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TEWAACTIVATE_OA - Activation for Use of Object and Service Address

TEWAADDTARA - Additional Tare Weight at Weighing

TEWAADDTARAT - Additional Tare Weight at Weighing

TEWABEHGRP - Allocation of Container Categories to Group Types

TEWABEHGRPRCI - Allocation of Container Categories to Group Types

TEWABEHGRPSD - Allocation of Group Types to Material Types

TEWABEHWASTE - Permitted Container Categories for Waste Fraction

TEWABILLREV - Control Adjustment Reversal for Billing-Relevant Processes

TEWABILLTYPE - IS-W: Waste Billing Category

TEWABILLTYPET - IS-W: Texts for Waste Billing Category

TEWABILLTYPEZ - IS-W: Field Allocation for Waste Billing Category

TEWACAL_CUST - Client settings for handling waste disposal calendar

TEWACHECKEO - Definition of Check for Object Allocation to Cont. Location

TEWACHECKSERVICE - Activate Timepoint for Incompleteness Check

TEWACONFPRDCT - Confirmation Cat. Dependent on Service Type and Ser.Provider

TEWACONFSPCCTRLT - specific control for confirmation notes

TEWACONFSPECCTRL - specific control for confirmation notes

TEWACONFSTYPE - Service Type-to-Confirmation Category Allocation Table

TEWACONFTYPE - Confirmation note

TEWACONFTYPET - Texts and values for confirmation notes

TEWACONFTYPEVAL - Evaluation of confirmation note

TEWACONTCATCHAIN - Activation of Container Chain for Container Types

TEWACONTTIM - Minimum Time Frame for Delivery/Removal Order

TEWACTION - Classes That Perform Subsequent Action

TEWACTIONMULT - Assignment of Action Class to Several Document Types

TEWACTIONT - Classes That Perform Subsequent Action

TEWADIALOGPROC - Setting for Start of Single-Screen Transactions in SAP W&R

TEWADMRCHECK - Settings For 'Actual Follow-On Doc' Check Of Debit Memos

TEWADUEDATEDET - Parameter for Due Date Calculation of Charge Notification

TEWADUEDATEDETT - Texts for Parameter Record Fees

TEWAFLEETAREA - Service area for vehicle type

TEWAFLEETCONT - Container categories for vehicle type

TEWAFLEETEMPTYP - Service type for vehicle type

TEWAFOWEIGH - Allocate Front Office Process to Weighing Processes

TEWAFRACTION - Definition of Materials as Waste Fractions

TEWAFRACTIONBEH - Alln. of Container Cats. & Bulk Densities to Waste Fraction

TEWAGROUPCOUNT - Definition of Minimum Number of Containers for a Group


TEWAGUARANTORAAT - Allocation of Waste Billing Categories to Guarantor Contract

TEWAGUARANTORT - IS-W: Texts on Guarantor Category

TEWAGUARANTORZ - IS-W: Allocation of Fields for Guantor Category

TEWAIBASESD - Allocation of IBASE Categories to Material Types

TEWAMIGREQUI - Migration Table for PM Container Log / Block Equipment

TEWAMIGREQUZ - Migration Table for PM Container Log


TEWAPPLICATIONT - Application: Text

TEWAPROPFIELDS - Field Control of Cleaning Object for Property

TEWAPRORATION - Waste-Specific Restriction Dates

TEWARESULT - IS-W: confirmation category

TEWARESULTFGRP - EEWA: Confirmation Field Groups

TEWARESULTFGRPT - EEWA: Text For Confirmation Field Groups

TEWARESULTS - IS-W: Allocation of fields to confirmation category

TEWARESULTT - IS-W: text for confirmation category

TEWARESULTZ - IS-W: Allocation of fields to confirmation category

TEWASALESREFCUST - Allocate Reference Customer to Sales Area

TEWASERVGRPTMPL - Default Values for Service Grouping

TEWASERVICEBILL - Billing-Relevant Fields of Service Frequency

TEWASERVICEGRP - Service Grouping

TEWASERVICEGRPT - Text Table for TEWASERVICEGRP (Service Grouping)

