRUHD - Date Rule Header Information

TIMESRUHDI - Header Data for Date Rule in Output Format

TIMESSETID - Structure Time Set with ID as Key

TIMESSETNA - Structure Time Set with Name as Key

TIMESTAEV - Status Fields for Activity ('Event')

TIMESTAMP_DS - Adoption of the UTC Time Stamp as Sort Criterion

TIMESTAMP_FIS - Time Stamp for Log Entries

TIMESTASE - Status Fields for Set

TIMESTATI - Status Fields for Time ('Time')

TIMESTIM - Structure for Splitting a Time

TIMESTIMC - Time as Structure of Characters

TIMESTSTRK - Key for time stream

TIMESYDU - Name for Duration

TIMESYDUT - Texts for Symbolic Name for Duration

TIMESYEV - Symbolic Name for Event

TIMESYOB - Symbolic Name for a Reference Object (Object Reference)

TIMESYOBT - Texts for Symbolic Name for a Reference Object

TIMESYUT - Symbolic Name for Durations

TIMESYUTT - Texts for Time Unit

TIMEVAKE - Structure Timevake for MV13A

TIMEVAKEAK - Structure Timevakeak for MV13A

TIMEVAKEDB - Strueture Timevakedb for MV13A

TIME_CONVERSION - Time Conversion

TIME_DATA_ACT_SENDER_DIS - Display Fields of Time Data for Activity Sender

TIME_DATA_ACT_SENDER_MNT - Time Data: Maintenance Fields for Activity Sender

TIME_DATA_ALP2_MNT - Time Data: Maintenance Fields for Diff. Payment 2001/2011

TIME_DATA_ALP_DIS - Display Fields for Different Payment of Time Data

TIME_DATA_ALP_MNT - Maintenance Fields for Different Payment of Time Specs

TIME_DATA_BREAKS_MNT - Time Data: Maintenance Fields for Breaks

TIME_DATA_COSTINFO_DIS - Display Fields for Cost Assgmt/Activity Alloc. of Time Specs

TIME_DATA_COSTINFO_MNT - Maint. Fields for Cost Assgmt/Activity Alloc. of Time Specs

TIME_DATA_COST_RECEIVER_DIS - Display Fields of Time Data for Cost Receiver

TIME_DATA_COST_RECEIVER_MNT - Time Data: Maintenance Fields for Cost Receiver

TIME_DATA_CURR_MNT - Time Data: Maintenance Fields for Amounts and Currency

TIME_DATA_EXT_SERVICE_DIS - Display Fields of Time Data for External Service

TIME_DATA_EXT_SERVICE_MNT - Time Data: Maintenance Fields for External Services

TIME_DATA_GENERAL_DIS - General Fields for Time Data (Display Only)

TIME_DATA_GENERAL_MNT - General Fields for Time Data Maintenance

TIME_DATA_PAIR_LIST - List Fields for Time Events Pairs

TIME_DATA_SINGLE_DAY_LIST - Display and Maintenance Fields for One-Day View (Table)

TIME_DATA_SINGLE_DAY_LIST_DIS - One-Day View: Display Fields for Row

TIME_DATA_SINGLE_DAY_LIST_MNT - One-Day View: Maintenance Fields for Row

TIME_DATA_SPECINFTY_LIST_DIS - Special Infotype Fields for Time Data (Display Only)

TIME_DATA_SPECINFTY_LIST_MNT - Special Infotypes for Time Data Maintenance

TIME_DATA_TEVENT - Time Events Fields

TIME_DATA_TEVENT_DIS - Display Time Events Fields

TIME_DATA_TEVENT_LIST - List Time Events Fields

TIME_DATA_TEVENT_LIST_DIS - Display Time Events List Fields

TIME_DATA_TEVENT_LIST_MNT - Maintain Time Events List Fields

TIME_DATA_TEVENT_MNT - Maintain Time Events Fields

TIME_DATA_VALUE_SINGLE_DAY_DIS - Display Time Data Values for One Day

TIME_DATA_VALUE_SINGLE_DAY_MNT - Maintain Time Data Values for One Day

TIME_DISP - Structure for Time Display (hh:mm)

