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THXS_BUSTRANSCAT - Treasury: Range Structure for the Business Tx. Category

THXS_BUSTRANSID - Treasury: Range Structure for Business Tx. Id

THXS_BUSTRANS_STATE - Treasury: Range Structures for Business Tx. State

THXS_CALC_CLASS_LOG - Data for Classification Log

THXS_CLASS_HREL - Hedging relationship for classification


THXS_DETAILED_LOG_DATA - Log: all information for thx

THXS_DISP_DEALS - Display of transaction data during partial sale

THXS_DISP_DEALS_INIT - Display of transaction data for hedge initialization

THXS_DISP_DIFF_CRIT - Display Structure for Hedge Instrument

THXS_DISP_FLOWS - List of affected flows with decreasing quantity category

THXS_DISP_FLOW_HINST - Display Structure for Hedge Instrument flows

THXS_DISP_FLOW_HITEM - Display Structure for Hedged Item flows

THXS_DISP_HD - Display structure for hypothetical derivative

THXS_DISP_HDOC - Display Structure for Hedging Documentation

THXS_DISP_HD_MAIN - Hypothetical Derivative Basic Information

THXS_DISP_HINST - Display Structure for Hedge Instrument

THXS_DISP_HITEM - Display Structure for Hedged Item

THXS_DISP_HREL - Display Structure for Hedging Relationship

THXS_DISP_HREL_FLOWS - Display Structure for all flows in hrel

THXS_DISP_HR_TESTPLAN - Display Structure for Hedging - Effectivity Test Plan

THXS_DISP_HR_TRANS - Treasury: Display Hedging Business Transactions

THXS_DISP_OPEN_ET - Display open BustransId-related ETs

THXS_DISP_PMP - Display structure for hedge position management procedure

THXS_DISP_POSTING_DATA - Display Structure for posting data

THXS_DISP_REVERSAL - Display Structure for reversal

THXS_DISP_REV_POSTING_DATA - Display Structure for rev posting data

THXS_DISP_SEARCH_HINST - Search Structure for By Hedging instrument (range tables)

THXS_DISP_SEARCH_HINST_SEL - Search Structure for By Hedging instrument

THXS_DISP_SEARCH_HITEM - Search Structure for By Hedged item (range tables)

THXS_DISP_SEARCH_HITEM_SEL - Search Structure for By Hedged item

THXS_DISP_SEARCH_HREL - Search Structure for By Hedging relationship (range tables)

THXS_DISP_SEARCH_HRELS - Search Structure for By Hedging relationship

THXS_DISP_SEARCH_HREL_SEL - Search Structure for By Hedging relationship

THXS_DISP_SUBPOS_VOLUMES - Subposition volumes for adjustment during partial sale

THXS_DISP_TRL_FLOWS - Treasury : Display TRL Flows in Hedge

THXS_DISP_WORKAREA - Display Structure for work area

THXS_EFFTEST_DOC - Effectiveness Test Header

THXS_EXP_DATA - Attributes of EXP deals

THXS_EXP_NUM_RANGE - Structure for Number Range for Exposure Subitems

THXS_EXSI_DIFF - Differentiation Criteria for Exposure Subitem

THXS_FISCAL_YEAR - Structure for Range Table for Hedging Rel.

THXS_GROUP_CUST - Structure for Grouping Customizing

THXS_HDOC - Mapping structure for the Hedge doc.

THXS_HDOC_NOTE - Structure for showing the Notes of the HREL in PDF

THXS_HD_NUM_RANGE - Structure for Number Range for Hypothetical Derivatives

THXS_HEDGE_TRL_FLOWS - Help structure for TRL flows in hedge

THXS_HINST - Mapping structure for persistency: Hedge Instrument.

THXS_HINST_DOC - Hedge Instrument documentation structure

THXS_HINST_FLOW - Treasury: Flow for Hedge Instrument

THXS_HINST_MAPPING - Mapping for HINST- Intern and NR number

THXS_HINST_NUMBER - Structure for Range Table for Hedging Instr.

THXS_HINST_NUM_RANGE - Structure for Number Range for Hedging Instruments

THXS_HITEM - Mapping structure for persistency:Hedge Item

THXS_HITEM_CATEGORY - Structure for Range Table for Hedged Item Categories

THXS_HITEM_DOC - Hedged item structure for documentation f Notes

THXS_HITEM_FLOW - Treasury: Flow for Hedge Item

THXS_HITEM_MAPPING - Mapping structure for HITEM intern and NR number

THXS_HITEM_NUMBER - Structure for Range Table for Hedged Item

THXS_HITEM_NUM_RANGE - Structure for Number Range for Hedged Items

THXS_HREL - Mapping Structure Hedge relationship

THXS_HREL_CATEGORY - Structure for Range Table for Hedging Rel. Categories

THXS_HREL_DOC - HRel structure for documentation f Notes

THXS_HREL_GROUPING_1 - Structure for Range Table for Hedging Rel. Groupings 1

THXS_HREL_GROUPING_2 - Structure for Range Table for Hedging Rel. Groupings 2

THXS_HREL_GROUPING_3 - Structure for Range Table for Hedging Rel. Groupings 3

THXS_HREL_INIT - Mapping structure for hedge relationship initialization

THXS_HREL_INIT_POS - Position for Hedging Relationship Initalization


THXS_HREL_LOCK - Structure for the Hedge Relationship Locking Object

THXS_HREL_LOG - Structure for the Hedging Relationship reference

THXS_HREL_NUMBER - Structure for Range Table for Hedging Rel.