TEWASERVICETAXI - Mapping of Service Frequency Fields to Characteristics

TEWASERVICETMPL - Default Values for Service Type for Service Product

TEWASERVICEUPOS - Subitems for Service Types / Service Products

TEWASERVWDOIPR - Control of Processing for Each Service Type/Service Product

TEWASERVZUS - Table of Keys for Service Interval Grouping

TEWASERVZUST - Texts for Service Interval Grouping

TEWASHIFTS - IS-U Waste: Shifts

TEWASHIFTST - Texts of service types

TEWASLOCPARTNER - Partner Function for Contact Partner for Container Location

TEWASSOCHECK - Classes That Perform Checks By Association

TEWASSOCHECKT - Texts: Classes that Perform Checks by Association

TEWASTARTWEEK - Customizing Start Weeks per Year

TEWATIME - Period Control for Waste Calls

TEWAUPOSADMISBLE - Permissable Waste/Waste Fraction for Subitem

TEWAVHCLPARTNER - Partner Function for Business Partner for Vehicle

TEWAWACAROVERLD - Settings for Handling of Vehicle Overload

TEWAWADEBITCHECK - Settings for Blocks for the Sold-to Party (Customer)

TEWAWASDCHECK - Settings for Verifying Quantities in SD Contract

TEWAWASDCHECKD - Settings for Checking SD Contract Duration

TEWAWASTE - Definition of Material Groups as Waste Fraction

TEWAWASTEFRACT - Allocation of Waste to Waste Fractions

TEWAWATEXTASSGN - Allocation of Text IDs to Text Profiles in Fast Entry Wghng

TEWAWATEXTPRFLS - Text Profiles For Fast Entry In Weighing Transaction

TEWAWATEXTPRFLST - Text Table Text Profiles For Fast Entry In Weighing

TEWAWAWINFO - Weighing Data

TEWAWAWINFOT - Text Table Weighing Data

TEWA_DATACHECK - Data Checking Table

TEWA_EL_001 - Transaction Type for Waste Disposal Installations

TEWA_EL_001T - Texts for Procedure Type at Waste Disposal Facilities

TEWA_EL_002 - Measurement Procedure

TEWA_EL_002T - Texts on Measurement Procedure

TEWA_EL_003 - Sample parameter(s)

TEWA_EL_003T - Texts on Sample Parameters

TEWA_EL_004 - Type of Waste Disposal Facility

TEWA_EL_004T - Type of Waste Disposal Facility

TEWA_EL_005 - Allocation of PM Notification (Coding of Subject) to Op.Log

TEWA_EL_006 - Allocation: Material Types --> Waste

TEWA_EL_007 - Order Types for Waste Disposal Installations

TEWA_EL_007B - Assignment of Cash Journal Business Transact. to WDFac.Types

TEWA_EL_007SD - Field Value Transfer from Weighing Transac. to SD Doc Header

TEWA_EL_007SDP - Field Value Transfer from Weighing Transact. to SD Doc Item

TEWA_EL_007SDT - Field Value Transfer Of Weighing Transact. to Doc Header Txt

TEWA_EL_007SDTP - Field Value Transfer Of Weighing Trans. To Docum. Item Texts

TEWA_EL_007T - Order Types for Waste Disposal Installations

TEWA_EL_ATTR - Maintenance Of Properties For Sample Characteristics

TEWA_EL_ATTRFLD - Maintenance of Sample Characteristics

TEWA_EL_ATVAL - Maintenance Of Characteristic Values Per Characteristic

TEWA_EL_ATVALT - Text table for characteristic values

TEWA_EL_GEO - EEWA Additional Data for GenIL Objects

TEWA_EL_GEOR - EEWA Additional Data GenIL Object Relation

TEWA_EL_OBJBH - Behavioral Control (Behavior)

TEWA_EL_OBJBHA - Behavioral Control Assignment

TEWA_EL_OBJBHFPK - Field Transport Data Provider - Key Assignment

TEWA_EL_OBJBHT - Texts for Behavioral Control

TEWA_EL_OBJBHUIF - Behavioral Control User Interface Fields

TEWA_EL_OBJREAD - Definition of the EEWA object reader

TEWA_EL_OBJREADT - Texts about object readers

TEWA_EL_OBJTRA - Object Transaction Configuration (CL_EEWA_TRANSACTION)

TEWA_EL_OBJTRAM - Object Transaction Configuration (Overriding Clients)

TEWA_EL_OBJTRAT - Object Transaction - Texts

TEWA_EL_OBJTYPE - Definition of EEWA Object Type (Client-Specific)