TIME_EVENTS_FAV - Favorites Database Table for Time Event Types

TIME_SET_LINE - Time Interval Repeated Periodically from BEGDA Through ENDDA

TIME_STAT_AWR - Temporary table for AWR Graphics monitor

TIME_WITH_FIELDNAME - Date with Indication of Associated Date Field

TIMG1 - Status Fields for Customizing Transaction

TIMG2 - Resource Allocation for IMG Transaction

TIMG3 - Status Definition for Status Administration

TIMG4 - Status Field Descriptions

TIMGIR - IMG and activity text IR link table

TIMGLOIO - LOIO buffer for HTML generation

TIMIG - IMIG: Administration & Status

TIMP000 - IMP: Application Classes - Basic Data

TIMP000T - IMP: Application Class

TIMP100 - IMP: Application Class (Client-Specific Features)

TIMP110 - IMP: Trigger Categories

TIMP110T - IMP: Trigger Categories

TIMP111 - IMP: Trigger Types - Alternative Runtime Classes

TIMP120 - IMP: Registration of Observers for Trigger Categories

TIMP130 - IMP: Permitted Parameters per Trigger Cat.f.IMP_PARAMETERS_1

TIMP140 - IMP: No Apparent Usage - Purpose Unclear

TIMSTMP_TAB - Time Stamp Aggregation in iPPE

TIMSTMP_TAB_DB - Time Stamp Aggregation in iPPE (Update Structure)


TIM_ALLOWED_PROPERTY_VALUE_ELE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

TIM_ANONYM_ARCH - Anonymous Archiving of Absences

TIM_ATTACHMENT - Proxy Structure (Generated)

TIM_BLP_CHECK_P0081 - Military/Non-Mil.Service: Struct. for Checking Foreign Keys


TIM_BLP_DEDUCTION_INFO - BLP: Deduction Information


TIM_BLP_DEP_0080_FR_ABSENCE - FR: Dependent Absence of an Infotype

TIM_BLP_DEP_ABSENCE - Dependent Absence of an Infotype

TIM_BLP_IT0080_ABSENCE - Absence of Infotype 0080

TIM_BLP_TD_ENTRY - BLP: Work Area for Processing Table

TIM_DEFEMPLEVREQ_OWN_QRY - Message Type for DefaultEmployeeLeaveRequestByOwnerQuery

TIM_DEFEMPLEVREQ_OWN_RSP - Message Type for DefaultEmployeeLeaveRequestByOwnerRespons

TIM_EETIMCALAVAIL_EE_QRY - Query Message Type for Employee Time Calendar Availability B

TIM_EETIMCALAVAIL_EE_RSP - Response Message Type for Employee Time Calendar Availabil

TIM_EMPLEARCNC_CHK_QRY - Message type for Employee Leave Request Cancel Check

TIM_EMPLEARCNC_CHK_RSP - Response Message Type for Employee Leave Request Cancel Ch

TIM_EMPLOYEE - structure for EmployeeIDs and WorkAgreementIDs

TIM_EMPLOYEELEAR_CNC_CNF - Confirmation message for Employee Leave Request Cancellati

TIM_EMPLOYEELEAR_CNC_REQ - Request Message for Employee Leave Request

TIM_EMPLOYEELRAA_ELE_QRY - Message Type for EmployeeLeaveRequestAllowedApproverByIden

TIM_EMPLOYEELRAA_ELE_RSP - Message Type for EmployeeLeaveRequestAllowedApproverByIden

TIM_EMPLOYEELRCRT_CHK_QRY - Query for EmployeeLeaveRequestCreateCheck

TIM_EMPLOYEELRCRT_CHK_RSP - Response for EmployeeLeaveRequestCreateCheck

TIM_EMPLOYEELR_CHG_CNF - Response Message type for Employee Leave Request Update Co

TIM_EMPLOYEELR_CHG_REQ - Request Message type for Employee Leave Request Update

TIM_EMPLOYEELR_CRT_CNF - Confirmation for EmployeeLeaveRequestCreate

TIM_EMPLOYEELR_CRT_REQ - Request for EmployeeLeaveRequestCreate

TIM_EMPLOYEELR_EMP_QRY - Query for EmployeeLeaveRequestConfigurationByEmployee

TIM_EMPLOYEELR_EMP_RSP - Response for EmployeeLeaveRequestConfigurationByEmployee