THXS_HREL_NUM_RANGE - Structure for Number Range for Hedging Rel.

THXS_HREL_PROFILE - Range Structure for Hedging Relationship Profile

THXS_HREL_UI_CHANGE_DATES - Display Structure for TPM122

THXS_HR_TRANS - Treasury: Hedging Relationship Transactions

THXS_HR_TR_ATTR - Hedge relationship transaction attributes

THXS_LOANS_DATA - Attributes of loan contracts (as hedged items)

THXS_MAINTAIN_SUBPOS_VALS - Maintain the modified subposition values for a transaction

THXS_MD - mapping structure market data

THXS_MD_ACC_KF - Hedge Accounting Key Figures

THXS_MD_ACC_KF_ADMIN - Hedge Accounting Key Figures (Administration)

THXS_MD_ACC_KF_AMNT - Hedge Accounting Key Figures (Amounts)

THXS_MD_ACC_KF_KEY - Semantic Key for Hedge Accounting Key Figures

THXS_MD_ACC_KF_KEY_DB - Semantic Key for Hedge Accounting Key Figures

THXS_MD_ACC_KF_PERS - Hedge Accounting Key Figures

THXS_MD_ACC_KF_RATES - Hedge Accounting Key Figures (Rates)

THXS_MD_ACC_KF_TEXT - Hedge Accounting Key Figures: Texts for display

THXS_MD_CALC_BASIS - structure: market data calculation basis for present value

THXS_MD_CALC_BASIS_SORTED - structure: market data calculation basis for present value

THXS_MD_CHANGE_FLG - structure controls MD maintenance

THXS_MD_CONTAINER - complete market data information for a certain Bus.trans.ID

THXS_MD_DISPLAY - structure display market data

THXS_MD_DISP_ACC_KF - structure accounting key figures for display

THXS_MD_DISP_CALC_BASIS - structure: market data calculation basis for present value

THXS_MD_DISP_ET_YC - market data: yield curve type

THXS_MD_DISP_HEADER_HREL - structure market data display header info hedging relationsh

THXS_MD_DISP_HEADER_TRANS - structure market data display header info

THXS_MD_DISP_HREL_INFO - structure market data hedging relationships information

THXS_MD_DISP_INTR - market data: reference interest rate

THXS_MD_DISP_PV - structure present value for calculation purposes

THXS_MD_DISP_SEC - market data securities quotation information

THXS_MD_DISP_YC - market data: yield curve type

THXS_MD_ET_YC_I - market data: yield curve type

THXS_MD_ET_YC_PERS - market data persistency mapping yield curve type

THXS_MD_HR_PARAM - Structure for Market Data Hedge Parameters

THXS_MD_HR_PARAM_I - Structure for Market Data Hedge Parameters

THXS_MD_HR_PARAM_PERS - Structure for Market Data Hedge Parameters

THXS_MD_INTR_I - market data: reference interest rate

THXS_MD_INTR_PERS - market data persistency mapping reference interest rate

THXS_MD_MAINT_CONTROL - structure market data maintenance control

THXS_MD_NOM_UNITS - market data: present value refers to nominals/units

THXS_MD_PV - structure present value

THXS_MD_PV_CALC_CONTROL - structure present value for calculation purposes

THXS_MD_PV_I - market data: present value structure

THXS_MD_PV_KEY - semantic key for present value

THXS_MD_PV_PERS - market data: persistency mapping present value

THXS_MD_PV_TEXT - structure present value for calculation purposes

THXS_MD_SEC - market data securities quotation information

THXS_MD_SEC_I - market data securities price

THXS_MD_SEC_INFO - market data securities quotation information

THXS_MD_SEC_KEY - semantic key for security price

THXS_MD_SEC_PERS - market data: persistency mapping securities price

THXS_MD_YC_I - market data: yield curve type

THXS_MD_YC_PERS - market data persistency mapping yield curve type

THXS_NUM_RANGE_ASSIGN - Structure to Assign Number Ranges for P-HA

THXS_OS_GUID - Treasury: Range Structure for OS_GUID

THXS_OTC_DATA - Attributes of OTC deals (as hedging instruments)

THXS_PROC_ERR - Display Structure for processing errors FX

THXS_PROFILE_DETAILS - Hedge profile relevant details

THXS_PROS_TEST_DETAILS - Prosp Eff Test Eff Test Method

THXS_REL_HRELS - Search Structure for By Hedging relationship

THXS_RETRO_TEST_DETAILS - Retrosp Eff Test Eff Test Method

THXS_RISK_CATEGORY - Structure for Range Table for Risk Categories

THXS_SECURITY_DATA - Attributes of OTC deals (as hedging instruments)

THXS_SELECT_OPTIONS - Selection Options to Configure Collection Rules

THXS_SUBPOS_VALS_BY_TRANS - Subposition values corresponding to a trl transaction

THXS_TREE_SORT - Treasury : Sort structure for Tree Control

THXS_TRLDATE - Treasury: Range Structure for TRL Date

THXS_TRM_HMD_RELEASE - Release structure for Documenation

THXS_TRM_HME_RELEASE - Release structure for Eff.Test Documentation

THXS_TRM_HM_RELEASE - Release structure for Business transactions

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