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RSRADIOMON - User-specific Settings (Radio Buttons)

RSRANGE - Include: Ranges in selection conditions

RSRANGES - Gen. Ranges Structure (132 char.)

RSRASSUSER - Assignment of users to user groups

RSRA_BB_LOG - Log-Table for the Batch Runs of the ResultSet Precalculation

RSRA_BB_PARAM - Parameter Table for Bucket Setting

RSRA_BB_PARAMT - Text Table for the BB Settings Parameters

RSRA_BC_AUTH - Display Auth. for Precalculated Templates by Redirect URL

RSRA_BC_LOG - Log Table for the Batch Runs for Precalculating Template

RSRA_BP - Global Settings for Batch Printing

RSRA_BP_OBJECTS - Parts of the Batch Printing Setting

RSRA_BP_OBJECTST - Batch Printing Setting Column Headers

RSRA_BP_RTXTF - Report Agent BP Transport Copy/Versioning of rtxth

RSRA_BP_RTXTH - Report Agent BP Transport Copy/Versioning of rtxth

RSRA_BP_RTXTL - Report Agent BP Transport Copy/Versioning of rtxtl

RSRA_BP_RTXTT - Report Agent BP Transport Copy Versioning of rtxtt

RSRA_BT_PARAM - General Parameter Table

RSRA_BT_PARAMS - Parameter Table for Template Setting

RSRA_BT_PARAMT - Text Table for Parameters of BT Settings

RSRA_ER_CAM_CONT - Parameter Container for Follow-Up Action SAP Alert Mgt.

