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TEXS_ARCH_CTRL - Structure for Exposure Archive Control

TEXS_ATTRIBUTES_OE - Exposure Mgmt addtional Attributes for Organized Exposures

TEXS_ATTRIBUTE_LONG - Range Structure for Long Attributes

TEXS_ATTRIBUTE_MEDIUM - Range Structure for Medium Attributes

TEXS_ATTRIBUTE_SHORT - Range Structure for Short Attribute

TEXS_BAL_INDICATOR - Range structure for Balance Indicator

TEXS_BEHALF_OF_COMPANY - Range Structure of Exposure Type

TEXS_BUSINESS_AREA - Range Structure of Exposure Type

TEXS_COEX_ADMIN - Admin info for Commodity Price Expousure

TEXS_COEX_ATTR - Exposure Attributes for Commodity Price Expousure


TEXS_COEX_BW_EXTRACTION - Extraction structure for Commodity Price Exposures

TEXS_COEX_COMMODITY - Commodity IDs for Commodity Price Exposure

TEXS_COEX_EOD - End of Day Attributes

TEXS_COEX_EXTDOC_ATTR - External Document Attributes for Commodity Price Exposure

TEXS_COEX_EXTERNAL_KEY - Logical external key for Commodity Price Exposure

TEXS_COEX_FIX_AMOUNT - Fix amount info for Commodity Price Expousure

TEXS_COEX_FLOAT_PRICE - Floating prices for Commodity Price Expousure

TEXS_COEX_FTA_ATTR - Financial Transaction Attributes f. Commodity Price Exposure

TEXS_COEX_FTA_CASHFLOW - COEX - FTA: Communication structure for Cashflow

TEXS_COEX_PLAN_PERIOD - Planning Period Info for Commodity Price Exposure

TEXS_COEX_POS_ATTR - Exposure Positions Attributes for Commodity Price Exposure

TEXS_COEX_PRICE_INDEX - Price Index key for Commodity Price Expousure

TEXS_COEX_QUANTITY - Quantity Information for Commodity Price Expousure

TEXS_COMMNCTN_INFO - Information about update of other components

TEXS_COMMNCTN_INFO_ATTR - Information about update of other components

TEXS_CONDITION_TYPE - Condition type

TEXS_COST_CENTER - Range Structure of Exposure Type

TEXS_CREATION_INDICATOR - Range structure for raw exposure creation indicator

TEXS_CTY_COMPONENT - Commodity Component Structure


TEXS_CTY_FLOW_CAT - Range Structure for Commodity Flow Leg Category

TEXS_DIFF_ATTRIBUTES - Attributes differentiating positions

TEXS_DIFF_ATTRIBUTES_T - Texts of Differentiating Attributes

TEXS_DUE_DATE_ATTR - Range Structure of Due Date Attribute

TEXS_EXPC_DERIVE - Derivation of the Exposure Category


TEXS_EXPOSURE_LEG_DCS - DCS based Exposure Leg

TEXS_EXPOSURE_ORIGIN - Range Structure for Exposure Origins


TEXS_EXP_ACTIVITY_TYPE - Structure for Exposure Activity Type

TEXS_EXP_ACTIVITY_TYPE_DEPR - Structure for Exposure Activity Type (Cmty. Risk Deprecated)

TEXS_EXP_APPR_CAT - Range structure for Exposure Approach Category

TEXS_EXP_FLOW_TYPE - Range Structure for Raw Exposure Flow Type

TEXS_EXP_POSITION_ATTR - Exposure Positions Attributes

TEXS_EXP_POSITION_ATTR_T - Texts of Exposure Positions Attributes

TEXS_EXP_TO_HEDGE_DERIVE - Structure for Derivation from Expsoure Management to Hedge

