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T7AR01 - Activity code (CIIU)

T7AR02 - Additional data by Company

T7AR02B - Bank description for Social insurance payments

T7AR02D - Historical Additional data by company

T7AR03 - Activity code (CIIU): T7AR01 Texts

T7AR04 - Workplace Health Insurers (ART) code

T7AR05 - Additional information by Company

T7AR06 - Ministry of Labor activity code

T7AR07 - Ministry of Labor activity code: T7AR06 texts

T7AR08 - Code of position held for MySimplification

T7AR09 - Code of position held: T7AR08 texts

T7AR0P - Personnel area/subarea additional information

T7AR10 - Allocation special schooling assistance by establishmnt type

T7AR11 - Additional information by subtype

T7AR1P - Contribution reduction area

T7AR20 - Date for final settlement of income for financial year

T7AR21 - Contract category code for SIJP

T7AR22 - Contract category code for SIJP: Texts T7AR21

T7AR23 - Assignment of contract category to contract type AR

T7AR24 - Locality code for SIJP

T7AR25 - Locality code for SIJP: T7AR24 texts

T7AR26 - Employee grouping for Social Insurance contributions

T7AR27 - Employee groupings for SI contributions: Texts T7AR26

T7AR28 - Assignment of SIJP periods to settled payrolls

T7AR2P - Percentage of contribution reduction to Internal Rev. (DGI)

T7AR30 - Types of work contract in Argentina

T7AR31 - Social Insurance employee subgroups: Allocations

T7AR32 - Percentage of contribution reduction by contract type

T7AR33 - Contribution reduction percentage by employee subgroups

T7AR34 - Welfare Fund code

T7AR35 - Social Project code: T7AR34 texts

T7AR36 - Private Pension Fund Companies (AFJP) code

T7AR37 - Private Pension Fund Companies (AFJP) code: T7AR36 texts

T7AR38 - Employee activity code

T7AR39 - Employee activity code: T7AR38 texts

T7AR3P - Contribution reduction zone: T7AR1P texts

T7AR40 - Contract types in Argentina

T7AR41 - Contract types in Argentina: T7AR40 texts

T7AR42 - Social Insurance employee subgroup grouping

T7AR43 - Social Insurance employee subgroup grouping: T7AR42 texts

T7AR44 - Scale for Welfare Fund distribution percentages

T7AR45 - Additional information for absences

T7AR46 - Welfare Fund plans

T7AR47 - Assign pay scale (II) to collective agreement class

T7AR48 - Grouping for pay scale processing

T7AR49 - Text of grouping for pay scale processing

T7AR4P - Personnel area/subarea: Social Ins. and family allow. data

T7AR50 - Income tax categories

T7AR51 - Income tax categories: T7AR50 texts

T7AR52 - Wage type allocation to income tax category

T7AR53 - Limits and values by income tax category

T7AR54 - Income scale for income tax calculation

T7AR55 - Income tax deduction destination entities

T7AR56 - Income Tax - Deductions reduction

T7AR59 - Assign pay scale (II) to collective agreement class

T7AR5P - Family allowance areas: Codes

T7AR60 - Relationship between fam. mem type and family allowance type

T7AR61 - Rules for generating family allowance wage types

T7AR61C - Rules for generating family allowance wage types

T7AR62 - Grouping for Social Insurance contribution factoring

T7AR63 - Text for grouping of Social Insurance contribution factoring

T7AR64 - Conversion of currency values

T7AR65 - Pay scale agreement category identification

T7AR66 - Internal Revenue Service (DGI) agency code

T7AR67 - Internal Revenue Service (DGI) agency code: T7AR66 texts

T7AR68 - Guaranteed net amounts - Groups of deduction rules

T7AR69 - Vacation provision: Calculation wage types

T7AR6P - Family allowance areas: Codes and texts

T7AR70 - Social Insurance contribution percentages

T7AR71 - Internal Revenue (DGI) area category for contributn reductns

T7AR72 - Internal Revenue (DGI) Area Category - Texts

T7AR73 - Assignment of Contribution reduction area to category

T7AR74 - Contribution percentage by Category and Soc. Ins. Type

T7AR75 - Annual Extra Payment (SAC): Off-cycle payroll run data

T7AR76 - Guaranteed net amounts - Wage types transfer of differences

T7AR80 - Employer data according to ANSeS Census Report

T7AR81 - Named person/family member data accord. to ANSeS Census rep.

T7AR82 - Assignment of ANSeS document type

T7AR83 - Assignment of ANSeS province code

T7AR84 - Assignment of ANSeS nationality code

T7AR85 - Assignment of ANSeS marital status code

T7AR86 - Number of employees and Company accord. ANSeS Census selectn

T7AR87 - Reasons for action additional information

T7AR88 - Service character

T7AR89 - Service character: T7AR88 texts

T7AR90 - Rules for calculating compensation

T7AR91 - Assign collective agreement to pay scale type

T7AR92 - Collective agreement

T7AR93 - Collective agreement: T7AR92 text

T7AR94 - Basic wage limit agreement for seniority compensation

T7AR95 - Severance pay code

T7AR96 - Severance pay code: Texts T7AR95

T7AR97 - Assign. sev. pay code to grouping of sev. pay legal norms

T7AR98 - Employee grouping for Severance pay calculation

T7AR99 - Employee grouping for Severance pay calculation: Text

T7ARM1 - My Simplification: Work relationships

T7ARM10 - MS: Courts - Secretariat

T7ARM11 - MS: Courts

T7ARM2 - (Dependents) additional data

T7ARM3 - My simplification: CBU

T7ARM4 - My Simplification: Family links

T7ARM5 - My Simplification: Business activity addresses/addresses

T7ARM6 - My Simplification: Nationality-country code relationship

T7ARM7 - MS: Level of training - school type relationship

T7ARM8 - MS: Postal Code - Town

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