TIM_EMPLOYEELR_ID_QRY - Message type for EmployeeLeaveRequestByIDQuery

TIM_EMPLOYEELR_ID_RSP - Message Type For Employee Leave Request By ID

TIM_EMPLOYEELR_PARCT_QRY - Query for EmployeeLeaveRequestByParticipant

TIM_EMPLOYEELR_PARCT_RSP - Response for EmployeeLeaveRequestByParticipant

TIM_EMPLOYEELR_REJ_CNF - Message Type for EmployeeLeaveRequestRejectConfirmation

TIM_EMPLOYEELR_REJ_REQ - Message Type for EmployeeLeaveRequestRejectRequest

TIM_EMPLOYEETAFE_EMP_QRY - Query for EmployeeTimeAccountForEmployeeByEmployee

TIM_EMPLOYEETAFE_EMP_RSP - Response for EmployeeTimeAccountForEmployeeByEmployee

TIM_EMPLOYEETIME_EMP_QRY - Message Type for EmployeeTimeByEmployeeQuery

TIM_EMPLOYEETIME_EMP_RSP - Message Type for EmployeeTimeByEmployeeResponse

TIM_EMPLOYEE_LEAVE_REQUEST_PRO - Proxy Structure (Generated)

TIM_EMPLOYELRAPP_CHK_QRY - Message Type for EmployeeLeaveRequestApproveCheckQuery

TIM_EMPLOYELRAPP_CHK_RSP - Message Type for EmployeeLeaveRequestApproveCheckResponse

TIM_EMPLOYELRCHG_CHK_QRY - Query Message for Employee Leave Request Update

TIM_EMPLOYELRCHG_CHK_RSP - Response for Employee Leave Request Update

TIM_EMPLOYELRREJ_CHK_QRY - Message Type for EmployeeLeaveRequestRejectCheckQuery

TIM_EMPLOYELRREJ_CHK_RSP - Message Type for EmployeeLeaveRequestRejectCheckResponse

TIM_EMPLOYELR_APP_CNF - Message Type for EmployeeLeaveRequestApproveConfirmation

TIM_EMPLOYELR_APP_REQ - Message Type for EmployeeLeaveRequestApproveRequest

TIM_EMPL_TIME_EVT_CREATE_CONF - Message Type for EmployeeTimeEventERPCreateConfirmationMes

TIM_EMPL_TIME_EVT_CREATE_REQUE - Message Type for EmployeeTimeEventERPCreateRequestMessage_

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ALLWD_COSTCTR - Message Type for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedCostCentreByEm

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPALLWD_COS1 - MDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedCostCentreByEmployeeQuery

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPALLWD_COS2 - MDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedCostCentreByEmployeeRespo

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPALLWD_COS3 - IDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedCostCentreByEmployeeRespo

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPALLWD_COST - IDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedCostCentreByEmployeeQuery

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPALLWD_EMP1 - MDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedEmployeeTimeEventReasonBy

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPALLWD_EMP2 - MDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedEmployeeTimeEventReasonBy

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPALLWD_EMP3 - IDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedEmployeeTimeEventReasonBy

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPALLWD_EMP4 - MDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedEmployeeTimeEventTypeByEm

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPALLWD_EMP5 - IDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedEmployeeTimeEventTypeByEm

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPALLWD_EMP6 - MDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedEmployeeTimeEventTypeByEm

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPALLWD_EMP7 - IDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedEmployeeTimeEventTypeByEm

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPALLWD_EMPL - IDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedEmployeeTimeEventReasonBy

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPALLWD_INT - IDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedInternalOrderByEmployeeQu

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPALLWD_INT1 - MDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedInternalOrderByEmployeeQu

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPALLWD_INT2 - MDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedInternalOrderByEmployeeRe

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPALLWD_INT3 - IDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedInternalOrderByEmployeeRe

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPALLWD_POS - IDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedPositionByEmployeeQueryMe

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPALLWD_POS1 - MDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedPositionByEmployeeQueryMe

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPALLWD_POS2 - MDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedPositionByEmployeeRespons

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPALLWD_POS3 - IDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedPositionByEmployeeRespons

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPALLWD_PRO1 - MDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedProjectWorkBreakdownStruc

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPALLWD_PRO2 - MDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedProjectWorkBreakdownStruc

