Select data from sap tables REG_

Display SAP table details

REG01 - Screen Fields for Dev.Cat.

REG04 - Screen Fields for Register Group

REG05 - Screen Fields for Winding Descriptns

REG07 - Screen Fields for Input/Output Group

REG11 - Screen Fields for Dev. Modif.

REG12 - Screen Fields for Dev.

REG15 - Screen Flds for Command

REG30 - Screen Fields: Inst./Rem./Repl./Break Up

REG30_AUTO_ZW_MOD - Automation Data for Modification of Registers in Inst./Rep.

REG30_D - Screen Fields: Inst./Removal/Repl./Break Up (Display)

REG30_DEV - Data for Device Table Control for Inst, Removal, Etc.

REG30_DEV_A - Data of Old Device Table Control for Inst./Removal/Repl.

REG30_DEV_A_ICON - Icons of old table control for installation, removal, etc.

REG30_DEV_E - Data of Old Device Table Control for Inst./Removal/Repl.

REG30_DEV_E_I - Input Data of Old Device Table Control for Inst., Etc.

REG30_DREG_EQUI_INST_REL - Change to Installation Alloction of Devices

REG30_F4 - Scr. Fields Installation/Removal/Replacement/Breakup F4_HELP

REG30_GERA - Data at Device Level for EG30 - EG36

REG30_I - Screen Fields: Inst./Removal/Repl./Break Up (Input)

REG30_I_AC - Screen Fields for I/R/R Action Screen (Input)

REG30_I_GMVT_N - Screen Fields for I/R/R Work List (Input): New Goods Mvmnt

REG30_I_GMVT_O - Screen Fields for I/R/R Work List (Input): Old Goods Mvmnt

REG30_I_WL - Screen Fields for I/R/R Work List (Input)

REG30_ZW - Screen Fields: Inst./Removal/Repl./Break Up (Table Control)

REG30_ZW_A - Screen Fields for old Device: Inst./Rem./Repl./Terminate

REG30_ZW_C - Data at register level for EG30 - EG36

REG30_ZW_C_A - Register Data for EG30 - EG36 (Old Device)

REG30_ZW_C_E - Register Data for EG30 - EG36 (New Device)

REG30_ZW_E - Screen Fields (New Device): Inst./Removal/Repl./Terminate

REG30_ZW_I - Input Fields: Inst./Removal/Repl./Break Up (Table Control)

REG30_ZW_I_A - Input Fields (Old Device): Inst./Rem./Repl./Terminate

REG30_ZW_I_E - Input Fields (New Device): Inst./Rem./Repl./Terminate

REG30_ZW_I_E_VIRT - Screen fields for virtual device input

REG30_ZW_I_SUPPRESS_MIGRATION - Register Fields to be Retained During Migration

REG35 - Screen Fields for Installation/Removal/Replacement

REG35_GMVT_A_S - Screen Fields: Reversal Removal for Goods Movement

REG35_GMVT_E_S - Screen Fields: Installation Reversal for Goods Movement

REG42_AMI_DEVICE_STAT - AMI: Device Status

REG42_AMI_DEVICE_STAT_DISP - AMI: Screen Fields for Device Status

REG42_DEV - Device Modification: Display Data at Device Level

REG42_DEV_INPUT - Device Mod.: Input Data at Device level

REG42_DEV_INPUT_FLAG - Device Modification: Device Data for Control Flag

REG42_DEV_INPUT_FLAG_KEY - Device Modification Key: Device Data for Control Flag

REG42_DEV_INPUT_LAST_TIMSLICE - Device Mod.: Input Data at Device level

REG42_DREG_DEVICE_MODIFICATON - Device Modification: Device List for IDOC Generation

REG42_INTERFACE - Device Modification: Interface Data

REG42_THGVER - Device Mod.: Check Relevant Fields of Therm. Gas Procedure

REG42_ZW - Device Modification: Display Data at Register Level

REG42_ZW_INPUT - Device Modification: Input Data at Register Level

REG42_ZW_INPUT_FLAG - Dev. Modification: Register Data for Control Flag

REG42_ZW_INPUT_FLAG_KEY - Dev. Modification Key: Register Data for Control Flag

REG42_ZW_INPUT_LAST_TIMSLICE - Device Mod.: Input Data at Reg. Level for Last Time Slice

REG42_ZW_INPUT_NEW_LOGIKZW - Dev.Mod.: Input Data at Reg. Level for New Logical Register

REG60 - Screen Fields: Logical Register No. (Display)

REG60_N - Screen Fields: New Allocation of Logical Reg.Numbers

REG60_O - Screen Fields: Old Allocation of Logical Reg.Numbers

REG70 - Screen Fields: Rate Data for Inst. Str. (Display)

REG70_D - Screen Fields: Rate Data for Inst. Structure at Dev. Level

REG70_R - Screen Fields: Rate Data for Inst. Struct. at Register Level

REG72 - Screen Fields for Dev. Alloc. (Display)

REG72_D - Screen Fields for Dev. Alloc. at Device Level

REG72_R - Screen Fields for Dev. Alloc. at Register level

REG75 - Screen Fields: Reg.Relationship

REG75_H - Screen Fields: Register Relationship - Header

REG75_ZW - Screen Fields: Reg. Relationship (Table Ctrl)

REG75_ZW_I - Screen Fields: Reg. Relationship (Table Ctrl) Input

REG79 - Screen Fields for Control Param.: Periodic Repl.

