Select data from sap tables SIPT

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SIPT_BKPF - Portugal: Digital Signature for Accounting Documents

SIPT_BKPF_DATE - Signature PT: Chronological Numbering, Last Posting Date

SIPT_BKPF_SELECTED - Selected fields of BKPF for SAFT

SIPT_CBC_NUMBR_FI - CBC structure of maintenance view SIPT_NUMBR_FI_V

SIPT_CCODE_FI - Signature PT: Relevant Foreign Company Code for FI

SIPT_CCODE_FI_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_CCODE_SD - Signature PT: Relevant Foreign Company Code for SD

SIPT_CCODE_SD_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_CERT - Signature PT: Certification Data

SIPT_CLNT - Client Dependent Settings for Digital Signature Portugal

SIPT_CM_EXTREF_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_CM_EXT_REF - Long external References to Credit memo

SIPT_CM_REF - Credit Memo References as external/Non Signed invoice

SIPT_CM_REF_SVC - Customizing table to enable/disable service order ref to CM

SIPT_CM_REF_S_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_CM_REF_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_FCC_VKORG - Signature PT: Relevant Sales Org. for Foreign Company Code

SIPT_FCC_VKORG_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_FC_SD_WRK_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_FKART_EXT - Signature PT: Billing types for External Documents

SIPT_FKART_EXT_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_GAPS_BKPF - Digital Signature Portugal: Gaps for FI Documents

SIPT_GAPS_BKPF_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_GAPS_LIKP - Digitial Signature Portugal: Gaps for Delivery Documents

SIPT_GAPS_LIKP_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_GAPS_OIG - Digitial Signature Portugal: Gaps for Delivery Documents

SIPT_GAPS_RBKP - Digitial Signature Portugal: Gaps for MM Documents

SIPT_GAPS_VBRK - Digital Signature Portugal: Gaps for SD Documents

SIPT_GAPS_VBRK_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_GAPS_WBRK - Settlement Management:Gaps for Settlement Documents

SIPT_GAPS_WBRK_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_HIST_KUNNR - Signature PT: History specific customer data for print out

SIPT_HIST_MATNR - Signature PT: History of material descriprion changes

SIPT_IF_BKPF - Portugal: Digital Signature at Interface Acc. Documents

SIPT_IF_LIKP - Portugal: Digital Signature for Delivery Document

SIPT_IF_VBRK - Portugal: Digital Signature for Interface Billing Document

SIPT_IS_OIL_S_DELIVERY_DOC - Delivery Document Structure in SAFT-PT MovementOfGoods

SIPT_KUNNR_ADDR - Signature PT: Address data of customer

SIPT_LAST_KUNNR - Signature PT: Latest specific customer data for check

SIPT_LAST_MATNR - Signature PT: Latest material texts for check

SIPT_LIKP - Portugal: Digital Signature for Delivery Document

SIPT_NUMBR_FI - Signature PT: Relevancy of FI Number range

SIPT_NUMBR_FI_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_NUMBR_MM - Signature PT: Relevancy of Self Billing Number range

SIPT_NUMBR_MM_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_NUMBR_OBD - Signature PT: Relevancy of Delivery Number range

SIPT_NUMBR_OBD_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_NUMBR_OIG - Siganture PT : Customizing Table for Signature in IS-OIL

SIPT_NUMBR_OIG_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_NUMBR_SD - Signature PT: Relevancy of Billing Number range

SIPT_NUMBR_SD_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_NUMBR_SET - Signature PT: Relevancy of Settelemenet Number range

SIPT_NUMBR_SET_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_NUMLOCK - Signature PT: Everlasting lock of corrupted number range

SIPT_NUMLOCKFI_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_NUMLOCKSD_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_NUMST_FI - Signature PT: Starting point for FI documents

SIPT_NUMST_FI_V1 - Generated Table for View

SIPT_NUMST_MM - Signature PT: Starting point for Self Billing

SIPT_NUMST_OBD - Signature PT: Delivery Document Number From

SIPT_NUMST_OBD_C - Signature PT: Delivery Document Number First Document Number

SIPT_NUMST_OBD_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_NUMST_OIG - Signature PT: Number From in IS-OIL Process

SIPT_NUMST_SD - Signature PT: Billing Document Number From

SIPT_NUMST_SD_V1 - Generated Table for View

SIPT_NUMST_SET - Signature PT: settelement document Number From

SIPT_OBD_GD - Portugal Digital Signature: Global Deliveries

SIPT_PRINT_CHK - Table for logging printing in FI/SD/FI-CA

SIPT_RBKP - Portugal: Digital Signature for Self Billing Document

SIPT_REG - Digital Signature Portugal: Master Data Registration

SIPT_REG_CAP - Signature Portugal: Registration of DS Capabilities for App.