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPALLWD_PRO3 - IDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedProjectWorkBreakdownStruc

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPALLWD_PROJ - IDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedProjectWorkBreakdownStruc

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPCRTE_CONF - IDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPCreateConfirmationMessage_sync

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPCRTE_CONF1 - MDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPCreateConfirmationMessage_sync

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPCRTE_REQ_1 - MDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPCreateRequestMessage_sync

TIM_EMPL_TME_EVT_ERPCRTE_REQ_M - IDT for EmployeeTimeEventERPCreateRequestMessage_sync

TIM_EMTMEVT_ALLWD_COSTCTR_RESP - Message Type for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedCostCentreByEm

TIM_EMTMEVT_ALLWD_INT_ORD_QUER - Message Type for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedInternalOrderB

TIM_EMTMEVT_ALLWD_INT_ORD_RESP - Message Type for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedInternalOrderB

TIM_EMTMEVT_ALLWD_POSITIO_QUER - Message Type for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedPositionByEmpl

TIM_EMTMEVT_ALLWD_POSITIO_RESP - Message Type for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedPositionByEmpl

TIM_EMTMEVT_ALLWD_TE_REAS_QUER - Message Type for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedEmployeeTimeEv

TIM_EMTMEVT_ALLWD_TE_REAS_RESP - Message Type for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedEmployeeTimeEv

TIM_EMTMEVT_ALLWD_TE_TYPE_QUER - Message Type for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedEmployeeTimeEv

TIM_EMTMEVT_ALLWD_TE_TYPE_RESP - Message Type for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedEmployeeTimeEv

TIM_EMTMEVT_ALLWD_WBS_ELE_QUER - Message Type for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedProjectWorkBre

TIM_EMTMEVT_ALLWD_WBS_ELE_RESP - Message Type for EmployeeTimeEventERPAllowedProjectWorkBre

TIM_LETFEMPL_EMPL_QU - LeaveEmployeeTimeERPForEmployeeByEmployeeQuery

TIM_LETFEMPL_EMPL_RP - LeaveEmployeeTimeERPForEmployeeByEmployeeResponse

TIM_LVEETIMFOREE_EE_SEL - selection structure for Leave Employee Time

TIM_PC_ENTRY - Tables for PC Entry Cluster

TIM_PC_NATION - PC Cluster: Structure for PC-NATION



TIM_PROPERTY_VALUE_AMOUNT_SPEC - Proxy Structure (Generated)

TIM_PROPERTY_VALUE_DATE_SPECIF - Proxy Structure (Generated)

TIM_PROPERTY_VALUE_DATE_TIME_S - Proxy Structure (Generated)

TIM_PROPERTY_VALUE_DECIMAL_SPE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

TIM_PROPERTY_VALUE_FLOAT_SPECI - Proxy Structure (Generated)

TIM_PROPERTY_VALUE_INDICATOR_S - Proxy Structure (Generated)

TIM_PROPERTY_VALUE_INTEGER_SPE - Proxy Structure (Generated)

TIM_PROPERTY_VALUE_NAME_SPECIF - Proxy Structure (Generated)

TIM_PROPERTY_VALUE_QUANTITY_SP - Proxy Structure (Generated)

TIM_PROPERTY_VALUE_TIME_SPECIF - Proxy Structure (Generated)

TIM_REL_ASSIGNMENT - BLP Relations: Parent-Child Assignment

TIM_REL_CHILD - BLP Relations: Child Relationship Data

TIM_REL_CHILD_CONN - BLP Relations: Relationship Method to a Child Type

TIM_REL_RECUID_LABEL - BLP Relations: Relationship Label of a RECUID

TIM_SE_EETMEACCERPFADM_EL_QU - MT EmployeeTimeAccountERPForAdministratorByElementsQuery

TIM_SE_EETMEACCERPFADM_EL_RP - MT EmployeeTimeAccountERPForAdministratorByElementsResponse

TIM_SE_EETMEAGRERP_PWTP_EE_QU - MT EmployeeTimeAgreementERPPlannedWorkingTimeProvisionsByEmp

TIM_SE_EETMEAGRERP_PWTP_EE_RP - MT EmployeeTimeAgreementERPPlannedWorkingTimeProvisionsByEmp