TEXS_EXP_TYPE - Range Structure of Exposure Type

TEXS_EXTERNAL_DOC_NUMBER - Range Structure for External Document Number

TEXS_EXT_DATE_INFO - Exposure Management : External Information for Due Date

TEXS_FB_SEGMENT - Range Structure of Exposure Type

TEXS_FLOW_ATTR - Exposure flow attributes

TEXS_FLOW_ATTR_T - Texts of Exposure Position Flow Attributes

TEXS_FLOW_CAT - Range structure for flow category

TEXS_FLOW_PER - Structure for Mapping of Pers. Class

TEXS_FLOW_PROCESS_STATE - Range Structure for flow processing state

TEXS_FLOW_UI - UI Structure for Exposure Position Flows

TEXS_FREE_ATTR_TEXTS_UI - Texts of Free Attributes

TEXS_HEADER_FREE_ATTR - Raw Exposure Header Free Attributes

TEXS_HEADER_FREE_ATTR_T - Texts of Free Attributes on Raw Exposoure Header

TEXS_HEDGE_MGT_KEYS - Key for Transaction in E-HA

TEXS_HEDGE_MGT_KEYS_T - Texts for Key of Transaction in E-HA

TEXS_ITEM_FREE_ATTR - Free Attributes on Item

TEXS_ITEM_FREE_ATTR_T - Texts of Free Attributes on Raw Exposure Item

TEXS_ITEM_ID - Range Structure for Item ID

TEXS_KEY_FIGURES_UI - Exposure Position Key Figures

TEXS_MP_EXPOSURE_RULE - Range Structure for Market Price Exposure Rule

TEXS_PORTFOLIO - Range Structure of Exposure Type

TEXS_POSFLW_PRICES - Exposure Position Flow Prices Structure

TEXS_POSFLW_PRICES_DATA - Exposure Position Flow Prices Structure - Data Fields

TEXS_POSFLW_PRICES_DCS - Exposure Position Flow Prices Structure - DCS

TEXS_POSFLW_PRICES_KEY - Exposure Position Flow Prices Key Structure - Quotation

TEXS_POSFLW_PRICES_KEY_DCS - Exposure Position Flow Prices Key Structure - DCS

TEXS_POSFLW_PRICES_PER - Exposure Position Flow Prices Persistence Structure

TEXS_POSITION_DETAIL_TREE_ITEM - Exposure Position Details - Flow Tree Item Structure

TEXS_POSITION_DIFF_ATTR - Exposure Position: Mapping Diff Attributes to Position

TEXS_POSITION_F4 - F4 Help Structure for Positions

TEXS_POSITION_ID - Range structure for position ID

TEXS_POSITION_INFO - Information about exposure position

TEXS_POSITION_KEYFIG - calculated key figures for positions

TEXS_POSITION_LOCK - Fields for Lock of Exposure Position

TEXS_POSITION_PER - Structure for mapping of pers. class

TEXS_POSITION_UI - UI Structure of exposure position

TEXS_POS_DATE_INFO - Differentiating Due Date Information of Exposure Position

TEXS_POS_FLOW_MAP - Mapping Exposure Position Flow to Aggregated Flow

TEXS_PREPRO_DATA - Preprocess data for Archiving

TEXS_RAWEXPOS_LOCK - Raw Exposure Lock Structure

TEXS_RAW_EXPID - Raw exposure id

TEXS_RAW_EXPOSURE_UI - Raw Exposure UI Structure

TEXS_RAW_EXPOS_AUTHORITY - Raw Exposure: Structure of Authorization Object

TEXS_RAW_EXPOS_HD - Raw Exposure Header

TEXS_RAW_EXPOS_HD_ATTR - Attributes of a Raw Exposure at Header Level

TEXS_RAW_EXPOS_ID - Range structure for raw exposure ID

TEXS_RAW_EXPOS_ITEM - Raw exposure item (as part of class)

TEXS_RAW_EXPOS_IT_ATTR - Raw Exposure Item Attributes

TEXS_RAW_EXPOS_KEY - Raw exposure key

TEXS_RAW_EXPOS_PER - Raw exposure - transfer structure of persistent class

TEXS_RELEASE_STATE - Range structure for Raw Exposure Release State

TEXS_REXP_FO_IDX_ATTR - Sturcutre of Raw Exposure FO Index Attributes

TEXS_REXP_ITEM_BAS_PRICES - Structure of Line Item Basis Price Data

TEXS_REXP_ITEM_DCS_PRICES - Structure of Line Item DCS Price Data

TEXS_REXP_ITEM_DCS_PRICE_PERIO - Structure of Line Item DCS Price Data Range

TEXS_REXP_ITEM_DELIVERY - Structure for Line Item Deliveyr Data

TEXS_REXP_ITEM_PRICES - Structure of Line Item Price Data

TEXS_REXP_ITEM_PRICE_PERIOD - Structure of Line Item Price Data Range

TEXS_REXP_OVERVIEW_UI - Raw Exposure Overview UI Structure

TEXS_REXP_SUBIT_UI - UI structure for sub raw exposures

TEXS_RISK_CAT - Range structure for risk category

TEXS_RXP_ATTR - Attributes of Raw Expousures for FO TC

TEXS_SELECTIONS - Selection ranges for raw exposure

TEXS_SUBEXPOS_ID - Range structure for sub raw exposure id's

TEXS_SUBITEM_KEY - Key of Subitem

TEXS_SUB_RAW_EXPOS_ATTR - Sub Raw Exposure Attributes

TEXS_TIME - Range Structure for Time

TEXS_TOTAL - Structure for Total of a Key Figure

TEXS_TRANSACTION - Exposure business transaction

TEXS_TRANSACTION_CAT - Range Structure for Raw Exposure Transaction Category

TEXS_TRANSACTION_LOCK - Lock Structure for business transactions

TEXS_TRANSACTION_UI - UI Structure for transaction matching

TEXS_TRM_EM_RELEASE - Treasury: NeXt Exposure Management Release Structure

TEXS_TXN_PRICES - Exposure Transaction Price Details

TEXS_TXN_PRICES_DCS - Exposure Transaction Price Details - DCS

TEXS_USER_DATA - Raw Exposures User Data

TEXS_VERSION - Range Structure for Raw Exposure Version

TEXS_WBS_ELEMENT - Range Structure of Exposure Type

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