Select data from sap tables MSST

Display SAP table details

MSSTABASORT - Table to display sort options in MSS_RAT_TABANALYZE

MSSTABCOL - Table column properties

MSSTABCOLS - Native SQL Server column names and types

MSSTABHDER - Table control download: table header

MSSTABIDX - Table/Index name pairs

MSSTABLEPROP - MSS SQL Server table properties

MSSTABLESIZELIST - Simple list of various table size values

MSSTABLIST - Object references in an XML showplan

MSSTABREADINFO - Table size information for DB/MSS_TABLE_DATA_READ

MSSTABSIZEDETAIL - Table size detail (only for sql 2005 and later)

MSSTABSIZEINFO - Table size information

MSSTABSTATS - Structure for table history data from sap_tabstats

MSSTABSTOR - Table Memory Parameters

MSSTABSZDELTA - MS SQL Server Table Size delta information

MSSTABSZDELTAEX - Table size delta with additional fields

MSSTASK - MS SQL Server task description (as from msdb..systasks)

MSSTASKHIS - MS SQL Server task history (parts from msdb..syshistory)

MSSTOPLARGE - Top large tables

MSSTOPLARGEST - Top large tables

MSSTOPLARGESTEX - Top largest structure and some added fields

MSSTOPMODI - Top modified tables

MSSTOPREPL - A list of the largest tables which are replicated

MSSTOTTABSIZEINFO - Information on the total size of all tables

MSSTR2TRANS - MSSQL : Compressed trace interface table

MSSTRUTAB - Structure Table: External Services: Master Data

MSSTS - Storage Parameters for MS SQL Server Tables

Return Table index