RSRA_ER_DRILL - Drill Characteristics for the Exception Reporting Setting

RSRA_ER_FOLLOWUP - Follow-Up Actions for Reporting Agent Exception Reporting

RSRA_ER_LOG - Log Information for an RA Setting

RSRA_ER_LOGN - Log Table for Batch Runs of Exception Reporting

RSRA_ER_LOG_DATA - Table of Logged Data Cells

RSRA_ER_LOG_ENTR - Log Entries for every Exception

RSRA_ER_LOG_IX - BW: Cluster Table for Report Agent Exception Log

RSRA_ER_PARAM - Parameter Table for Exception Setting

RSRA_ER_PARAMT - Text Table for Parameters of ER SEttings

RSRA_ER_PROP - Details of Follow-up Actions

RSRA_IXDS - Cluster table for storing the key for the DataStore

RSRA_JOB - Directory of the Report Agent Jobs

RSRA_MESSAGE - Data for the Message Object

RSRA_MX_DATA - Data Store for Result Sets for MDX Precalculation

RSRA_MX_LOG - Log Table for the Batch Run of MDX Precalculation

RSRA_MX_PARAM - Parameter Table for MDX Setting

RSRA_MX_PARAMT - Text Table for Parameters of MDX Settings

RSRA_PACKAGE - Scheduling Packages for the Report Agent

RSRA_PACKAGET - Text Table for the Report Agent Packages

RSRA_PACKAGE_MEM - Parts of a Report Agent Job

RSRA_RA_PARAM - General Parameter Table

RSRA_SETTING - Settings for the Report Agent

RSRA_SETTINGT - Text Table for the Report Agent Settings

RSRA_SETTING_BB - RA Settings for Calculating Buckets

RSRA_SETTING_BT - RA Settings for Precalculating Templates

RSRA_SETTING_BTT - Text Table for Template RA Settings

RSRA_SX_ALERT - Data of an alert




RSRA_SX_BCS - Communication Service Instanz Data

RSRA_SX_ENGINE - Data of the Reporting Agent Engine

RSRA_SX_ENGINE_BB - Data of the Exception Reporting Engine

RSRA_SX_ENGINE_BP - Data of the Exception Reporting Engine

RSRA_SX_ENGINE_ER - Data of the Exception Reporting Engine

RSRA_SX_ER_LOG - InfoStructure for Exception Log

RSRA_SX_JOB - InfoStructure for RA Job

RSRA_SX_KWF_JOB - InfoStructure for KWF Folder for RA Job

RSRA_SX_KWF_RAPA - InfoStructure for KWF Folder for RAPA

RSRA_SX_KWF_TMPL - InfoStructure for KWF Folder for Setting

RSRA_SX_MDXINDEX - Index for Precalculated MDX Requests

RSRA_SX_MDXKEY - Key for MDX Precalculation

RSRA_SX_MESSAGE - Data of the Message Object

RSRA_SX_RECIPIENT - Data of the Recipient Object

RSRA_SX_RSPCVARIANT - Information Structure for the RSPC Variant

RSRA_SX_SPLITTERSIZE - Partitioning of a Splitter Control



RSRA_S_AUTH_PACKAGE - Cache for Authorization for Scheduling Packages

RSRA_S_AUTH_SETTING - Authorizations for Settings

RSRA_S_BADI_FILTER - Filter for Alert BADI

RSRA_S_BP - Content of the Batch Printing Settings Screen

RSRA_S_BP_OBJECT - Internal Data Retention in the Class cl_rsra_setting


RSRA_S_CACHE_INDEX - Data Storage Index

RSRA_S_CHANMID_SID - Structure with Chanmid and Sid

RSRA_S_DD_FILTER - Filter for Precalculated DropDown Lists in Web Reporting

RSRA_S_DEVICECLASS - Device Class of a Report Agent Package

RSRA_S_DOC_ID - Complete ID of E-mail Document

RSRA_S_DRAGDROP - Drag and Drop Properties of a Node

RSRA_S_DRAGDROP_MODEL - Drag and Drop Properties of a Node

RSRA_S_ER_ALERTS - Data from the Exception Log

RSRA_S_ER_CAM_CONT_SCREEN - Contents of Parameter for Alert Container

RSRA_S_ER_LOG_NAV_ID - Navigational state ID in Exception Log

RSRA_S_ER_LOG_NODE - Nodes in Exception Log Tree

RSRA_S_ER_LOG_OBJECT_INFO - Information for a Log Entry

RSRA_S_ER_OBJECT - Internal Data Retention in the Class cl_rsra_setting

RSRA_S_ER_PROPERTY - Alert Property

RSRA_S_ER_RECIPIENT - Screen Structure for Addressee Input

RSRA_S_ER_TEXT - Alert Texts

RSRA_S_FIELD_INFO - Field Information

RSRA_S_HIEKEY - Hierarchy Info

RSRA_S_KWF_DOC - Assignment of Document Key to References


RSRA_S_KWF_PAGE - Information Structure for Precalculated HTML Page

RSRA_S_KWF_PAGE_COMP - Information Structure for Precalculated HTML Page

RSRA_S_KWF_TEMPLATE - Template Information

RSRA_S_LANGU - Languages


RSRA_S_MAIL_RECIPIENT - Structure for Assigning E-mail Recipient to the Document ID

RSRA_S_MAIL_REGISTRY - Assignment of Message Objects for Follow-Up Actions

RSRA_S_MESSAGE_PRPTYS - Attributes of the Message Object

RSRA_S_OBJECT_LIST - List of RA Objects

RSRA_S_PACKAGE - Reporting agent scheduling package

RSRA_S_PACKAGENM - Technical Name of a Report Agent Package

RSRA_S_PARAMETER - Parameter Transfer Structure

RSRA_S_RANGE - Structure Range


RSRA_S_RECIPIENT_BCS - References to BCS Recipient Objects

RSRA_S_SCREEN_COMMUNICATION - Screen Structure for Variant Maintenance of the Comm Process

RSRA_S_SCREEN_DELETE_BM - Screen Structure for Delete Screen (Bookmarks)

RSRA_S_SCREEN_EDITOR - Screen-Structure for Text-Edit Control

RSRA_S_SCREEN_MONITOR - Screen Structure for Reporting Agent Monitor

RSRA_S_SCREEN_PACKAGE - Structure for the Screen Fields for the Sched.Packet Maint.

RSRA_S_SCREEN_PS - Screen Structure for Reorganizing the Page Store

RSRA_S_SCREEN_RSPC - Screen Structure for Process Variant Maintenance

RSRA_S_SCREEN_SEARCH - Screen Structure for Search Template

RSRA_S_SCREEN_SETTING - Transfer Structure for Settings Dialog of the Report Agent

RSRA_S_SCREEN_SETTING_BB - Contents of Settings Screen for Bucket Calculation

RSRA_S_SCREEN_SETTING_BP - Content of the Batch Printing Settings Screen

RSRA_S_SCREEN_SETTING_BT - Content of Settings Screen for Precalculating Template

RSRA_S_SCREEN_SETTING_ER - Reporting Agent Exception Reporting Screen (Internal)

RSRA_S_SCREEN_SETTING_MX - Content of Settings Screen for Precalculating Template

RSRA_S_SCREEN_TMPLVAR - Screen-Structure for Text-Edit Control

RSRA_S_SCREEN_VARSET - Screen Structure for Variable Values

RSRA_S_SELECTOR_OBJECT - Tree Structure for Selector

RSRA_S_SETTING - Internal: Class cl_rsra_setting (General Data for Settings)

RSRA_S_SETTING_BT - Data on Settings

RSRA_S_STEP - List of Users/Languages for User-Specific Precalculation

RSRA_S_TREE_ITEM - Data Structure for Filling Report Agent Tree

RSRA_S_URL - Structure for Reporting Agent URL

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