TEWA_EL_OBJTYPEM - Client-Specific Maintenance of Object Type

TEWA_EL_OBJTYPES - Client-Specific Maintenance of Spec. of Object Type/Reader


TEWA_EL_OBJTYPMT - Text Table for Object Type

TEWA_EL_ORB - EEWA Object Request Broker Configuration

TEWA_EL_ORBP - EEWA Object Request Broker Configuration Parameters

TEWA_EL_ORC - EEWA Object Request Configuration

TEWA_EL_ORCM - EEWA Object Request Configuration Methods

TEWA_EL_ORCP - EEWA Object Request Configuration Parameter

TEWA_EL_ORMH - EEWA Object Request Method Handler

TEWA_EL_PJ_SIG - Registered export function for operations log signature

TEWA_EL_WDF_CHK - Process check when using inacative facilities


TEWA_WA_001 - Hardware Profile Configuration

TEWA_WA_001_LIST - List Structure for TEWA_WA_001

TEWA_WA_002 - Profile Control

TEWA_WA_002_LIST - List Structure for TEWA_WA_002

TEWA_WA_003 - Profile Group

TEWA_WA_003T - Profile Group

TEWA_WA_003_LIST - List Structure for TEWA_WA_003

TEWA_WA_004 - Profile Group (Composition)

TEWA_WA_004_LIST - List Structure for TEWA_WA_004

TEWA_WA_005 - Configuration Field Transfer Weighing Trans. to Weigh. Note

TEWA_WDOC_ACTIV - Activity for Waste Disposal Order Cockpit

TEWA_WDOC_ACTIVT - Activity Texts for Waste Disposal Order Cockpit

TEWA_WDOC_CSTF - WDOC Customizing Functions

TEWA_WDOC_CSTM - Customizing for Waste Disposal Order Cockpit

TEWA_WDOC_SD - WDOC Customizing For SD Activities (CANCELATION, DMR, CMR)

TEWA_WDOC_SD_H - Field Value Transfer From WDO Item To SD Document Header

TEWBUSSTAT - TEW: STEP Business Status

TEWBUSSTATT - TEW: STEP Business Status Description

TEWCHECK - Classes that Perform Checks

TEWCHECKT - Texts: Classes that Perform Checks

TEWDEFAULTSTEP - Default Business Process Step

TEWDOC2DATATYPE - Mapping from Document Category to Data Type

TEWEIGHINGTYPE - Weighing Data Type

TEWEIGHINGTYPET - Text for Weighing Data Type

TEWENHANCE - Classes for Data Enhancement

TEWENHANCET - Classes for Data Enhancement

TEWFILTER - Classes That Filter Out Documents Before Display

TEWFILTERT - Classes That Filter Documents Out Of Display: Texts

TEWGROUP - Grouping of Business Process Steps

TEWGROUPT - Grouping of Business Process Steps

TEWINTERSRV - Winter Maintenance Level

TEWINTERSRVT - Texts for Winter Maintenance Level

TEWMODE - Mode of the Step of a Business Process

TEWMODET - Mode of the Step of a Business Process: Texts

TEWMSERIAL - EWM Serial Number Profile settings

TEWOCODE - Alloc. of Message Codes to Order Texts

TEWOCODES - Order Codes

TEWOCODEST - Order Codes (Texts)

TEWOCODET - Allocation of Message Codes to Order Cats (Texts)

TEWSCEN2ACK - Assignment of Association Check Classes

TEWSCEN2CHK - Assignment of Check Classes

TEWSCEN2ENH - Assignment to Classes that Perform Enhancement

TEWSCEN2FLT - Assignment of Classes that Perform Filtering

TEWSCENARIO - Business Scenario

TEWSCENARIOT - Business Scenario: Text

TEWSELECT - Initial Step in Data Selection

TEWSTEP - Business Process Step

TEWSTEP2CL - Assignment to Classes that Perform Action

TEWSTEP2ENH - Enhancement Class for Step

TEWSTEP2FLT - Filter Class for Step

TEWSTEP2OP - Classification of an Operation

TEWSTEP2OPT - Classification of an Operation

TEWSTEP2PARA - Parameters for Action

TEWSTEPGROUP - Grouping of Business Process Steps

TEWSTEPT - Step of the Business Process: Texts

TEWTARGETSEL - Initial Step of Data Selection for Target Documents

TEWTCGROUP - Trading Contract Groups

TEWTCGROUPT - Trading Contract Groups

TEWTYPE - Trading Execution Workbench Type

TEWTYPET - Trading Exection Workbench Type: Texts

TEWVTCODE - Variant Transactions of an Action Class

TEWVTCODE_TMP - Variant Transactions of an Action Class

TEW_TYPE_RANGE - Range Structure for TEW Type

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