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P2001 - HR Time Record: Absences Infotype (2001)

P2001_AF - Additional Query Fields

P2002 - HR Time Record: Infotype 2002 (Attendances)

P2002_AF - Additional Query Fields

P2003 - HR Time Record: Infotype 2003 (Substitutions)

P2003_AF - Additional Query Fields

P2004 - HR Time Record: Infotype 2004 (Availability)

P2004_AF - Additional Query Fields

P2005 - HR Time Record: Infotype 2005 (Overtime)

P2005_AF - Additional Query Fields

P2005_BREAK - Breaks for Overtime

P2006 - HR Time Record: Infotype 2006 (Absence Quotas)

P2006X - Infotype 2006 with Change Indicator

P2006_AF - Additional Query Fields

P2007 - HR Time Record: Infotype 2007 (Attendance Quotas)

P2007X - Infotype 2007 with Change Indicator

P2007_AF - Additional Query Fields

P2010 - HR Time Record: Infotype 2010 (Employee Remuneration Info.)

P2010_AF - Additional Query Fields

P2011 - HR Time Record: Infotype 2011 (Time Events)

P2011_AF - Additional Query Fields

P2012 - HR Time Record: Infotype 2012 (Time Transfer Specifications)

P2012_AF - Additional Query Fields

P2013 - HR Time Record: Infotype 2013 (Quota Corrections)

P2013_AF - Additional Query Fields

P2050 - HR Time Record: Infotype 2050 (Annual Calendar)

P2050_AF - Additional Query Fields

P2051 - HR Time Record: Infotype 2051 (Monthly Calendar)

P2051_AF - Additional Query Fields

P2052 - HR Time Record: Infotype 2052 (Weekly Calendar)

P2052_AF - Additional Query Fields

P20ABS_RMB - RMB Structure for Norway Reimbursement

P20P_EMPDIR_CLS_TYPE - Structure for SPK Employee Directory

P20P_EMPDIR_KEY_TYPE - Structure for SPK Cluster Employee Directory key

P20P_EMP_KEY_TYPE - Structure for SPK Cluster Employee Messages key

P20P_LGART_AP - Stores the wage type charactertics for additional positions

P20P_SPKH - Structure for SPK header

P20P_SPKM - Structure for SPK Status and Change messages

P20P_SPKM_CHAR - Structure for SPK Status and Change messages

P20P_SPKM_DISP - Structure To Diplay SPK result

P20P_SPKM_PROC - Structure To Diplay SPK result

P20P_SPK_CLS_TYPE - Structure for SPK Cluster batch

P20P_SPK_KEY_TYPE - Structure for SPK Cluster batch key

P20P_SST - SST report : Record structure

P20R1 - Structure used for Feature VRMB2

P20SK - EDAG - structure for granularity

P20WR - EDAG - structure for Employment reporting features

P20_1025_1 - Til Skatteoppkreveren and Fra Arbeidsgiver

P20_1025_4 - Sammendrag av lønns- og trekkoppgaver

P20_AACFI - AA Register Statuskontroll file structure - Norway.