REG80 - Screen Fields for Sample

REG83 - Screen Fields for Lot Creation

REG84 - Screen Flds for Determining Lot Devices

REG85 - Scrn Flds for Samp. Inspec. Drwng

REG88 - Screen Fields for Repl. List

REG90 - Screen Fields for Order Creation

REG97 - Screen Fields for Certif.

REGCFLDS - RE Contract: Work and Screen Fields

REGCFLDS_FE - Screen Fields for Contract Fast Entry

REGEN - General Fields for IS-U Function Module Interfaces

REGEXMATCH - Match of a Regular Expression

REGIONDEPENDENTLANGUAGE_NAME1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

REGIONS - Names of Regions

REGION_CODE1 - Proxy Struktur (generiert)

REGION_CODE11 - Proxy Structure (generated)

REGION_CODE12 - Proxy Structure (generated)

REGION_CODE8 - Proxy Structure (generated)

REGION_CODE_CONTEXT_ELEMENTS - Proxy Structure (generated)

REGION_CODE_CONTEXT_ELEMENTS1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

REGION_S_CONF - Region with Time Zone

REGIO_RANGE - Structure with ranges for regional structure group



REGISTER_APPLICATION_REQUEST2 - Proxy Structure (generated)

REGISTER_APPLICATION_REQUEST3 - Proxy Structure (generated)



REGISTER_APPLICATION_RESPONSE2 - Proxy Structure (generated)

REGISTER_APPLICATION_RESPONSE3 - Proxy Structure (generated)

REGREADEVBS - Registers to be Read for Premise

REGS_DATA_POINTS - Data Points of Regression Calculation

REGS_REGR_CL - Lin. Reg. Attr. for Pers. Class

REGS_REGR_DATA - Parameters & Output Data of Regression Calculation

REGTS_F_DISTRIB - F Distribution Table

REGTS_T_DISTRIB - T Distribution Table

REGTXT_EX - Text for Super Region

REGT_DATA_POINTS - Data Points of Regression Calculation

REGT_REGR_DATA - Parameters & Output Data of Regression Calculation

REGU1_LST - Payment data - totals by business area

REGU2_LST - Payment data - totals by country

REGU3_LST - Payment data - totals by currency

REGU4_LST - Payment Data - Totals per Payment Method

REGU5_LST - Payment data - totals per bank

REGUA - Change of payment proposals: user and time

REGUD - Form print transfer data

REGUE - Line items from the settlement in the payment proposal

REGUH - Settlement data from payment program

REGUHH - REGUH version before the 'n'th change

REGUHM - Payment Data for Cross-Payment Run Payment Medium

REGUHM_LST - Cross-Payment Run Payment Medium Creation: Reporting

REGUHO - REGUH version before the 'n'th change

REGUHX - REGUH extension for the payment request

REGUH_1830 - Transfer REGUH to BTE 00001830 in payment program

REGUH_APP - Additional data for REGUH

REGUH_BF - Payment Data (Neutral Communication Structure)

REGUH_CORE_D - Payment Data (Neutral Communication Structure)

REGUH_CSF_PRL - Modifiable Fields

REGUH_FM - Budget data section of payment data

REGUH_FMFG - U.S. Federal Government ISPS

REGUH_LST - Payment data (neutral communication structure)

REGUH_WFA - Maintenance of Proposal Run: Workflow Package per Account

REGUH_WFR - Maintenance of Proposal Run: Workflow Rules per Proposal Run

REGUH_WFS - Maintenance of Proposal Run: Workflow Sts per Work Package

REGUO - Extract from the payment records for online list

REGUP - Processed items from payment program

REGUPO - Line item status before the 'n'th change

REGUPW - W/tax information per w/tax type/FI line item in pmnt run

REGUPW_REP - REGUPW for reporting purposes

REGUP_1830 - Transfer REGUP to BTE 00001830 in payment program

REGUP_BF - Paid items (neutral communication structure)

REGUP_CONV_TRG - REGUP Conversion Trigger

REGUP_CORE - Processed Items from Payment Program

REGUP_CORE_D - Paid Items (Neutral Communication Structure)

REGUP_LST - Paid items (neutral communication structure)

REGUP_MWSKZ_NEW - Supplement for MWSKZ extension in Clsuter Table REGUP

REGUP_PRQ - Additional data for payment requests in REGUP

REGUP_PRQK - Additional key fields for payment requests in REGUP

REGUP_S_1821_PRL - Transfer Structure Process 1821( F110)

REGUS - Acounts blocked by payment proposal

REGUSRT - Help fields for sorting the payment data

REGUS_SEPA - SEPA Mandate Lock: Applications To Be Retrieved

REGUT - TemSe - Administration Data

REGUTA - Paying Company Codes for DME Files

REGUV - Control records for the payment program

REGUVM - Payment Data for Cross-Payment Run Payment Medium

REGUVM_H - Decision for Cross-Payment-Run Payment Media (BAdI)

REGUV_BF - Payment run identification (neutral communication structure)


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