TIM_SE_EETMEAGRERP_PWTP_EL_QU - MT EmployeeTimeAgreementERPPlannedWorkingTimeProvisionsByEle

TIM_SE_EETMEAGRERP_PWTP_EL_RP - MT EmployeeTimeAgreementERPPlannedWorkingTimeProvisionsByEle

TIM_SE_EETMEAGRERP_PWTP_IN - MT EmployeeTimeAgreementERPPlannedWorkingTimeProvisionsInfor

TIM_SE_EETMECALERP_WTS_EE_QU - MT for EmployeeTimeCalendarERPWorkingTimeSpecificationsByEmp

TIM_SE_EETMECALERP_WTS_EE_RP - MT for EmployeeTimeCalendarERPWorkingTimeSpecificationsByEmp


TIM_SE_EETMEERP_ELMNTS_RP - MT EmployeeTimeERPByElementsResponse

TIM_SE_EETMEERP_RQ - MT EmployeeTimeERPRequest

TIM_SE_EMPL_TIME_ERP_IN - MT Employee Time ERP Information

TIM_SE_EXT_KEY - Mapping Table for IT2004: External Key and Infotype Key

TIM_SE_PWT_0007_DELTA_RELEVANT - Relevant IT0007-fields for deltahandling (EETimeAgr.Inform.)


TIM_SE_S_EETME_DATA - structure of employee times

TIM_SE_S_EETME_SEL - structure of search fields after inbound conversion

TIM_SE_S_EE_PLN_WRKNG_TME - employee’s planned working time

TIM_SE_S_EE_SEL - search fields after inbound conversion

TIM_SE_S_EE_WRK_TME_SPECS - employee's working time specifications

TIM_SE_S_EMP - Empid and corresponding wrkagr-ids

TIM_SE_S_EMPL_TIME - Back End Representation of EmployeeTime

TIM_SE_S_EMPL_TIME_ECATT - Communiaction data for eCATT of EmployeeTimeInformation

TIM_SE_S_EMPL_TIME_FEH - Back End Representation of EmployeeTime

TIM_SE_S_EMPL_TIME_ID - Identifier of EmployeeTime

TIM_SE_S_EMPL_TIME_ID_EXT - External Identifier of EmployeeTime

TIM_SE_S_EMPL_TIME_ID_INT - Internal Identifier of EmployeeTime

TIM_SE_S_EMPL_TIME_ITEM - Employee Time Item

TIM_SE_S_EMPL_TIME_ITEM_ID - Identifier of EmployeeTimeItem

TIM_SE_S_EMPL_TIME_MSGID - Back End Representation of EmployeeTime

TIM_SE_S_EMPL_TME_ACC - Backend Representation of Employee Time Account

TIM_SE_S_IT2001_DELTA_RELEVANT - Fields of IT2001 which are relevant for Delta Handling

TIM_SE_S_IT2002_DELTA_RELEVANT - Fields of IT2001 which are relevant for Delta Handling

TIM_SE_S_IT2010_DELTA_RELEVANT - Fields of IT2001 which are relevant for Delta Handling

TIM_SE_S_PERNR_EMP - PERNR with corresponding EMPID (flat)

TIM_SE_S_PSREF_DELTA_RELEVANT - Assignment Values for HR Objects

TIM_SE_S_PWTP_EE_SEL - selection structure after inbound conversion

TIM_SE_S_TIME_INF - Time Information Fields

TIM_SE_S_TME_ACC_BALANCES - Employee Time Account Balances Types

TIM_SE_S_TME_ACC_EE_SEL - Search fields after inbound conversion of EmpTimeAccount

TIM_SE_S_WA_PLN_WRKNG_TME - WorkAgreement’s planned working time

TIM_SE_S_WTS_EE_SEL - selection structure after inbound conversion

TIM_SFEC_EE_TIM_DAT_ACC - Employee Time Data ECToERP Request Time Account

TIM_SFEC_EE_TIM_DAT_ACC_DET - Employee Time Data ECToERP Request Time Account Detail

TIM_SFEC_EE_TIM_DAT_ACC_PAY - Employee Time Data ECToERP Request Time Account Detail

TIM_SFEC_EE_TIM_DAT_ACC_SNAPSH - Employee Time Data EC To ERP Request Time Account Snapshot