P20_AAMFI - AA Register structure for Løpende meldingsgang - Norway

P20_AAMST - AA-Register message structure

P20_AAREG - Result structure for AA-Registeret - relevant master data

P20_AA_LIMIT_HOURS - Norwegian AA-register 4-hours-limit for work time

P20_AA_WORK_TIME - AA-register weekly working time

P20_ABSENCE - Merged and classified absence

P20_ABSSEG - Norwegian attributes for an absence evaluation segment

P20_ALTINN2_AUTH - User authentication for Altinn II

P20_ALTINN2_ERC - ERC Cluster for Altinn-2

P20_ALTINN2_KEY - ERC Cluster Key for Altinn-2

P20_ALTINN_DETAILS - The structure of RFC that send Data to Altinn

P20_ALTINN_HEADER - Altinn Header Detals

P20_ATBAL - Norwegian ATS Structure for Balance Sheet

P20_ATCMP - Company details

P20_ATCRT - Norwegian annual tax wagetype cumulation structure

P20_ATEEI - Additional employee's payroll information

P20_ATEER - Annual tax statements - Employer information

P20_ATEES - Annual tax statements - Employee information

P20_ATLTV - Verification structure for L/T codes and wagetypes

P20_ATRT4 - Annual tax statements - Record type 4

P20_ATRT5 - Annual tax statements - Record type 5

P20_ATRT6 - Annual tax statements - Record type 6

P20_ATSPDF_1025_PDF - structure for the 1025B norway balance sheet

P20_ATSPDF_ADDR - Structure contains Address

P20_ATSPDF_CLINE - Annual tax statements - Codeline information

P20_ATSPDF_CLINE_11 - Annual tax statements - Codeline information

P20_ATSPDF_MAIN - Structure for Interface HR_NO_ATs_RF1015B_interf from Norway

P20_ATSPDF_MAIN_11 - Structure for Interface HR_NO_ATs_RF1015B_interf from Norway

P20_ATSPDF_RT1 - Annual tax statements - Employer information

P20_ATSPDF_RT3 - Annual tax statements - Employee information

P20_ATSPDF_SPLCODE - Annual Tax Statements - Specialcode Information

P20_ATSTS - TemSe Structure for Annual Tax Statements

P20_ATSUM - Annual tax statements - Sum record (record type 8)

P20_ATTCOUT - Norwegian annual tax: information on dropped and error codes

P20_EE_DETAILS - Structure for EDAG overview

P20_ERC - ERC Details of the Repnr send to Altinn

P20_ERCOM - Company data used in tax and ERC reporting

P20_ERCONS - Constants used by 'Terminrapporten'

P20_ERCRT - Cumulation result table for tax and ERC reporting

P20_ERC_TAX_REIM - Reimbursement of Employers Contribution per Zone

P20_FRV_ANT - Number and days of absences within Norwegian Fraværsrapport

P20_FRV_OUT - Output structure for Norwegian Fraværsrapport

P20_GAR_OUT - Output structure for Norwegian garnishment report

P20_GENRAL_INFO - Genral Information about the Repnr send to Altinn

P20_LNDEAC - Deposit account structure - Loan Notification

P20_LNEER - Loan and savings notifications - Employer information

P20_LNEES - Loan and savings notification - Employee information

P20_LNSUM - Loan and savings information - Sum record

P20_NO_RESULT - ERC Sum Results for Altinn

P20_OVERTIME_RESULT - Overtime report output on ALV

P20_RANGEREC - Line of a selection range

P20_REIMBURSEMENT - Reimbursement-Norway

P20_RESULT - ERC Sum Results for Altinn

P20_RMB_ABS - Absence information for Norwegian reimbursement reporting

P20_RMB_BASE - Base income info for Norwegian reimbursement reporting

P20_RMB_DEDUC - Deduction information for Norwegian reimbursement reporting

P20_RMB_DETAILS - Reimbursement details

P20_RMB_EE - Employee information for Norwegian reimbursement reporting

P20_RMB_KEY - Reimbursement-Norway

P20_RMB_MAIN - Reimbursement main - Norway

P20_RMB_PAY - Payment information for Norwegian reimbursement reporting

P20_RMB_SUPPORT - Support structure for reimbursement - Norway

P20_RPITRFVP_ALV1 - Structure for ALV output in report RPITRFVP

P20_RPITRFVP_ALV2 - Structure for SATZ data in report RPITRFVP

P20_RPITRFVP_ALV3 - Structure for ALV BI_TMP in report RPITRFVP

P20_RPITRFVP_ALV4 - Struture for Wage types ALV Output

P20_RPLATKV0 - Internal information structure for tax code documentation

P20_SPECIAL_GRPS - Special Conditions Of ERC Results For Altinn

P20_SSB_BEPOST - Bedriftspost for SSB reporting

P20_SSB_BESLPOST - Bedriftssluttpost for SSB reporting

P20_SSB_FYLLPOST - Fyllpost for SSB reporting

P20_SSB_LONPOST - Lønnspost for SSB-reporting

P20_SSB_LTPOST - Lønnstakerpost for SSB-reporting

P20_SSB_OPPOST - Oppgavegiverpost for SSB-reporting

P20_SSB_SLUTTPOST - Sluttpost for SSB reporting

P20_TAX - Tax Reporting at Employee Munice Level

P20_TERMIN - Record structure for file created by Terminrapporten (ERC)

P20_TREEITEM - Tree-entry for tree control

P20_TREENODE - Structure for Norwegian usage of simple tree control

P20_YRKE_LINE - Structure for storing Norwegian occupational codes

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