SIPT_REG_KUNNR - Digitial Signature Portugal: Customer Number Registration

SIPT_REG_MATNR - Digitial Signature Portugal: Material Number Registration

SIPT_REG_WERKS - Digital Signature Portugal: Plant Abroad Registration

SIPT_REL_OIG - Signature PT : IS-OIL Relevant Data

SIPT_REL_OIG_A - Signature PT : IS-OIL Append

SIPT_SDT_FI - Document Types for Simplified Invoices (FI)

SIPT_SDT_FI_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_SDT_OBD - Document Types for Simplified Deliveries

SIPT_SDT_OBD_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_SDT_SD - Document Types for Simplified Invoices (FI)

SIPT_SDT_SD_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_SGLI_FI - Signature PT: Special Processing for Spec. G/L Indicators

SIPT_SGLI_FI_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_SI_FI - Document Types for Simplified Invoices (FI)

SIPT_SI_FI_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_SI_SD - Document Types for Simplified Invoices (FI)

SIPT_SI_SD_V - Generated Table for View

SIPT_S_COMPANY_ODATA - Seller description for printing program - oData

SIPT_S_DELIVERY_DOC - Delivery Document Structure in SAFT-PT MovementOfgoods

SIPT_S_DELIVERY_DOCS_ALV - Structure for SIPT ALV Delivery Documents

SIPT_S_INTERVALS_FI - Signature Portugal: Numbering Intervals in FI

SIPT_S_INTERVALS_MM - Signature Portugal: Numbering Intervals in MM

SIPT_S_INTERVALS_OBD - Signature Portugal: Numbering Intervals in OBD

SIPT_S_INTERVALS_OIG - Signature Portugal: Numbering Intervals in IS-OIL

SIPT_S_INTERVALS_SD - Signature Portugal: Numbering Intervals in SD

SIPT_S_INTERVALS_SET - Signature PT: Numbering Intervals in Settlement

SIPT_S_INTERVAL_SEL - Signature Portugal: Selection for Numbering Intervals

SIPT_S_INTERVAL_SEL_MM - Signature Portugal: Selection for Numbering Intervals

SIPT_S_INVHEADER - Header Structure for Printing Digital Invoices (Portugal)

SIPT_S_INVHEADER_ODATA - Header Structure for Printing Digital Invoices (PT) - oData

SIPT_S_INVH_NOOV - Header Struc. for Digital Invoices (Portugal) not overrid.

SIPT_S_INVH_OV - Hdr Struc. for Printing Digital Invoices - overridable

SIPT_S_INVITEM - Item Structure for Printing Digital Invoices (Portugal)

SIPT_S_INVITEM_ODATA - Item Structure for Printing Digital Invoices (PT) - oData

SIPT_S_INVPARTY - Party description for printing program

SIPT_S_INVPARTY_ODATA - Party description for printing program - oData

SIPT_S_INVQRCODE - QR-Code data for Printing Digital Invoices (Portugal)

SIPT_S_INVQRCODE_ODATA - QR-Code data for Printing Digital Invoices (Portugal)

SIPT_S_INVRETR - Line Return reason for debit/credit Memo (Portugal)

SIPT_S_INVRETR_ODATA - Line Return reason for debit/credit Memo (PT) - oData

SIPT_S_INVTXT - Printed texts for the layout

SIPT_S_INVVAT - VAT Structure for Printing Digital Invoices (Portugal)

SIPT_S_INVVAT_ODATA - VAT Structure for Printing Digital Invoices (PT) - oData

SIPT_S_KEY_DOC_FI - Signature PT: FI document key

SIPT_S_KEY_DOC_SD - Signature PT: SD document key

SIPT_S_KEY_DOC_VALIDITY_FI - Signature PT: Validity date and time of FI document

SIPT_S_KEY_DOC_VALIDITY_SD - Signature PT: Validity date and time of SD document

SIPT_S_KUNNR - Signature PT: Customer number in document for history

SIPT_S_KUNNR_DOC_FI - Signature PT: KUNNR in FI document

SIPT_S_KUNNR_DOC_SD - Signature PT: KUNNR in SD document

SIPT_S_KUNNR_VALIDITY - Signature PT: Validity (date/time) of customer master data

SIPT_S_MATNR - Signature PT: Material number in document for history

SIPT_S_MATNR_DOC_FI - Signature PT: MATNR in FI document

SIPT_S_MATNR_DOC_SD - Signature PT: MATNR in SD document

SIPT_S_MATNR_SIGNED_DOCUMENTS - Signature PT: Material used in signed FI documents

SIPT_S_MATNR_VALIDITY - Signature PT: Validity (date/time) of material master data

SIPT_S_OBDHEADER - Header Structure for Printing Digital Deliveries (Portugal)

SIPT_S_OBDQRCODE - QR-Code data for Printing Digital Invoices (Portugal)

SIPT_S_PRINV_FW - Font Width Description for Invoice Printing (Portugal)

SIPT_S_QRCODE - QR-Code data for Printing Digital Invoices (Portugal)

SIPT_S_VBELN_KUNNR - Signature PT: Customer number in billing document

SIPT_S_VBELN_MATNR - Signature PT: Material number in billing document

SIPT_S_VERSION_KUNNR - Signature PT: Version of a customer address data

SIPT_S_VERSION_MATNR - Signature PT: Version of a material description

SIPT_S_VER_KUNNR_DOC_FI - Signature PT: Customer version data of FI document

SIPT_S_VER_KUNNR_DOC_SD - Signature PT: Customer version data of SD document

SIPT_S_VER_MATNR_DOC_FI - Signature PT: Customer version data of FI document

SIPT_S_VER_MATNR_DOC_SD - Signature PT: Customer version data of SDdocument

SIPT_VBRK - Portugal: Digital Signature for Billing Document

SIPT_VBRK_DATE - Signature PT: Chronological Numbering, Last Billing Date

SIPT_VER_KUNNR - Signature PT: Versions of customer address data

SIPT_VER_MATNR - Signature PT: Versions of material description changes

SIPT_WBRK - Portugal: Digital Signature for settlement document

SIPT_WBRK_DATE - Settlement Management: Last posting date table

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