TIM_SFEC_EE_TIM_DAT_COUN_SPEC - Employee Time Data ECToERP Request Country Specific Fields

TIM_SFEC_EE_TIM_DAT_CUST_FLD - Employee Time Data ECToERP Request Customer Specific Fields

TIM_SFEC_EE_TIM_DAT_EMPLOYMENT - Employee Time Data ECToERP Request Employment

TIM_SFEC_EE_TIM_DAT_EMPL_TIME - Employee Time Data ECToERP Request Employee Time

TIM_SFEC_EE_TIM_DAT_PLWORK - EmplTimeDataECToERPReqPlannedWorkingTime

TIM_SFEC_EE_TIM_DAT_PLWT_BREAK - EmplTimeDataECToERPReqPlannedWorkingTimeBreak

TIM_SFEC_EE_TIM_DAT_PLW_D - EmplTimeDataECToERPReqPlannedWorkingTimePDay

TIM_SFEC_EE_TIM_DAT_REQ - Employee Time Data ECToERP Request

TIM_SFEC_EE_TIM_DAT_REQ_MSG - Employee Time Data ECToERP Request Message


TIM_SFEC_EE_TIM_DAT_VALU_RESU - Employee Time Data ECToERP Request Valuation Result


TIM_TDDIR_ENTRY - BLP: Entry for Time Data Version Container

TIM_TDM_DICT_ENTRY - Technical Configuration of Time Data/Infotypes

TIM_TDVERSION_ENTRY - Version Entry for the Time Data Version Container

TIM_TMWITDATA - Non-Transparent Infotype Data Part for General Output

TIM_TMWMSGCONTEXT - TMW Message Handler: Message Context (Transfer Structure)

TIM_TMWMSGCONTEXT_INTERNAL - TMW Message Handler: Message Context (Internal Structure)

TIM_TMWMSGPROTOCOL - TMW Message Handler: Message Log (Transfer Structure)

TIM_TMWMSGPROTOCOL_INTERNAL - TMW Message Handler: Message Log (Internal Structure)

TIM_TMWMSGREFERENCE - TMW Message Handler: Reference Structure for Message


TIM_TMW_ATTABSDEDUCTION - TMW: Attendance or Absence Entitlement Deduction

TIM_TMW_BLPREQUEST_CONTROL - BLP: Transfer Structure for BLP Data Admnistration

TIM_TMW_BLPREQUEST_ENTRY - BLP: Transfer Structure for Time Data

TIM_TMW_CALENDER_ENTRY - TMW: Personnel Calendar Entry

TIM_TMW_CATEGORY_TYPE - TMW: Structure with Category and Type


TIM_TMW_COLL_REAC_ENTRY - Entry in Collision Reaction Table in the BLP

TIM_TMW_COMMTAB_CONTROL - TMW: Control Fields for Buffer Command Table

TIM_TMW_COMMTAB_CONTROL_IT - Infotype-Specific Control Field of COMMTAB for Buffer

TIM_TMW_COMMTAB_ENTRY - TMW: Work Area for Processing Table


TIM_TMW_DAY - Description of Calendar Day for TMW

TIM_TMW_DB_ACCESS_MSG - Messages: Database Access Modules

TIM_TMW_DELIMITER_ENTRY - Delimited Time Record

TIM_TMW_EE_SORT_CRITERIA - Last Sort Sequence in Employee Navigation


TIM_TMW_FLD_SEL_PLUS_FIELDS - TMW: Field Selection with All Fields




TIM_TMW_INTCALE_ENTRY - TMW: International Calendar Entry

TIM_TMW_MESSAGE_ENTRY - TMW Message Handler: Work Area for Message Table

TIM_TMW_MESSAGE_ENTRY_INTERNAL - TMW Message Handler: Int. Work Area for Message Table

TIM_TMW_MESSAGE_ENTRY_OLD - TMW Message Handler: Work Area for Message Table

TIM_TMW_MODIFY_IT_ENTRY - Previous and Subsequent Versions of Infotypes and Add'l Data

TIM_TMW_MSG_BAL_S_CLBK_INTERN - Application Log: Return Routine Definition (Int. Structure)

TIM_TMW_MSG_BAL_S_CONT_INTERN - Application Log: Context (Internal Structure)

TIM_TMW_MSG_BAL_S_PARM_INTERN - Application Log: Parameters (Internal Structure)

TIM_TMW_MSG_BAL_S_PAR_INTERNAL - Application Log: Parameter Name and Value (Int. Structure)

TIM_TMW_MSG_CONTEXT - TMW Message Handler: Message Context (Transfer Structure)

TIM_TMW_MSG_CONTEXT_INTERNAL - TMW Message Handler: Message Context (Internal Structure)

TIM_TMW_MSG_FIELD_ENTRY - TMW Message Handler: Msg-Relevant Fields (Transfer Struct.)

TIM_TMW_MSG_FIELD_ENTRY_INTERN - TMW Message Handler: Fields Relevant to Messages(Int.Struct)

TIM_TMW_MSG_ORIGIN - TMW Message Handler: Message Origin (Transfer Structure)

TIM_TMW_MSG_ORIGIN_INTERNAL - TMW Message Handler: Message Origin Place (Int. Structure)

TIM_TMW_MSG_T100_INDEX - TMW Message Handler: T100 Secondary Index

TIM_TMW_NATCALE_ENTRY - TMW: National Calendar Entry

TIM_TMW_PERNR_GROUP_ENTRY - Personnel Number/Group

TIM_TMW_PT_ENTRY - Business Logic Processor: Time Pair

TIM_TMW_PWS_ENTRY - TMW: Work Area for Work Schedules

TIM_TMW_QUOTADED_ENTRY - TMW: Time Quota Deduction

TIM_TMW_QUOTADED_INFO_ENTRY - Time Quotas and Deduction

TIM_TMW_READ_REQRES_ENTRY - TMW: Return Structure for Time Data Read Request

TIM_TMW_READ_REQUEST - Read Request for Time Data

TIM_TMW_READ_REQUEST_IT - TMW: Selection Filter for Infotype Read Requests

TIM_TMW_READ_REQUEST_PWS - TMW: Selection Switch for Importing Work Schedules

TIM_TMW_READ_REQUEST_QLD - TMW: Selection Filter for Quota and Leave Deduction

TIM_TMW_READ_REQUEST_RECUID - Read Request for Time Data Using Unique Record Indicators

TIM_TMW_READ_REQUEST_TIMRES - TMW: Selection Filter for Time Evaluation Results

TIM_TMW_REFTODEP_ENTRY - TMW: Reference to Dependent Record

TIM_TMW_REFTOTRIG_ENTRY - TMW: Reference to Trigger Dependency Record

TIM_TMW_RETROCALC_ENTRY - TMW: Frequency for Retroactive Accounting Recognition

TIM_TMW_SELCATTYPE_ENTRY - TMW: Selection Structure Using Time Data Category and Type

TIM_TMW_SELLEAVEDED - TMW: Selection Filter for Leave Deduction (IT0005)

TIM_TMW_SELQUOTADED - TMW: Selecion Filter for Quota Deduction

TIM_TMW_S_FCAT - Enhanced Field Catalog Using ABAP List Viewer

TIM_TMW_T100_MSG - TMW Message Handler: T100 Message Fields (Transfer Struct.)

TIM_TMW_T100_MSG_INTERNAL - TMW Message Handler: Message Fields T100(Internal Structure)


TIM_TMW_TIMERESULTS_ENTRY - TMW: Time Evaluation Results

TIM_TMW_TIMESTAMP - Business Logic Processor: Time Stamp for Update

TIM_TMW_TIME_DATA - Business Logic Processor: Employee Time Data

TIM_TMW_TIMPAIR_ENTRY - Business Logic Processor: Time Pair Data

TIM_TMW_TIMRES_COMMON - TMW: Period-Independent Time Evaluation Results

TIM_TMW_TIMRES_PERIODIC - TMW: Period-Dependent Time Evaluation Results

TIM_TMW_UPDATE_IT - Transfer Structure for Infotype Update

TIM_TMW_UPDATE_IT_ENTRY - Infotype and Additional Data

TIM_TMW_WORKLIST_COMMON - TMW: Period-Independent Messages in Worklist

TIM_TMW_WORKLIST_ENTRY - TMW: Time Management Pool Entry

TIM_TMW_WORKLIST_PERIODIC - TMW: Period-Dependent Messages in Worklists

TIM_TPROG_ENTRY - Work Schedule Structure

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